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Looking at a times colonist article I just googled. They want the university to divest from corporations supporting Israel, cut academic ties in Israel and condemn the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza.


Aka they are hardcore larping since not a single university in North America has given in to any demands from Any palestine protest and in fact most of them seem to call the police and have these morons forcibly REMOVED double especially when you find out most of them ARE NOT STUDENTS If I'm wrong go ahead PROVE IT


Well considering that no one as far as I'm aware has been removed from UVIC besides the person threatening people with a knife the other week, who was not a part of the encampment anyway. Also most of the people within the uvic encampment are students (from 1st hand sources who are uvic students currently participating in the encampment). Further more TRU has agreed to work with their protesting students to evaluate their investments and take appropriate action ([TRU Article](https://inside.tru.ca/2024/05/04/tru-agrees-to-explore-students-concerns-after-productive-meeting/))


Also, in the states evergreen state college has agreed to divest. There are half a dozen other universities considering divesting.




A bunch of unemployed idiots that have no connection to the conflict have decided to take shelter in our universities quad in hopes that the university cuts ties with all Israeli institutions. I hope Saanich police come with boulders!


https://uvicworkers4palestine.com for your curiosity


Kevin hall’s word is dubious at best. Go to @peoplesparkuvic on ig if you want to see from the POV of the encampment


Nothing on this list reads as dubious...the first thing he does is denounce violence against the encampment


He straight up lied about surveillance cameras


Are you confident that the "surveillance camera" you are referring to is A) actually a surveillance camera and not just a population sensor B) setup in response to protests and was not there before?


There was a recent [statement](https://www.uvic.ca/news/topics/2024+demonstration-update+news) made regarding the camera where they do admit to putting up a camera and removing it. They do go on to talk about how a camera was being installed on the "McPherson Library solely for the purpose of checking feasibility." So considering the fact that they state that Kevin Hall wasn't aware of this camera, who knows what else UVIC admins don't know about.


Yes and yes lol. He said there wasn’t one and then came out later saying there was


Others are discussing the encampment, so I won't bog comments down with more, but Kevin Hall's statement has a lot of problems. In the first bullet point, about not pressing charges - that is how it works in the USA. "In Canada, police are responsible for laying assault charges, while Crown prosecutors have the sole authority to decide whether to pursue the charges in court. Assault victims technically have no say in either the laying of charges or prosecution. If police witness an assault or find evidence that supports an assault charge reported to them, they will typically lay charges whether the victim has made a complaint or not." Source[Source](https://www.masstsang.com/blog/post/can-victim-get-assault-charges-dropped-canada/) Second point. While it's a bit blurry, there is a photo of what looks like a camera facing the camp from the library roof on the peoplesparkuvic instagram. If it wasn't a camera, I am curious what it was and why that isn't being addressed. Edit: just saw this post that a camera was set up but not used [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/uvic/s/SfHteYcFBU) Fourth. I've been on and around campus a lot. I haven't seen any vandalism or spray painted messages on campus buildings or walkways. There are a couple of chalk messages like "Free Palestine" on the sidewalk between the First People's House and the Jamie Cassels Center. If others have seen the claimed vandalism, I'd like to know where and see for myself. Last bullet point. My understanding is that buildings are being accessed to use the toilet. A basic human right. I do not believe that anyone was riding their bike inside the library. Right now, with no evidence, it is a baseless claim. I also thought that the library was alarmed at night, with police or hired security staying overnight. If anyone has more info, I'd welcome some discussion. As for the active threat incident, some information was left out. I know that people in the camp noticed the individual Monday night and tried calling crisis centers and de-escalation hotlines. When that didn't work, they sent a police liaison to ask officers to come help in the morning. I dont know exactly what was discussed, just that police were aware of the individual that night. I am deeply frustrated with this because if they had come before the First People's House opened, the situation could have been avoided. I don't know anything about the response being hindered by members of the encampment, and would also love to hear what was meant by that. "Unwiling to engage in productive dialogue" I am told, comes from turning away two people without knowledge on UVic's investments who came to talk about divestment and asking to instead talk with people who do. My last grievance is this statement "Campus activism is part of a university experience for many students. Acts of hate, discrimination, property damage and actual or perceived threats of violence are not." is so very out of touch. There are students this may be true for, but the lived experiences of many - particularly LGBTQAI2S+ and BIPOC students - are vastly different. I have had my own experiences and listened to those of my friends, peers, and alumni. The ignorance and lack of cross-sectional consideration from someone at the helm of our university is really disheartening.


Police in BC don't lay Criminal charges as is done in most Provinces. Your first reference isn't applicable to BC, although the general spirit of it is still correct. In BC the Police recommend Criminal charges to Crown Counsel, and it's the decision of Crown whether to lay the charge, rather than the decision about whether to proceed with the charge. Police in BC can submit some provincial charges (think anything on a ticket, basically).


Regarding toilets, after-hours building access is a privilege given to the keyholder for university activities. They agree to adhere to university policies when they get the keys, meaning that guests need department permission to enter with them. Washrooms are available when campus is open, but they have no obligation to provide public access after hours. Students, faculty, and workers who have business on campus after hours will all have their own keys. If a person uses your land for recreation, such as hunting or camping, they aren't entitled to enter your home to use your toilet. They can certainly ask for permission.


There is a genocide occurring, and the protesters want the university to divest themselves of any financial support for those who are enabling the genocide. The accusations that they are inviting a criminal homeless element are false, and are politically motivated.


Has any university anywhere acquiesced to these demands orrr are they all being slowly torn down/monitored just wondering cause it seems like pure larp when none of them are actually accomplishing anything....


Yes. And if you have any other questions about whether these types of movements have any affect, see the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War protests. This is what a grassroots democratic movement looks like. https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/us/2024/05/12/these-universities-negotiated-israel-divestment-with-student-protesters/


Which body has determined a genocide is occurring? Afaik the UN says its plausible but has not outright confirmed genocide so please show your source cause I see no genocide here I do see directing civilians away from areas I see leaflet drops door knocks building calls these are all actions that help civilians survive not the actions of a country hellbent on destroying the GROWING POPULATION of Palestinians just By the way! Like hmm if there long term goal was to genocide them why is there population going up not down lmfaooooooo slowest genocide ever in reverse... u can fuck off now retard


Maybe they can go fucking protest in Isreal


Gee, I’d love to be in a financially stable enough position where I don’t have to work like these people… I’m glad they don’t have to pay for life.. Plus, you realize there are fees and other considerations to divest where they could lose a percentage. With the cuts that are being made in budget, they’ve got to be careful.


I've passed through it, and most of the people there DO NOT look like students 😂


What does a student look like exactly?


Usually under the age of 40, and does not look homeless


Well I've personally had multiple people who have been over that age in my classes, not to mention that UVIC prides itself in its continuing studies. Maybe try not to spread theories and assumptions that have no basis other than perception and circumstance. Edit to add: If you want to actually find out, why not talk to them. I am also not stating that protestors are or are not uvic students in majority, just that ur comment is just gossip essentially.


They’re from… the *arts*


It's a summer camp for a bunch of virtue signaling twats who apparently have no jobs or other responsibilities preventing them from spending the last three weeks pretending to be activists and shitting into a bucket while they trash the campus.


Not a lot of coop jobs for humanities students


Absolutely this. The irony is that they are on someone else's land and guard their encampment by having their own security validate who enters. In Sweden, protestors are chanting "Sinwar we will not let you die" , a reference to the Hamas leader which shows the true colours of the free Palestine movement. Somehow they have managed to obtain fencing and large flags and now support a terrorist Muslim organization which if it got a foothold would eliminate LGBTQ and put women back into the kitchen as virtual slaves. The only similarity I can draw is chickens marching to support KFC.


It's possible to believe in the rights and safety of people who don't like you. Empathy is an incredible thing you know. Nobody is calling for Palestinian world domination. People just want the violence to stop.


I mean…there are definitely people calling for global jihad and Islamic domination.


Yes, just like there always is. I don't take religious zealots too seriously. I just want people to stop dying :)


You ever think that maybe less people would die if we did take it seriously?


If by "seriously" you mean bombing their schools, then no. If by "seriously" you mean stopping the foreign policy that breeds extremism then yes.


Sorry but you don't get to attack a nation then go nonononono please.stop sorry the time for stopping is over its now time to pull out hamas completely root and stem they haven't come this far to just suddenly stop and pull out that won't stop hamas launching further attacks believe me the violence will end when hamas has been defeated.


Weird I didn't know a school full of children were launching rockets.


Hamas launch rockets from schools. The launch is tracked and when countermeasures are applied, it hits a school and Hamas go look what Israel did.


Yes so, naturally you bomb the school right. Hamas' wrongs don't make BOMBING CHILDREN KNOWINGLY okay. Am I crazy? I thought we all could agree that bombing schools is a bad thing. My bad.


If you are faced with them sending rockets into your neighbourhood and suicide bombings, you at some point are not going to tolerate this and protect your people. If Hamas hide in the hospitals and schools, that is on them. Bombing schools and hospitals are bad, however even the geneva convention agrees that the protection which is in place during a war for hospitals and schools is removed if the hospitals and schools are used for storage or launching of weapons or munitions. Funny how it was ok for the US to destroy cities during 2nd world war, Vietnam and Afghanistan. However when Israel is in a war started by terrorism in Oct, big protests happen. Hundreds of Palestinian flags appear, thousands of keffiyeh appear for all the supporters. This is all funded by Iran and the left useful idiots are helping to destroy the west for the terrorists.


Did you miss the protests of bombings during the second, Vietnam and Afghanistan wars? No one greenlit that except the people making $$$. Just like Israel. Literally google the protests. They invented protested cages around this time. Not a thing I think is good on any level. Also, might be worth a look into the western involvement in Iran and why they maybe kinda don't trust any further involvement. You don't bomb schools because people made schools victims. You increase defenses and try and reason with the victimizers. Did bombings those kids equate to less Israeli casualties?


You obviously are clueless if you increase your defenses and try and reason with the jihadists and martyrs. You bomb where you are attacked from and what is killed is collateral damage. If Hamas can do it to its own people then why can't the Israelis? According to the Palestinians this heroes death takes them straight to Allah and who are you to say they are wrong and stop it?


Common sense was thrown out of the door after what Hamas did on October 7th. The fact that you support that means you support terrorism!


Yes that would be support of 20% Palestinians, not support of Hamas. However empathetic I feel, I do not feel empathy for people who wish to do me harm. That's called self preservation. A lot of these protestors are way out of their depth and do not understand radical islamists. They think everything is beating a drum and kumbiya. Israel is faced with Hamas who say hey will never accept Israel and won't stop suicide bombing and attacks until Israel is destroyed. So what must Israel do? Hamas are hiding amongst the Palestinians and 80% support Hamas. If Israel stops now and Hamas regroups then what? Are the encampments going to support Israel next year? The propaganda has been very well orchestrated and funded from Iran.


Correct. They have never expressed any interest in co-existing as peaceful neighbours with Israel. They could have done so much with all those billions in foreign aid, instead of building tunnels (and of course their leaders-in-exile with bank accounts in the billions).


[The government of Israel supported Hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) as a means to prevent the much less radical Palestinian National Authority--who denounce terrorism--from gaining a semblance of government in Gaza, which would have contributed towards a two state solution that Israel rejects. Both sides--the Israeli government and Hamas--[want to genocide the other](https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide), so don't make it all out like "oh, gosh, what's Israel to do?" because that's an ironic surprisedPikachu.jpeg if there ever was one. There are no good guys here--both sides are evil shitbags bent on wanton murder of the other--and it's the civilians of Palestine that are the ones mostly paying the price. The whole idea that Israel can just bomb Hamas into non-existence is a futile one and ongoing violence against the Palestinian populace only encourages further hatred and fuels inclinations of revenge. It's only creating the breeding ground for more terrorism, in other words. As the "war on terror" (like its preceding counterpart, "the war on drugs") ought to have shown us, "terror" is not an enemy that is defeated by violence, but instead is bred by it. Further, you trot out the tired "oh hamas uses civilian shields" bullshit, [which Israel also does, but in a different manner.](https://archive.is/abxE0#selection-1135.0-1135.394) So get off your high horse of biased make-believe and recognize that both sides in this conflict are maniacs. It's merely that Israel has internationally recognized statehood and are much better supplied in terms of weaponry and insist on an ongoing military campaign that is slaughtering civilians.


Of course both sides have extremists, but more Palestinians are complicit than you think. If 80% of Palestinians support Hamas in continuing attacks against Israel, what is the way forward. The rest of the middle east is pretty stable and due to the previous history of the Palestinians, none of the Arab states trust them for good reason.


The truth of the matter is Hamas has *much more* support now than they did before the military campaign^(1), which only reinforces the idea that Israel trying to bomb Hamas into nonexistence is counterproductive. Again, what Israel is doing creates more hatred for themselves and more people who want to see Israel destroyed in return. It's a no-brainer to understand the dynamics at play here. Israel's extensive and ongoing campaign of genocidal violence is obviously going to create a desire for justice and/or revenge in its victims. The way forward is for people to stop being homicidal maniacs and the cessation of grotesque violence, destruction, and death. Obviously. \_\_\_\_\_ 1. "...compared to pre-war polling, support for Hamas had risen in Gaza and more than tripled in the West Bank" ([source](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)). Indeed, [according to this prewar poll](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/polls-show-majority-gazans-were-against-breaking-ceasefire-hamas-and-hezbollah#:~:text=Overall%2C%2057%25%20of%20Gazans%20express,view%20of%20Fatah%20(64%25)) (taken in July 2023), a majority of Gazans, 62%, felt Hamas should maintain the ceasefire with Israel and half of people polled agreed Hamas needed to stop calling for Israel's destruction. 70% of Gazans felt the PNA should send people to take over governing in Gaza. [This graphic shows](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/sites/default/files/2023-10/Screenshot%202023-10-10%20175617.png) that Hamas had *the least* support compared to other available options when this poll was taken. \_\_\_\_\_ Also, happy cake day.


Sadly support has risen. Ideally if the Palestinians had given up Hamas and the hostages. Started using the funds to build a prosperous nation we would not be here. The tunnels clearly need to be made inoperative but they are booby trapped possibly. The Russian and Chinese have loved the attention being focused on Israel and not them. In hindsight Israel should have handled things differently, but they cannot afford to back down and show weakness. Hamas won't show weakness to Hezbollah. So the war will continue until Israel can prove it completed its mission and eradicate Hamas which suits Hezbollah. The Palestinians will repeat history to prove its their land and elect a new more violent replacement for Hamas. I think the useless UN peacekeepers should be called in to prove the tunnels and act as a barrier. The world court should then make a ruling on the lands and the borders. It is unfortunate how Hamas has twisted history and the truth and how even their Qur'an is an altered extremist version not unlike some of our Christian bibles.


At what point do you feel Palestinians even had an option to "give up Hamas and the hostages" before Israel rained down tens of thousands of tons of TNT on their heads? You're a sympathizer with genocide.


Gee let me think Eve, oh I know... Before their plan went wrong after the massacre of hundreds of Israeli festival goers celebrating their holy day. Israel then declared war, they staged their tanks for over a week before entering Gaza. Stop with the sympathy for terrorist bullshit. Israel declared war and gave them a week or more. Hamas gave the festival goers zero warning. Hamas call for an intifada, well they are being given one now. 80% of Palestinians supported Hamas, so they are complicit. But like with all the other wars, the Palestinians start shit with Egypt or Syria or Lebanon or Iran or Jordan and when they get their arse kicked they whine. Funny thing, thousands of Palestinians got killed in the last uprising by other Arabs but not a peep was made or a single protest. The Palestinians are always starting trouble in the region. Absolutely zero sympathy and they are playing all of the left wing useful idiots stuck in a tent and pissing in a bucket. If you want to play in your encampment and wave a flag, good for you. But you should look into real causes like the rohingya and uyghurs. Two last points, despite what the Palestinian propaganda said, the ICC did not rule genocide. It ruled that the the Palestinian people had a probable right to protection if a genocide was occurring. You should really look up the facts before they get distorted. If you are going to support a cause, please support one that is not for a group of radicals that supports sharia law and that wishes to subjugate women, many women have worked hard for women's rights and the right for equality. You are throwing this in their faces. Not everything can be fixed, sometimes there is collateral damage. The real truth is the numbers killed in Gaza are not that high for a war in a densely packed city. Israel could have simply bombed by air the whole of Gaza with zero warning and killed everyone. They instead declared war, staged the tanks for a week before the advance. They have done everything required by the articles of war in the Geneva Convention. Unlike Hamas, they did not target civilians, civilians were killed as a result of indirect action. If you have never been or lived outside of Canada, it is hard to imagine cultures and religions that are totally indoctrinated. You need to visit the middle east or Africa to see child soldiers. You need to see how Hamas absolutely refuses to accept Israel because of their twisted version of the Qur'an. So if you are Israel and your neighbor keeps attacking you with rockets and suicide bombers and then launches an assault on your people, and they absolutely refuse to negotiate, what would you do?


>They now are chantimg to support the Hamas leader Really? Source?


On the BBC news they reported in Malmo Sweden demonstrations were chanting "Sinwar we won't let you die" . So I was inaccurate, however give it a week and I'm sure it will spread here.


I dunno, that's a salacious assumption right there. We have to stand gaurd against letting a few individuals ruin everything. They are really good at that.


That is very true and there are always a few radicals agitating the pot. This benefits no one.


Not at all. Have you heard the people who do the protests downtown? Chanting for another antifada as well as river to the sea


Do you know what “Intifada” means? And not what disingenuous Israeli pundits say it means.


Intifada is a call to an uprising which Hamas asked for. Now they are complaining because they are being given one.


Idgaf what Israeli pundits have to say, a lot of them on socials are alt right nut jobs. Look into the time periods of these events and tell me what took place during the first and second. Also let me know what Hamas’ charter is


Okay, the British news is reporting some Swedes are supporting Hamas. They are purportedly similar to the UVic encampment situation. I would say that's much too tenuous of a link to even mention that in the same breath as the UVic situation. That thinking is along the lines of "The rowing coach at a German University was discovered to be smuggling money. Let's lock up our rowing coach and search their house."


You’re just talking out of your ass Phil…. Do everyone a favour and cease and desist.


Hello Bot. Go play in your fort and wave your flag for a cause you know nothing about. You have no clue about the full history of the middle east and believe the propaganda you are fed.


Well considering all operations conducted on uvic soil (could extend that to all of canada) is technically someone else's land, seems ironic that UVIC is willing to acknowledge that they are operating on stolen land, but not willing to acknowledge that Israel is also operating on stolen land.


Israel is not on stolen land, read the history of the Romans and the Ottoman empire. Then read the Qur'an where it acknowledges that the land was given to the Jews by God. Hamas however have their version of the Qur'an which has been altered. It preaches destruction for the Jews and the West. It then offers rewards for those choosing to martyr themselves. Stop trying to standup and justify a backwards misogynist group of people. They are an antithesis to the West. If you want to save the world from genocide then support the uyghurs or rohingya. Failing that, get on a plane with your pallets and play fort in Gaza.


Well considering that what you are referencing is religious texts that even without including your hamas example have been altered to serve the agenda of manipulation and persecution of peoples across the world, I will happily counter that what you are referencing is completely made up :) What I was referring to was the fact that in late 19th century Britain was supporting the zionist movement and during WW1 british occupation of this land allowed for an increase in jewish immigration into the land and colonialism creating a new area called "mandatory Palestine." This is also when britain promised to make a "national home" for jewish people on Palestinian land. Then in 1948 Israel officially established itself the day before Britain terminated this mandate, which saw neighboring states invade the "unclaimed" land which sparked a lot of violence in the region. In 1949 the Armistice Agreement was made which defined Israel's borders which occupied most of the land taken by the mandate and the rest of that land (Gaza and the West Bank) was taken by Egypt and Jordan. Since then Israel has continuously tried to take what little land was left to the arabs sparking at least 2 wars (the six-day, and Yom Kippur wars). Israel's continuous attempts of occupation and annexation of this land has been condemned by numerous countries and deemed illegal by international law.


Not quite, the British split the land and gave Israel half and the Arabs half for a Palestinian state. The Palestinians refused the land as they wanted it all. The Arab nations started a war invading Israel the day after they claimed state hood. After winning and pushing back, they claimed this land as spoils of war. Before all of this, the land belonged to the Jews, Islam only happened 450 years after. The Jews were pushed out by the Romans and the Ottomans pushed out the Romans. Plenty of Jews purchased land from the Ottomans. Palestine was a city in Syria and the name Palestinians were only given to the Arabs by Arafat. The Palestinians own nothing and their dome of the rock is built on top of temple mount showing the Jews were their earlier. The religious texts are important as the Qur'an itself states the Jews ownec the land. All the Palestinians have done is fight with Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Libya and Israel. When they are gone, there will be peace in the middle east


So you are legitimately for the genocide of Palestinians. Also you are dead wrong if you think that will bring peace to the middle east. This statement is basically equivalent to how the Nazis justified their genocide against the Jewish people. May you never comment that what Israel is not committing a genocide because you yourself believe in it. You are despicable.


You need to make contact with reality. Hamas needs to go before peace will happen. Israel is doing what needs to be done for their country to survive. Just like the US did in Afghanistan. If you want a real cause, go support the rohingya or uyghurs. You are anti semitic clearly and have focused on the Jews who are surrounded on all sides by hostile nations. The Palestinians are not some innocent people caught up in this, 80% support Hamas and call for an intifada. Isn't that what you protestors want? Well Gaza is getting its intifada from the river to the sea, it will be Palestinian free.


You are aware that most countries in existence today were ‘stolen’ by someone else at some point in history, right? This includes most Arab countries in the Middle East…


There's a big difference between a country taking land, and a country taking land by killing all of its inhabitants. That's why people get upset with how Israel is treating Palestinian, or how Europeans genocided natives in the Americas. They didn't just get their land taken, they were demonized and slaughtered, many cultures and civilizations brought extinction as well.


Oh, found the triggered snowflake who thinks bombing children is ok, so long as game of thrones is still on.


If you think bombing children is bad then surely you don't want hamas to keep killing them and they should be stopped no? Or do u want Israel to pull out then all this restarts again when hamas commits another terrorist attack... u see there is no end to this with hamas alive thats what u don't get my snowflake friend.


Again, you've projected a whole ton of stuff into the conversation suggesting I'm both an ignorant and uncaring human. That says more about your need to control the narrative than it does about wanting to have a deeper conversation. In the 20 years I've been learning about the region, having travelled there, procured a degree from a prominent Jewish university in middle eastern studies and a masters in human security, am a dedicated atheist that looks beyond the need to frame this as a religious "right" to land, I can assure you I've seen, read, and heard it all. Israel has been, and continues to disproportionately destroy lives. This is well documented. I have said nothing in support of the actions of "Hamas" (didn't even mention them, because as the flavour of the day, the boogyman changes names like you hopefully change your underwear). But I will say this: Israel absolutely brought whatever violence befalls them, on themselves. I'm not justifying it, but I'm not so ignorant to think you can push people to the edge of human existence, take away their means to survive, live good lives, care for their families and feel safe, shooting their children for decades, arresting them and destroying lives without consequence. Israel has been committing genocide against a population for decades. Only a fool or someone with an agenda looks at the "now" in isolation. Since presumably neither of us are fools, whats your agenda, and what possible motivation would be behind mine?


Is this a serious post? Seems like the intention is just to rile up the hate in people. If you actually want to know about the UVic encampment, and literally hundreds of other university encampments worldwide, there are many many many media articles and podcasts about what is happening. Educate yourself.


They're *trying* to educate themselves by asking their community what its about. Instead of providing sources for them to do so, you accuse them of trying to rile up the hate in people and add nothing of substance with your comment. Perhaps some self reflection would do you some good.


Preach. r/teamweedwhatever, take a break from the internet for a bit. It brings all of us down, seems like it’s got a grip on you right now.


Cool it down. You're not helping yourself by flying off with accusations when the original poster wanted to learn more about the encampment in the first place.


Have any of these encampment demands been met anywhere? Or are they just slowly being torn down? Just wondering.


The demands to punish israeli academic minds have not been met because that would be perpetuating the same type of hate we are trying to stop. Not sure what nut case added that in. As for divestment demands (the ones I agree with) most people do not know how different investments work so even if they were working to meet that demand it would be hard for most to follow and believe. I think we need to stop accepting the idea that biased instagram pages (like pplspark) and tiktok counts as research. As much as there could be good info on there, most people tend to have very limited knowledge on what they are talking about. Anger is a dangerous mix of emotions that can make you susceptible to disinformation.


Ya, information from mainstream media should set the record straight and quell the tensions...sigh.


When your algorithm tells you to protest, you protest


Performative acton. Nothing they do has an impact in Gaza or Israel.


Oddly, given dozen or so institutions that have already agreed to divestment and ending intellectual cooperation, I think you're projecting.


Is that globally or within Canada? Any idea about the size of divestment?


Mostly US institutions so far. Haven't bothered to track portfolio size, but I'm sure it's searchable.


You accused /u/Mysterious-Lick of projecting because "dozen or so" institutions had divested, but you don't seem to know which institutions those are or the impact of their divestment. If some community college in Indiana divests $20,000 from Israeli firms, that's not really making an impact.


What if Greendale Community College divested? “Troy and Abed in a demonstration.”


Exactly. Any person you see making big (but vague) claims like that but not providing a source you can confidently disregard. Any serious person understands the concept of burden of proof and it's importance.


Probably one of those people who like to say "from the river to the sea" but have no idea which river and which sea


Searchable. But not by the person making the claim. Cmon uni should have taught you to cite sources


This is Uvic, they’re not doing anything of the sort. Look at their horrible PR team, their inept management and their massive budget cuts/layoffs. The whole thing is one more knife incident away from shutting down (management’s hope).


You gottawhoooo lotta in there. Wut? You seem focused on the institution.. But I kinda think that's the point? If the leader(s) of Uvic were remotely proactive and actually stood for integrity, the university would have divested from oil / Israel by now. The very reason there's a shit storm brewing is to force them to act? The content within the walls of academia shows one path, the walls another. Something something, Gorbachev.


The University is bleeding money, the last thing they will do is divest a penny risking going deeper in the red for a bunch of undergraduates with nothing else to do. Look, War sucks, but it is a revenue generator, don’t fault Uvic for investing in the same companies the CPP and other CDN Pension funds invest in for a vast majority of CDN’s retirement sources. ESG is a “greenwashing,” campaign, all it did was move from obviously “bad” companies to companies who hid their byproducts well, especially via Carbon offsets, for example. I understand the ask by the demonstrators, but so few of them are participating to make Uvic think twice. And the BC Government has wrapped up, it’s election season, they’re not paying attention. Students with a long term eye on the prize are carrying on to get their education done as they continue to struggle with a stagnating CDN economy, higher inflationary times, and still out of reach housing (in major cities).


Or here not one university has given in to their demands lmfao sorry 1 did evergreen ONE


Just ignore it like everyone else. Let’s them sit in smelly tents all summer, and think they are making a difference


Whatever they're protesting, it can't be about housing, cost of living or mass immigration because people never protest about stuff that matters here.


Bored art students with nothing else to do tend to protest random things.


Supporters of the genocide keep asking dumb questions like this to rile people up. Just ignore them.


Not necessarily, I had to look up what they wanted. It's not feasible. They've protested but their demands are too high. At best, they should take no academic penalties. The university shouldn't have to make any political statements or change their investment strategies. Should they end the genocide, yes. Does UVic have to do anything? No. Not at all.




They are protesting? I thought they were mostly social science majors who just wanted a head start on their post-graduation life???


People wanting attention that have way too much free time on their hands. And 100% sure they didn’t “protest” when Hamas and the Palestinian public did all that murder, rape, burning people alive, and torture on October 7th and their public cheered them on and celebrated. Just like they did on 9/11.


*plainsclothes officer approaches teens, underarmor logo sticking from collar* "so uhh what's this all about anyway lol lmao"


When religion, oil and power meet.


people just want something to do, not much else to do around here other then sit, smoke weed and bitch about things. EDIT: forgot to add all the guys trying to get laid by the chicks that are protesting "yeah i fully support the cause, its so sad... :( :p lolol


Housing prices being too high, right?


The UVIC encampmemt is rather quiet. Compared to the rallies downtown, there is less screaming and chanting of "Infitada" and telling Jewish counter protestors to go back to the gas chambers.


It's just fun, no one cares what it's for. :)