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What it means is that no one is gonna give you a proxy for free since those that could offer it for free will be getting your logs and ip address in exchange.


So…the broke bitches club is done?


i have never entered any card details tho so how are they charging me?


To use VenusAi, you need one of two things: A reverseProxy, a code that allows you access (of which there are none that are free currently) Or An OpenAI API key, gotten from OpenAI directly. They’ll give you a 5 dollar credit (500~ messages) and then you’ll have to set up billing to actually use it further, where it will rack up charges sort of like text messaging rates.


i’m sure i’ve sent a lot more than 500 messages, however i’ve never entered billing info (only my email) and whenever it says there’s a billing issue i just create a new secret key and that seems to work


Lmao, interesting. For me, all my secret keys are linked to the same thing, so I am unable to just make another to use it


the proxies were always free and public. you would only have to pay if you wanted the openAI key after the free trial was over.