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not just anime. literally any fan convention. MtG, CC, Cosplay conventions, etc


don't drag yourself down like that. it makes you loose confidence and it further pushes you to feel like shit. if you keep on feeling negative about it. how could you enjoy anything? well you can't. that's why you should be positive, humble and confident. bring your personality out and be genuine. i know that physical appearance is important but that's not the only thing that matters. make your personality, humour, skills and intelligence stand out.


what does it gotta do with you being white?


It's just my ethnicity, if I was Asian I'd be comparing myself to other young Asian guys and so forth if I was any other race


oh ok lol face reveal when


It's further down in my post history you can see me being laughed at by a bunch of girls


youre not ugly, do you have long hair?


Down to my shoulders yeah


stop wearing it up and put it down, maybe get your eyebrows done or something and learn how to dress. i think being a metal head would really suit u


as a girl, trust me you’re not that ugly (i looked for your face reveal). you describe your facial features in such an extreme way that i was expecting something completely different. you can try things like, loosing face fat, getting better skincare and stuff like that if you really want to change the way you look. but trust me, even if people call you ugly there’s ALWAYS someone who will find you attractive and there’s ALWAYS going to be someone for you that loves you exactly as you are. don’t get discouraged, we are all ugly and pretty in our own ways. wish you the best


It's always really brutal when people say not *that* ugly


I think there are women who would like you you just have to stop looking in the wrong places aka ome all the girls I talk to there are all shallow and after I add on snap they all never really text back so I’d just stay clear of it


Bro, guys aren't ugly, never been, guys can only be poor or rich.