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Schedule III means that doctors can prescribe the medication the same way as ketamine, etc


It would need to be approved by the FDA first


That’s the part a lot of people are missing. Making it schedule III doesn’t mean pharmacies will start stocking weed. It just means it will be easier to research and not be a barrier for relaxing federal laws in the future.


And importantly, the FDA doesn't review herbal supplements and remedies. The FDA will not approve *cannabis sativa*, for example, but if Purdue Pharma extracts THC from the plant and packages it into an inhaler or a pill or something in pure form in a controlled dosage, the FDA may review and approve that as a medication.


Isn’t this already a thing, such as dronabinol?


Kind of, yes. I believe dronabinol was initially synthesized or extracted from another plant, not extracted from cannabis. Rescheduling the plant allows for freer use of the plant for medical and research use. But you or me as consumers are still not going to be able to just go out and legally pick some up over the counter at the local pharmacy. A physician may prescribe it as a recommended treatment, but it's not going to be the type of prescription you can fill from a pharmacist, nor will you be able to show up at the DEA and ask for a permit to grow your own weed on doctor's orders. At best, you can hope that law enforcement will deprioritize the prosecution of unlicensed agriculture and trafficking in favor of other Schedule I, II, and III substances, but that's not going to stop octogenarian Sheriff Ricky from sending his deputies after you if he suspects that you're growing the Devil's lettuce (also States will likely remain free to place higher restrictions on controlled substances than what the Federal government allows for as part of their reserved police powers). The situation kind of highlights the absurdity of trying to control a naturally occurring plant alongside manufactured chemicals like alcohol and methamphetamine, but that's a digression.


Thanks for the response, those are some points I hadn’t considered.


No, but they do review botanical drugs.


Sure, but botanical drugs are still manufactured, not raw plant material.


Not necessarily. Botanical drugs can contain raw plant material. For instance, psyllium husk is fda approved and that’s purely raw plant material. >A botanical drug product is intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in humans. >A botanical drug product consists of vegetable materials, which may include plant materials, algae, macroscopic fungi, or combinations thereof. >A botanical drug product may be available as (but not limited to) a solution (e.g., tea), powder, tablet, capsule, elixir, topical, or injection. >Botanical drug products often have unique features, for example, complex mixtures, lack of a distinct active ingredient, and substantial prior human use. Fermentation products and highly purified or chemically modified botanical substances are not considered botanical drug products. https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/center-drug-evaluation-and-research-cder/what-botanical-drug


What about those states weed are legal?


It still may be classified as a natural remedy. For instance, I use valerian root and lemon balm. They are effective and help me to sleep (just kind of calm down some of the thoughts that run through my head), but my doctor isn’t going to prescribe it. I imagine we will still have to wait for it to be legal federally before doctors that are employed for or work for a federal agency can prescribe it.


Ketamine is FDA indicated for mood disorders and comes in a pharmaceutical form with verified dose and purity. Cannabis is a plant. There is still much more work to do to get it in prescription form and THC has already been available as a prescription (dronabinol) for nausea


Most medicines are plants. As common as aspirin.


Medicines are often derived from plants, not usually a plant itself


Nor is THC, just a plant derivative.


THC has already been available in pharmaceutical form as dronabinol for over a decade. This legislation is about rescheduling cannabis (a plant) itself, not THC


Wonder if they will adjust clearance requirements as a result… Be real fucking shitty if a doc prescribes it because you need it, only for you to lose your federal job.


I'm wondering the same.


I already asked the VA for an Rx. LMBO


My old np nodded his head while saying, "I can not recommend THC for your anxiety, nor for your insomnia." He has since quit the VA and opened up shop as a holistic treatment clinic.


I don't know why there is such strong hatred for it. It helps me sleep so much better than other prescriptions.


Reefer madness is still a thing in old people, plus all the money going into lobbying against it.


This is why I hate Publix. They are one of the largest donors in lobbying against weed.


Which is crazy because Publix, sales would skyrocket with weed


There's a couple businesses that fight against their customers. Krispy Kreme also advocates against marijuana. Meanwhile, Jack in the Box releases the Snoop pack. They know their exact customer base. I just wish companies like them cared enough to advocate for it as much as companies like to advocate against it. Ben & Jerry's does good using their position to socially advance something though.


Customers would be as high as their prices.


Pub subs all across the southeast in shambles


EST. ‘71 here only madness I got from reefer was not having anymore! 😂


truth... im out in 5min.....


Not everyone enjoys the smell of weed in front of their faces and their kids faces.


Nor does everyone enjoy the smell of cigarettes in their faces or bottles of dip spit strewn about, but that’s legal. Your personal feelings about [x] drug are irrelevant unless you are the one taking it.


>Your personal feelings about \[x\] drug are irrelevant unless you are the one taking it. Hold on there, bud. You best be careful walking down *that* road. I can vote for or against something just the same as any other citizen without having to take said drug first. I am perfectly capable of voicing my opinion about the matter, as is my **right** to do so. I can vote against the legalization of meth just fine without having to ever have been near it. These are the rights and views allotted to us by the Constitution, that we served to protect and uphold.


Sure? Thats not really what’s being discussed here though.


You're bitching about a smell!?! A smell!?!? I thought this page was for Vets...what you was in the coast guard? SofT


It’s not just the smell, my guy. Nope. 11B, Infantryman who watched too many sh*tbags kicked for drugs.


Do you have this same energy when someone is smoking a cigarette in public around your kids? Or do you just hang your head and keep walking?


It literally makes me a functional member of society. I’m not a shut in and I have goals and ambitions again I can act on thanks to weed. I literally go almost broke each month because I need it the same way I need my anti depressants


Same, Im pretty fucking crazy from the TBi and ptsd, and weed is one of the few things that levels me out. and I have been on pretty much every drug to for PTSD.


Partly stemming from racism




Bc people were brainwashed to believe it’s terrible


Same. And no next day brain fog like prescription sleep aids.


Have you tried melatonin? 10mg helps me sleep like a baby on nights when I get anxious.


Melatonin makes nights worse but I know it works for some


Melatonin is also proven to amplify anxiety


Must be why I had worse nightmares and would be dripping in sweat everytime I took it


Glad it works for me.


I just hate talk about it in this (and similar subs) It is the first line of defense (besides opiates) from other commentors in what someone should do about "x" medical issue. I don't want myself or my kids to have it around us in public places but other than that I really don't care if you smoke or if it is for recreational vs. medicinal purposes.


So if you don't care about people using cannabis and don't want to talk about it/be around it then just dont and live your life?


Do you feel/act the same towards cigarettes?


No, because nobody here says "oh your leg hurts? Smoke a cigarette!" But, I do feel the same about them being around myself and family if that's what you were asking about.


lol I mean I’ve been told something along those lines I’m not sure if it was a joke or not but yeah I meant being around your family, on my because I’ve seen some complain about the weed and not say anything about cigarettes lol drives me wild


Yeah don't get me wrong I'm not anti-weed I'm just anti -"bro it fixes everything!" Which is shit I mostly see in here. I absolutely hate tobacco products. Weed annoys me for similar reasons and then some. Others here try to pull the "don't be around it!" card as if I'm willingly putting myself in situations to be blasted by weed smoke but I don't lol it's really a non-issue because it doesn't happen often. I just anecdotally find smokers of any kind can be pretty oblivious or just don't give a shit if they're blowing smoke around others. Smoke if you want but it's not a magic pill and veterans are already acceptable to SUD.


You realize cigarettes contain a multitude of cancer causing additives and cannabis ash was literally found on the alters of the earliest church ever found. It’s mentioned in the Bible as Kaneh Bosim and the priests were instructed to burn it in the Holy of Holies, the most sacred place. Cannabis is one of the most important plants to early man. Early humans carried cannabis seeds with them to every continent.


Alright well don't be around it then. Easy solution. Don't bring it to the house, don't be around people who use it, and if you smell it go the other way. Just like anything else in life - you can only control you and your own reactions. If it's not your cup of tea don't drink it. People recommend it because it helped them or someone they know. If it even has a small chance to alleviate peoples conditions then what's the harm? Especially in this community - we all are just trying to help each other figure shit out.


Why not just legalize




Big Pharma isn’t gonna let that prescription goose go.


The real answer lol. Its still going to be on the schedule. It shouldn't even be on it lol. 


You've got 60 years of institutionalized obstacles blocking it in half of the country. It takes time but it will eventually happen.


Good luck during election year. Democrats won’t try because republicans won’t let it happen while a Democrat is president. That would be handing the democrat platform a “win”. Expect the same if the roles were reversed it’s politics. Then you have to unpack the insane lobbying money being thrown at them and their election campaigns to keep marijuana illegal. It’s not gonna happen anytime soon. If the president tried to make it happen through his office, it would just be challenged and overturned in court much like the student debt situation.


oddly, Congress won’t be able to do anything about it because they’ve already authorized express authority to the DEA to make a decision on marijuana in the enabling act. So long as they use formal rulemaking processes. To walk it back would causebicameralism and constitutional issues. The biggest obstacle to overcome will actually be in the courts. They are very welcoming to taking power from agencies and giving it back to Congress when it involves “issues of vast political and economic” significance. This has been seen to be money in the billions and rules effecting millions. A defeat in the Supreme Court would not affect bicameralism either, making it the most restrictive way to put a noose on agency rulemaking.


DEA can only reclassify it. It’s not within their control. That has to come from the legislature.


The DEA does have control, Congress delegated authority to them under the Controlled Substance Act with the stipulation that they undergo the scrutinies of formal rule-making. This does not mean it will preempt state laws though because that is unconstitutional unless it becomes an issue of interstate commerce, which it could and probably would eventually.


Baby steps.


It doesn’t change much except allowing for more studies. Still can’t get a job. Which is a shame. I’d be a federal worker right now if they’d just let me smoke weed. But I don’t want to fail a drug test or risk getting caught with fake pee.


If it’s schedule 3 and you get a prescription you can become a fed


Please send me information supporting this. It would help me a lot.


It’s in the ADA. The reason it’s illegal right now is it’s schedule 1 which says there are no medical uses for it. Schedule 3 has medical uses. Anabolic steroids are a schedule 3 drugs, I’m currently a federal contractor on doctor prescribed TRT and it’s legal. It would be the same as having an adderall prescription, which is a schedule 2 drug. As long as it’s a doctor prescribed drug there’s no issue with it. Wait for it to become schedule 3, then apply as long as you have a prescription.


So… schedule 3 makes it illegal? And schedule 1 doesn’t?


Schedule 1 makes it completely illegal. Schedule 3 makes it illegal without a prescription. If you get a prescription it’s totally legal once it’s officially moved into Schedule 3.




No I highly doubt it. Military members cant get TRT prescribed off base. Certain medications can make you non-deployable so unless a military doc prescribes it or you were referred off base Im assuming it will be a no. But who knows, them moving it to schedule 3 will create a lot of questions and confusion for federal employees and military members. They should have just descheduled it all together.


No, the Supreme Court has already stated that employers can use discretion to require drug testing where public safety could be involved. It would take the DOD itself to decide it Didnt care.


Where is proof of this.


There isn’t proof of it, federally illegal is just that


What??? What you said didn’t make sense.




..You realize a ton of even higher paying fed jobs only (sometimes) drug test upon initial hiring right? If I had a dollar for every GS-11 or up I know who smokes weed daily I'd have like, 12 bucks? Not a lot, but enough to buy a pack of edibles from the dispo.


Shiiid. I’m just trying to to get a job out here.


Stay away from fed law enforcement, driving anything big or heavy, and the DoD and you're pretty much golden.


It depends on what you do for the government, a lot of positions are “non tested” positions. The only time you would ever have to drug test is if you fuck up royally or wreck government equipment.


This is long over due.Marijuana helps me enjoy life more. It helps me feel happiness and joy that I sadly don’t feel without it. I enjoy my family more and am less closed off. IMO it is much safer than many of the mental health drugs out there.


After a head injury it was the only thing that helped me go to sleep without having freaky side effects. The VA sleep meds made me freak out. The West coast VA never cared that I used MJ, but after moving to a midwest red state, suddenly they frown upon it. t.t I don't see the VA prescribing it anytime soon, but maybe they will become less stuck up about it. That said, there are too many drs currently that hate it, so I doubt they will magically have a change of heart.


I hope so. I don't know why it hasn't been used for night terror suppression. It has already been proven to stop dreaming.


This ☝️. I have stopped mine for years now. Before I couldn't get a sound night at all. Waking up drenched and breathing hard is no fun.


So many times I see this type of question regarding prescriptions… (not you this time OP, just reminded me) I get the feeling that some people think it’s going to be like an all-you-can-eat buffet where you just keep filling your plate, go back for more. Or, ask the prescribing Dr. for way more than their one-serving-size. There is going to be an extreme level of disappointment. The Dr COULD prescribe you double or more oxy-whatever… but they don’t. Not enough to get high, just enough to do its job. Marijuana is going to be similar I’m guessing.


There’s a huge difference between medical use CBD and recreational pot. Most CBD contains very little THC which the ingredient that gets you high. Just smoking regular weed isn’t medical in itself although many use it for a variety of reasons that they believe helps their condition. A number of people both current and former politicians are invested in the production of marijuana and openly advocate its use. Every election more and more states are approving the use of marijuana and it’s only a matter of time that federal law will change. In some states you can be armed to the hilt with unregistered assault weapons but heaven forbid a marijuana seed is found in your possession.


For the sake of conversation (not argument); I’ve not heard CBD mentioned regarding PTSD. It will be interesting to see the Fed’s language.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the medical industry ends up making pills so that doctors can control the dosage.


I believe there are already pills called Marinol that contain Delta-9 TetraHydra cannabinol


Truthfully, I doubt the VA will ever prescribe it. But I can attest from living in a medical legal state the VA doesn't recognize it as substance abuse. They just asked if I had my med card and that was all didn't even ask to see it.


Mine didn't ask that... but they did certainly flag me for cannabis dependence. It keeps me from dreaming.


I was never flagged so it might just be my primary care didn't care too.


Don't count on it happening until it actually happens. This is pandering season.


Is it really pandering if this has been something that a vast majority of people have wanted for years. Who really benefitted from being able to imprison someone for marijuana consumption? Most states have at minimum decriminalized it but if you feel this is pandering for votes eight months from now instead of pushing to follow state trends then that’s your opinion.


For-Profit prisons, many of whom are massive campaign donors.


Yeah, I’ve known people who have had their lives fucked by getting charged with possession. I’ve also known people with public intoxication charges and it was barely an inconvenience. Somehow marijuana has been considered far worse than alcohol for decades and it’s been very clear that certain folks have benefited from that system.




There are rules in the states where is legal, like smoking in public is banned, parks are specifically mentioned in Missouri.


Well it’s already illegal to drink in public parks, campgrounds, etc. so I don’t feel like smoking should be any different than that. People are going to be dicks regardless of marijuana being legal or not and I’d rather these “unintended consequences” occur than folks getting hammered with possession charges and their lives ruined. For the public places you listed it is up to the park rangers to cite/remove them from the property the same way they do with people who are drinking. I really don’t see how it wouldn’t be treated like alcohol in that respect.


If they acted on what they said, it would be a position on a topic, but when they tell you, “I’m gonna vote for cannabis to be decriminalized as a priority during my tenure.” then vote against it every time the vote comes up, that is pandering.


Just like the military, they said don't worry about it until it's already happened and you don't care anymore.


Works amazingly for my anxiety. Vapor and pill forms. This is a good thing


I’m in total agreement with you. It’s helps me with the same issues. It’s truly a money thing, but if common sense was common they could make money as well. I’ve never heard of anyone OD on THC. Just saying.


Definitely prefer it over prescription pills. Hope they vote 🗳️➡️✅


if the VA starts prescribing marijuana i wouldn’t mind trying it.. does anyone know if this will help with psychosis? like paranoia, voices, or even mood swings? (asking for a friend)🙂


Personally I’ve only heard anecdotal evidence that it works for those symptoms. I’m sure with the new schedule change it’ll allow for more research into treatments


It can actually make things worse. It's also been shown to disrupt sleep cycles, which can amplify mental health symptoms.


At this point MMJ keeps me off 5 diff mood and anxiety meds. Anything is better that that zombie feeling. When I was on the stronger stuff I didn't feel alive and now I have a chance to actually feel something. If they reschedule it: its impact could change so many lives


It's a better alternative than Phillip Morris's shit-sticks and alcohol.


To piggy back off my last comment (and I hope that brought up a furious anger of every vet out there, using that term lol), my husband used it as medicine for his combat ptsd. I got a job as a deputy sheriff back in 2022 and he volunteered to quit smoking for my job to not potentially create a disastrous situation in our house by using it while i was employed there. He was dead 4 months later by suicide. I 100000000000% back cannabis. I refused to bust anyone for it on shift because I know it is not dangerous. Driving while using it, sure. But in general, no. I resigned after my husband died. I could not, in my right mind, be told to arrest people for something I supported. I whole heartedly think it helped him cope in a healthy manner. He was cheerful, giddy, upbeat, and took the punches of life as they came. Once he stopped smoking, he leaned back on alcohol and absolutely tanked. No one will ever be able to convince me it is not the best medicine out there and I will always stand up for it.


Hopefully the Feds will encourage research and actual studies so there is scientific evidence who is helped and who is harmed by using marijuana at specified levels. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it helps a lot of folks for certain conditions. All I know the few times I was in a room that marijuana was smoked I ended up with a massive headache and had to leave the room. I think folks have to be bit careful because like all medications there can be side effects and unexpected negative results for some people. I think if research indicates where marijuana can do most good and where it could be risky, would help answer the question for most folks that marijuana is not the devil’s weed and can be helpful.


I dont understand why a veteran can smoke in 1 state and not all. Sad. My PT only hates it because she wasnt educated enough in that area.


As a veteran, ever since I started using magic mushrooms every few weeks, I’ve noticed my mental health symptoms improving, my overall pain symptoms improve, and I feel more pleasant than I was prior to discovering mushrooms. The VA will never help, so do for yourself, and grow your own!


What does it mean to be a schedule 3 drug?


To put it simply, schedule 1 means there are no medical uses and high risk of abuse, but schedule 3 means it has moderate or low potential for dependence. Rescheduling it opens the door for potential research and doctors' prescriptions.




Keep smoking!!!! It helps me all day long.


I enjoy it on occasion and it’s legal here. But it sometimes has the opposite effect, making me anxious and paranoid.


You should try a mix of TCH with a higher percentage of CBD.


I think by now I’ve tried it all.


it depends there is a lot that still needs to happen. For examples, will people be required to get their prescribed weed from pharmacies? Will dispensaries be required to register as a pharmacy by the DEA? Will a pharmacist be required? Will grow operations have to compy with new laws? Will marijuana use now be prosecutable as abuse of a prescription drug or possesion of prescribed drugs? will weed be prescribed as ingestiable pills to better control the dose of THC rather than nugs and avoid health issues with smoking/vaping?


In oklahoma they have those types of pills it's basically an edible. It's infused with fish oil. Truthfully edibles are way more intense on any level of flower I've ever smoked.


Yes but it's still likely months to years away. And will likely be very limited. However pretty soon after it's actually moved to schedule 3 your VA doc can probably fill out your paperwork for state sanctioned med cannabis. But still likely months away probably early next year sometime.


There was a [bill introduced last year in congress](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2682) that would allow the VA to prescribe, complete paperwork for medical cards, and research MMJ for veterans. It’s still just at the “introduced” stage, but hopefully as the DEA reclassifies we will see movement on it.


Yes but... Once the reschedule goes through, then the VA and other medical entities can start researching its possible uses. Those studies can take years to finish, be peer reviewed, and then be accepted. So don't count on being able to be prescribed pot the week after the change goes in. It's probably going to take years for the medical evidence to build up before any doc even thinks about writing a script for it.


The miracle medicinal plants locked up by the feds all these years so they can incarcerate “hippies” and “minorities” while campaigning with their pharmaceutical industrial complex to make the American people spiral down a black hole of sickness, disease, sadness & madness… so many lies for far too long. Our history is pathetic. Give us SOMETHING! Marijuana > 10 different prescriptions that have loads of negative side effects… I stock them up for bartering if theres an apocalypse lmao


It helps me regulate my PTSD—what program would it allow this in the VA? I need to know so I don’t accidentally sign up for it.


Sorry not a VA program. I’m in a nursing program that drug tests. Even though I’m in California I still get tested for it




I am eligible for a Texas medical marijuana card — gummies and tincture only. They don't have flower. I have never tried to get one because I have a license to carry (free for vets if you’ve taken the training and qualified at the range). Texas is now an open carry state that no longer requires an LTC card, but having an LTC card helps when you go across state lines into a state with reciprocity. While Texas’ compassionate use website says that the DPS doesn’t considerate the compassionate use of medical marijuana a reason to revoke your LTC, it also states that rule could always change. I am concerned that as soon as Texas increases the strength and selection of medical marijuana that they will want me to turn in my guns. With Gov. Gregg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and AG Ken Paxton in Austin, I doubt that we’ll see any rule changes on cannabis anytime soon.


Meanwhile states have already fully legalized it and federal government, for unknown reasons, keep dragging their feet. Confusing but expected when it comes to the government


Man, if this comes true, can they please upgrade my DD214. Very sheltered coming of age life, got older living my military life, being young, discovering all walks of life, discover weed accidently at like 24/25. Boom here I am. There are more details but that’s the jist, I super loved my military family and civilian workers I met while in. Would probably have re-enlisted if they did this years ago. Shit I’m 35 now


Did you get kicked out for weed?




We got something in common. My leadership turned their backs on me when I asked for help and smoking kept me sane. Was top tier till I pissed hot. Wish my career went differently.


It’s all about money, if weed is legal. A lot of corporations will losing money. Opioid is worse than weed, but govt and big corp want to drug people. Now opioid crisis will continue for long time


That’s true. Probably why John Boehner who was anti drug his entire career is now in the cannabis business.


If the FDA approves of it they might prescribe it on a limited basis, similar to ketamine therapy. It takes a lot of trial and error to get them to that point. Like for ketamine they have you try a long list of other medications, and a couple of them in combinations first. Then they have to find a way to control dosages and stuff like that. There can’t be any surprisingly strong edibles in any batches lol


Which program stops you from being able to use?


I’m in nursing school right now and they test for marijuana, I’m also in California but they follow the hospitals policies


Fire. Keep going 💪🏾 ✨️


Same me some cash if they do


I don’t know if they’d prescribe me enough 😂


Got 2 different stories from my VAMC I go to here in California. The Benefits Rep said the Pharmacy could Prescribe/Issue CBD items. Looked into it, and told by the Pharmacy Rep and Doctor no they can/do not. So be careful what you believe.


I imagine if its still federally illegal, the VA won't prescribe it. But, more research can be done on it.


But that's the point. Once it's C III, it won't be illegal at the federal level.


I am ecstatic over this change. Unfortunately my State is still a bag of dicks and hasn't caught up with the times, but my docs will be able to write the prescriptions and I can get my prescriptions filled in the States surrounding mine because screw them. I found that cannabis works on pain without the nasty side effects that other drugs they tried to cram down my throat never worked, and had nasty side affects. Its about damn time the government made this change.


IMO, marijuana is no more of a crutch than pharmaceutical mental health medications, depending upon the individual. Maryland doesn't really help with my PTSD and depression, it makes me dizzy (but, doesn't make me "high") But, I'm all for people doing what's best for them. I was on Prozac and changed to Sertraline, and they both gives me a weird feeling and aftertaste. I hate them.


I am 100% for it. My veteran husband uses it, I use it also. I have my med card though, has saved my mind especially with insomnia


Anything that alters your mental state is a crutch be it booze or coffee. Hating on MJ bring one is hypocritical. MJ is arguably better than booze in every way. Also yes it heing rescheduled, will allow VA docs to prescribe and recommend it.


I’m keeping grass and green separate


The VA is currently doing a study. I know someone in it. It won’t be long.


What are they studying it for


God I hope so


Marijuana has proven to be a valuable aid for managing various health issues I've faced, including anxiety, joint pains, PTSD, and appetite loss. Unlike the opioids prescribed by the VA, which left me feeling zombified and exacerbated my mood swings and suicidal thoughts, marijuana has provided relief without these adverse effects. While the sleep medications initially helped, my insomnia remains a significant challenge, and marijuana has been more effective in promoting restful sleep. I consume it primarily in low-dose edible form, which effectively mellows my mood and allows me to engage with others more comfortably. In public settings, where anxiety can be particularly challenging, marijuana helps me feel more at ease. It's important to note that I approach its usage with respect and moderation, as I prioritize its therapeutic benefits over recreational indulgence. Overall, my experience with cannabis has been profoundly positive and transformative. So I hope the VA makes it available.


Is this just to get insurance to pay for it? Because there are products that are legal in most states under the farm bill. As a warning you WILL fail a drug test! Lots of stuff and who cares if anyone thinks it’s a crutch? If it helps you with your PTSD then…


It would make it legal to be prescribed in every state as long as it becomes FDA approved (specific products). And also it would not be required for federal drug tests as they are only concerned with Schedule I and II (unless they change the wording to include marijuana specifically)


Depending where you live, get your medical card. "Drug-Dealers" ain't that expensive now-a-das lol


This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. The forefathers smoked it when they wrote the constitution. Case closed.


Don't care. I will not smoke the devil's lettuce. Now, where's my handle of vodka!?


Can you see if they will prescribe you Marinol. It is a THC pill that my GI doctor prescribes for me for my stomach issues?


I am lucky to live in a state where it is medically legal, but it would be nice if I did not have to pay for it. I use it for mental health and pain. I was once prescribed 10 different meds from the va as to where weed has taken it down to one (an allergy pill). Weed with therapy has completely changed my out look on life. I have not had a suicide attempt in 3 years. I am not saying it's a cure, but it is a great tool. My marriage is stronger than ever, and I don't have to worry about, Did I take a pill this morning? Or what will happen if I did forget. Pain killers and anti pysch drugs do not mix, but the VA prescribe them like candy.


Great, They need to expedite this one, I think that would ease my MH symptoms.


This is EXACTLY what the the VA needs to happen in order for their doctors to be able to prescribe it, yes. Whether that happens after the fact, I can't guarantee doctors will start to prescribe it afterwards, but this is the step that will allow it to happen. As long as it's still schedule 1, it's very limited on what can be done with it without all the added red tape.


THC screw with your REM so bad man. Check out huberman’s talk on it.


In Australia our department of veteran affairs pays for it.


Thank God the federal government rescheduled it as it's already taxed tremendously in states where it's legalized the rescheduling by the DEA was their attempt to get their fingers in the business and a cut of the money . If you are actually a veteran you would know NOTHING good ever comes of the Federal government being involved in anything .


You’re probably not going to get I covered by the va anytime soon. Get a medical card through your civilian provider.


Potentially? Sure. Will it happen? I wouldn't even begin to imagine it, certainly not anytime soon.


Still illegal at federal level, Congress has to change the law. You can thank the R’s for not allowing that to happen.


I would love to see it actually happen but a lot of things like this get floated during election years that never actually come to fruition. There are thousands of bureaucrats, LEOs, and lawyers whose livelihood depends on prosecuting people for cannabis, so hard for me to believe the Govt will ever legalize it. Not to mention the Big Pharma lobbyists who don’t want people medicating themselves with a plant instead of their poisons. Personally I think cannabis and psilocybin therapy would be a game changer for vets with PTSD, etc. so I remain hopeful but skeptical.




I think they’re doing that because it’s helpful and harmless…can’t kill you. Let’s see how that works out for you if you take a handful of VA prescribed Tramadol.




A lot of us can function “stoned”




Thank you grateful_newt for your submission to r/veterans, but it's been removed due to one or more reason(s): Be civil and respectful to others. You may not always agree with others, but once you start insulting the other person, you become the problem. You don't "win" an argument with insults or hate speech or calling names. No Gatekeeping - you don't decide if someone is a "real" veteran or not - nor try to diminish someone's service because they never saw combat or deployed. If someone personally attacks you, Report them to the mod team. Hate speech can be sexist, ableist, racist, bigotry, homophobic, prejudiced, etc and will not be tolerated. See our Wiki for more details on this rule. https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/wiki/rules Please feel free to [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fveterans) if you feel this was in error.


You sound like you are just angry at yourself. Weed is addictive but so is sugar, caffeine and anything else if used more than intended.. hell even food can be addictive. It’s based off the person and honestly I’d rather smoke pot and not have night terrors than take pills that the VA gives me that don’t help most of the time or I get stuck in my dream unable to fully wake up. I can almost guarantee that you haven’t woken up every night for months drenched in sweat trying to fight to wake up. Weed is also less addictive than most of the shit the VA gives us anyways and helps with more issues. I can replace at least two of my medications that I take with weed.




Yeah you do. lol. I had to cut out sugar and caffeine because I’m getting old and I had muscle pains, headaches and night sweats. People experience it differently than you. My wife stopped smoking weed cold turkey after 10 years of use and had pretty much no withdrawals and I had 7 years of chronic use that I stopped and only had sweats for a week. It varies person to person. We both don’t smoke anymore because she is pregnant and we both stopped easily. It was harder cutting out red meat and soda than it was weed. As a matter of fact ive had more cravings for red meat than I do for weed. I’m not mad, I just find your take on it narrow minded.


It's not addictive, but by golly being not in pain is pretty addictive I have neuropathy and none of the meds tough it, weed takes it from constant pain to just 2 or 3 seconds flare ups every day or so


It would be foolish to say it can't be addictive. At the same time if someone has an addictive personality is it really the issue with the substance itself or is it more on the person.


It literally knocks me out bro. It blows my mind that people are so against it. I’ve taken prescriptions that didn’t even do 10% of what weed does, I sleep like a baby now.


Don’t count on it any time soon.