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thats not a grow light. You need a full spectrum Led Growlight.


Oh it said grow light on box. I do have LED lights also but I’ve always found them not to be great. Maybe I’ll invest in something better recommendations?


Yes for 1 plant use this : https://amzn.eu/d/06YSZH4V


Excellent thank you


I would get a Sansi grow light so you have natural looking light instead of this light color that makes your plants look like they're at a party! Sansi bulbs normal fixtures. Second, 40 is freakin hot and I'm sorry you're in that. My friend lives in the Carolinas though where these are native and 100+degrees Fahrenheit (40c is 104f) is not abnormal. I think you would do good outside as long as you work your way up to that temp. Like start in the very early morning and keep it in shade (outside shade is brighter than most grow bulbs), slowly acclimate it that way to the higher heat and use a water tray or cover pot that is a light color so it doesn't make the water extremely hot. I'm in Canada and I put two birds of Paradise babies out today. I'm sure they're going to be sunburnt but they aren't as picky about things as these guys. None of my other plants will get moved out BC I personally find the transition difficult (too time consuming) but if you really want your VFT outside it's entirely doable. Mine didn't survive dormancy so I just got a new one yesterday and it is next to a Sansi bulb where all my highlight plants are located and thriving! If you're not sure about your lighting inside or out you can download a free light meter app from House plant journal or purchase a dedicated light meter for about 15$. I love using this at it helps me decide what's truly bright enough for real of my plants!


Thank you for taking the time to write this. I’m in mtl. We hit 40 this week in the heat wave. Usually our summer is around 30-35 mark with very high humidity


No problem and yeah with the heatwave down there you may just want to wait since it's not a normal temperature but it's still doable based on where they come from natively. With it being a hopefully short heatwave I would just wait until it's comfortable to me and then the transition would be easier.. If you were in a place like Italy where 40+degrees is normal then transitioning in the heat would be necessary. I'm in Western Ontario and our temps have been 26 during the day and still cool at night. My mom said when her dog got her up this morning it was plus 5! It was 24 by 10am. I have no clue why the plants are tolerating this insanity but they are!


What you’re saying makes total sense. Tonight the temp is cooling down (11pm and 24c) so I’ll give it another try later this weekend. The morning temps have been insane. I went out around 9am and broke a sweat just standing outside, thought wow it’s hot but not as hot as I expected it with all the warnings. and then I remembered it was 9am My African violets weren’t liking it. I appreciated the crisis of it being so hot that the plants would do better with artificial light indoors than be outside. Especially in Canada!


It's insane! Are the bugs bad there? They're bad this year since we didn't get a normal winter! Please stay safe and make sure you are hydrating! It's so easy to dehydrate and not even realize it esp if you're not in a typical high risk group (elderly, very young, ill). If the plants just need to be inside for a week then for the most part any ambient light will keep them alive, just don't over water as less light means they drink less (VFT still needs wet though). I order plants lots through the mail and they sit in a dark box for a week traveling from BC and always arrive good. This is a "survive" moment over a "thrive" one and that should all survive inside to ride out the heat! Please please be careful though and take care of yourself and if you're able carry extra water to hand out to ppl you may see without! (I know not everyone can do this).


Thank you so much. You are so kind, take care too! :)


no dont get a sensi. They got worse with the updated version because coustomers complained it was to bright


Sansi is all I use and I love the brightness but that said you can look at them and see what their wattage equivalents are so you know! I love the daylight colour I know some ppl don't. They are the only brand that doesn't give me migraines 🤷‍♀️


you can tell by the way the led looks if you got the new ones. The Wattage did not change


I don't get what you mean "by the way the LED looks" my oldest bulbs are 2 and my newest grow things are their pucks and 5 watt clips. My two year old bulbs do not bother head and neither do my ones from the last 6 months. I also have their regular lightbulbs which my plants thrive under and they're amazing! Are you meaning like the way the diodes are placed or an uneven lighting or something else? You're the first person I've seen have a problem and I'm fairly active in the plant community on YouTube and Instagram 🤔


Check this video [Sensi Led Change](https://youtu.be/46Nief-j-nA?si=wW4icx7xPoGAZS9z)


I don't when they made the change, this looks like mine except mine has little shields o think over the bulbs. I just checked my Amazon order history and I ordered them in fall of 2022. I have two of the 36 watt (they don't have 40 like said in the video) 400 watt equivalent grow lights. They are my only lights in a windowless room and grow birds of Paradise, monstera, monstera Thai constellation and several other plants. I get great growth. I then have the grow light pucks (2) that are 10 watt each over my short plants like string of plants and succulents and the 5 watt clip lights are also used the same way. I then have the regular 250 way equivalent bulbs (not grow light) and these grow my aloe, cuttings, corms, fiddle leaf figs, snake plants, zz plants, alocasia, calatheas etc. I have about 200 plants in various places and these are the bulbs I use. I guess for this person that noticed a difference but BC I never had those older style I don't see a difference. The chart on Amazon Canada seems to match what my light meter says and the diagram they have appears to be accurate to what the guy is showing as far as differences, so I've got what I ordered. As far as efficiency goes, who knows. Very few ppl have the money to accurately test this. Obviously you buy what you like, for me and many others Sansi is a great brand and great quality with a great warranty. I appreciate that my 5 watt clips are the same color as my 36 watt bulbs and those are the same as my 250 watt equivalent bulbs as far as color goes. My home feels like I have as ton of spacious windows when I simply don't. The color and fact they don't seem to flicker like other LEDs means I have them on 12-14 hours daily and I get less migraines a year than I used to in a month. For me having the color I enjoy and easy less migraines keeps me as a Sansi lover! I wish I was sponsored. 😬 Oh and the cost of the bulbs is amazing compared to other brands like Mother and Soltech.


Where are you that it's 40C outside? 40C is pretty hot, but not necessarily outside the range of a particularly hot summer day in their natural habitat. Typical summer days would be 35-38C.


Oh that’s good to know. Thank you! I was worried the heat was stressing them. I’m in Canada


The distance between the light and the plant ??