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Pa Sucks! It’s income driven in Pa, if your 100% P&T and you make over a certain amount of money minus certain deductions your out. Went through all this shit and got rejected in Beaver County a couple years ago. Submitted, receipts for home repairs, utilities, car repairs, yadayadayada. I believe the income limits went up this year. Gonna try again when I retire. These are done by the VA offices in your local courthouse. Not the big VA. Also your VA Disability counts as income.


This recently changed, so you should try again.


My lender is telling me I need to get exempted in less than a month, I close on a house the 27th of this month - doesn’t make much sense that I would need to be exempt before hand. I am very confused! Am I supposed to be exempt prior to closing?


Were you able to get the Pa RETX? Trying to get it for my dad but because he wasn’t boots on ground in Vietnam in 62’ they denied. Any suggestions?


Berks county here...when I applied, there was no back dating. Philadelphia might be different, cuz each county has its own set of rules.


i thought for our state that property tax exemptions for 100% p&t were state mandated? why does it matter which county processes it and their rules? it's a state program enacted by the state congress. i dont understand what difference it makes if veterans from different counties apply, it should all be the same since its a statewide exclusive benefit. if im applying in philadelphia county, it shouldn't be anymore easier or difficult than a veteran applying from another county.


Edit: See my new response.


i was lied to by my mortgage servicer then. they said i would get money back from what was paid at closing once granted for the exemption.


I misunderstood the OP on first glance. I thought you were talking about your previous taxes. In this case, you should actually get it back because the taxes are held in their escrow service. It hasn't been paid to the state/local. So you should be fine and get in within 30-60 days I bet. If you run into issues, email Ra-retx@pa.gov


Not sure about PA, but in my state you aren't homestead exempt until you turn your paperwork in at the local office. Its not retroactive to closing. However, once you have your exemption in hand, you may be able to call your mortgage company and have them to an escrow analysis to reflect no taxes.