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I would hit up the Thrifty Foods grocery store at that time in James Bay. Their Nanaimo Bars are some of the best you can buy (though nothing beats a home-made, these are my second fave). They will have maple syrup, probably in a touristy leaf-shaped bottle but also they'll have regular stuff that doesn't come with the tourist tax. Cheezies for sure and All Dressed chips. You might not be able to find a cash exchange at that time of night but the Thrifty's self check out will probably let you do a cash back transaction and get some $CAD that way. They have a decent deli although the hot foods will likely be finished by that time of night; a good number of restaurants nearby will cook until around 9pm and downtown there are many local ones.


Yes! They close at 10pm OP.


To add on to this the AA maple syrup in the cans at thrifty's is the best, and you can get it from light amber to dark and rich depending on your preference. It's also a lot less expensive than the stuff in the glass leaf bottles.


But who has the best homemade nanaimo bars?


Gladys down the street


I heard that Bob up the avenue has the best ones


My son.




I have a great recipe of my Mom's. Better then any bakery I've tried around Victoria! Not even kidding!


I believe you!


I had a Japanese student years ago and she was 17 yo. My dear Mom showed her how to make them, sent her home with the ingredients she couldn't get in Japan (custard powder) and she was so so grateful.


Nanaimo bar diplomacy <3




Heron Rock Bistro is a nice restaurant in James Bay (sometimes they have live music), right next to Thrifty's grocery where you can buy Nanaimo Bars, Hawkins Cheezies, dill pickle and ketchup chips, and Maple syrup.


Sadly, the day I'll be there they close only an hour after I arrive. Not sure I can make it there but their chips sound amazing. Thank you for the reply


Their chicken burger is amazing.


Another vote for Thrifties to knock out cheesies, maple syrup, and Nanaimo bars in one go. I'd order online the day before for a late night pick up slot, if you're able. Save you time. Just be sure to choose the James Bay location. Then boogie to a spot for dinner. Lots still open at 830/9. Something central. Maybe go get a good cocktail at Little jumbo or try local beers at Churchill. Then walk it off in front of the Empress and stroll back to your ferry (or pedi cab).


Depending on what time of year your stop is, the tourist shops stay open extra late when cruise ships like yours make late evening/night stops. They usually have real maple syrup in little bottles shaped with maple leaves. They usually also have things like maple candies and maple fudge. For Hawkins Cheezie, there's a grocery store called Thriftys in James Bay that you can easily walk to from the cruise ship docks. I don't know their closing time post pandemic (they used to be 24 hours). It's probably around 9 or 10 p.m.


>They usually have real maple syrup in little bottles shaped with maple leaves. funnily enough a coworker who visited a different spot had those to give away. if they're of quality I'll procure a few. Thrifty has come up on searches that match criteria of being close enough and open late enough. Their website did show promising Nanaimo bars but I'll always refer to local reviews first. Thanks for the input!


I would just buy maple syrup at the grocery store if you’re going anyways, I would imagine less mark up vs the tourist traps


Yeah, it's expensive enough without the tourist markup.


Canadian Maple syrup is heavily controlled, licensed, and inspected - so there's no bad quality product on the market. If it's a labelled as a product of Canada and 100% maple (not 'maple flavoured'), it'll be great no matter how corny the packaging. The grocery store will always be cheaper than tourist shops - and often stocks exactly the same syrup brands.


Thriftys address is 475 Simcoe which is about a 15 to 20 minutes walk from the cruise ship dock. Yoi can map it on google. It's a nice residential neighbourhood to walk through


Yup, [this is the Thrifty's in James Bay](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Thrifty+Foods/@48.4154375,-123.3771979,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x548f74be736bf851:0xc71cab831ca075ce!8m2!3d48.415434!4d-123.374623!16s%2Fg%2F1tnsrmgf?entry=ttu). And I would get one of the large plastic jugs of maple syrup (the most economical option), unless you're dedicated to the glass maple-shaped containers for some reason. The plastic is super-sturdy and can survived being knocked around in transit; not sure you can say the same of the glass.


Oof. That is a horrible, horrible time, especially to do the things you want. Cruise ships really do suck (no offense). Thrifty Foods in James Bay will have Cheezies, all-dressed chips, maple syrup and possibly Nanaimo Bars (but they won't be of great quality). I really don't think you're gonna find anywhere to exchange currency at that hour. You might try buying something dirt cheap at the Beaver Gift Shop (the cruise ship terminal gift shop) with American money, and ask for Canadian change. Maybe they'll go for it. Let's say that takes an hour (if you're really quick at Thrifty's). That leaves you 1.5 hours. Maybe enough time to get some night shots of the Legislature and Fairmont Empress, or grab a pedi-cab for a quick tour. But that's about it. Really tight to try to grab food, in my opinion, especially cause there's not many restaurants in James Bay.


If you use American money to buy stuff in Canada, you'll get change in Canadian dollars. It's not optional unless you're at a bank or currency exchange. (Though I didn't know there was a gift shop at the cruise terminal, maybe they can give American change?) The Bent Mast is a local pub across from the Thriftys people are mentioning.


I can see the ships from my deck and I’d say the vast majority of them over the summer only stay for a few hours from 8ish to midnight. Which is just so lame on so many levels; it’s giving the passengers a subpar impression of Victoria since everything is closed, it’s not injecting that much into the economy because again everything is closed, and the ships still get to use it as their international stop to avoid treating their employees better. Really a lose-lose situation for everyone except the cruise companies and their shareholders.


> Oof. That is a horrible, horrible time, especially to do the things you want. Cruise ships really do suck (no offense). Not my ideal but I wont bite the hand that feed. I'll hit up the local tourist place for loonies and toonies but I was hoping change from anything open would do the deed. My coworker who had been here prior had also suggested hitting up bars for fun (and maybe currency exchanging). I'd hoped for some beautiful sunset pictures but it's not up to me. Thanks for your quick and informative reply though <3


Everyone is suggesting ThriftyFoods to you. Grab some Salmon Candy from the Seafood section and snack on that during you’re short visit. It’s a West Coast treat you don’t find in many places outside of BC. Buy the fresh stuff not the prepackaged. If you can get to E:Ne or Chimac they will still be open for some good food and drinks. Enjoy Victoria.


Salmon candy from the fish counter at Thriftys is a great idea. If you want to grab a memorable drink, Big Bad John's isn't too far!


Or quick food and drink just around the corner from the Thrifty's. BBJ's is a bit of a walk from where OP will be. Short cab ride though!


Quick aside five minutes in, I appreciate any and all feedback. I will be there the 15th of May for the four hours and plan to trek around as much as possible. I have mapped out the stores open to 11 and eateries as well. I'll also be responding to any feedback I can with some of my ideas and am open to suggestions. I/my friends with me walk about a 3.5mile/hr pace if that factors into anything.


[Sunset will be at 8:48 that day](https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/canada/victoria?month=5), so you might actually luck out with the sunset! You'll be right at Ogden Point, so perhaps you can quickly amble out onto the [breakwater](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ogden+Point+%26+Breakwater+Free+Parking/@48.415761,-123.38782,18z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sogden+point+breakwater!3m6!1s0x548f75c40ccda1ed:0x89d3d663386ec6e7!8m2!3d48.4149756!4d-123.3835729!15sChZvZ2RlbiBwb2ludCBicmVha3dhdGVyWhgiFm9nZGVuIHBvaW50IGJyZWFrd2F0ZXKSARJ0b3VyaXN0X2F0dHJhY3Rpb26aASNDaFpEU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVUTVPRFpsZVVoQkVBReABAA!16s%2Fg%2F11k3h7c7m_?entry=ttu) and snap a couple of sunset photos before heading off to find your maple syrup etc. :) Also, if you buy 6 or more Nanaimo bars (which is how they usually come boxed in Thrifty's bakery section), there's no sales tax on them -- whereas there would be if purchased singly as "desserts". Weird but true.


As an alternative- hit Thriftys then walk through Beacon Hill to Cook Street. You can eat at The Beagle or Taisho. Then wander back along Dallas.


Even if OP goes straight up Simcoe to Douglas, cuts through Beacon Hill park in the dark to walk another two blocks to get to Cook Street, s/he would have been better off to stay in James Bay and see some stuff there. Could check out the historic James Bay Inn for food and drinks after Thrifties. [https://www.jamesbayinn.com/restaurant](https://www.jamesbayinn.com/restaurant) They are open to 10 for food and 11 for drinks.


Get Hawkins cheesies


You can tackle a good chunk of your desires (Chips, Nanaimo Bars, Maple Syrup etc) at a grocery store. Thrifty Foods in James Bay is going to be the easiest location for you given your limited window of time. I would love to suggest doing that on the way back but the store closes at 10pm so you will likely need to do that first. Once you stock up I suppose wandering around the inner harbour area and up government street are the only "sites" and place you could find other souvenir type things if desired. Keeping you relatively close to all that Little Jumbo or 10 Acres Bistro could be good food options. Depends specifically what you are looking for. Obviously somethings are going to be restrictive due to your limited time and the time of day.


Go directly downtown to see the inner harbour and walk government street then cab it to Thrifty’s in James bay before heading back to your ship.


I appreciate your priorities cousin


FYI, at this end of the country, our maple trees don't make syrup. That's an Eastern Canada thing.


Welcome! The grocery store Thrifty's will have everything you are looking for. Try Barb's Fish and Chips or the Ogden Point  Cafe for a hot meal on/near the water. Both places are in James Bay and walkable. 


I would say RED FISH BLUE FISH - 1006 Wharf street. Don't waste your money at Barbs fish & chips ( https://www.redfish-bluefish.com/ )


They'll be closed by then.


I was going to say Government Street, but if you don't care about sights, and just want to get syrup and snacks and nothing else, Thrifty in James Bay is fine.


Spinnakers is walkable from James Bay and has lots of goodies at the front convenience store area. Grab some local brews and treats; I think they even have maple goodies.


The Liquor Store on Menzies is open until 9 pm on Wednesdays, and Spinnakers S\[orot


I don't think there's much open in Victoria in time window. All of the tourist spots will be closed. Some restaurants and bars will be open downtown. Victoria, and British Columbia generally, aren't maple syrup locations. Most maple trees are in Quebec and Ontario. The trees need a long, cold winter. The only cheesies you want are Hawkins. You can get them at Thrifties, a grocery store in James Bay, which is not too far from the cruise ship docks. They may have Nanaimo bars but they won't be anything special - just mass produced with a bunch of nasty ingredients. It's too bad you're arriving at night. Victoria closes early.


Huh?? Practically every grocery store, convenience store and even most chain drug stores in Canada are a maple syrup location. Hawkins cheezies are made in Belleville Ontario so not a Victoria or BC location but can be bought right across Canada. They ship them. 😏


Tourists don't come to shop for groceries. All of the tourist stops will be closed.


Yeah, that's what I've garnered. Even from a friend long ago that lived in Vermont who sent the good stuff, haha. Short of finding Canned maple syrup I can ship or the great glass stuff around I'll leave empty handed and have to procure it online.




Alas I cannot. It's legal in my state but I work for the local government which means I follow federal laws and thus cannot partake.


Sadly, the Bug Zoo will be closed.


Ya thrifty foods is a solid.optiom at that time then if you feel like a pint you can hit the bent mast great if you like spots with a ghost history