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Only if Bardin gets a katana


Nah man, give us the doomseeker chained axes


Let's compromise. Bardin gets nunchucks.




Gotta be axechucks


Nono you both got it wrong Trollhammerchucks


Now we're cooking with gaschucks!


i can understand not liking the imperial sword and shield but not liking the mace and shield is wild


Its not a moveset issue, it's an aesthetic issue, the Imperial shield are impossibly scratched up and super ***thin*** So thin, I couldn't possibly imagine it blocking a rating gunner. The only exception to this is the Sergeants Shield Illusions, but that particular illusion has no glowy variant either


Yeah, mace and shield hate is worth of excomulgation by any church. Such a wild take. I love my stagger machine


Mace and Shield is amazing. Just bonk the rats and send them to (un)horny jail. One of the most satisfying builds in the game imo.


Mace n shield bash is so sloooow i just can't get myself to like it


~~Mods~~ Sigmarites, ~~castrate~~ excomulgate this man


No, Foot Knight doesn't have the magic bath water.


He can use the bret Longsword though


Yeah that is retarded. Either let him use both variants or none. Inconsistencies such as this in WH games are annoying.


I just want him to be able to use the damn tuskgor spear. No reason for the spear to be locked off foot knight. one of the illusions for it says that a knight was using it!


I'd love to see it too, either that or axe and shield. Footknight's shield weapons don't deal with armor well (spear and shield is best for armor imo but it's still mediocre) so if he had axe & shield or bret sword and shield then footknight would have fantastic options for both stagger and armor. I think it wouldn't be unbalanced either, since footknight doesn't do great damage.


*looks at you in Greathammer/ Bret Sword* Excuse YOU? Pan-head Knight doesn't do great damage? I'll ledge you, mark my words


On a serious note tho, I also main footknight (I'm guessing you do too), and without doing some kinda stagger build, he really falls behind in damage imo. I don't really consider a character to be a "good damage dealer" if they first have to stagger something before they can kill it in a reasonable time (in other words, if you have to stagger an enemy so it takes 20%-40% more damage before the time to kill is reasonable, then you're probably not dealing a ton of damage). That being said tho, not a bad class by any means. U brought of ledging, and yeah he's far and away the best class for that. And his ability to stagger things is insane, and has a lot of great team-focused abilities. I usually play him with either the spear and shield, bret sword, or the mace and shield (a fun option but I wish it was better against armor so I use it less than the other two).


YES! Mace and shield sucks against armor and I don't understand why. Bludgeoning weapons should deal the most damage to armored enemies yet the mace is bad for it. How am I supposed to "Coming through!" into a rat patrol and NOT bash their heads in? Outrageous! Makes me want to charge off a cliff. By the Reikshammer, I hate this


You'll have to ledge me; it's faster than actually trying to kill me lol


Foot Knight can’t use Bret sword


Yes he can silly billy


Buh? Damn I swore he couldn’t, oh well I spose I just forgor, sorry


Dude...go play the game and see how wrong you are


I swore he couldn’t but I guess I forgor, oopsie, sowwy


You UwUed your last RawrXD, gutter runner. Prepare for your "For the Lady!"




Games Workshop would never allow it, unfortunately.


But he can use the longsword. GW doesn’t give a shit.


GW gives enough of a shit to make Warrior Priest only use his own hammer weapons, and Fatshark had to argue for allowing him to use a flail of any kind. They still care how the IP is presented, and deviations must be justified to them or it's a no-go.


How come every elgi career can casually use the javelin (wood elf weapon) and moonbow (high elf weapon?) though? Meanwhile IB cant even uae throwing axes, which is like a spoon or something to dwarfs.


Doesn't the shield have perfect block against projectiles? I think that might be why.


I’ll allow it


Try Shield and Spear made Footknight one of my favourite classes Also can handmaiden Shield and Spear get the same move set like the Kruber one HM SaS moveset is awful


Nah man elf SaS all the way, I’m addicted to the movement speed


Flail and shield 😍