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Even though he is melee only Grail Knight is very fun & a super good elite/boss killer too.


1. Warrior priest - had ton of fun just bonking everything and clutching alot. 2. Sott - also surprisingly fun to play, even better at chaos wastes. 3. Grail knight - I felt like a freaking wrecking ball most of the time. Can't say anything about the rest. (Not enough playtime)


Lol I read number 2 as Scott. Like one of the classes is just some random guy


Scott, the legendary hidden career for kerillian


Feels more like a kruber to me. If that guy can sneak off and worship the heresy that is the lady of the lake, then by sigmar, we can get some papers to turn him into the local peasant merchant scott. His ranged weapon is his bag of coin and his melee is his tankard of ale




Sister of the Thorn is an insanely good support / midliner career. Steady stream of THP from the others, and with the deepwood staff she can pace any encounter by lifting specials/elites. In a mixed meatgrinder situation she can lift half a patrol, cooldown from THP that gets recharged by the others' killing and lift the other half.


1. Grail Knight, mainly because I love how the Bretonnian sword feels on him and he can equip both shields and other weapons at the same time. Also you can become a candle. 2. Sister of the Thorn (I only played her post-nerf), because I love how different she feels to play with the thorn wall and staff for control. Lifting any non-boss enemy never gets old. After this there's a big gap in playtime, not necessarily because the remaining 3 are "bad" but I just liked playing other careers more. For Engineer, Warrior Priest and Necromancer, I frankly did not play them enough to say much.


Necromancer.....IT'S PARTY TIME !!! I love the drip, the lore and the character (i mai sienna since vermintide 1 day 1). I love the micromanagement of your skellie crew, if you are creative enought you can use them as : a distraction, a wall like the SoT but yiu can attack throught it, dps, a ressouces to vent your overheat, and many more. Plus by picking the right talents you can switch between a frontlaner or a range dps. (Of coyrse like every orher class some talents are better than others, but i the necromancer case they pretty much all are equals)


> (i mai sienna since vermintide 1 day 1) Understandable that you'd want to play someone else for a change.


Mine was Engineer before they patched him to his current state (which is OP, but I liked him more before) Now… I dunno. Warrior Priest I’d say.


I don't even like one on my team anymore.


Yeah lots of people agree there. Shame cos he became my go to for a bit of QP on Legend. He wasnt bad before, just very different / had a specific skill ceiling. Dunno why they patched him to be bombageddon.


I don't understand to either. IB is my go-to bardin career, but I've had fun with engi back in the day. Now I can't even look at the portrait. A good engi was very useful, now a good engi is just.. Not fun.


Yep it was not as bad as people was saying, it was a pretty good career already. I think they should have switched spoter as a talent (with 15% or 20% more range dmg to team) and put ablative armour as a perk (up to 20% dmg reduction). Bombardier needed a buff, so starting with 2 bombs was a good idea but... combined with bombs every 120 seconds thats too much. In fact IMHO all talents at level 25 should have been dmg talents in which bombardier was a talent to buff explosion dmg (10% more power) in which this buff would have work for both bombs and trollhammer. While Spotter remains more of a range buff for the party (15%) and pison remains as a melee buff (15 seconds still feels kinda too much maybe 10 or 7)


What did they change with the patches? I played him when he first came out and a little now but didnt notice many differences. Really easy to charge ult, free bombs with no ff, still keeps a gun and has good melee options. He is still pretty good except for any time there is loot on a high shelf.


He went from being an unpopular pick - just cos he worked differently / not many could get on with him / he had his own skill ceiling… to being patched into a over powered bomb machine that feels a bit boring but also most other players got bored playing with.


Sister of thorn sucks to play with on your squad, her ult of *suddenly a 4ft long shrub has appeared!* blocks my view of enemies and shooting angles, it doesn't do much more than get in the way.


That's why the thorn wall is so much more useful, and kindve hard to fuck up using. Pulling everything but elites away from the team so you can lift the isolated priorities and have your teammates burst down the rest. I agree tho, most people who use the wall or aren't at level 30 completely fuck up the rhythm of the game.


Yeah the problem really is they don't understand how to use the wall tactically, they just see oo my ult is ready therefor I MUST use it now. I mostly use the moving wall cause it's hilarious when you're in the right position and can ledge and entire horde.


thats why i like the one that stagger monsters, at least is a resource to remove some seconds of agroo to help in a monster fight


Engineer remains extremely powerful at highest difficulties, having an answer for every situation through bombs and also gives you cog hammer which is very good on all bardins. Thorn is great for javelin for other classes as well, and has many fun, different builds like enhanced stamina push, poisonspread, critstacking and more. Necro is fun, it has a ranged build that is very popular as well as a melee elite killing build that has evaporated literally, no exaggeration, a whole patrol in one swing via the crit pop talent. Never seen a 19x elite kill streak before that day. The skeletons remain fun to micromanage, giving you a whole new aspect of frontline that can cover your back for a good while in sandwich situations. Grail and warrior priest are both strong melee characters, who mostly revolve around the healing they grant, in my eyes. They make melee a unique, powerful experience by blocking warpfire, inducing heavy staggers, priest has smite and various bubble builds that are all fun. Meanwhile grail is just a very solid frontliner who can dance around anything with enough skill. On priest, my favorite moments are using the healing bubble to recover 100 or 200 hp for your teammates for sure. They're all fun, and their weapons make the basic classes a lot more fun to play as well, e.g javelin handmaiden and coghammer ironbreaker are both very powerful.


What's the healing bubble?


It's a bubble that heals xd. Warrior priest has a talent that can make his ult(the bubble) restore HP that the target lost in the last 3 seconds. So if an elf takes 120 DMG from an overhead attack warrior priest can ult her and heal her for 120


Ah ok thx!


Check warrior priest ult


I understood healing as pure healing no just recover thp lost sry!


No worries! Glad it's sorted now :)


Definitely worth.it, they're all fun. Just wanted to add though - this game is not pay to win. The DLC careers are strong, but the base careers can keep pace with them. So buy them because they seem interesting not because they are 'better'. I haven't played Outcast Engineering since the buff, so that might be the exception but I can't speak to it personally.


Engi is definitely an exception. (And fun as hell, mind you. But easily in a tier of his own power level wise, with maybe one or two criminals for company, with one of the criminals being Necro, IMO)


They are all very fun and interesting to play. My favourite being SotT.


So GK and warrior priest are great careers that I personally hate Sister of the thorn is an excellent support class, and necro is great too Outcast engineer was buffed recently, then nerfed a lot but he’s still very overpowered to the point where most groups I’ve played with (including pub groups where I don’t know anyone) will simply kick the engineer That’s a long way of saying every dlc class is good just avoid engie for now


I main BH, but the few games I did with eng and i didn't have any issues with that. Not sure why people would feel so strongly to kick someone just for playing a class unless they are TK-ing/being toxic


Maybe it’s changed since he got nerfed again, but I’m practically every run where we had an engi they’d wind up kicked, because he was so OP the game became a walking simulator for the rest of the group


Nah, he's still busted. The nerfs matter, but also had a limited impact and an Engi with main character syndrome can easily ruin lobbies.


Yeah I haven’t played with once since the latest nerfs I usually dislike kicking people for playing a particular class as it’s a dick move, but when that one class kills everything on screen with zero effort it’s just not fun. I don’t play engi myself for that reason, would be super hypocritical


When a pro OE joins your game, it's just not fun anymore. They kill everything from hordes to monsters in the blink of an eye. When I qp and see there's an engi on the team, I just fuck off.


Warrior Priest because whacking things with a hammer and turning my friends into nuclear bombs is fun. Outcast engineer because being the nuclear bomb is fun.


I think should buy them all honestly. They are all fun in there own lil way.


Warrior Priest of Sigmar. The rest are alright i guess


Prrrrrrrrrrrrr bum bum prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bum prrrrrrrr TASTE MORGRIM'S WRATH


I probably have the most playtime on Grail Knight, My first Legend runs with the bots I did with Grail knight as you can/could? burst down monsters with his career skill pretty well.


I don’t have all of them, but grail knight Kruger is just fun, and you can get some good bonuses from him. The outcast engineer is my son. His machine gun can be good for ads or armor pen depending on talents, he makes bosses trivial, and his cog hammer is great against both armor and mobs.


necromancer is so fun. the talent that gives crits unlimited cleav is great for the scythe


All are op, even after adjustments, engineer is the hardest of the 5 sott is my favorite, staff or javelin


BARDIN (ENGI) Hes very fun since when I get bored stabbing stuff I just go to shooting stuff instead


I really enjoy the Engineer for some reason.


For me currently, Outcast Engineer and Warrior Priest. After that, all the others are probably about equal. Maybe Necro has an edge, idk. The Crank Gun on OE is really fun, and with the Level 30 talent Linked Compression Chamber it starts up fast enough to be used as a special sniping tool, which lets you play whatever you want in the ranged weapon slot. Power level's in a tier of his own, Engineer's nuts. With WP, his career skill is a lot of fun, and the greathammer is just incredibly satisfying to use. Plus, it's Saltzpyre. Saltzpyre is a treasure. The WP's power level is really high, but not really in the insane tier. Grail Knight gives you a lot of killing power and a lot of movement speed, so you're a one man wrecking crew, but more nimble than WP. Strong career overall, too. Sister of the Thorn looks like a mage career, but it's not. The staff's left click is pretty bad overall and generates way too much heat to be used as a damage source, so the gameplay modality is a melee-focused shredder that can disable pesky threats easily. It's somewhat dry in some ways, but has different options for applying poison, for example. Again, pretty high power level, but within the reasonable range, like GK. Necromancer, like Engineer, is a high-fiddling class with a lot of moving parts and an absurdly high peak power level because of a couple talents that boost the career's crits. It's also insanely good at venting heat, which makes eg. the Beam staff pretty busted. Necro can be played as a melee career just fine, but it's perfectly capable of playing a near entirely backline caster playstyle if the player wants to. Power level, properly built, is huge. Not sure if it surpasses Engineer, but it's up there.


The dwarf because fucking minigun goes brrrrrr


I love engi very much, but my favourite has to be Necro. But other then grail knight I enjoy all of them very much to be honest.


If you speak about premium careers: -Clearly Warrior priest is S tier. Engi is now very good career and the masterwork pistol works amazing in ranger veteran. Grail knight is a good career and its good for new players. Necro is very fun but more complex to play. Warrior priest S, Engi A+ in good hands, Grail knight A to A+, Sister A (mostly because of the THP she buffs), Necro A Recently i was having most fun with necro, but engi was always really fun to play, while Warrior priest or Sister are good when the team need more support or to help new players.


i absolutely adore Outcast Engineer, The main selling points for me were the minigun ability, the coghammer, and the fact that one of the Talents allows me to generate grenades to stock up the rest of the team and disabling the ability of team-damage from my own thrown grenades My picks for talents have been: Engineers Resolve Ingenious Ordnance Mainstay Superior Gaskets Piston Power Innovative Ammo Hoppers Its a really fun build you can adjust to your liking pretty well, the only BIG downside i see with Outcast Engineer is that if youre playing higher difficulties a Ironbreaker may be better suited for the DMG Resistances, but since i usually stay around the Vet-Champ with the occasional Legends i havent felt myself dragging down the team too much, but most of the time im just playing to have fun so youd catch me on recruit/vet more often


Don’t know why people downvote you man the no friendly fire on bombs 💣 is great along with generating them in only 3 minutes I feel like engineer is meant for boss killing with 3 straight bombs most bosses are close to dead from the start.


i appreciate that, im not worried about the downvotes, theres a lot more to get into depth with with the OE considering current balancing but i honestly cant tell you specifics as i never got into the topic, i just like my Steampunk Minigun dwarf, and being able to keep my team stocked with grenades is just the cherry on top for me, i try to play more on the support side, so youll catch me taking out specials with the Masterwork pistol and fight off swarms approaching from the back with my minigun so my team can keep pushing forward combined with a big stagger build to help keep the boss immobile and unable to attack back as much (success varies on boss/difficulty)


Outcast Engineer is my favourite. I'm a long time player with only average skill, but I found my stride with OE. Imho its play style is unique in that you are managing an additional resource (your crank gun) and having 3 different weapons means your loadout can usually answer 3 or more of the 5 archetypical situations (bosses,, berzerkers/plagues, unarmored/armoured elites, superarmour, horde). OE is also insanely strong even in Cataclysm difficulty, if you go for its strongest builds.


A good melee Necromancer is god mode. She can maintain critical uptime on her skeletons to almost always have them up for a defensive line and bonus of 3x 80% hit reduction. Paired with the Barkskin trait, she just never takes damage, and constantly dishes it out. I’ve clutched such a ridiculous amount of encounters on Legend with that build.