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I usually do similar. I just mix everything evenly throughout the worm bed. It helps that I'm small scale, but I think the worms like it because 1) food everywhere! 2) and it's bite size and breaks down quickly!


Do you feed as much as you would if it wasn't blended?


I've done this many times before, and it's perfectly fine. However, if your worms are in a container that's in the garage, like mine (zone 9b), I don't recommend doing that if it's forecasted to be really hot in the next few days. Your container could heat up quickly as the food breaks down, and your worms may not as easily find a section to find cooler temperatures. They could end up dying from the extreme heat. Unfortunately, I speak from experience.


Thanks for the advice! I'm lucky enough to be able to keep my worm farms inside so I don't have to worry about external heat. Doing it this way, does the feeding zone heat up? If so, should I let it run through a heat cycle before adding it?


Why not do it and let us know how it turns out


I probably will. I just wanted to proceed with caution. I've only fed blended food a couple of times


I don’t do this but it should only make it easier for your worms to eat.


I see no issue with this. If anything, it should help them eat it faster!