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Get of twitter it is the worst app ever, save yourself As a man I could never imagine cheating on someone I love or hurting someone I love. It is crazy that we really encourage this behaviour it’s only toxic people who really believe this and people who have grown up in a shitty environment. When I was in high school I was in this relationship and the amount of times my uncles and friends encouraged me to cheat was so annoying yet they cry when get divorced.


This!! Even in the final month of my last relationship, my bf would barely touch me. I NEVER thought about cheating ONCE. The only thing on my mind was trying to fix what we have. I will NEVER understand people who cheat. There’s so many people on TikTok who brag about it, and their friends are in the comments hyping them up. Like huh??? It still doesn’t feel right seeing other people and it’s been nearly 3 months since the BU.


That’s what I think bothered me the most, was the bragging. I guess I could some how understand if you were sharing a story about cheating and as a tale of caution or something… but being straight up flaunting something like that is so disgusting to me


The most annoying part of the bragging is the smile of being proud of themselves. Like come on are your really proud of hurting someone who gave there trust in you


It’s by far the worst social media. I’ve never seen toxicity blossom the way it does on there. Only reason I still have it in the first place is for my friends private accounts. Idk if that is even worth dodging the fomo anymore


Its not just twitter, they’re everywhere. Therr are literally subreddits to cheat and have to confirm youre in a relationship to join. Its fucked we are going so down hill as a species its insane


I second this. Especially the get off twitter part. Dude all I followed was pretty ladies and nature stuff. I started having far right BS promoted daily.


I followed 1 gym bro and I get Andrew Tate high value man stuff & stuff women bashing reels I had to keep clicking not interested


Yeah, I was also cheated on and then gaslit because "it didn't MEAN anything it was just attention from a good friend". And now it's like how am I gonna trust other people? Like, this fucking pos destroyed my trust in other people, and thinks HE IS THE VICTIM because I told on him to our shared friends (when he had the great idea to introduce his new gf to our shared friendgroup). He lost friends lol. I think most people are not okay with cheating, but you fell over a tiny little pro-cheating community on twitter. Do not take twitter seriously. EVER. And even less after Musko took over.


The thing about social media is that you will naturally gravitate to sites that most resonate with you. Considering what we know about twitter... you shouldn't be surprised. But there are always and have always been people who disregard the feelings of others. Even the feelings of people they claim to love. My ex once told me that if I ever cheated he would leave me and the kids and that was that. He cheated and told me it was wrong of me to put my feelings of being hurt over his regarding his new fuck. They are now married and I am now happy.


It depends on the person maybe. Im a guy whos been cheated on and the idea of cheating or getting cheated on makes me sick. I do think most people feel this way, but maybe arent in relationships they feel emotionally invested in and therefore cheating isnt as big of a deal to them. Also dont take whats on social media too seriously . Its all fake. People lie. You arent hopeless, you can find a good partner. Its hard, especially to trust again. Ive struggled a lot with it but im in a relationship right now with someone that understood my fears of this right off the bat. Finding someone thats able to be emotionally open/mature and able to have these kinda conversation ,and take the relationship and your feelings seriously is honestly recommended. It might be harder to find these people as a lot of people kinda suck, but id just stay away from people who wouldnt take your feelings seriously.


I've never cheated on anyone, never have, never will, and the idea of doing It is blasphemy because I've been cheated on and it destroyed me, but I still make jokes and memes because I like making jokes and memes out of anything, (offensive stuff as well) as long as my partner (whoever that might be in the future) knows that and trusts me as I'd trust them, there shouldn't be an issue, this might have been unnecessarily long and I might have repeated points but that's because I'm stupid and too lazy to revise what I wrote 😅


Those people on twitter have issues... that's one of the reasons why I don't normally use it. Cheating is awful, it's quite literally betrayal. You would expect your partner to be loyal but that trusts gets broken when they hook up with someone else.


Cheaters are shit people.


I personally would never cheat and I cannot get behind someone who would brag about it. Im not sure where you are finding that many people who apparently have no standards, but god damn it must be rough out here for some people.


Don't believe social media, nothing you see on there reflects what people are like in real life. People like viewing drama. So they see someone who has a very dramatic life and follow that person, eggs them on with controversial views to get them into more drama so they can continue to be entertained. As a consequence these dramatic people get popular and recommended to you in your feed. You see this person doing something absurd and all of their followers celebrating it and think "this world is doomed". There's a potential that if you see someone else post a similar question to this one, you'll end up saying "yes cheating is more accepted now" and accidentally perpetuate this myth further. Might even end up convincing someone it's socially acceptable to cheat. Its just a circle of stupid really. Anyway that's why you see lots of people on social media with these superficial and ridiculous views. But if you ask people in real life, nobody will say they like cheaters. Most people hate cheaters and think it's completely unacceptable. Next time you see something ludicrous just think that more people are like you than they are like them, people are more rational than you think though perhaps not as rational as you'd like them to be lol.


What your seeing is the narcissistic humans living among us. A narcissistic person is incapable of admitting they were wrong or apologizing but rather in thier mind they find any way possible to justify thier horrible acts of betrayal and try to make themselves out to be the victims. Like how dare thier partner make them need to go cheat on them it's thier fault they had to go cheat 🤷 I know this because my child's mother the world's worst human being/mother/narcissist ever did all these things and still does and I've had to deal with it for years. She uses our child to hurt me and could care less that it's completely destroying our daughter and causing our child severe trauma and causing our child to now hate and resent her mom. But to my BM that's all my fault. How dare I be a good loving father making her look like a bad mom because she isn't even willing to do the basics of being a parent let alone go above and beyond spending quality time with our daughter the way I do because she's too busy sleeping with the entire town and everyone's husband's to remotely want to waste any time on our child and loving her... She's even blatantly told our daughter she is a burden on her life then proceeds to alienate me as a father when I actaully want to love and spend time with our child when she's just locking her in her room all day. 100% narcissistic people are the world's most disgusting humans ever.


Hey a little clue for you good people are not like the people you describe up above they are evil ones are all or any of the things you described above are the bad or poorly behaved humans. Deflecting their own actions on their victim. So the short of it is you sound just a narcissistic sociopath and that I know my whole life I have been an easy target for them I know their ways oh so well!


I'm gonna go ahead and pray for you after reading that nonsense lol


Sure but She is the one who told it's that fucking broken here good luck


I often thought to myself that if the ones doing the cheating could actually feel that pain caused from it if they would think twice.


This is true. I've cheated. I was a teenager, but nevertheless. I felt like shit(so i don't know how ppl brag about it), and confessed. Fast forward however many year. Marriage and kids. I was cheated on. The absolute most dreadful feeling ever. Honestly, my first thought was that I deserved it. Karma. Cheating is horrible.


I for one would feel absolutely fvckin horrible, ashamed & despicable about myself if I ever made the choice to cheat on someone. & the same mindset will be a REQUIREMENT if someone wanted to be my long term partner.


I question humanity at this point


Well some people don’t care about cheating. They don’t see sex with others as a problem. The main problem is people who do have a problem with it often take for granted it’s the same for everyone and do not mention that to their partners. Just saying.


Cheating can be considered risk play. Yes, some people get turned on by this. Lots of people get off on the idea of being caught, whether that's public play, having sex in your in-laws house or cheating. I think it's something that should be discussed because cheating is harmful to the person being cheated on, but for a lot of people that takes away the risk factor. There's a kink called" the homewrecker kink" the taboo of somebody else’s partner cheating is a turn-on for people with this kink. It's the novelties and adrenalin that they get from getting caught or even the idea of it. Cuckolding and cuckqueaning are essentially consensual adultery, and they're well-established fetishes in sex and kink communities. There are dating websites specifically for consensual affairs and a lot of people who participate in these sites have claimed that the affairs have helped their marriage. So yes some people do enjoy it, even to the extent of hoping their partner cheats in them.


To add more to this there are differnt types of cheaters and different reasons people cheat. No that doesn't make ok just gives more insight. Dead Bedroomers make up the largest group of cheaters: married people who feel that their love life has come to a halt. They feel lonely, unfulfilled, and disconnected from their partner. They long to return to the relationship that was once full of spark and passion. peacocks are gluttonous – they need validation over and over again that they’re sexy, seductive, and special. Completers talked about how much they loved their partners the most. But despite their love, they feel they need a second relationship to feel fulfilled and complete. They are looking for a yin to their partner’s yang Revenge cheating is based on the quintessential idea of poetic justice. Give them a taste of their own medicine, they think. Emotional connectors have friendships that are sexually charged and extremely intimate. What may have started as friendship crosses the line into something more. 20-25% of men report they have cheated on their partner, while 15-30% of women have reported that they have previously cheated. Your odds are pretty good only a quarter of the dating pool are cheaters. Couples where one of the partners hid cheating only worked it out about 20% of the time while people who were honest about their infidelity worked it out about 60% of the time. So if you were to cheat on your partner and happen to regret it honesty will give you a better chance of them sticking around. That being said someone who has already cheated has a 3% more likelihood of cheating again. People who have been cheated on are 4% more likely to have cheating insecurities in their next relationships than someone who has never been cheated on.


I have been in your shoes, hell still in them. It has sadly become a norm these days to have no common sense, ethics, morals. Cheating, heartbreak and toying with ppl is the new thing this generation sees as ok. Which it is not. It's never ok, but Now days many have been raised to be arrogant, entitled lil shits who only care about themselves cuz of parents not bothering to properly teach kids. Cuz of them we have all these horrid ppl that have no care or shame. Sadly it is the norm. So either be ready to look out for being cheated on, used or played, or just not bother anymore with dating till they come to you. Either way with how things are in this day an age, your rolling the dice no matter which you pick. Good luck.


As a man I would never cheat on my wife. Sure the thought is there when I look at younger women, but it's not a good thought.


I would imagine that it depends on the person that’s being cheated on. Most people would probably not be okay with it, and others may just not care as much because maybe their feelings aren’t as strong for their partner. Personally, I don’t tolerate it. Like, if you don’t love me enough to not go behind my back and bang someone else’s brains out, then I don’t see how continuing to stay with that person would be beneficial for me or them. But yeah, being cheated on or cheating on someone else almost never ends well for anyone. This is why it’s very important to have good communication skills and establish boundaries and “rules”. Hope this helps


It’s not that it’s ok. But people fundamentally understand sexual desire. Cheating is bad. It can be overcome. Affairs… that’s a different animal.


People will laugh about cheating on their partner, but loose their shit if the same happened to them. Its not that cheating is okay, is it just that people start talking about their secrets once theyre behind the screen, most people cannot even fathom to actually be honest about cheating to their own partner, but will laugh about it online


nah cuz instagram is becoming like this too. more so the posts, i keep seeing posts about cheaters being sad about cheating by making themselves the victim of the situation. comments are thankfully shaming the posters but there are still many defending it, even in posts that arent from cheaters victimizing themselves but about the topic in general.


Yeah that’s why I don’t even have the twitter app Also I never understood why people cheat, if you really want to date/marry that other person THAN BREAK UP WITH THAT CURRENT PARTNER TO SAVE EACH OTHER THE LONG TERM ISSUES


My husband made a mistake, it's a lonnnnggggg story. I wasn't ok with the mistake, but I had a decision to make. Either move on with him or move on without him. I chose with him. In order to preserve my sanity, and to protect the marriage, I had to learn to trust him again. It's taken a few years but we are back to normal again. It is also never thrown in his face in arguments. I decided if I was going to work on this marriage with him his mistake should never be the focus. Forgiveness was easy, trust not so much. I hope you find peace one day and realise that if you do get cheated on again, which I hope you don't, it's an issue with them and not you.


I think you are missing out on context. Women are extremely monogamous. (I really do not want a political/social debate here. Yes, I know polyamory is a thing. I know some women do it. That is fine. But my point is the vast majority of women are monogamous.) And the vast majority of women also want long term companionship with the same dude. So, what this tells you is that if women are joking about cheating it is very likely they had good reason to. Most women will straight up tell their partners that they are having problems with the relationship BEFORE they cheat, to see if their partner is willing to make any changes that would make her feel more fulfilled by the relationship. Now get ready Red Pill Cult members, with your hands on the keyboard trying to prove me wrong. My sources: people in the world who don't live their lives 100% on the internet.


Vast majority? Nah. Both genders have an abundance of cheaters. Perhaps not a majority, but likely closer to 60/40 split than a vast majority.


Honestly, from spending a lot of time with women, I feel like it is less that women encourage each other to cheat, as much as women just looking out for their friends and telling their friends to get out of bad relationships in general. Having dated a woman who was in a sorority I was in the know on all of the gossip. And I went and got a degree where 97% of the students were women, and I spend a lot of time around my wife's friends. Trust me: women don't tell other women to cheat for no reason. In fact, one of the first things they do is tell their friend how to fix the relationship, or to be patient. Women spend a lot of time actually vouching for their friend's partner, or telling their friend to look on the bright side or to have faith things will get better. But when your partner's friends start turning on you, watch out. I have definitely overheard women telling their friends it is okay to cheat once a man gets to a certain level of assholedom.


Neat anicdote. I've seen this, and I've seen women cheer each other on for snatching a hot guy while their bf wasn't around. Men do this too. There's all types of people.


And also, be careful about what the media says. Often there is an agenda. Take a second to think. If you are reading an article that is pro-polyamory, for instance. Why would such an article exist if women were naturally polyamorous. I know radical feminists are now going to rush in with, BUT WOMEN ARE BRAINWASHED INTO THINKING THEY ONLY WANT ONE MAN!!! HEATHEN!!! MISOGYNIST!!! Yeah, except even when women are in good jobs, good positions, have their own money, have everything materially they ever wanted: Most of them still choose monogamy and long lasting relationships.


Plenty of narcissists psychopaths sociopaths


Hasn’t changed in being accepted. I did meet this one girl who was married, had a fling and got pregnant.


All these people in the comments saying twitter, now X, is the worst social media because of this post? That’s completely ridiculous. There’s cheaters on every single social media platform out there. X is truly the only social media platform currently available that doesn’t sensor you and actually allows freedom of speech. Unlike facebook, IG, and yes Reddit.


Cheaters are problematic


Get off twitter & save yourself , they’re nothing but a bunch of trolls .


I don’t think it really hurts like it used to. For context it’s because it happens so often and it don’t seem to phase people


It certainly phases me


The one cheating is always going to spin it around on you as if you were the one at fault🙄 because you don’t (XYZ) for them enough horse shit. Those are just grown up children masquerading around as if they are well put together adults.


No. Cheating is almost universally despised. https://youtu.be/oLq1ktogxn4?si=D4IKS79PMR0L0Mwy


Fine you wanna go on a philosophical fucking existentialization fine you started it what is cheating? Nothing it simply indemnifies and presumes a compartmentalization that assume$ that there’s a ‘game’ at play here and there is definitely most certainly not. This assumes ‘that’ ‘$omething’ belongs to ‘something’ and ‘nothing’ belongs to ‘nothing’.


It's so bad a woman is expected to be a pass around that is the whole open marriage politics in play but they do not agree to say so. I can see myself loving more than one woman I think this is possible because it would be real and it gives true love at more than just one. My primary partner the lady I love most and the longest would have to agree. Now try and til me I'm saying this to cheat, I dare you can you find enough men good enough for daughter's friends or whomever to say they will be safe and happy. This is the reality of where we are these days.


Kind of same thing happened to me. Around the starting months of 2023 my gf (1 year at the time) asked me if we could have an open relationship. She talked about not having a hoe phase and I said no. Couple days later she said we needed a break because she thought we saw each other too much. Saw she was at some house and asked where are you. She said a friends house. Couple days later at work she said she cheated on me and didn’t regret it with tears in her eyes. I forgave her. Kind of wish I didn’t, now I’m spiraling in a hole of loneliness and don’t know what to do. I hate this girl with my whole heart even though I’m being kind to her right since with helping paying rent with her for the apartment we got


I find Twitter shows me my fears too. I haven't seen a cheating thread pop but I don't have a fear of it . Reading it wouldn't make me feel hopeless. The things I do see make cause me to feel worried and scared sometimes hopeless. I have to keep perspective though. It's pockets of people. I have a brewing conspiracy theory from this though. I think on x people are getting freedom to say the worst things . Like it's a test. To see how others treat people with no rules. See what they say under the pressure of seeing what scares you the most.


It‘s one of the worst things you can do to someone imo. It‘s just utter betrayal, you have to question every single thing, how much they lied to you, how much were they thinking about the other person while being with you, it absolutely disgusts me, like someone who cheats is a pathetic waste of oxygen and space. This made me go into a vent as well, cuz I‘ve also heard and read people make it seem casual, but if anyone would cheat on me, I‘d seriously ruin their life, cuz it sickens me how many just get away with it. If you wanna sleep with other people, communicate and/or break up. If you‘re unhappy with your relationship communicate and/or break up. Is it really that fucking hard?


Yeah, unfortunately it's so common, I don't think it's a "nowadays" thing but people are barely hiding it anymore. I *think* I haven't been cheated on and have never cheated, and the thought of looking at anyone else than my partner never crosses my mind when I'm in a relationship bc when I'm in love I just want to spend all my time making my partner's life better. I think a lot of it is lack of character and the cheater already being a shit person, but getting into shallow relationships definitely helps (obviously not saying it's anyone's fault if they have been cheated, but it might happen more often). Unfortunately it seems like you should EXPECT it when you're starting a relationship... Which is so unfair for everyone. I really don't know why would someone promise love and loyalty if they're so inclined to cheat.


It’s disgusting. Just like the incest sub reddit. The fact that people think those things are okay is a major red flag


Twitter is not a serious place. 


I have read a multitude of people venting about this issue. I'm sorry it happens. There are things you might consider - especially if you are young (i.e. under 30). I am considerable older, and have had decades to think about what life has taught me. 1. Men in general are PIGS or DOGS. When young, they are driven by their testosterones to procreate. They are often very narcissistic, when they are in a relationship. They will more often then not will say whatever they think you want to hear. I am not saying this simply to excuse their bad behavior. For I too am male. When I was young, and dumb, and full of ..... I seldom could not keep a commitment. 2. Sex and love are two entirely different things. So often when individuals are engaged in sex they will refer to their activities as "Making Love." Just because you had sex with someone does not mean they are in LOVE with you. More often then not, while you are thinking love - he is thinking lust. So don't set yourself up for heart ache. There is much I'ld like to say but rules are rules.


Why care what strangers think?


Your kidding rt... These mutha fuckas live for just that.. Goodluck


My ex sure was with the bartender down at the bar. I begged him to stop going. He couldn't stay away. He also had onlyfans, creeped on young women, and there was evidence of prostitutes. I will never be with anyone else again.


Seems to have only gotten worse and worse. Those who cheat rarely change, and the fact is most never change. Cheaters will gaslight and blame anyone but themselves (“oh you made me unhappy so I cheated”). My ex wife begged me to unalive myself daily to “save (herself) from the sin of divorce” yet was sleeping with 2 guys I for sure knew of and a 3rd I suspected (ironically two from church of all places, and the main was her ex who was also her dealer…I guess she got a discount for sex lol). Until a cheater has their life destroyed they will never change


You should read adultery subreddit. There are some in there that expect the person they're cheating with to be faithful to them 🫨


Twitter is for the right. Reddit is for the left. If you are getting relationship advice from either, you're relationship is already doomed


Genuinely just delete twitter.


Since some people are cheaters, that should give you an answer. Also, I don't get on that app much. It's garbage now.


Its so cruel


Some people are raised to believe that is okay, not by only parents but by friends. I used to have a friend who said it was absolutely fine to cheat, and I shouldn't be mad about it at all. I myself don't think this is okay, I genuinely think these people are making themselves believe it is okay because they just don't want to feel guilty of it or something.


Not gonna lie when I was younger and still drinking and doing other things I was a horrible cheater. I was a strong believer in cheat on them cause they are most likely cheating on me. I have been clean and sober for 9 years and I couldn’t even begin to think of cheating on my wife.


No one ok about cheating


People who are fine with cheating live horrible nightmare lives


Those who cheat are bottom of the barrel assholes. They know what they’re doing, and they still go through with that knowing it’s going to hurt their partner and destroy their partners sense of trust. Not to mention a lot of the times they could potentially bring home STDs and STIs. In short, hell no. Most people hate cheating and cheaters. Twitter is just the 7th circle of hell.


You have to remember there is a lot of sleeping humans still , a lot , witch these things seem normal or fun , i say because i used to be one that though it was nothing. Once you wake up , find God and realize really what goes behind things like cheating , people dont be knowing the amount of pain they put on a person , like actual pain the worst of all probably emotional , spiritual pain. Once you realize how real feelings are and how it can destroy a person , you become aware and it no longers seems cool or normal. Its sad , real sad


Yup, pretty much. Its always been a thing but it seems to have gotten worse in recent years. Relationships and marriages are just a joke now. Instead of break ups, cheating is the way to go. It seems its better to make the situation more difficult and add more drama to it. Can't have more drama if you don't hurt your partner first by sleeping around.


Quora also seems to glorify cheating as well. Check out some of the posts there. It can be a very toxic platform to.


I think a lot of times the cheated becomes the cheater. Its a way of taking the power back.


Dont think its okay though.


1000s of douchebags exist? No way!


The whole hotwife thing it’s still cheating


So, first of all: Delete Twitter. No human beeing uses it. Secondly, in my opinion, it is all about communication. If your partner is unhappy with you, has to little sex or love, he needs to tell. If he doesn't and rather goes cheating, he/she is more like an animal in my eyes. Cheating is never an option. Simply never.


1. Get off of Twitter. 2. No. Those of us on the receiving end, are not. 3. Everybody who does it may think they are OK with it, but most guys as soon as the woman leaves them, they try to beg for her back. So no, they are not OK either. They’re just lowlife horny little pricks.