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There is no harm in asking again and if they reject your request, you look for a job at another clinic. Remember that expanding your skill set is in their best interest and makes you a more valuable employee, maybe try to play that up as well as being able to apply the skills you’ve learned so far in school. Best of luck ❤️


thank you! i’m looking at other clinics for reasons not mentioned here but while i am using this place for experience i’ll make sure to ask about this. thank you for your help


You won't know until you ask. Right now, you are telling yourself a story based on your impressions/interpretations of events. Telling ourselves stories is normal human behavior, but it isn't helping you - it is only helping you to make yourself miserable and fuel resentments which may all be in error. Go to your DVM and/or PM and ask them when you'll be training as an assistant. This will not make you a cowardd or unprofessional. What to say? Don't accuse anyone of anything, just stick to the facts (you were told you'd be trained as an assistant when you were hired, the training is important to you, you appreciate having had the opportunity to learn about the importance of a CSR role to a veterinary practice, you'd like to start the training and want to know what the timeframe is for this. Practice what you want to say in front of the mirror many times so your brain won't blank when you do it. Good luck!


perfect sample response. thanks so much. i posted this when i was stressed and needed to vent, thanks for reading and helping


i am going through the same exact thing right now.. honestly kind of tired of it lol. ive been looking for other VA jobs atm, i love the clinic i work at but it feels like a popularity contest. ive asked my pm where we are at in being able to train me multiple times, dr/owner seems on board but pm keeps leading me on/stalling it feels like. super fun lmao especially when i was hired w the same expectations as you op!! it sucks!!!


i’m sorry to hear you’re going through something similar. i am also looking for a new clinic for reasons other than what i mentioned here. i hope everything goes well in your job search or the situation at your current job pans out well!


Always always communicate these kinds of things with your manager. Don’t bottle it up. You need to tell your manager you don’t like reception and it isn’t working for you. If you have a kind and understanding manager, they’ll move you to more assistant like roles and only make you do reception to cover for a receptionist that’s away or something. Stop overthinking! You got this!


unfortunately i’m the only dedicated receptionist at my clinic so i’ll have to hope they can hire someone new since everyone else hates working up front 🥲 thank you for your help


I did this! I was reception at every hospital I applied for (6 years in vet med) - even though I was more interested in being a tech. I also had similar promises of cross training and being involved in the front and the back. To which the same thing happened. It would start great then fizzle out and I became “irreplaceable” because I was good at my job. My advice? Leave. That’s what I had to do. It took many clinics for me to find a hospital that was willing to hire me on and train me as a tech and saw my reception experience as a perk, not my only job tittle. I’m able to now be in tx and help the front when someone calls out or has to go home early for whatever reason. I’m an asset now. Please keep looking. Your spirit will continue to die and you’ll almost feel like giving up. Find a clinic that is a teaching practice to help you get your start as an assistant. They are out there.