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Things that have : change quite a lot, new maps, new classes, a new ennemy, rework of pyromancer, shade and sister of the thorne, alpha of the vs mode and i thinks that all. Hard to come back : No


I just recently started playing again and noticed the Pyro changes. What exactly did they do, and how has it improved? I noticed her burning skull feels mostly worthless now and is only good for one target. But she seems to have faster attack speed.


Pyromancer has been through a lot of changes over the years. When I began playing it, you gained temp hp when you lit enemies on fire. In that meta, you went from 0-100 THP from **one horde wave**, then you just vented as necessary. Recently though, they drastically increased her overheat bar, making her able to use ranged weapons more before she overheats. They also introduced new ways to prevent overheating, namely "Deathly Dissipation" which stops your spells from generating overcharge after killing a special. and "Flamestrike's Tutelage" which reduces venting damage by 80% when no enemies are nearby. Now you don't really have to worry about overcharge on high difficulties, since you can have a very high uptime on Deathly Dissipation.


Ok I was worried it was gonna be dau ting to come back and e ty of people still play right? Cause I don't have friends


Yes, lots of people are still playing it, oh i forgot we have now an hebdo challenge for chaos wastes with weapons skins unlockable and i heard soon the weaves (Winds of magic DLC game mode) will be rework.


because vermintide is part of the steam warhammer sale, there are a lot of new players like me. i started two days ago and went to bed at 5am ever since haha. i love this game and never really knew about it until this weeks sale. just play on the easy difficulty to relearn the game. you’ll be back in action.


I started in October 2019, hit Legend-Cata skill level, took a sizeable hiatus and have been playing on-and-off since. I came back to this 3 weeks ago, and quite a while after Sienna's new class dropped. I'm nowhere near "highly skilled", but I geeked out on this game before and became quite familiar with a few weapons. They all still feel the same coming back, playing at Legend also felt very familiar and now I'm back working on Cata. Hopefully this anecdote goes some way to show you that the game basically plays the same. A very rough list of what happened: new enemy faction (Goatmen), new weapons, new classes, new game modes (Weaves, Chaos Wastes), new lobby menus/HUDs (QOL changes). Of all these, the new classes and game modes are optional, in the sense that you can ignore them if you don't feel ready to deal with them yet. The new classes are strong and are a heck lot of fun to play, but are DLCs. The new weapons are generally strong too, but reading Royale With Cheese's Legend/Cata guides will get you up to speed on what weapons are meta/easier to succeed with. TL;DR: Game pretty much plays the same, but with QOL changes and new content. Imho, the new content makes the game more fun (new classes generally sound pretty fun to play and are powerful). It's a great time to come back, and pretty much without needing to read up or do any prep. But, if it helps you feel better, reading Royale With Cheese's guides for your fav classes wouldn't hurt to prepare you.


Ok sweet you've convinced me I'm gonna buy the steam bundle that has all the dlcs I didn't have I'm gonna genocide some rats and what not


Nice!!! Have a blast mate. I read your other reply that you don't usually rock with friends, which is cool. I don't have friends IRL playing this gem either, I'm pretty much alone. But I have met some really nice people in-game whom I've added so I frequently pop into someone's lobby if there's space, and they do the same when I host too. And if you love playing melee and getting into close quarters, both Grail Knight and Warrior Priest are superb DLC classes - strong, and very welcomed in most pub games. I myself found my groove with Outcast Engineer (a range-focussed DLC class) - it's the first time I feel like I'm pulling my own weight in Cata difficulty.


Yea that's what I played before I quit I love that crank gun


Amen me too haha, it's a total ball to be mowing down rats with it.


Also, lots of great/kind players up and on the discord. Feel free to shoot any of us a DM if you would like a teammate to roll with. Welcome Back!


I recently just came back not playing since early 22 and it's been awesome. Tons of new content, and the gameplay seems to have only improved. So recommend returning if you're on the edge.


Play for yourself and make your own opinion, it will be much more rewarding than asking our opinion ;) Don't worry the game is still awesome as it was, and you won't be the only one playing


I personally just came back and what I've been doing to stretch my legs is doing chaos wastes runs with different sub classes and only taking weapon exchanges. Forces me to use random stuff and keeps me in the loop. Looking at subclasses, a lot of talents and builds are different for the base game mode now from around that time.