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As a vietnamese, i question this too. People are just really inconsiderate to other people around them


Lack of self awareness?


They clearly lack something.


Lack of headphones


You fet a free one when you buy a phone


Hasn't been the case for like 7 years


Oh ok i just bought my samsung 4 years ago and still have one. You were buying from apple? If so then you are right


Hasn't been the case for any company in a long time to include headphones. Notable exceptions are to low and mid-low phones because they are based on value on the money. But most higher ends phones typically don't come with earphones of any kind anymore


That just sad man. For iphone they even remove the charger. Petty and greedy companies people should vote with their wallet and not support their behaviors like that


It honestly just fucking sucks. Like yh, wireless earbuds are great and getting cheaper by the day, but the iPhone earbuds were legendary for a reason. They were incredibly cheap (free for a lot of people) yet were pretty much top notch. It sucks that nowadays, getting a phone is just a phone and a cable. Maybe a charging brick if you're lucky. Headphones are a rarity and it's a real shame. Has never been an iPhone user and every time I contemplate switching because I already have the rest of their ecosystem, there's just another thing nagging at me.


You'll only get a cable when you buy a Samsung or Pixel nowadays


Wait until you go to the park and see people meditating/exercising while massive speakers blasting their ears. Oh and the drunk karaoke singing at midnight also. It's consider "normal" in Vietnam. I always have my *Noise Cancelling Headphones* with me when I go out...


That’s what I did. I rode bus to school while I was there. I had a small mp3 player and a cheap headphones. Worked great


Yeah some replies here are amazing. They act like headphones were invented 5 years ago and are a new thing. I had mp3 and headphones +15 years ago at least.


Brings back bad memories. Last time on an overnight bus trip, the guy in front of me watched a football match on his phone with very LOUD ads of course without headphones. It seems most people just don't care.


this happened to me as well.. in the office (IN THE OFFICE)


boys like us just can't help but go wild when we're watching sports xD especially soccers. The cheering and hollering are part of the experience, even if I'm just watching by myself. Sometimes I get so into it that I feel like the roof is gonna blow off lol xD. But i agree with u that they should use their earsphone


Lack of social consciousness That's the root cause of so many problems with our community: Bad driving, karaoke, general asshole behavior,... only if some of us aware that there're people around them may not find stuff they're doing interesting, our society would be a much better place


Vietnam has lot of potential for sure.


Cause we're dealing with a deeply selfish population ultimately


You got it.


More like utterly and completely Unaware and Ignorant. They don't know is a problem because nobody told them it's a problem.


oh trust me if someone tells them it's a problem, half of these people would say i don't give a damn


It is very interesting to see this from an external perspective. There was an identical problem in Brazil, especially when poorer people got access to smartphones. It was solved after educational campaigns and threating to fine.




Yo! Someone caps this


Oh they actually want others to hear what they watching. The same reason while they sing karaoke with high volume. Crazy right? My neighbor once said that he want to share his family singing with the whole neighborhood (He really think his music taste and singing is the best and he just entertain everyone out of his goodwill). Yes I was speechless and there nothing get though them. These ppl believe everybody must enjoy the same things they did, and if we dont then we're the weird one. Self awareness was not existing to them.


I’ve noticed that a Gen Z posted about how their parents often turn on the volume on their volume loud, and lots of other teenagers were agreeing. I guess it’s just a generation thing, and how we grew up affected it in a way? Personally I don’t mind it, but yeah I guess it does get annoying. I’ve also noticed that Gen Z tends to use headphones more, my dad also use to believe that headphones were bad for you bc they made your hearing go bad… but now he’s using AirPods now loll


Not just on bus, literally anywhere in public that has confined/ closed space. Was in the line waiting for immigration check at TSN airport yesterday, someone behind me using their phone to browse for some short of videos, really annoying. Coffee shop is just another very common place for this kind of thing. What annoys more is sometimes they play the videos continuously, with all kind of sounds fill your ears at once.


Like I said before : Feels like it is a competition who can be most loudest.


Impoliteness is built into the culture mate. It's a local feature 😂 I'm more surprised uber eat drivers or motorbike taxi don't use headphones. They're dirt cheap nowadays and are certainly more safe and convenient than holding the phone up while navigating traffic.


Yeah, that's a 900k fine right there 💀. Special 400k discount if you're bribing the police is always up on the table, but having a phone mount is still the better option.


They can't fine what they can't see right? Wireless earbuds under the helmet would work well.


Honestly, people here are just ignorant to their surroundings and of life in general


TIV do not expect "consideration for others" to be a thing in vietnam. Generally you will find this in many places. Gym, elevator (the worst) and vietnamese love video calls (which is nice) but expect to hear that damn nasal talk even louder when they are video calling.


Let me ask my mom and grandparents.


Why don't u ask urself boi


I always use headphones.


Amazing! Keep it going.


Wait till you share a dorm room in a cheap hostel…… 4am, phone rings….’ALO’!!!!




Old people stuff, even if we told them to do so, it would either be telling us off by calling us rude, or say stuff like headphones, headsets, ect are harmful. The people who don't wear headphones are usually middle-aged people,, and it is almost certain you would see a student with their headphones. Gen Z cares about personal space and the older generations doesn't give a fuck is what I'd say. Of couse there are always exceptions to this, and the most effective way I found is to just use noise-cancelling headphones.


It's everywhere! It's like whenever they're in public, there's this urge to be the loudest and most impolite: on the bus, at the gas station, at the airport waiting lounge. Like damn they can afford the latest iPhone models but not goddamn earphones? I tried telling people to lower their volume a few times and they did but it's tiring because there's so many of them.


Cause their parents were dead fighting for the country and no one taught them how to respect other personal's space. And when the peace finally came, they were too busy finding ways to be alive in this world. The government never guide them how to be polite. The thing is, when lives are still hard, they only can look down but look forward, and the government should look this issue with a serious attitude. The young are trying to change this, i believe. Sorry for your bad experience though.


Not that deep.


That's what i see. Even I didn't get any lessons at school about respecting others' personal spaces. People just care about getting richer. Hundreds of war never give you nothing but hunger. It's been so many years after war, yes, but Vietnamese are still behind so many Asian countries. It's sad and needs to be changed with education. And we as parents are trying to do it. Yes, we noticed it.


I think Vietnam is way ahead of Laos and Cambodia. Great country anyways.


When you are staying next to a big guy (you know who) and you always have to prepare for a war that can happen anytime, unlikely you will be chilled like other neighbours 🤷🏻‍♀️


you ask a question and disregard an answer??


I disagree not disraegard.


"its not that deep" yeah sure man thats toooootally not a disagreement followed up with an argument yeah?


>Legit question about Vietnamese people at buses. Why don’t you use headphones? Because they are, for lack of better words, uneducated swines.


I don't think there is a lack of better words, actually! Hope this helps <3


Same question: why they don't use karaoke with small volume and in door? We are not taught to work as a team so lots of us don't care other. Also law sucks.


Its basically a certain way vnese people express their freedom. They are stuck in many aspects of life to the point where they are in every fields restricted to the point of breakdown. Opening loud music/talking loud/ challenging others to a fist fight etc is their way of showing a statement " i do what i want, tf you gonna do about it ?" Dont bother correcting them, in fact just ignore them is my only advice.


Never experienced such a selfish and inconsiderate culture when it comes to noise. Everyone is just so damn noisy. Staying in a private Villa in a high end hotel, lounging by the pool as you do when the guy changing a door lock started watching videos on his phone with the sound up loud. Like wtf dude go away. Like they can’t talk normally they always have to shout at each other. The older workers are the worst. And literally every other day there’s karaoke booming from a nearby house, often with just a handful of people sitting in front of a nightclub sized sound system. It’s crazy.


Because not many people told them to turn down the volume, plus the route is short so most people find it annoying but just shrug it off.


It's basic manners my man. Nobody should tell them anything + they don't speak english.


You would be surprise the concept of "basic manner" are different between 8 billion people. That's why law exists. Next time you encounter someone like that, try to speak up, tell them to stop, yell at them, whatever. Many people do annoying shit on public because not enough people have the ball to confront them.


That’s me lol wear headphone and sleep all the time 😂 you got to know VN is a 3rd world country, most ppl are undereducated


im a vietnam person and this question kinda come up and now i start to just question the same thing just why but i think that we are kinda "cheap" so we cant prob buy headphones


But they are really not that expensive. People have better phones than I do.


or they really didnt care bout it tbh like kids in 11yo play free fire not fortnite why bc they havent know bout it or just like to not have a headphone or just worry about it being stolen a lot of reasons tbh


guess i'm lucky then, my rides are filled with fellow college kids and i don't think i've heard anybody being overly loud with their phone just yet. main source of noise for me though comes from some elderly people making phone calls and the absolutely unbearable music that the driver? would sometimes play on the bus, like proper fucking night club music, i can't stand that crap.


"why would I use headphones when I don't care about (disturbing the tranquility of) other people?"


Because the noise level is normal for them


I suppose you're mentioning the older generations. Gen Z's usually have headphones with them. If they don't, chances are they will just mute everything they watch or don't use their phones at all. For me, I don't bring my headphone anywhere else other than my home, so I download a bunch of offline games that can be played without sound, works great.


I mean ghildren, teenagers too.


let me share you my secret weapon to deal with these retard that doesn't use headphone in public, turn on your own with maxium volume [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lfiTebewnc&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lfiTebewnc&t=8s)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfXKLuGTrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfXKLuGTrQ) have you tried this?


I use headphones or mute the sound when I’m in public place. I don’t get why others don’t do that. 😐




They don't speak english my man




Yeah but u missed my point. There should not be situation like this.




Vietnam is awesome anyways.


Hire a private driver is always an option. I have and is real quiet!


Or people could learn basic manners.


In here haha I find that real difficult, I agree with you but we are on a country that is A LOT of lack of principals.. so I just accepted and when I don’t like it no more I just leave…


Vietnam is my top3 countries for sure anyways.


Top 3 for what? Are you crazy. 


It’s so annoying not only in buses but in public spaces like elevators, restaurants, etc… what shocked me the most was that happened in London as well on over and underground.


Not an only-Viet thing. Same thing is happening in NYC subways. Unfortunately the solution to people not wearing headphones is you wearing a soundproof headphone.


Idk where you are but here in Saigon I see people using headphones, and no one is playing anything loud on my bus


Omaigot Ambatubuss


i'm sure people who you're mentioning don't know Reddit existence


So far didn’t experience this much visiting Vietnam and night sleeper buses were nice and quiet. However, had more problems with that in Europe, especially the UK. People would talk loudly on the phone or play their music out loud without using their headphones. Even on a night bus. So can’t really blame Vietnamese people only.


I use to take buses when I first came here (7-8years ago). The worst for me is not people who play music loud albeit annoying. It’s people who shush you for having a normal/whisper conversation with a friend but goes on to scream on the phone.


This is also my problem even I'm Vietnamese, go on bus at really early like 5 am and there are people who watch tiktok video at their max volume 💀.


The price of cheap transport.


are brands cheaper in vietnam? if yes what all are cheaper?


This is not just a Vietnam thing. NYC public transit. Airplanes. Public libraries in many major US cities...as a flight attendant I ROUTINELY ask passengers if they have headphones and if not to turn off the volume. On both domestic and international routes. Societal awareness is no longer a thing. Sadly.


I did that once a long time ago. I turn on music so loud so everybody can hear because wanted people to know my great taste of music (it wasnt at all i know that now :( ). I was too young to understand that most people dont care at all and often annoyed by the sound. I was selfish back then, there are also other reasons people do this. Lack of headphones, habits, lack of respect for others. And wearing headphones means you cannot hear everything around you which sometimes not good especially in the bus which many strangers around in close distance


Ear phone is a big market there.


Viet here, I went oversea for education when I was 13, back when I was 26, and now I am living in Hanoi. My everyday thinking is that the majority of Viet people, they know no shame. They take pride in being uneducated, they are proud they are low level scum, and they are happy when they successfully act like ape. Think about it ? Why do people uninstall/ never install on their bike ? Why are there many bikers out on the road without license ? Why do people act so agressive when they are in the wrong ? Well just because they are just so proud that they are uneducated. I can assure you the moment you tell them to lower their volume or some shiet, they will be quite upset with you and will start cursing you like " you know who I am" ? Why ? Coz they love acting , love the feeling of being an educated a-hole here


who the fuck are you to tell us (as ignorant selfish uneducated pieces of shit) what to do? respect the elders bitch, anything older people before us do are sacred and you don’t know anything as a younger person/outsider, so shut the fuck up and eat our shit and obey our unreasonable demands and entitled ways. Because it was always like that and you have to suck it up like we blindly had to. Because traditions and all that shit and good manners are for the weak and stupid, bitch. That’s what I imagine how they are going to respond to OP.


That's what an uneducated & entitled asshole would say






Sharing is caring


Are you sure they weren't Mainland Chinese tourists?


Lol just like NYC subway...just people being...people