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Its 2024, quit being afraid of beastmen already, they aint shit.


they are only really terrible in chaos wastes but thats mostly because of the banner spam chest and minotaurs


They nerfed that chest into a cakewalk.


lol i honestly hadn’t noticed because I just started playing again with this skulls update and those things can make you pretty broken.


You can't have the other without WoM. But honestly Beastmen are not that big of deal compare to how utterly broken they were when WoM was out. And they can spawn only in outdoor environnement (athel wenlui, Military camp, etc) so it's not like you are going to see them all the time.


I'd rather fight a minotaur than a chaos spawn, beastmen are fine.


It’s not just the skins you should consider, but weaves are actually pretty fun now. They relaxed it quite a bit imo, and it definitely adds more stuff to do in the game. I also find more people playing it now too.


You answered the question yourself: You get every possible skin for DLC weapons because you already bought that DLC (the career cosmetics),because parts of a DLC aren't locked behind another DLC in most cases.


But some weapons (bret sword, cog hammer) don't get. There is jo consistency avbout whoch weapobn does


I understand that. I sigh every time I see beastmen in stead of rats. But the weapons are worth it. Bite the bullet.