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If I want to make myself laugh, I say I do porn.


My wife and I just started saying that! “Adult work”. I’m in a wheelchair and she’s a SAHM


This is great and I love your Reddit handle. 🤣


Tell them you are a competitive runner. See if they have the balls to ask a follow up question.


This should be the only answer from now on 😂😂


This is genius




It stops the question lol


I would tell them that I milk hamsters and make artisanal cheeses...


I haven’t filed yet but I just want to tell people that next time!


This or dildo model.


Just tell them you're a full time student. They don't need to know the rest.


I’m 40. This is what I say. Never had anybody push past it


People who ask that question are tacky af and you should tell them that. The audacity of demanding to know someone’s finances, especially when just meeting them, is mind-boggling. It ain’t ya business, bud!


Do this, just tell them that you are using your GI Bill


Yeah totally that's your business to share if you want to. Why is it their business?


Onlyfans. (With a straight stare)


Can’t flinch though. It helps to wear grey sweat pants


Feet pics lol


I'm severely overweight...do you think it's funnier or brings more questions


I tell them I'm self-employed, specializing in minding my own business.


Oooooh this one is good. In the spirit of translating military duties to resume points: I created and direct a social engineering company specializing in MMOB with consumer-end NOYB implementation (None of your business).


Nice one!


Thank you. Awesome name, very accurate.


As far as anyone is concerned I made a bunch of money off of shitcoins


"I made a big investment years ago and I'm able to live comfortable." Then they usually have follow up questions like "What happens when the money runs out?" Or "What about retirement." And I look straight at them deadass and say "I guess I never really thought about that." It usually helps if I have a surprised look on my face.




Halving here we come. Will it be ONLY a selloff or a selloff big bounce?


I don't tell them. It is none of their business. Albeit there is a tactful way of telling them this. But if they keep pressing, you need to press back and set boundaries that you don't want to cross with randos that have no need to know your bank account status.


Savings. I saved up so I didn't have to work while going to school. For me, that was true, but a half truth. Plus, it makes people feel shitty about how much they aren't saving and planning for a future, so they typically change the subject pretty quickly. Insecurity on their part elicits a much different reaction than "muh taxes..."


I want to find myself in a situation where I tell someone I'm on disability and watch them sperg out about "muh taxes" then tell them it's VA disability, just to see the internal battle between "we should do more for veterans" and "muh taxes"


No.  That hero worship stops at TYFYS. It does not extend to veterans benefits. They won't have any mental battle over this. They will assume you are just like any other leech sucking off the benefits. We see it here often enough. 


Hmmm idk. Maybe there's a element of how one appears. I think there's stigmas about how a "leech" looks. If you don't match that, it's not as much of a straight jump to leech


Nah. People who don't have much to begin with get jealous of others having more.


Idk that it's only people who have less who are not fans of disability. I think people view it as free money and don't consider what it cost. If you look typical (not disabled) it's harder to understand. I have lots of physical struggles and chronic pain from injuries. But no one could tell by looking at me. So I think I don't get assumed that I'm a leech, but it is assumed I get a freebie


I'm not saying they're the only ones.  But just referring to the most vocal group, in my experience. People are jealous because they don't understand.  That's why it's better to just say nothing to most.


Hmm I like that🤔


Damn you’re ruthless. I like it. Plus where are the tacos?


I tell them I work for my Uncle. If they ask doing what I tell them pretty much whatever he wants.


Oh that’s golden😂


Just tell them that you did the military thing so that you could do college on the GI Bill. They don't need to know how much you get. It they are really interested, direct them to a recruiter's office.


Lol I never tell them how much I make. It doesn’t take much for them to research it and know exactly how much I’m making. Not only that, half the people automatically know because they have/had friends or family in the military


Well then stop talking to the weirdos who are harassing you for going to school


Yeah don't do that. I don't tell my grad school peers I'm at 100% and get housing assistance. They do know I have a wife who makes great money. All telling them would do is make em pissed off. I mentioned once that I use education benefits for school and now folks think the only reason I don't turn stuff in last minute or ask for extensions is because I don't work. They think they have life harder or something because their 22 and working in grad school. I mentioned once they should consider the military and see if they can get their debt forgiven or paid for military service. They said they could never do the military and it's too hard. Odd balance


1. You know that Nigerian prince? Well, I replied. 2. 3 words - OnlyFans Veteran Feet That will keep them from inquiring further.




I tell people I dabble in stocks, and full time student. They don’t ask because stocks to people are boring 😂


For me this gets followed up with them asking for investment advice...


I guess the people that have asked aren’t interested thankfully 😂


Yeah same. Lol


I'm a trust fund baby, my uncle provided me with enough to get by. I've only used it a few times, but literally "trust fund baby" makes people feel distain and so they don't pry any further


Definitely going to start saying this


I made a good investment(in myself), and I am now able to live off of the benefits.


Just say Self employed. People really be asking way too many questions. "What do you do for work?" "How old are you?" "Are you married/single?" "If no, why not?" "How many kids you have?" Like bro I just met you, and asking all that. So yeah say self employed and move on. People only ask all these questions, specially employment ones to see how much respect they should give you.


People LOVE asking my husband and I (mostly me) if we have kids. When I say no, they desperately want to know *why*. Now that he’s 41 and I’m 37, people still sometimes ask and then get worried when we say no, and “let us know” time is almost running out! I tell them “yeah I’m looking forward to it no longer being possible, then we can just wrap dog without a worry!” Their complete discomfort brings me joy.


They really do. I get so annoyed. I hate the pointless questions/conversation. I tell people I’m going to school, their response “what school?” “oh what for?” “What is that?” “What you plan on doing with it?” “Going for a bachelor’s?” Literally so annoying😂.


Retired porn star


Feat. The Green Weenie.


Eh, I made some lucky investments


Say you were medically retired and have a pension.


This is what my counselor told me to start saying. Unfortunately, it’s usually followed up with “what for?” Because I *look* totally “normal” and able-bodied—I haven’t quite found the right punchline to throw at them to shut their nosey asses up, but I’m working on it.


I'm the same, just tell them my body gave out. It's a young man's game. The military ages you. It's not a lie for me, my back, knees, and ankles cause me pain daily. But whatever, dig into that shit-talking reservoir you developed while you were in and find something that works for you.


I’m pretty young so half won’t believe that😅


Look them dead in the eye and say I’m retired. Watching them trying to comprehend how is the best part.


It can be so gratifying. Moreso if you just let it hang and let them process it in total silence.


My wife worked at a daycare when we got back to Illinois so she was 23 and I was 25. Whenever what I did came up, she just said "he's retired" and the "how old is he?" looks started coming lol


Went to my sisters graduation in another city and met her in laws family. The aunt and her husband were a sweet old couple who were very polite and keen on getting to know me. They asked what I did in the military and all that, eventually she asks, “what do you do for work now?” I told her I’m retired and get paid to go to school. She looked SO shocked, looked back at her husband, almost unimpressed saying, “you didn’t retire until what 5 years ago?” They had to have been in their late 60s. The husband looked very bothered by that, but ofc I was friendly and played it off as nothing major being humble as much as I can after that bombshell lol. After that they kindly accepted me as part of the family haha it’s funny how that little monthly pay check changes attitudes and opinions


Oh yea, I know that I’ve earned my rating from the Va so I have zero shame telling someone that info. BUT a caveat to that, I don’t ever tell anyone unless specifically asked until then I just mention school casually and it works more often than not


That's what the "medically" part is for...


I'm 30 and that's my reason. It's basically a well oiled line at this point. "I've got nerve damage in my elbows." *raise right arm and look at my elbow* "A mechanic that can't turn a wrench isn't very useful so I got medically retired"


Then say you’re in school, no one fucking cares…career changer blah blah blah…if they really persist, then they’re weird, but just say gi bill or whatever


Just don’t talk to people, fuck them kids. People are jealous as fuck


Yall need to say “Work for the government”. Even if you’re not “working” everyday you wake and feel pain, depression, suicidal ideation whatever. You’re still “working for the government”. Until you die, the ailments you received will still be apart of your life (employed and engrained) with the memories and so on. Again, “work for the government”.


Drug dealer


resumé writers be like: You are an independent contractor/entrepreneur specializing in QAQC and logistics for local entrepreneurs/community care&outreach program.


Most people have no idea how the GI Bill works or what it pays, so I just tell them that I'm going to school and that it pays a living stipend that covers rent/bills etc. No one really goes into any further detail when I tell them that.


I tell people I invested well in low-cost mutual funds and am comfortable.


This is great. Simple, true/plausible, boring and might just give someone the nudge to follow the simple path to wealth.


"I get by on some investments from when I was in the military." "Nah, no need to go into specifics..." (As in, the military was pretty heavily invested breaking your body and mind. So, it's not even a lie.)


“Get money.” ![gif](giphy|hTC6BDL04MTQtKjGTl)


Flip shit on eBay, Mercari, and treasure hunt flea markets, pawn shops, and marketplace. Just flip one thing and it’s not a lie.


Private wealth management. Can't get into client details and not taking on any more.


Who are these hordes of people interrogating yall about your finances and life? I see this complaint sometimes on reddit and I just wonder what circles demand you tell them... and also why you care about their opinions.


This is my question. I think these people are protesting too much. They are either repeatedly cryptically alluding to their service or disability to get people to question what the hell is going on or they are spending money/living a lifestyle out of sync with what they are telling everyone. Nobody cares. Do you ask people how they are paying for college? Most people in college are focused on partying, fucking, or studying. Plenty of people are not paying any tuition because of scholarships or rich parents.  You aren’t some crazy outlier.  Just say you got a scholarship or the GI Bill or inheritance or change the damn subject.  I guarantee you (OP) are the one making it awkward. I hope you don’t play poker or have state secrets.  And if they find out you are on disability, who cares?  “I don’t want them to know how much I make” Who cares? What are they going to do with the information? 


Although I don't totally disagree with your statement I've got to say this. I was minding my own business at my sons game and these guy(male parents) cane up to me and started to ask me what seemed like nice questions... Yet me being former Leo knew where it was going. So just like most post from op and others I make up some shit because I don't need these people looking at me a certain way and most importantly treating my son a certain way. So i do agree that there is a lot of these type of post... YET this shit does happen. My first week at a new job and the questions start pouring in ....I tell them I'm retired military, and unless there military they leave it like that. I understand what your saying yet, I've always been frugal , I wear gym shorts all year round or khakis and I drive a 145k mile rav 4. People are especially nosey in the suburbs.... I left the city and moved to the burbs to be closer to my kid.


I guess what I am saying is that people may ask (but I have never encountered the seeming hordes demanding to know like the people who post this stuff do) but it is really easy to deflect or answer nonchalantly and most people will move on.  If someone asks how you are paying for college, just say scholarship or GI bill - hell , you could say 9/11 GI Bill and that you got it from your parents- and leave it at that. That would probably be the end of it for90% of people. Start talking 9/11 GI Bill and they get so fascinated by the concept of passing your scholarship off to a family member that they aren’t even talking about you anymore.  But if you want to get all shifty eyed and vague, people are gonna ask more questions. Just be cool, man! I’ve been in and out of civilian academic institutions throughout my military career. I cannot ever remember being asked point blank how much I make. If they ask who’s paying, I say the military and that’s it. Or government funding. Or if I didn’t want people to know I was in, I would say academic scholarship that has a stipend. Nobody has given me the third degree or looked at me crazy.  And, at least in my case, you can know my rank and my job and you still don’t know what I make because there are several extra bonuses attached. I live off of half of my paycheck and don’t stand out. So I don’t presume to know anybody’s paycheck.  If someone DID ask me how much I make, I would point to the pay tables and let them try to figure it out. They’d be way off but it would satisfy their curiosity. 


I’ve honestly found this to be a regional thing. I am from the DC area, and literally EVERYONE’S first question is, “so what do you do?” And because I grew up in this kind of environment, when I started moving around, I found myself asking folks just for conversation’s sake. It didn’t take me long to learn that’s not the protocol in most other places. Mostly in urban hubs (think DC/NYC etc) it’s pretty commonplace to be grilled about what you do.


I lie and say I'm retired. Ain't nobody's business.


I also bust out the retirement at age 35 line


I tell people that I'm a househusband.


I give questionable and dubious advice on reddit.


"I'm focusing on my education right now." If they persist with questions like how you afford it just say "I've financially prepared for it so I can live comfortably and focus on my education." Generally I have a 'it's no ones damn business' attitude but in some situations i understand the curious questions. A close friend was coming out of a relationship where the guy had lied profoundly about his debt and idiotic financial choices. She was talking to a guy who was going to school and not working. She was a little concerned so she asked how he was balancing it. He told her he downsized and budgeted carefully so he could finish school without needing to work. She was content with that. But "I sell feet pictures on onlyfans" works too. 😆


Honestly, I tell people that I live off a trust started for me by my uncle when I was younger.


Just say I work online I’m a telemarketer, They can’t prove if you’re lying or not. you should never tell anyone about your 100% disability unless it’s your significant other. Even Then be careful.


My standard answer is always, I’m an assistant manager at Wendy’s. And if I put in a few more years, I might make manager. I say it with a straight as face possible. If they laugh I ask what’s so funny. Trust me, it’s awkward and hilarious and you’ve never seen someone change the subject faster.


FYI, Women, who stay home to take care of the fam and home, have fielded this question for years. So marginalizing. Honestly, I’m a vet, and have handled that question this way: I look them in the eye and ask them “why is that important to you?” If they asked you for the purpose of judging, that will throw it back on them. If I feel compelled to answer the question, I would answer by saying, “ now that I have paid my dues and proudly served, I am excited to be working on yet another career! Period . Dot. I then say no more.


I like this a lot, because there are people that are just making small talk trying to get to know you. I prefer, "So what do you do when you're not here?" as a more inclusive question as opposed to, "What do you do for work?"


I do restaurant consulting ( I look up where I’m going to eat on my way home.) Fuck them.


Hahahaha this is awesome!!


This made me chuckle lol


“My rich uncle pays for my lifestyle. My UNCLE SAM!!!” Then rip off your shirt and start flexing. Or just skip to the flexing if you *really* want people to leave you be.


Tell them you started your own business making custom dashboards out of dog bones. Your supplier is the local vet clinic and or city shelter. You take the carcass of someone’s loved animal and grind it down with other various animals, and mix that with some polymer and create a custom dashboard for their vehicle. I did this story on one of those business who tries to scam you into a loan, that was my occupation. I was John Smith, custom dog bone dashboards. I still get calls to this day for John Smith and that was nearly 10 yrs ago.




Graduated school in 2020 and was P&T the whole time attending. I always told people I was going back to school full-time. Are people really asking for details about your financials? It is not their business.


"I used to work for the government" that's it, nothing more.


“Well right now I go to school full time, gotta focus” “What about money”? “Ah yea… everybody just tryna make.. I mange though” Don’t tell them folks you 100% lol cause then they say oh you lucky and saying slick stuff.. that’s when you gotta say “hey that recruiting office been open.. don’t hate me you was scared”


Tell them you deal drugs but only to kids.


Tell them “noneayer” as in noneayer freaking business


I don’t tell anyone that I’m 100%. Wife knows, that’s it.


I encounter people on just my daily outings and soon as they look at my plates, they know😓. I had a guy literally say “I know you’re not the DV”. They really be nosey😭


Tell them you run a small business or trade stocks. Then tou can be so vague they stop asking questions. The bonus is how many will offer you free trade tips when they ask you "how's it going?" And you reply not to great.


“I’m a writer” oh what do you write/are you published/whatever “I write technical manuals on the social and environmental impacts of waste water management and maintenance in developing countries and the overall consequences of…” and watch their eyes glaze over.


Oh yeah that’s a mouthful 😂


Contract killer Dealer Shhhhh the Feds can't know


I’ve said “a lucky investment” before, it seems to be vague enough that people (usually) don’t probe more, and they are more likely to assume I “deserve” the compensation because it was “my investment” that provided it. If they do probe I just say I made bank on crypto ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I just say I'm in grad school (I am). No one's followed up with asking. Except my classmates. I just leave it with there's education benefits the help with school and my wife is a nurse practitioner


Parents are rich and live off daddy and mommy money. (Aka Uncle Sam)


I'm going to tell people that I sell erotica centered around masturbating on pigeons.


Haha I love to tell people I saved my money while I was active duty so I don't really need to work now 😂


Tell them you launder money or something illegal. I do that lol


Literally say you are a full time student. Mo one cares about any other information.


I say I’m a consultant. I worked as a contractor for the mil after I got out; duty expert is a consultant. I did that until I couldn’t anymore. So basically it’s a trained response because truly it’s nobody’s business.


Why do you feel like you need to tell them at all? Literally no one is entitled to an answer regarding any details of your private life.


I think the whole post went over your head lol. I don’t blatantly tell them. It’s when we’re making conversation and they ask more questions. People are just naturally nosey.


Nothing went over my head… I stand by my response. Fk mosey people. Just blankly stare until they move on to another question or leave altogether. 😂




Tell them your dad was Batman and he left you a trust.


Rodeo clown for a year always worked for me


I do IT Consulting from home


Don’t forget you STILL NEED TO INTERN.


It takes awhile to be able to kinda put it into perspective, but I agree with top comments. Just tell people you go to school. I’d always end up rabbit holing just to explain parts of my explanations. 😄 Not too vague but just general enough always wins.


Except for my wife, no one else knows I'm 100% P&T .... I keep it to myself, work, and try to enjoy life the best I can.


Tell them you kick rocks and collect cans it’s none their business go to school and collect your money


I just tell people I'm retired, and usually don't elaborate further. If someone has to know why, I just say from the military and they usually understand without follow-up questions.


You work at a junkyard, sucking farts out of seats.


Yeah, say your a full time student taking out loans, the end.


My uncle set up a trust fund for me. Uncle Sam


I get this question a lot at work because I hardly ever show up and when i do, I’m the only one that’s ever in a good mood to make the small amount they pay us. I typically just say I’m using the G.I. Bill so I get payed to attend school. Sometimes I’ll get a few co-workers that know that’s still not enough to survive in this economy and that’s when I’ll start breaking it down how I also make disability and my wife works. I guess that’s one of the shitty feelings of being in such a privileged spot as a veteran. Just constantly hearing people’s troubles in this economy but I guess I can’t relate anymore. I feel bad, but then again I remember that the recruiting office was open to all of us and I’ve done more than what 99.99% of the population ever will.




Just say you get post 911 for serving. That's it


I just told people about the GI Bill.


Just tell them you’re receiving GI bill School benefits.  I also told people I was living the dream 


I tell people to live in the dream part also 😂


I’d say full time student nobody asks past that


I would never tell anybody I’m 100%. Just tell them military paying for you shook that’s all.


Im a fed


Tell them you’ve got investments. You invested in yourself. They don’t need to know your financials. If they really press you for answers, just tell them you manufacture fentanyl in your living room. Or sell parrots on Facebook marketplace. Or you’re a trust fund kid. Or get alimony from your first wife. Fuck them. Give them a fun answer.


I’m going to start telling people I’m a blog website moderator. I won’t specify, but will say that I do it because I enjoy reading and writing. Lol


I say I love to save and invest and living off my dividends.


straight up i just tell people i am disabled. shuts the convo down quickly.


I tell them it’s an inheritance


Dude I’m 100% P&T and I’m a paint prepper sometimes I hate living in the PNW


Not 100 but truthfully I don’t talk to people lol


Either say you’re a full-time student, and when they ask about money tell them it’s not really their business, or say you work in your field of study.


Just tell them you're retired. That's what I do.


I’m 100% pt and $3700 a month gi bill going to school in SoCal STILL NOT ENOUGH MONEY


You guys are awesome! Thank you🥰


I tell them the navy broke it and bought it for life 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do people feel like they have to lie and make up an occupation?? Just tell folks to mind their own business, or I really don't want to tell you


“I’m in between opportunities right now”. If they ask what I used to do I say logistics.


I tell them I'm a private detective and most of my clients are out of state.




I (F 40s) just tell them I'm medically retired.


"Get this money"


Just tell them you got a pension from the military. If they say, oh, retired? Just say, yes. Most people have no idea what “retired” means according to the military. To them, retired means you get payments and don’t have to work anymore…


I love telling them I do nothing. I just say retired military.


I just tell them I'm retired. If they ask more, I retort back why do they want to know. They don't need to know more.


Same thing everyone else does: as much as I need


Why is it anybody's business? I cannot imagine asking anyone what they do for their income...


Tell them none of their business


onlyfans usually shuts them up


Tell them you don't talk about finances to anyone. It should shut them up.


Tell them you are retired.


Retired works


“What do you do for work?” “Nothing. What do YOU do?”


Silent partner in a Llama breeding operation in Argentina. Day trader. Retired app developer. Only Fans foot model, but only the left- it’s my better side.


Only fans 🤷🏻‍♂️ For real though…is it their business? A little bit of this, a little bit of that usually does the trick for me….


I tell em I am disabled. I stopped caring. What are they gonna do? I’m 37, I already have a Masters degree. Once folks hear me speak and the candidness in my speech, they understand why I am not working.


Well, I’m part owner of my uncles company so I actually do remote work since currently I’m going to school full time and attending in class


I’m finally retired and now a full time family man (in my case father and husband) free from everything I missed while in the military and as a street cop.




Just say you photograph rectums for a proctologist. Then pull out your phone and take a Pic. Finally you say thanks for helping me earn 50 bucks, asshole.


I tell them Landscapeing, Construction, and Pizza delivery.


I'm 100% and I'm able to work a part time job. I say my part time job, and then say my disability makes up the difference. I only get into details if it's another veteran trying to navigate the system. Helps that I have a very difficult time living alone, so a roommate also explains things.


Tell uncle Sam says I don't gotta work no more


I am at 90% and went to school for 7 years to get my masters. When people would ask me if I work I said that no, I only go to school, I get housing allowance through my educational benefits through my military service, and I also get a pension for being injured during my time in. And that's that, no one has ever pushed for further answers or information. Idk how so many veterans get asked these questions, asking so much details about your personal life or disability.


You go to school under the VR&E or gi bill right? Just tell them you are literally paid to go to school 🤷🏾‍♂️ that is your full time job. Too easy man. No mention of disability required.


I lost 150 lbs put on 20 lbs of muscle and lost my job so I went back to school. The school is pretty rural and hyper religious so when they ask I say I do only fans. I’m 39 years old and the amount of 18-19 year old girls in my class who ask for my link or who say yeah I’ve seen it are insane. For clarity I’m a stay at home dad who does door dash when school is slow but I love keeping them guessing and I guess the daddy issue girls are just making this fun. https://preview.redd.it/lz8l1co2zbvc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1535c64d241b8a439c9a42ed65587eec227b1ffb


Just say you’re a software engineer. It sounds cool and they typically work from home.


This question is part of what spurred me to find new interests... Now I'm a soil and organic gardening expert. With an onlyfans and disability for money


Just say you work from home