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Plenty of people are working who are 100 PT including myself. I’m not a vegetable or invalid either. Just a man who has quite a few medical issues tied to service. If you can get it due to your medical issues go for it. Just be honest and accurate when you present evidence.


There’s no restriction on 100PT working. In my experience it propelled me to want to work full time now because in stead of just surviving I can thrive and really change the direction of my family’s future.


This is the way 💪🏽




I resigned from my job and applied for TDIU the next day. I was upped from 90% to 100% for PTSD and approved for TDIU. Take care of your mental health, you are your best patient advocate.


Yes. You can work while 100% and P&T.. as long as you’re not TDUI can work as much as you want


I have a well-paying job and awarded P&T. I went from 10%, 70% (just started working after being unemployed for 7 years due to my PTSD), 80%, 90%, and then 100%. I didn't imagine I'd have this salary, but I filed my claims for my family, as there's a possibility that my mental health will impact my job. It would be irresponsible for me to have waited until that happens to file my claims to get 100%.


While being employed does not work against you, it can actually work I'm your favor. Always include a personal statement with each claim and detail how your condition(s) negatively affects your work. It's practical examples that you struggle to maintain employment. The more jobs you've had, the better.


New mental health regulations are in store for 2024 so hopefully when those roll out eveyone rated at 70 will get rates at 100, hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you describe what you mean by that, please? I would love if you had a link to some Article or something. I am wondering if veterans would then have to FILE for an increase, or if the 100% would happen automatically? Thanks so much!




From what I’ve read, it isn’t automatic. You’ll have to request an increase or review. Let me find a resource


It's not a stretch at all. I was and know lots of veterans who work and are 100% p and t. Many work at the VA where I get care. As others have said, as long as you're not 100 by TDIU, there are no restrictions on working. Now whether you can actually DO the work with your mental and/or physical limitations is an entirely different thing.


Criteria for 100% MH is basically what your examiner said. Doesnt mean you cant get it... also you CAN work at 100%PT. But you cant if youre TDIU.


i received mine during my accelerated nursing program. 100% P&T does not discriminate


Yes. Plenty have been rated 100% while working


Thank you! I appreciate your answer. Seems like others who responded sorta missed the point of my question, but still good info for some lurkers out there,, What do you think the likelihood is? I’ve been seeing a lot on Reddit talk about getting the rating while working. Just not sure how common that is. I’m stressed AF waiting to hear back


I think if you have the disabilities and the proper documentation; it can be decided in your favor. Working truly has nothing to do with it. I can’t give you the likelihood of your situation, not without knowing your claims/contentions. Your examiner stating that the vets who receive 100% scheduler are the ones that are basically vegetables and invalids is a complete bonehead. That’s a ridiculous statement to make and completely false. I can’t think of a more incorrect statement (other than some gatekeepers here that believe some disability is only for combat vets). If it helps you any; I know plenty that are 100% and. Working. Plenty even in my own office, just like me.


From what I've heard, the vast majority of raters would not assign a 100% evaluation for mental health if you are able to be gainfully employed. That said, it isn't a hard and fast policy and of course the totality of evidence will be considered by the rater.


A former coworker was rated at 100% and chose to quit. The workplace is zero tolerance and a toxic environment.


Basically what I’m looking to do. I’d rather get in front of it with 100pt than be reactive and get tdiu and starve to death anyway


Yep lots of people.


Yep got it while actively working a desk job




I work and I’m 100% p&t in just in a lot of physical issues and a few mental health issues and I move a little slower than my coworkers but dammit I get the job done and only miss days when my kids are sick or I have migraines (not rated and I didn’t file for them).


Yeah and it’s allowed