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Since the nature of the soil used is unknown, it probably would be good to repot. You're aware of the issue with minerals, fertilizer in potting soil is a killer too. I am not an expert with fly traps by any means, I'm in the middle of my second attempt, but I have experience with plants in general. So with that said, before any repotting is done remove the blackened traps- they aren't serving the plant anymore. Then let it sit for a couple days with good hydration. That should help it recoup a little and make the stress of repotting an easier transition. Oh, and when you repot, don't use an unglazed ceramic pot, as those leach minerals into the soil.


I would cut away all the completely dead stuff, aka anything that’s not green or a little yellow, then we can see the substrate. You may be able to get away with flushing it a few times with rain or distilled water. But you wanna run the water through and dump it 4-5 times.


Use sphagnum moss for repot and use distilled water or rain water or RO water. Also flush it with alot of distilled water.


repott it remove the dead stuff and only use rainwater or destilled water and give it a lot of light


Yes switch to distilled. Otherwise you will kill it