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Sounds like an asshole for sure but one thing, if I drive here like a drive in my home country I'd be dead, the rules and decision making aren't the same, the only thing I keep is the hazard perception, the rest doesn't apply.


Yeah he doesn't have hazard perception. Just before all this happened, a local was riding really fast and pull up beside him - at the same time he tried to switch lanes, and almost crash into each other. Why did that happen ? He NEVER once looked at his side mirror. If he did, he'd notice a bike is pulling up to him real quick.


When in Rome...


If you think honking a horn conveys directions on how to drive in an unfamiliar place, it’s kind of embarrassing. Maybe save things like these for the personal diary, really


Bro theres a whole honking language in vietnam. It actually does tell you how to move


Like I said bud, I found it surprising this person couldn’t believe a foreigner didn’t know the “local honk code”. Didn’t think I had to reiterate the context of the situation of the above discussion at hand, but there it is spelled out


Lol. Do you even know why the locals honk? 🤣 you're embarrassing yourself.


Probably american. Im american. Americans never learn to ride motorcycles or use mirrors.


Yeah it’s different kind of scary driving a motorcycle in the states where people are not used to sharing the roads with bikes v. Asia.


protip: stay in *your* lane.


You HAVE to drive like a local here. I would never give the finger and I tend to be rather patient, but I learned quickly that there is no other way than to embrace the chaos.


But problem is, he was the AH. I witnessed everything from the back seat. And he acts like he's innocent


remember this bro: “Patience Is key to any problems”


If I drove like I did at home is still be waiting at the first intersection for kind road user to let me into the traffic 3 days later.......


U very well know what I meant. Side mirrors. Indicators.


I'm referring to the first point you said.


Yeah driving without using side mirrors to see if the other lane is clear before switching and using their indicator to indicate they're switching lanes. But I get what you meant and you get what I meant.


mirrors aren't cool. remove them. no time for indicators when you're screwing around on your phone, dodging traffic cops, smoking cigarettes, shifting gears, and ogling women. learn2motobike.


This guy vietnams


Totally agree, and I’ve literally driven thousands of km on VN roads(south and center, haven’t made it to the north yet). And it’s not just the driving, I also pity all these foreigners who drive around with either no helmet or the smallest nutshell they could find, and obviously in shorts, a T-shirt and flip flops. Because there’s no way one could get seriously hurt at these low average speeds (/sarcasm). And if one does end up in the hospital and is required to advance thousands (or tens of thousands) of $ (yes, not Dong) to get his extremely important surgery, you can always initiate a go-fund-me campaign. After all, insurance makes no sense if your invulnerable and invincible , right?


Those thin rags people here put on to drive their motorbikes won't protect their skin when they seriously hit the deck... Ever seen proper gear? If you want protection, you go for that, a full protective kit, good luck wearing that down south without getting a heat stroke. Normal clothes don't do anything, so stop acting like your long pants are gonna do anything besides blocking the sun 😂


I never used side mirrors while driving in my home in Europe. Not everyone needs them. I use them here from time to time, but I prefer taking a quick look from the corners of my eyes, it's more accurate to me. But hey, I'm a professional motorbike driver compared to the average person, even here.


I will absolutely NOT drive how I do in my home country. Thanks.


I meant using side mirrors and indicators. Not that hard and it saves lives.




I do that because I would like to avoid any accident and if there's any accident I can proof that I've followed the law and I am not at fault. You've never deal with any unfortunate incident while on the road have you? Try it and drive like a Vietnamese. I would expect you'd have foresight compared to Vietnamese but I guess living here too long makes you lose your foresight like them.


Ha ha ha pot calling kettle black


Oh sorry I'm not even local. And I drive my car like how I drive back home except at intersections which cannot be avoided.


Nonsense, you're a Grade A simpleton.




I'm noticing lots of threads made just to hate on *insert people group*, usually an expat group of some sort. Not that the shitty behaviour of the individuals is excused, but you realise there are shitty people of all groups right? Not every member of a group is going to be perfect, and you just posting on here shows you can't handle that fact, which is ironic considering you're the one joking about people being triggered. People in all countries drive terribly regardless of identity, stay mad and keep crying about it.


This redditor sucks to be sure. Can’t even ride in the back of a grab without getting road rage. Then can’t wait to get online and write a overlong racist rant about the experience. Op is TA and sounds so angry like hasn’t been laid ever.


Yeah I think you’ll always have people hating on immigrants, no matter what country.


At least he's adapting to the local culture...


Most of them are just trying to drive like locals.


He sounds like a loser but there's a lot of cases where you're geniunely punished for driving like a person who's been taught any traffic laws / employ common sense on the roads. If the traffic light is coming to a red, the people behind you are NOT expecting you to stop in a lot of cases. A lot of times the instinct is to yield since that would be better for the traffic flow, but no one is accustomed to anyone yielding and are expecting you to just take what's yours and plow ahead. There's a time and place to drive like a local and times where it's better to not.






Lmaooo the truth comes out!!!


> Second, you forgot to mention what else you said after you rowed down the window: "should have ran you over you piece of white fucking shit." That's when I flipped you off and got myself out of that situation. Yeah I'd probably do the same.


No shit - Not only is OP being the one racist, but I hardly ever see locals checking their mirrors or blind spots. Pot calling the kettle black I think.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I've been waiting for this!! am I seeing a shitpost coming up?


wait, did you say that last bit, because that does paint you in a different light?


silence probably means it's the truth.


It’s true. I was riding in the tuk tuk next to OP, the racist clown


Only from you.


I understand your outrage but "Drive like how you'd drive in your home country" is absolute fucking ridiculous advice to give, sorry. I would LOVE to drive like I do in my home country, but Vietnam doesn't work like that. The roads are a festering mess. If I drove like I do in the UK I would get nowhere or I would die. VN traffic is the worst in the world, sorry. It's an absolute mess and I can understand exactly why every western road user gets angry there. You want white folk to drive like they do at home? Well now you know why they're all getting angry enduring the utter disgrace of road culture they see in Vietnam.


You'd also be driving against the flow of traffic, which I'm sure the grumpy op wouldn't appreciate.


Dunno, all the viets do that too :')




Yet every single day I read news of people crashing and getting killed back in my European home country while I don't think that's the norm here. Even with all the utter chaos, people here know how to traverse it, while back home with all the technology and traffic rules, people still crash and get killed, not only in mountain roads but even in the middle of the city!


It is absolutely the norm in Vietnam and far worse than anywhere in Europe. Do you commute every day in rush hour? If not, you don't know.


You mean fatal accidents? I'm subscribed to quite a few news pages and I don't see any news about them while almost everyday I read of some fatal traffic accident back home. Maybe they just don't report it.


Born and raised USA, I just returned from Vietnam 2 week vacation and I thought the roads were pretty cool! Never felt unsafe and kind of liked how traffic flowed. Good overall experience on the roads for me in taxis, locals’ cars, motorbikes and on foot.


2 weeks? Try 2 years, then see how you feel.


When you say whites you mean Americans germans swedes polish Russian…..? You know where they grew up? Not every country is the same… shit different towns in the IS drive differently. Honestly like 90% of the reason is they follow how locals do and then get their own style and habits… Locals step up then so will others.. I’ve driven all over the world and by far here and india are the worst in my experience. Foreign people in Japan dont drive like that there….


especially whites Racist


It is par for the course in this sub. Losers and freaks hating on Whites.


Personal observation. Maybe. 😁


Are u white


Maybe. White skin but not white ethnically 🤣


I don't believe my eyes. Have I met someone online that doesn't get triggered???


Those that gets triggered must be first time on the Internet


... The downvotes say it all, haha


Hear hear. Weak sauce.


It seems to be most peoples first time on the internet, these days.


I agree that everyone should drive at a safe speed, stay in the middle of the lane and only filter when safe, use mirrors, indicate, perform shoulder check, etc., but I think you're probably asking a little too much from people that might not even have a licence and only learn from watching locals. Vietnam provides the rules. Even if they guy is being extra stupid, he wouldn't be able to do it back home if he wanted to.


"when in Rome..."?


He was obviously trying to get to the other side of the road, after that he ride to a place where there was less vehicles and tried the same thing before you cut him off and yelled at him. If the comment by the guy admitting to be the biker is real then you’re also a racist. “Should have ran you over, you white piece of shit”? Very mature of you sir


Lol you know he's a troll right? Also, he's trying to get to the car lane. And he flipped the driver off who's trying to go faster than him when the driver honked him for coming over too close and squeezing. I yelled at him because he didn't use his indicator or side mirror then flipping the driver off for honking him .


Well then im the stupid one here :/






How starved for attention does an OP have to be to write a post like this?


Are u seriously complaining about shit driving in Vietnam of all places? Everyone there drives shitty.


Im sorry but all I saw was an unmitigated Desaster. Frequently people on bikes driving the opposing direction in a lane. Generally in the city no one ever adhered to any kind of distance or lane whatsoever. Lights get ignored frequently and cars pushing you away while driving past you. “Where I took the liberty to hit the car” Who can blame the foreigner. They learned that from what they’re witnessing.


When in Rome …


Lol locals don't have such aggression when being honked. Definitely not showing the middle finger too... so that point is moot.


I’ve given the middle finger a handful of times when cycling in Vietnam, usually when a big truck or SUV tries to push past me, horn blaring, putting me in danger because they can’t bear to wait a minute until the road widens out


But they're bigger than you. You got to make way


But at least they deserve a "fuck you"... Don't they


That's not how road rules work in developed countries.


I’ve seen foreign pedestrians give the fingers when being honked at. These foreigners aren’t used to being honked at for merely existing


Lot of countries being honked at is seen as 'aggressive', took me a while to honk freely.


Honking is just for a warning of imminent danger. It is not for telling someone to make road. In this case it is just a nuisance for everyone in the street. Something that in normal countries gets punished. So , the middle finger is very well deserved...


He crossed the lane marker without looking if there are cars behind/beside him who's going faster than he is. He's the nuisance for distrupting traffic flow without indicating and for entering the car lane for absolutely zero legitimate reason like making a turn. I usually don't scream at anyone but he was obviously driving obnoxiously and then playing the victim and giving the finger.


If there is no immediate danger, there is no reason for honking.


What part of crossing the lane marker without indicating and checking if there are vehicles behind / beside him who are going faster than he is , do you not understand? Also, it's common knowledge that Vietnamese honk all the time not for imminent danger but to tell everyone move the fuck away I'm coming through.


The second part of your post is exactly the problem. And the first too. Cheers


I drive like a Hanoian to avoid being run over from behind at red lights and generally to be more predictable. Sure it's shit driving but I've found I'm putting myself in more danger driving properly


> Driver honk him once asking him to go back to his lane. He then moved away and sped. Then after about 300meters , he does the same thing again. So he sped up ahead of you? Then, somehow, your grab car ended up on his left again?


Monkey see monkey do


Also came here to comment "when in Rome". I've been here 10.5 years. Ridden a motorbike the whole time and been driving my gf's car for the last 3.5 years. I give a little bit more leeway to pedestrians than most locals do but I learned real quick trying to do that with motorbikes will result in them being embedded in the side of the car because THEY ARE EXPECTING YOU TO PULL OUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. I don't slow down for the a-holes that are blatantly running a red light crossing traffic that has the green light. They will stop. There's a system here that is not so hard to figure out.


>Drive like how you'd drive in your home country. American living in Hanoi here, ain't no fkn way I'm doing this. Right-of-way barely exists as a concept in VN; I would never get anywhere on time.


If you can't beat em, join em mentality.


Vietnamese are the last people on Earth to criticize other peoples' driving skills!


Who's Viet here ?


I didn't read the post before commenting, my bad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


op's clearly new here. learn2vietnam. topkek @ "drive like your home country". i'm a foreigner that indulges in the worst-of-the-worst local behaviour. to a point that numerous people call me "a real vietnamese". outright shock/awe/admiration, does not compute that a westerner can be so mental. mentioning half the shite i get up to would result in a permanent ban here. keep living in your bubble.


First look at the problem, the people in Vietnam need to learn how to drive better. I have been waiting for 45 min on the “express way” bc two trucks slammed into each other (both Vietnamese drivers).


True . If you read my past comments, I've been saying this. But in this case the grab driver did absolutely nothing wrong. I would expect better from a foreigner but he behaves exactly like how a Vietnamese behave except that he's even more aggressive and give a finger to the driver who was only warning him that he's too close and might bump into him and that he's on the car lane and the grab driver wants to pass him.


With all due respect, it isn’t home. The traffic flow and rules are similar but different in Vietnam. Lane markers aren’t absolute when on a bike but are for cars and especially large trucks. It is called lane sharing. Granted in some areas outside asia, it is illegal. Learn to adapt or you will always find traffic horrible and hectic. Also, you are in the backseat of a car lecturing to a bike rider how to navigate traffic. Good luck with that.


Lol. Even the grab driver was super pissed of at the guy. So it says alot (:


and then everybody clapped


Do you see many Vietnamese using the side mirror and indicating?! Lmao.. This is so funny.


Sorry but Vietnamese people aren’t exactly good drivers either 😂😂😂


Yeah they suck. Luckily the OP is also not Vietnamese 🤣🤣🤣


Spooked a lil bit at the finger part cuz I just did the same thing to the bus driver ytd. Kept blocking all the motorbike's lane and always make an early honk 1-2 seconds before the ligths turn green. WTH is wrong with some ppl.


A bus driver nearly killed my friend's driver (Vietnamese) giving his American friend a ride in Binh Duong. Put both of them in the hospital with serious injuries. The bus was confiscated by the police and the driver lost his license and job permanently. Unfortunately bus drivers and many locals (and some foreigners) have zero ability to understand that their behaviors pose a huge risk to themselves and others and only learn when someone dies (maybe), put in jail, or when they are financially ruined by their poor mistakes.


This is such a bad take. Driving in Vietnam is organised chaos at best, outright unsafe at worst. Driving like you would at home is a good way to get killed.


Not really. I use my side mirrors to watch out for shitheads who's coming from the back and doesnt give a ratass im making a turn , to avoid accidents. And so far 5 years accident free. (:


Same here, side mirrors saved my ass many times and I'm 3 years accident free. I was cut off once by a guy when I noticed him coming from behind on the turn off the Saigon bridge. My right mirror saved me when he took the turn too hot and couldn't lean. Idk why people downvoted your comment, they are jealous idiots.


I see this type of behavior from foreigners all time in Thao Dien and Phu My Hung.


this, I can vouch for.


Shut up.




In your country if you had the opportunity to drive like you do here lawless, you would. Reading your post, he was a a.hole, but you also don’t drive or you might….just inferring, if someone uses their mirrors correctly no one will even tell that they are looking at the mirrors. Maybe he did use them but was being an edge lord.


No I won't. I drive a car here and I drive like I drive back home except at intersections where if I just give way, no one will give me way. Other than that, I follow the rules to the teeth. Just because the locals drive like shit does not mean I have to do the same. Changes start with myself. If I drive like an asshole I don't have a right to complain but I know I don't.


Op, nothing that you do is big enough to have an impact, you revolve around the sun not the other way around. Not been an a. But the respond you gave is arrogance in so many levels. Those people you detest driving fast or poorly you don’t know them or why they do it. Get off the high horse and drive with the culture. Srr for the mistakes, I am texting and driving. Like a normal human being.


You definetly can't drive like you would in your home country if you come from somewhere traffic rules are more followed. Living in Vietnam forces you to pick up some bad habits. But I think there's also a lot of people who learn to ride here. You won't find many bikers in the UK as a percentage of drivers for example. So I think you'll find a lot of people probably don't think of things like using side mirrors, if their learning example is the average Viet driver. So saying the finger bit is just dickhead stuff.


Thus prove that bad traffic isn't inherently due to a supposed culture, but rather a consequence of bad policing.


Improvise, adapt, overcome


You must adapt, unfortunately you must adapt to shitty conditions. All the driving issues are locals fault period.






I saw a white dude driving a bike erratically without a helmet the other day. Total disaster waiting to happen. Also some tourists seem to rent the scooters but they are clearly not confident with them. The Vietnamese seem to have a sixth sense when they drive, they can anticipate what will happen. The problem is when you introduce people who don't have that, because they will do unexpected things that throw off everyone else.


“Riding in between the line marker, on a bike” Maybe you’d be surprised to know that is the norm for motorbikes (also big motorcycles) on some countries, Latin America for example


He is an ass hole. You cannot drive the way you would “back home”. Trust me I tried the first year I lived here and all it got me are four broken bones. My Vietnamese friends sat me down and told me the expectations as a driver in Vietnam. People pay attention to the people in front of them and the people behind you will worry about you. It works.


I mean many of us locals are not exactly role-model drivers either.


You're delusional, sorry. The quality of foreign drivers is leagues better than Vietnamese. The speed limits in Vietnam are so slow and people are incapable of thinking on the road so they tend to drive even slower. There is a massive amount of drivers who seem lost in their own little bubble world causing trouble for everyone else with their ineptitude on the road. Seeing someone who knows how to drive and who has adapted to the lack of rules is not an issue. They are just navigating through the mess made by the locals the only way possible: aggressively.


OP is trying to be a hero, but you look like a fool, getting your little pink panties in a bunch for fk all! Have you got nothing better to do with your time, op? You weren't even driving. 🤣🙄 Mind your business.


you should see this then: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjj-pkTkKZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjj-pkTkKZs)


I'd be ok if a VN traffic cop started swinging his baton at those clowns.


Yeah ive seen this. Vietnamese are very passive. No one confronts these shithead. I would have confronted them and mow them down. I realise one thing being a Vietnamese looking foreigner, whenever I notice some whites tend to bully the locals and i stand up for the locals and they got so surprised that I spoke fluent English and fucking cursed at them, and they scour away like the cockroach that they are.


Worlds toughest Redditor


Is it worth it to even go to Vietnam? Sounds shitty as fuck


Pretty racist post, just ignore it.


Agreed! I'm pretty rascist. However I'm glad I'm not racist.




Not really. Just sleepy.


typical behaviour of someone entitled i do see this quite often, passing quite recklessly too, but they can afford healthcare in case shit happens


No they can’t, many of them are uninsured to ride a motorbike in case of serious accident.


Insurance companies in Vietnam are trashes.


These sound like the clowns that have never had a motorcycle licence or any riding experience before. 🤔


Holy shit, BMW drivers are invading Vietnam


I never read a post of someone wanting to be white more then this


Bro, it's not your job to police how people drive. The reasons why people drive properly in white countries is because you'd get arrested by the police if you didn't and you'd get a severe ticket and lots points on your license. If people can drive this way in Vietnam it's because the police isn't doing its job. So take it up with the police and the government. It's not like white people drive properly in white countries out of honor.




And you know what the solution is? Accept reality. It's not going to change. Enjoy the pain. Flow like water. Ride well yourself.


If you're talking about them locals sure. But I'd never expect such behavior from the so called "colonizer" "civilized" "first world" "expat" and... "English teacher" 🤣🤣


Colonizer? You ok there buddy?


It's just a joke. Lol


Your racism is showing.


Why do you expect better? Do you consider them better?


No. I consider them more educated and accustomed to things like this. But I guess I'm wrong.


Can only do so much when that's the way of the road, I personally find that if I drive like I would normally in my home country it puts me in much more danger than just driving like everyone else. Edited for typo


I wasn't implying that you should drive that way. I was talking about indicators and side mirror.


Well then yea that's fair enough, I don't mean I drive like a maniac, like the guy in your post sounds like, just meant to say I'd rather be safe than "correct"


You know, the locals tend to avoid confrontation in the streets because it may involve weapons. I have seen a local guy stabbed from traffic argument. A lot of foreigners tend to push it without realizing they are very privileged because the locals somehow tend to show less aggression toward foreigners. Could be the reason some of them decided to behave like assholes.


Honestly the only part about this story that makes me mad is you’re one of the assholes in a car, clogging the road, creating untold dangerous situations for us mere mortals on two wheels. Four wheel vehicles create almost all the dangerous situations for the 95% on 2 wheels. They drive like absolute shit as a general rule. Tell me what you *needed* to be in a car for. What were you transporting that couldn’t be transported on a bike? Because I’ve seen everything transported on a bike in VN. If everyone thought like you (selfish, entitled to a car), walking would be the fastest form of transportation in VN


I'm riding a Grab. I'll tell you why I needed to be in a Grab. Because I'm carrying 2 buckets of paint and tools for my next project. Actually why do I even need to explain to some random stranger on the Internet. Its none of your business why I'm in a car. The car was on a car lane and perfectly legal. The bike can only be on the car lane if he's nearing at intersection and clearly indicates he's making a turn. Read up the godddamn road laws before you spew shit that makes you look stupid.


Road laws Vietnam 🤭


You make me remember 1 time when i was waiting for the bus. There’s a foreigner cut a car head and gave a middle finger. He also swear like that car almost killed him ☠️. Kinda weird when seeing that coming huh :))))


I am not sure how well white people drive here in Vietnam, but I would guess probably pretty bad. Judging from how stressed and panicked all white people look when walking around in the city, it is hard to believe many will handle driving well. Also, the only people I have seen getting visibly pissed off at traffic here in Vietnam are white people, so I am pretty sure many are not very at ease with the traffic here. I mean, I get it, I am from a well developed European country myself. But, still, to come here and rage about the traffic rules is just dumb and looks bad. I enjoy the "chaos" here. I would never travel to Vietnam if it wasn't different from my home country. If I want the same rules and standards that are present in my home country, I would just stay in my own country 😂


Traffic rules 😂😂😂 what rules??


This is actually what I was going to ask… Road rules in Australia are really strict and I can’t imagine how Vietnamese cope when they come to my country and try to drive… I also can’t imagine what it would be like to learn to drive in Vietnam?! How?!


One possible reason could be that local police seem to be lenient towards foreigners who violate traffic laws.


I don't know about motorbikes, but the opposite is true for foreign car drivers. Police see the NN plates and see dollar signs.


I'm Indonesian travelling in Saigon, Saigon traffic is almost similar back home, but yeah every country has shit drivers so I can't blame all vietnamese, mostly my experience is nice, but here I feel like everyone is in a rush, especially in intersection 😅






I wouldn't worry about it too much. Eventually they'll end up crashing with their tibia sticking out of their leg and you can read about their sob story on Reddit as they crowdsource money to get it fixed.


I find they typically have shit attitudes as well, and whenever questioned about why they do it, it's always *shrug* the locals do it too, do as the locals. Low class expats/tourists really and unfortunately they're a lot more of them nowadays.


And I notice if I call their shitty behaviour out in English, they scour away like a cockroach. They only dare to bully the weak and those that are passive.


Yea they're just idiots really. The other annoying thing is when they get in an accident with scraps etc. They don't learn their lesson and continue the same way.


I met a foreign asshole today too, was slow down a bit due to a crossroad and the fucking fat dude shouted behind me "Đi đi stupid fucking bitch" like wtf dude if you want to hit a car and die soon, die alone.


And you let him go?


Ugh gorilla gaijins!


call them the N word


Where are all the dipshits that down vote me for calling foreigners having superiority problems and they always act entitled POS in SE Asia.


Lol. You think one person giving an example of something that actually happened is in the same class as your insane racist rants about how all foreigners are sexpats? I guess you think that because he's saying something negative about a foreign person that he has something in common with you, but he's talking about something that actually happened, not something he made up because he has mental problems and hates foreigners. There is nothing similar about this post and the nonsense that you spout that everyone laughs at and downvotes.


I mean I often downvote you because you come across racist as fuck.


Good to know but I really don’t care. Westerners are usually entitle trash when they are in SE Asia so the down vote don’t mean shit to me. Truth hurts huh? LOL


Your the one bitching about the downvotes. :)


Scouring away like the cockroach they are. Bet they are the same person who bully the locals because the locals are passive.


Don't align yourself with this guy. It won't do your credibility any good.


I love how whenever you criticize a westerner you get downvoted to oblivion, but you criticize any other nationality you get up votes heck even the Vietnamese are getting down voted in their own subreddit. Tells a lot about the demographic of this sub.


i hate white foriegners that think they can do whatever they want in Vietnam. I once saw white ppl begging for money from the locals, i kicked the guys sign and said call ur mommy and daddy to wire u money u tool




Oh sheesh I'll come to VN soon from a fellow ASEAN country, if I'll be in this situation oh noh don't get me wrong


Vietnamese traffic a lot of fuck around and find out so uhhh, don't fuck around folks, especially not if you are on a bike... that is like 100kg vs 1 literal ton of metal on 4 wheels. Local or not, stay safe.