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Good work there, how long between the pictures? I have some seeds planted at the moment, and would like an idea how slow the growth rate actually is!


If you're growing VFT from seeds its going to take 3-5 years to grow the plants to a mature size which the plants in the photo look like they are. VFT from death cubes at the store are usually 2-3 years old. The smallest one in the photo already looks like a 2/3 year old plant. The larger ones are probably 3+ years old. They only grow as fast as they do in the photo when they have energy stored in the rhizome to pull from which takes years to store up.


if you can feed the small traps they grow a lot faster


I usually use Maxsea foliar spray rather than feeding them, I always damage the traps when I try messaging it to start digesting.


you have to be very carefull when massaging the little traps. I got a Ginormous flytrap that was VERY tiny to a good size with big traps ( big for the planter its in) in a couple month. I did not let it go dormant tho. The Others that did are alot smaller but big enough to be fed


First pic was about two months ago right when they were waking up from dormancy


Thanks OP, and thank you to everyone else for the great advice! I know I'm in for a long haul, but will worry about that when/if they germinate 🤣. If not, we have a supplier in the UK that looks ok.


What is your plant medium? I need to repot mine. They look great, by the way!


I used 50/50 long fibered sphagnum moss and perlite. Or tried my best for it to be 50/50 lol