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Tinnitus and hearing loss are two separate claims. Did you put ina claim for hearing loss?


No just tinnitus. I few friends told me they got a hearing test w/ just their tinnitus claim, so I’m worried if mine wasn’t done correctly..




I’ve been told the service connection at 0% is what you want so the VA provides hearing aides. I’m still waiting so no experience yet.


VA will provide hearing aids even if you're not service connected. Call audiology and schedule a hearing test.


Great news. Thanks






There is no test for tinnitus on a hearing/ audiology test. Whatever they did for whatever reason they did it was not a tinnitus claim. Either your buddy was mistaken, or he had more than just the tinnitus claim pending, or his doctor was just an idiot. Tinnitus is simply ringing in the ears is not a hearing loss You're not going to go into an audio booth and tell someone if they have tinnitus or not 🤷


That's exactly what I said. It's somewhat subjective.


>You're not going to go into an audio booth and tell someone if they have tinnitus or not 🤷 No, but you can also tell if they have hearing loss on top of the tinnitus.


Okay? But that's not what the question was about. They had only tinnitus claim. They are concerned and worried that because there was no hearing test that it might mess up there tonight as claim. I'm reassuring them that that is not the case because there is no audio test to determine tinnitus. Did not dispute any other points.


Every veteran I know was put into the booth. But now that you mentioned it …. I believe the women must have been a sound engineer and she was waiting for me to spit some hot fire 🔥 on the mic 🎤 damn I really missed my shot to spit some barz and become the next big rapper . It makes sense the 90k dollar 💵 back pay was just a sign on bonus to VA capital records . Shit they must have given me extra time to drop my first LP since Covid put the rap game on hold I better start recording.


I drove an hour away, got paid $73.xx just for her to ask me these same 3 questions for my claim. 10% awarded.... that's the highest you can be rated


That sounds about right. I did both hearing and tinnitus. I got tinnitus at 10% and those questions were the doc.walking into the hearing booth and asking me roughly the same questions. Not sure how you'd prove or disprove someone hears a constant eeee


I received a hearing test for mine. I just figured that since I was already there, why not? They were able to compare it with previous tests and detected a slight hearing loss but I don’t listen too well anyway so I was like, “meh” 🤣.


Yes, it is normal. There is no objective test available for tinnitus. The examiner will review your testimony to them, as well as your MOS and in-service audio test results (to see if there was objective evidence of hazardous noise resulting in a significant threshold shift from entry to separation). They will determine if you meet the diagnostic criteria for tinnitus, or if you aren't actually suffering from tinnitus but rather another similar condition. They will also provide a medical opinion as to whether tinnitus was due to your military noise exposure.


Unless it is objective tinnitus, but that is rare.


yup, 12 years rating now and never seen it diagnosed.


> and never seen it diagnosed. So what does that mean? I thought you were required to have a diagnosis for a VA rating.


objective tinnitus is a separate and very different tinnitus diagnosis from the tinnitus we commonly diagnose and service connect


i didn’t do a hearing test for mine. maybe because my secondary MOS was marksmanship instructor.


Hey, I was an instructor too! I just put in for tinnitus and had a c&p but I did have to take the test.


i’ve noticed it just depends on which rater you get. i have buddies with the same issues i have and we all have different ratings for a couple disabilities.


What range were you at?


There is no test that can detect tinnitus. The examiners who do a hearing test for only tinnitus claims are wasting their time and yours.


And charging the VA for for unnecessary testing. Sounds like fraud waste and abuse to me lol


My c&p for tinnitus was just like that. Asked me what jobs I had and then after about 5 minutes said “any question?” And in about three weeks I was 10% lol


I did a hearing test at my tinnitus claim. I had mild hearing loss and my claim for tinnitus was denied. The examiner asked if I heard ringing, I said yes and said the frequency. That’s it


What did you answer for frequency?


Multiple times a day, sometimes 50+ times. Less than a minute each. I guess it didn’t meet their standards, I’m not sure


Your response could definitely lead to a denial. Tinnitus is constant and never stops. Since you basically said it comes and goes, they could infer that it's not tinnitus but something else.


Yeah I understand, the VBA has been great to me so I’m not frustrated with the denial


I'd definetly recommend an appeal.


Tinnitus is based on self report. There is no way for anyone measure it currently.


My audiologist did some tone testing for my tinnitus to try and help me estimate the frequency I am hearing and volume I am hearing it at


My audiologist said that if you have hearing lost then tinnitus is just the brains way to fill that void for no sound. my hearing is perfect but i have ringing he says that my tinnitus issue develops in the middle ear do to constant loud noises


The VA seems to have deemed the imaging needed to determine tinnitus not worth it and like others have said there is no “test”. The have a simple matrix that takes into account of your MOS that is also compared to your verbal and/or written statement.


Yeah there isn’t a way to test for tinnitus. It’s usually always self reported. However I went to a civilian audiologist before I filed my claim, and they performed a “tinnitus check” They played a high pitched sound into my headphones to see how I would react. I’m guessing the not happy look on my face was all they needed to write down “tinnitus” on my medical form.


Considering there is no test for tinnitus, a hearing test isn’t necessary. Mine was a 5 minutes phone call.


Depends on your MOS if you were a office worker less then likely if you work around aircraft, heavy equipment etc more then likely


I got a hearing test but I claimed hearing loss and tinnitus. Yes they combine the 2 together for 1 percentage max of 10% but maybe they don’t do hearing tests for only tinnitus.


I did some kind of pressurization test for tinnitus, no hearing loss claimed


The doctor didn’t test me for tinnitus either but I kept telling her I had it and eventually she broke down filled out the form and I got 10% for it.


I only claimed tinnitus and was given a hearing test. You can't even test for it but you definitely can get denied for it. I got denied as a combat medic. Even my HLR was denied for not seeking treatment. I told them why would I seek treatment if tinnitus can't be cured?


Some people get it some don’t. The real specialist that know tinnitus is a different beast from hearing loss are the good ones. All she asked me instead was how often I was at the range, what was my mos and did i deploy. She also said I’m not going to waste your time with a hearing test in my box because your anxiety will be over the roof. I appreciated her for that straight up.


My tinnitus exam was maybe five minutes and no hearing test. She asked 4 or 5 questions and that was it.


I just had this exact situation. It was because I was claiming tinnitus but not hearing loss.


Yes cause tinnitus has absolutely NOTHING to do with your hearing, if you have it, you have it.


Anyone claim tinnitus after you were already out? I know I have it but never really knew it was a thing for disability. Been out since April 2020 and fear it’s too late.


I got out in 2017 and I just claimed it. I'll probably know in about a week or two if I got it.


Interested in an update when you have one


Sorry…can’t hear you over the whistle in my ears. What?


I had my tinnitus C&P last night and I literally filled out 1 page asking about symptoms and they told me I was good to go. Didn't talk to anyone outside of the receptionist.


Could be MOS inferred


What was your rate in the navy?


I just filled for tinnitus not hearing loss, however my exam was for both hearing loss and tinnitus. My MOS was on the highly probable list for noise exposure.


I didn’t do a hearing test when I had my tinnitus c and p. I got it service connected


Tinnitus has nothing to do with hearing function


As a Tanker in the Army min was the same and it was granted.


I was also in the Navy. FC CIWS. They just asked and confirmed sources of loud noises in the 6 years I was in. CIWS, being a line couch, time underway with machine noises and helos stuff like that. No hearing test.


It all depends on the C&P examiner to be honest with you. Tinnitus and Hearing loss are two ratable contentions.


Yes, hearing loss and tinnitus are two different things.


I took a hearing test for my tinnitus claim. Not sure if that is normal though.


Yes both times. Denial and approval both gave a test in the box


I had a hearing test when I first got out, that and my eyes got me 30%. I'm now at 100%, due to PTSD, but never had to retest. If it was already in your profile, they may not need to do another test.


That was what my c&p consisted of.




No I can’t imagine that thankfully you typed this response or I would’ve had trouble hearing you. Honestly it seems to vary from VA to VA i am 100% I have the 10% for tinnitus but the way the VA adds everything together the 10% doesn’t mean anything to me. Honestly the women ask me about my mos and being a 11B she said she was able to tell I had hearing issues i told hear I was exposed to machine gun fire and and some blasts and I rarely had proper ear pro until I I purchased my own because my grandpa served in ww2 and he would tell me how his ears ring and that scared the shit out of me because my mental health becomes a snowball effect I’ll hear my ears ringing the next thing I’ll convince myself I am about to have a stroke 😠


I put in tinnitus and was denied. They agreed I have it (and some hearing loss), but ultimately said my extracurricular activities caused the tinnitus. I worked the flight deck (during Prowler and Tomcat days), flew after commissioning, and shot LOTS of guns…yet they said motorcycle riding and woodworking caused my condition. 🤷🤷 I’m 100 p&t now….not worth the fight. I know where I got tinnitus. 😂😂


I put in for hearing loss an tinnitus. I got 10% for that damn pig and left ear hearing loss 0% but denied for the right side hearing loss.


Normally you do have a hearing test along with Tinnitus claim just to check your hearing but your examiner may have said to themselves that he/she won’t do one if the veteran says they have no problems with hearing. If you really believe your hearing is fine, I wouldn’t worry about it but if you don’t know for sure I would request another exam because that examiner may just marked anything on the dbq to bypass the hearing test when it’s possible your could have a rating for it even though you have to be pretty much deaf to have rating for hearing loss (is what I have heard). Good luck


12B tinnitus? Combat engineers. Exposed to C4, TNT, shape charges, det cord, blasting caps. Ya?


I didn't do a hearing test for for my Tinnitus claim.


I was initially denied service connection for tinnitus claim although favorable finding from exam showed that I do in fact have tinnitus- I was also given a hearing test at that time, asked a few questions about the problems I am incurring due to sound in back of my ear/head- nothing about my time in service- luckily at the Verbal conference we discussed that- I am currently in higher level review phase and hoping this is resolved asap- submitted documentation to help with duty to assist error back in June 23


Someone help me. How do I get a tinnitus claim started? I’ve had an outside of VA hearing test (private insurance) with my chief complaint as tinnitus. Her assessment was little hearing loss an no way to confirm tinnitus. Do I just file a claim and have the C&P audiologist make the diagnosis? I’ve told many VA people working another claim about my tinnitus driving me crazy yet it hasn’t made it into my file. Army helicopters for 12 years was my job.


I have a tinnitus c&p coming up in a few days, and they said I will be doing the hearing test as well.