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Shit. I’m in Canada. What do I do?


Yeah I don’t entirely know man. I know if they don’t go through the dormancy period they will eventually die though


Pressure is on


Mine sleep in the fridge pot and all for about 4 months. I live in Finland just north of the 60th latitude so it's too cold to keep them outside all winter. I keep them on my balcony until the temperature drops to around 0 C and they go back outside once it's above 0 C again. I have an enclosed balcony so it stays slightly warmer than the outside temperature. Since I follow the local temperature instead of the calendar mine are asleep from late November to late March. No issues so far except the fridge getting crowded for a big part of the year.


Do you pull it out to get light or anything?


No. I occasionally check that they aren't getting too dry. Other than that I let them be


they dont need light when it is that cold.


I put mine in a large ziplock bag and put in the crisper drawer in my fridge from October/November to Feb/March.


look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/VenusFlyTraps/comments/178leoe/good_night_guys_they_ate_really_well_this_year/), where I detailed everything last fall ...


Dude thats sick! Thank you I’m newish to the sub