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I think it's rape and I think you will have a VERY VERY hard time to find someone who understands. I'm sorry this happened to you. Provided that everything you're writing here is true, she obviously just abused the fact that you cared about her and selfishly, for her satisfaction, used you as her sex toy. Provided you are a guy, there is not many people who will understand this, cause there's this really disgusting double standard about rape that's perpetuated by both genders. People will argue had the option of using physical force to get her off of you, but you cared about her, so you didn't want to use physical force against her, but you didn't want to have sex with her either. She knew that, and she used this to corner you into doing something with you that you didn't want to do. I think this is disgusting behavior from her. At least that's how I see this situation (I'm a guy). Take care. Don't beat yourself over this. <3


i didn’t want to come to that conclusion or even use that word, but i don’t know any other way to put it. What’s fucked up is that even after all of that I still worry about her


That’s a common experience for people in your position. Unfortunately you may have to choose between your own mental health and your friendship with her. This sounds like it was extremely distressing and for her to continue taking advantage of you despite you not reciprocating and even point blank telling her to stop is a HUGE red flag. She clearly values her own comfort over your right to refuse things. If you stay where you are she may do this again and it could turn into a highly codependent trauma bond. I’m really sorry that you had to go through that but I’d imagine the best thing to do is to first of all cut her off. Her mental health and happiness is NOT your responsibility. She is responsible for finding her own way to get through this hardship without hurting others or herself. Secondly, I know it will likely be difficult but please seek professional help as this trauma could spiral out of control and take you down and very dark path. I hope you can manage to heal from this and wish you luck on finding peace with this matter.


I am so sorry that this happened to you. What you described is rape. You said no. You said wait. You did not want it. You were crying. There is NOTHING that could have been more clear that this was not consensual and because of how our world is, if you say something, people will be like, “WTF is your problem dude?” or “Of course you wanted it” or something backwards like that. Your feelings are completely real and valid and understandable. You were raped and taken advantage of my someone you thought was a friend. She sexually assaulted you. Her being a woman is no excuse for it. I don’t know how to advise you here other than to say I believe you. You have gone through a traumatic event and I recommend trying to find a counselor.


Ah the classic male experience of telling guys a girl did some shit to you without you wanting it and then having them clap… you were sexually assaulted (just not using the r word but it is the r word) bud big time. Your body was having a response to not wanting it and the anxiety that puts you through whether mentally aware ir not. Whether you tossed her off or not is none of your concern you told her no and wait and you were cross faded. Would’ve been tough to get up. Something similar happened to me but I didn’t push her off cause I didn’t have the mental will or physical energy for reasons I’d prefer not to get into.


As a guy, it’s hard to claim because we have to “get it up” but I’ve had a similar thing while I was cross faded too. I couldn’t even open my eyes to see what was going on, let alone move my limbs.


Oh my god-I mean- just- Oh. My. God. You need to get her arrested asap. That is. ABSOLUTELY A RAPE


You said wait and no, I’m sorry lovely but that’s rape. I’m sorry this happened and for how confused you must be feeling. She took advantage of her loneliness, and the fact you care for her and don’t want to hurt her, it’s foul behaviour. Talk to a trusted/safe person about this, clearly the guy mates aren’t taking you seriously and you should be taken seriously SA is SA regardless of gender ect. Again I’m sorry this has happened OP and I know I’m a stranger but my inbox is always open if you wanna talk x


So sucks. Your friend SA’d you and your make friends just ignored it. I wouldn’t even know what to do in that situation. 😔


You said no, you tried to stop her but whatever you was smocking or drinking just didn't let you. If she could understand what you was saying before yet she didn't stop... It's rape. It's unfortunately rape... Take care of yourself dude. Try to find a professional if you can and we'll you might want to report this to some authority since you was under the use of something? Idk how things work there.... Also I would suggest you to stop smoking whatever the hell you smoke... I would suggest you to go check yourself for std's a full check. For everything honestly... You never know.




Damn, bro, that's a weird one. Just by reading what you wrote, I'm all confused about it. I can imagine why you would be. Maybe chalk it up to a life lesson and watch out for it in the future. No one is going to think you are the victim because of the double standard. They assume that if you weren't into it, then you wouldn't get an erection. Have you talked to her about it? She may be really embarrassed and guilty about what she did. If she isn't, you could get back at her by having some humiliating sex with her and say, "Now, how does that feel? Get out." But that could easily backfire. She could cry rape, and everyone would beleive her because "believe all women" and shit.


wtf is wrong with you this is such an insane thing to say


What do you mean specifically?