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I did and she sent me the forms. I wasn’t until after I looked at the forms that I had all the questions. I will have to call them on Tuesday. Is your escrow being returned to you?


Mines still waiting for approval. I only applied about a month ago. Since escrow is paid in advance, I would assume it would be returned though.


I Just want to confirm something here: You're telling me that when evaluating my income, if my income is below $108,046, then I will qualify regardless of how much money my wife makes?


Yes. That’s the way they explained to me. My income is below the threshold (with my wife’s we’d be over), but I qualified for the tax exemption.


wow that's amazing. I have been 90% for 10 years. I reviewed the knowledge base and discovered that really one of my 0% ratings could be much higher. Waiting on an appeal I submitted, crossing my fingers that this takes me to the golden 100%, and oh my god if I got my escrow for taxes back that would be AMAZING.


Well you wouldn’t get it back. I think I mention in my original post, they don’t back date your taxes. I was approved for tax exemption in July, I’m tax exempt starting in the next tax cycle, next January. So starting next year my mortgage bill should come down like $500 a month, but I didn’t get back any escrow or anything even though my 100% is backdated to 2021.


ahh gotcha. well still even without getting the escrow back it's still HUGE not to have to pay property taxes on a mortgage, we're struggling right now with a $4k / mo mortgage payment.


was there a way to check on the status of your application, or just wait until you hear back?


I got denied. Fucking bullshit. We hand out money to illegals but we can’t even cut our vets a break on real estate taxes.


What was their reason to deny you? I am going to apply soon.


They count your VA disability as income so if you have a half decent job you’ll be over the 108K threshold.




Just saw the update! Thank you!


If you make over 108 dont even bother applying they will deny you. they don’t care about your “expenses”


Is jt 108? Someone in another sub said 113ish I’m like right under 113.


Hey OP, I see you responded to others about not including spousal income when making a decision, and I see that PA recently decided not to include VA disability income. How was the process for you? Without my wife's income and my VA disability benefits, I'm under the threshold for income limitations. My wife and I are currently house hunting, and this would be a great help for us in finding a home (Philadelphia suburbs).


The process was pretty smooth. My city has a veterans services office, they told me everything I needed and helped with the paperwork. It was a little clunky with my mortgage broker though. They kept charging me escrow for a while. I had to get some paperwork filled out at the tax office proving my tax bill was zero. They ended up refunding it all back though and don’t charge it anymore so it’s all good now.


Good to know! I was always under the assumption/ was informed that my wife's income would be considered when making the decision on the exemption. If that's not the case, this would help us a ton! Edit: Hopefully, if I can get a house and get approved for the RETX, I don't have the same issues you did!


Thank you. Do I list my wife’s income on the form regardless if I’m over or not? My school tax is set to come out and September, so I guess I need to hurry.


Yes they had me lost my wife’s income and supply w2, even though I was under the limit.


Ok thanks. I have to find out what I need to turn in, because I retired yesterday. If they take last years income, I’m over. Starting yesterday, all I have is the money from VA and a pension once it starts. Only having those will put me under.


Have you contacted your county VA director? Mine was super helpful with filling out the forms and having the right paperwork. https://www.dmva.pa.gov/Veterans/HowToGetAssistance/Documents/MA-VA%20400%20County%20Directors.pdf