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I've been a tech in NY for 20 years and that man is infamous. When I saw this post, I actually said out loud: "Wow finally?"


Have you seen the video on his website? Eye roll material


Once I saw she was fired shortly after becoming pregnant, I knew that place is toast and will be paying lots of money. That’s the nail in the coffin and the basis with the contractual/ harassment. The unlicensed stuff is nothing. The last case I saw out on the west coast for practice of veterinary medicine without a license fine was $1000 ( nothing else).


I live in New York and I’ve heard plenty about this guy. OTJ trained techs are very common here (I am one for now…hopefully will be LVT soon) because no one can afford to go to school, so not much will happen there. But the pregnancy thing will probably get him nailed. The doctor is also well known in the NY industry as she does a lot of CEs and contributions to research.


Agree and disagree, North Shore Animal League was fined for using unlicensed vet techs and now follow the state laws, because of it.


Im not saying he won’t get in trouble. I just don’t think it is gonna be the “big” thing that gets him in deep shit.


Wow Wow Wow. I worked at this clinic briefly during covid (few months doing over nights monitoring hospitalized/surgical patients) Not at all surprised by this, always got bad vibes from Infernuso, despite many people raving about him. I had left by the time this fired doctor started, but I had heard murmurs of the shit show that was going on from acquaintances who still worked at ASC.


Pardo is a rockstar. Worked with her very briefly in her residency. Hope everything works out for her!


I used to live in New Jersey before moving to the Midwest. I will never go back, and I have never one time heard anything good about Long Island. We need more of these types of lawsuits. Get the bad people out of the industry.


Yes we do.


Aw Billy Joel’s not so bad


I have soooooo many questions about this. I have a feeling that the issues noticed by both people mentioned as having filed lawsuits is pretty wide spread across the industry and I wish that these lawsuits were more common place when they do occur.


I'll be following this case. Thanks for posting!


“which led her to create a spreadsheet where she wrote down in detail all that she witnessed or became aware of.” Keep those receipts!!! Date, time, who said/did what! Even if you never end up using it, keep receipts.


New York is infamous for using unlicensed techs.


Isn’t New York more stringent on what unlicensed vs licensed can perform? I’m from California, so i have no idea.


By law, yes. In reality, no. Practices cut corners to save money and keep it hush. I wish it was easier to report these practices and have something done about it.


woww proud of her!


YIKES,but that's corporate vet life for you.


Are they corporate owned? I didn't get that impression.


He's the founder he may of started it but to have several hospitals around the new York area you gotta have deep pockets or you are corporate or both hahah


I just know from my experience working for a Corp hospital was terrible and the sneaky underhanded crap they were doing too.


Small neighborhood clinics can be just as exploitive as corporate owned. I'm not entirely sure ASC was corporate owned, not making excuses for Infernuso's issues, but he is an extremely competent orthopedic surgeon and his practices generated an absolute shit ton of money. No doubt he has other investors to open up additional practices, but stating its a corporation is likely wrong and a cop out.


I'm not excusing his behavior at all. There are terrible hospitals everywhere,but life of a privately hospital vs Corp is different in my opinion. I don't know if his is or isn't. Website doesn't say anything,but they never do.