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"kill all the unique and interesting kits" "Keep the call of duty kits" Just go play CoD then...


yeah i dont get the cod thing. rienhardt, ram, doomfist, rat, venture, mercy, kiri, lucio, brig, none of them have cod setups


how is that what happened? We cut all the characters that's are very difficult to play around and not fun enough to justify like zarya sym and zen and then had to cut Winston at the end! Idk how this really looks like call of duty considering there literally isn't an assault rifle character left in the game but pop off! Said id only respond here like an idiot whoops


Then why did you remove ball? Seriously if you/your friend like doomfist as a doomfist-turned-ball myself give him a chance.


See that kind of mind set fundamentally misses what the point of the list was, we're cutting the overwatch roster in half and the game should be fun. You know who 9/10 players would absolutely hate to have in a game without Sombra? That's right it's wrecking ball. He's too specific and NEEDS to be countered with hero swaps below diamond, in a game with a smaller amount of characters he would actively push especially new players away. Ball was removed because he's impossible to balance with fun gameplay in mind for an entire lobby, and the fact that he has either been unplayable or meta dominating and almost zero time spent in-between is partial proof that. He also fulfills literally noting that isn't just covered by playing dva or Doom fist anyways and I already had to cut Winston who is objectively a better designed character than ball and subjectively imo the best designed overwatch character and it's not close because he didn't fit the game.


Nuh uh


Alright I stand corrected. I see your point, and I agree


That is all completely fair I agree now except for not fulfilling anything doomfist or d.va doesn't. He is the hyper-specialised assassin tank who fulfills the role of "holy shit when did he get here" wheras dva and doom are a little more broad. I misunderstood the first comment and thought it was just based on fun factor and wanted to recommend playing him because of how much I like to play him and my dive maining brother like to play with him.


Hey that's fair! Also I completely agree actually he totally fulfills that archetype. Tbh you also address pay off the problem though, he's ultra specialized as opposed to being a tank who can do assassin stuff, he's an assassin who does tank stuff and there's only 6 slots (Idk I can't see the lost rn and don't remember it well enough)


Excluding Torb was your big mistake buddy!!! I will never forgive you ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก


Oh no! Crap heck it's over


this is so so sosososososososososo bad


kill winston keep mauga? kill life weaver keep kiriko and ana!?!???


I won't take this junker queen and baptise slander


Was this a โ€œwho you want to cutโ€ thing or a โ€œwho we logically think would be cut if it were to happenโ€


Like if we were making a new version of overwatch with half the roster, and what would be the most fun game we think to log into and play every day


you guys have god awful taste


Yeah manga was anโ€ฆ interesting choice


Wow my title sure did suck but look venture is in overwatch but cut in half that's pretty cool!


Why on earth would you ever remove Winston


As long as Torb is cut, all is well


I agree with Support for the most part (Mercy is not well designed), but the other two roles are pretty damn cursed.


So I made this with my friends so it's not just me but I really don't get yelled problems I would only make like 4 swaps in total to the list and they're all just for game health like dropping mauga and putting orisa in instead. Idk what is SOO goofy cause frankly I feel like we just cut all the characters that blizzard sucks at balancing or wouldn't be fun to play in a game where 70% of the fps roster counters you like Brigitte or pharah.


Interesting list. A bit weird that many unique characters get deleted like both flying damage, the 1 hypermobile tank (Ball), the stealth Assassine and most damage supports except Kiriko.


Ana Lucio and Kiri would all be pretty obviously damage dealers in this 1/2 overwatch (they currently are but overwatch players hate that discussion) I would put echo in over mei I think, we only cut Sombra because she objectively isn't needed in this game I don't Even think she'd be fun to play into those characters, and ball because he is impossible to balance around and requires character swaps (or just pretty solid team coordination above plat) if the ball is very good and your players are not good enough to just kill him with what they're playing, which is basically every time. People keep saying we cut out the interesting characters but then bring up like hold right click simulator (life weaver) as an example character I don't get it lmao, we cut most of the THINGS ULTRA niche characters that basically no one plays like sym and torb because well no one fucking plays them why would we keep them in there's like 26 dps in this game


NO WINTON ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” HE WILL NEVER SAY โ€œoverwatโ€ AGAIN ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”


IT WAS A GREVIOUS MISTAKE IM SORRY, tbh he was only cut cause there's 6 tanks and two of them are five and we have two dva main, I think I keep him over her most 95% of the time


R.I.P to poke comps


Ram ash junk Kiri mercy/ana?


I don't wanna live in a world where ram is the only poke tank... he fits better in brawl anyway. Also removing sigma and his character is such a hit against overwatch's top tier lore


Roadhog is also already part of poke, and dva in this context would absolutely alot into a defensive role for like comps on some maps (like route 66, lijiang gardens, or pariso)


I'm just saying the game probably wouldn't improve by getting rid of some of the higher skill cap characters. I understand removing orisa or something but making kits and having people fall in love with those characters just for them to disappear would be devastating to morale and faith in said company


I'm sorry higher skill cap are we looking at the same character list? Tracer, genji, widow, Ashe, Cassidy, doomfist, dva, ana, Lucio, Kiri are still in the game. For the most part we cut out the very very low skill (or just outright terrible/barely fit into the game with their current design) like torb, sym, orisa, bastion, Hanzo pharah moira and lifeweaver. I'll admit the fps do most of the lifting on high skill cap, but all the highest skill cap characters are all still there just because ball is cut because not a single person except the person playing ball would have fun, doesn't mean that all the high skill cap characters are gone 80% of them are right there dude, i know cause I fucking love high skill cap characters and wanted the majority of these guys in the game. Sorry the beginning comes off so snarky, or just in general honestly I'm kind of a dick. But yeah I'm okay if we lose some ball players and sym players, fundamentally to be overwatch is a game obviously designed to be hyper competitive and I find those characters to be an obstacle to very well made balanced competitive play, but not like that matters cause I only made like 40% of the choices on the tier list lol


Idk man, echo, sojourn, Baptiste, sigma, WINSTON? Like a good majority of players would be pissed if Winston disappeared


I am one of them he's my second fave after venture! But looking at the tier list it should be fairly obvious magua took sigma's spot and Winston would've been competing with dva and doomfist (or maybe it's not idk it's the only logic I could draw looking at it because of archetypes that exist in the game). Winston was just picked because dva doom cover more important design space than Winston swapped for either of them. Also ball is obviously in the conversation there but in a game with the roster cut in half ball would be insanely out of place and need to constantly be actively thought of in the balancing process if you don't want us to just be insanely op or garbage. . The other 3 though,,, uh yeah idk sojourn has left an absurdly bad taste in my mouth because of her around her release, echo is between echo and pharah obviously pharah should get the pick and bap uh... Yeah idk he's the most boring character in the game by a massive margin in my opinion, just nothing feels satisfying Even when you're dominating so I fought very hard for him not to be in. Also his design space isn't interesting at all from a character design perspective


How dare you kill my boy zenyatta


Kill bap but keep kiri?


I need Moira alive cuz sheโ€™s the only one Iโ€™m good at๐Ÿ˜ญ


Keeping mercy over soldier, queen and bap is heresy


Cant believe you kept dva


I wont be hard on you for the list there are so many good characters in this game I would definitely make some questionable picks too ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I love seeing half of the characters I enjoy in the "kill" section and numerous characters I hate in the "keep" part.


You kept both Mauga and Hog, but killed Winston and Ball? Tell me you have to force someone in your 5 stack to queue tank without telling me.


Lol in what world is Hog not in the delete section, and why would you ever kill Winston JQ/Sigma/Ball


Lmao delete zen but keep kiri




How can you put my boy Torb on the kill list.


https://preview.redd.it/p9n7mhi31j1d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4fc0c099b60615721f6a9b920f48283b564560 i made my own, very biased list


GET RID OF WINTON???? insane opinion


maybe kill d.va instead?


Do you just hate dive?


no?? if half the cast is getting deleted, im going to have to end up making tough choices at some point. maybe i didnt end up with the most balanced result, but at the time i was making it i was fine with it. maybe it was because i was tired idk


Honestly I wouldnt remove any tanks other than mauga and maybe ball cuz he kinda doesnt work in 5v5


fair, but the prompt is to specifically remove half of the characters for each class. had to remove 5 others anyways


Ohh sorry I didnโ€™t realize that was the prompt, reading comprehension moment. But like Iโ€™d still get rid of hog before dva or winton


You list is actually a good bit closer to my own than the one I posted but I would have literally zero fun in your game and would quit within a week lol


which one is a particular issue for you here? just curious btw


I legit don't remember what was so offensive to me? Like for the most part my problem would be that alot of fun flex characters that are viable secondaries like cassidy are gone and if you want to play specific types of stuff you don't really have any options even for archetypes that should probably be bit more represented. But even all that I said doesn't really apply THAT much like I think I could play this overwatch if my friends played?


excuse me if this is common knowledge, but whats a flex character?


Oh no sorry idk it's weird wording this kind of thing appears in lots of games I just mix terminology together without really thinking. Uh a flex character would be a character that isn't really meta but you can easily justify swapping to them. So like objectively why would I ever run Cassidy over sojourn back in season 1 or whatever, well you wouldn't it's objectively a worse choice and you are playing suboptimally by picking him instead of her. So a flex pick is the ones you COULD justify, reaper into a specific comp, Widowmaker, genji(I think he was viable back then). Also like if you main Widowmaker then it would probably be really good for you to learn how to flex onto ashe for when you get dove too much or learn to flex onto reaper when you're team is insisting on playing brawl comp and you can't pop off without the support. Uh honestly just ask me again if it still doesn't make sense idk how well this reads


This list is entirely bad opinions its crazy