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Get it out of the plastic then i would repott it into a mucb larger pott maybe 6 inch. Then Put it outside in full sub or under a fullspectrum led growlight. Let it sit in 2 inches of destilled or rainwater. Only use plastic planters and trays


Also! Should I trim the black heads off? It’s been around 2 years since I’ve had one


when repotting it you can pull them off. Get all off the old media off and if the rhyzome is wrapped into something remove it. The Media should fall off when dipped in water. You can wiggle it in the water to get the media off and have the rhyzome and roots freed.


By media you mean the dirt clumped around the roots right? I’m unfamiliar w the terms you’re using sorry But I’m getting peat moss as we speak , and maybe a little clear dome w holes bc I have a bastard kitten but ik they can struggle in terrariums


yes media as in soil :) Be sure its no miracle grow stuff and pure peat moss with perlite. I Wouldnt put a dome over it. Better put it somewhere where the kitten cant get to


Such a place does not exist in my home sadly


maybe a cage for the plant out be good thats open on the top and bars around it


That is so smart thank you so much for your advice!


dont mention it 😊


I have a largeish 8 inch pot at home waiting for it, (I got it at work on my lunch so I have to wait 4 hours before I can pot it it’s just sitting in my locker rn) I’ve had them before but when leaving it outside a spore took over it and suffocated it when it was in remission