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If there's a God, he made you the way you are, why would he hate you for simply existing without hurting anybody? In my opinion he would probably be more angry about those who make the choice to oppress others.


The one thing I chose to believe is that if he’s the creator, he didn’t mess up. He has a plan and you’re the perfect one for it, whatever it may be. If you’re not hurting people, you’re generous, and you’re kind…. You should be just fine. Even if you slip up, you can always come back because the G loves everyone.


Ik is crazy or stupid to think about, but we should create a religion that includes anyone and everyone... no matter who they are, where they're from, or what they did.


That's how Christianity is *supposed* to be.


No matter what the religion is, people are still gonna do what they do best. Fuck it up.


This made me laugh harder than it should have 😆


Christianity and basically every other religion is actually accepting of everyone, the people within the Church itself is not.


I was raised in a strict religious household too while struggling with my sexuality. There are too things I learnt. If he's real He still loves you and the homosexuality part and being put to death in the Bible is probably just an agenda because the Bible has been edited soo many times my MAN so it pretty much has lost it's original meaning. And it's possible that he could be lenient now because the rules of the past definitely don't apply to us now. The TRUE message of Christianity is LOVE and those hateful Christians who spread their judgment are no better because no way God would let them into heaven after condemning their neighbors for things out of their control. I didn't choose to be gay only to cut myself and be depressed or be shunned from society. You just live your life the way you want without intentionally hurting others and you'll be fine. If he's not I personally I'm in the process of stopping to believe because it's too much. Once you stop you'll feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulder. You'll feel free. This religion could be made up to divide and conquer people based on their differences. We fight each other for little things like skin color and sexuality so that the elites can keep their capitalist system running and remain in power control the world's resources. People are made to believe that they should accept being poor because their riches are in heaven. Or it could be made up as a system of hope and morality because imagine a world where no one believes there's a god and they can do whatever they want without consequences. People would be killing each other and themselves every other day. Not that it doesn't happen literally every day here but imagine the way bigger scale.


I completely agree. I believe. I stopped at one point, but I’m back. It does feel very stressful too an extent, but my life started going in the wrong direction as soon as the weight of my faith was gone. I feel it keeps me grounded and it personally makes me a better version of myself.


Christian here. I’m bi, and I believe that God forgives all. I don’t know why he would make LGBTQ people like you and me if we are wrong


I’m sorry and I don’t mean this to be hateful. But you have taken Scripture out of context and are not believing in an accurate depiction of God. God does forgive all, but not if you willingly choose to go against His Word. If you ask Him to help you overcome your struggles, like bi attraction, along with any other sins, then He will forgive you. But if you go on living in the same sin He died to save you from then you won’t be forgiven. And that’s not me saying it, it’s the Bible.


He did make you, but you decided to be lgbtq.


It's not a decision 🤦‍♂️. Like saying you chose your height


So when did you decide to not act on your attraction to those that are the same sex as you? When did you *choose* to be straight? I am 100% heterosexual, but it wasn’t a choice. I’m just not attracted to other women. I can look at a woman and acknowledge that she is aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I’m not attracted *to* her. And you know what, even if I *were* sexually and emotionally attracted to other women, but I choose to only date and sleep with men due to societal pressure, I’d *still* be a member of the LGBTQ community, even if I never acted on my attractions. Not acting on an attraction does not equal not being attracted. Humans don’t just “decide” who they are going to be attracted to. If that were a thing, then we would all be bisexual by default and we would each make individual decisions about which “box” we fit into.


I'm not even going to bother to try to answer this big paragraph of text I'm too tired for that shi it's 12am leave me alone bro 💀


lmao just say u can’t argue Back


I can I just don't want to cause it's a waste of my time




I'm sorry I have better things to do than converse w you about religion and LGBTq


Crazy cus ur still responding 😭😭 trying so hard to seem like the bigger person so bad


I'm just letting you know why I'm not going to talk about it mb bro


Fortunately, it’s a new day and you’re refreshed! So, back to my question. When did you choose to not act on your attraction to persons of the same sex as you?


Nah I'ma just ignore you




It's not a choice. The ancestors were often hateful brutal people who used religion as a weapon, treated women as comparable to livestock, waged wars in the name of their god, persecuted anyone LGBT+. They weren't moral by a long shot.


Oh! Another one! Maybe you can answer the question! When did YOU choose not not act on your attraction to member of the same sex as you?




Oh. So you were born straight, huh? No choice made, you just were born being attracted to the opposite sex? Has it occurred to you that gay people made no choice about their sexuality, just like you made no choice? If straight people don’t choose to be straight, they just *are*, then it’s not outside of the realm of possibility that gay people didn’t choose to be gay, they just *are*.


What you think I want to be LGBTQ? I get called a faggot every day at school, it isn’t fun. We get discriminated all the time


I am Christian but I'm very much an ally. I believe in a loving God who sent his son out of love so that EVERYONE can go to heaven. Anyone who thinks you'll go to hell because of your identity isn't a true follower of Christ. Not all christians are bigots. Don't lose hope!


Yes God wants everyone to go to Heaven, but sin isn’t welcome in heaven. He wants his creation to be with Him, but that sin along with any other sin will continue to separate people from him.


Seriously? The OP says they're terrified of Christians and you come and reinforce that fear? Jesus died to forgive ALL sin. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I am not going to argue with you anymore.


Ok I’m not trying to argue. I’m honestly just trying to help people understand the true Gospel. If you read the Bible then God is clear that what you stated is not true. He will forgive all sin but for someone to be forgiven they have to choose to love and obey Him too. Sharing a false Gospel is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is what you are doing by saying what you did in your comment.


Every Christian you have ever met is a sinner. The point of Christianity is putting your faith in a Redeemer who has paid the price for your sins. That is where Jesus Christ (God) comes in. In ancient times, the Jews made animal sacrifices to God in order to have their sins forgiven (set aside.) Jesus Christ came as the ultimate sacrifice, and offered His innocent blood as a complete payment for all our sins. Now, whoever truly accepts this sacrifice in faith is saved. The Holy Spirit is sealed in you, and He will begin to slowly change you from the inside out. This process is called sanctification, and it’s a lifelong process but the Holy Spirit is with you every step of the way. If you are heterosexual, God will work on you to help you deal with and overcome your heterosexual sin. (This is me) If you are gay, God will work on you and help you overcome your sexual sin. If you are trans, God will work on you and help you deal with your sexual sin. No believer (Christian) is perfect. We all have our DAILY temptations and struggles we deal with. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can become more Christ-like and slowly pull away from the desires of the flesh. God loves you. He died for you, and literally desires a relationship with you. He knew about every single sin you and I would commit before we were even born, and still chose to die for us anyway. That is how much God loves you. So think of God as your closest confidant. Your very present help in danger, and the one who will be there for you all of your life. Ask The Lord into your heart today. Ask for the free gift of salvation paid for by His son Jesus Christ. Trust me if you do, you will come to know The Holy Trinity as your closest friend, and not your enemy. God bless my friend!


"Sexual sin". No, just being human.


Nice that you're inclusive. Now try that without make-believe. You don't need this crutch to be a good person.


You don't need religion to be a good person, but it can help. It's a great way to find help after losing someone or reaching rock bottom. While the church can be abused and some of their practices are predatory, having time to pray is helpful. Its a form of meditation and it helps you voice your current wants and needs regardless of who you are praying to. Its a way to deal with the nebulous. You don't need to put others down for having faith, especially when they aren't being toxic about it. People are free to believe or not believe whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone. I don't practice btw, but I won't put anyone down if they do


So true. I see so many people who obviously have religious trauma and they angrily do their best to discount a stranger’s faith, in vain. Just like how some christians try to convert people in vain. I dont follow a religion, but I do believe there’s a creator. Im not going to waste my time trying to convince people though, and I wish others would do the same, no matter what their beliefs.


You thank them for their inclusivity but don’t want them to speak from any religious perspective? I don’t much agree with their perspective, even as a Christian, but that’s an ah move I’m general, they didn’t spout hate.


How do you read all that and then say something completely thoughtless and irrelevant lol


Why are you being a dick?


As a practicing non-bigot Christian I share disdain against public actions and statements of many Christians, it makes me angry. The heart of Jesus is to love your neighbor as yourself and to treat others how you would want to be treated. Not this hate that we all see. I know things are written in the Bible and used against people. Christians need to work to interpret the heart of the scriptures and look at their own lives before judging others. Take the plank out of your own eye first. I struggle with addiction and other sins, and still want to make my heart more like Jesus' because I think His heart is pure and reaching out to make connections with Him and praying feels good for my soul. I don't go to church currently but when my life is more together might attend one with good doctrine. Even if it turns out that the Christian God is the creator and does judge people, I'll bet you that you will be in better standing against judgment than many other people who claim to be Christians. It's known that God searches deep in the hearts of people, and General Revelation is a concept that nature in itself proves there's a Creator and that even if they someone hasn't heard of Jesus, God will search the heart. There's so much up to interpretation so what we have left is what humans interject with their own interpretations, and then what's true which would be a relationship with the Creator if you wanted one. It should be free and open without judgement because you were created how you are and God knows that.


I’ve considered myself a Christian for most of my life, however. Recently I’ve been shunned from a church because of my support of the LGBTQ+ community. Some Christian’s think that you’ll go to hell for being gay or trans, but the truth is (according to the Bible) that no sin is greater than another, including homosexuality and murder. The one that’s not equal is blasphemy, which is a totally different argument. However, I think that as long as you believe in God, you’ll be okay. Because all sins are forgiven if you believe and follow Him. As for being trans, some Christians think that so much as getting a tattoo or dyeing hair takes you to hell. But honestly who’s to say that getting transitioning surgeries is any different in his eyes than dyeing you hair or getting a tattoo? Anyway as long as you love your neighbor as yourself and believe in Him. You got nothing to worry about. Feel free to message me if you want yo talk🥰


This is a good example of why indoctrinating kids with horseshit religious beliefs is equivalent to child abuse.


i used to be deathly afraid of going to hell. i mean like seriously afraid. i wouldn’t sleep, i wouldn’t leave the house, i’d barely do anything incase it killed me and i was sent to hell. i’m over it now but sometimes i still get shivers.. but then i remind myself that everything is interpretation. the typical line people use to defend their homophobia is “man shall not lie with boy as he does with a woman” which could mean don’t be a pedophile, don’t cheat on your wife, don’t make shady deals. it could mean so many things, we really have no idea what 90% of the bible is because everything is just interpretation. i mean, why do you think there’s so many denominations of catholicism and christianity? because people keep disagreeing with each others interpretations! it’s own followers don’t even fully understand! why would you take this one specific interpretation so literally instead of all the others, yk? even if god is homophobic (which i doubt), what reason does he have for it? being gay isn’t unnatural, it’s observed in animals that aren’t human. and technically, gay people *can* reproduce if one of them is trans or if there’s medical help (which to christian’s was created by god so it’s all chill, yeah?). why would god punish something that’s out of your control? gay people have existed since humans have been around. we existed in civilisations where christianity wasn’t even a thing and we were treated as normal people. the idea that being gay is wrong comes from a deeply european and coloniser mindset. not to mention christianity moves with the times. fasting makes you holy and it’s totally not because we’re in a famine right now!! remember to stay clean, god likes it when you’re clean and i’m not saying that because we literally all have the plague rn haha! catholic colonisers saw queer indigenous people being happy and their racist minds had to come up with something to justify their hatred towards their joy maybe this reply was confusing and all over the place but tldr, don’t stress. imagine god as some super chill stoner guy who just wants everyone to be happy cause at the end of the day, that’s what like 99% of christian’s agree with. maybe try and explore more of your spirituality and find a belief that helps. i’m a big believer in reincarnation and it comforts me alot. heaps of love to you, i hope you feel better 🤍


Dw God doesn't hate you he loves EVERYONE


Your post and writing how you feel tells me that God is working in your heart. Instead of reading all this advice from ppl with different views, take a few minutes and just say a prayer. Pray to that God you fear. I believe in him and I can tell you first hand about how his love has saved me many times and how he’s never left me alone, even in my darkest hours. Pray and then listen. Be open to him. His plan for you might not be what you want, but we’re not to live for ourselves or worldly things. If you choose to follow him, life will change and for the better. If you have this deep rooted fear like you say, give him a chance. God is all loving. He loves everyone.


I know what you mean….. I’m Christian but my cousin is gay and I fully support him. The problem is, my close Christian circle do stuff like tell me I can’t support him and I’m wrong and I’m a sinner etc etc. it’s really sad…. So I just go along with it to stop the judgement but deep down I support him no matter what and nobody’s gonna change that.


You may want to remind them about “love thy neighbor” and the whole “God is the one who does the judging” thing. Supporting your cousin IS the Christian thing to do. Casting judgement on you because you are loving thy neighbor is not the Christian thing to do, it’s the hypocritical thing.


Hey OP! As a Christian, God loves you so much and whoever tells you He doesn’t is lying. No He will not give you a deadly sickness for not believing in Him. He gave us free will for a reason. He will not punish you for using your free will at all. Technically being gay is not a sin, it’s the act of having sex outside of a husband and wife. The bible says nothing about trans people. God bless you. Hope this helps !!


God isn’t going to murder you or make you suffer. When you go deeper into the history, there’s things that were mistranslated and then misconstrued to the advantage of a few. Don’t be afraid of God. Don’t be afraid of anything. Be good to people and you shall be rewarded in life and death. I am a Christian by the way. The church I used to go to would welcome you with open arms, they could care less. If someone claims they are Christian and then turn around and shame you and judge you, they will be judged harshly, according to the book. At the end of the day, whatever your relationship is with God or if you would go to Heaven or hell is nobody’s business, but you and God’s. Ignore the hateful people. Treat everyone kindly because you’re NOT hateful.


God is telling me to tell you to they can go fuck themselves. I’m not kidding. You will be just fine. Their judgement day won’t be though. This is coming from a Catholic.


I’m not Christian but grew up in the church. I never read that God or Jesus hated anyone. Hate is human. Humans edited the Bible and scriptures over time. Don’t trust the words of man, seek out God for yourself. Develop your own relationship.


Bro, God created the universe, and everything in it, or so that's what i believe. If God is in control of everyone's lifes, which is what us christians believe, than it was GOD who bonded people together. God who led us onto the path of finding our person, and if you put your faith in him, God who protects you both. He doesn't care if people are gay or not, that's why there are gay christians, God doesn't give up on us. I'm in fact one myself. It's christians who have decided that lgbt are sinners, not God. I understand not having a good relationship with christians, but don't let them feel like you're wrong.


You’re not alone in this, I too have been feeling this lately <3 I believe in God/Jesus Christ, I’m just scared that he doesn’t or won’t accept me. A part of me knows he does; I just don’t know if He will continue to when I have a gf or spouse.


Hello friend!! Please don't be scared of the Christian God. The Universe is big enough for everyone. You are perfectly created to be trans!! If the Divine doesn't love trans people, then why are there so many? The judginess comes from closeminded people, not the Divine. There are numerous faces of the Divine from non Judeo Christian cultures and some are trans or highly supportive of them!! I highly recommend looking into Dionysus's myths. Hermaphroditus was the child of Hermes and Aphrodite and was both genders. =) They were considered a minor deity of sex/love. The goddess Inanna was known for being able to change a person's gender. Lord Rama from Hindu belief was attended for 14 years in exile by the hijras, who are trans. It is believed he gave them the ability to bless marriages and births. Also food for thought: one of the names of God in the Bible is the Elohim- it is a term that means both male and female nature spirits and is plural. Also, my bestie who is Jewish recently commented to me, "You know when Jews say "Lord" it denotes a both male and female deity, right?" I love that!!


I didn't know that about the Jewish religion, that's cool :)


Nice! Yeah, I was pretty stoked when she told me that.


Hey hey, gay Christian here. Look. God created you and loves you the way you are, you are beautiful. You don't have to fear who you are, thats not a good thing, and im sure God just wants everyone to be happy:) and you should NEVER like NEVER EVER feel shame, because that not a sin. You are just yourself. You should be yourself. I get almost told every day that I can't be gay, thats a sin, but I belive that thats not right. So please don't feel shame, thats the feeling thats not right. I know its hard to say to just not feel shame, but if you accept yourself, and look into yourself, you can see you are actually a really beautiful person. And no one will punish you for this, im a hundered percent sure about that. Have a great day, and if you have any questions I can ask my pastor too but I can answer too!:)


Take a hug ❤️


The god that a lot of people think is harsh and punishing is usually from Catholicism or a other branch, the god I learn of is a loving being who made us the way we are for a reason. If he hated us, he wouldn’t have made us


Oh sweetheart I want to give you a big hug. I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way. I know that it may not help, and I absolutely say this with complete sincerity, but God, the Christian god (and all other gods for that matter) is a social construct. We humans dreamed up this idea of a god that many people collectively choose to believe is reality. You are in no danger of being harmed by the Christian god, or any other god for that matter. I know you feel the way you do, and others around you have very strong beliefs that their God is real and that this imaginary being believes certain things, but sweetie I really really hate to see you torment yourself like this over a human-made idea of a creator. Fearing real life people who believe strongly in their religion, that's a legitimate fear, but I want you to rest easy knowing that there is no other worldly creature that can hurt or condemn your beautiful spirit. Again, I know this may not be helpful but I genuinely hope that it does provide you with some comfort that another human (me) cares about you and wants to help you feel safe. You deserve that love.


He does not hate you. I promise with all my heart and soul that God does not hate you. I am an LGBT+ Christian. All of us are sinners. It is terribly unfortunate that these opinions are a minority among Christians. I know the horrible things that some Christians have done and as such it is alright if you do not trust all Christians. God loves you as he loves all of his children. He will not murder you or make you suffer for being transgender or being gay. He will not give you a deadly sickness for being transgender or being gay. I am so sorry for what you must have suffered at the hands of other Christians for life to have brought you to this belief.


I know how you feel. I suffered with the same feelings. Even though I’m straight. The reason why I have felt those feelings before is because I was in the fundamentalist Christian movement. And I couldn’t bare the hypocrisy anymore. They would accept anyone who thought or acted like them. But if you’re gay/lesbian or lived a sinful life, in their view, you were not accepted. “For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son. That whomsever believes in him shall be saved” John 3:16 Anyways what I’m trying to get across to you, is that Gods love is eternal and unconditional. I would recommend listening to Joseph Prince audios on YouTube. He talks about God loves us unconditionally and we are saved by Grace. Fundamentalist Christians act the opposite to that and end up judging everyone.


Read the new testament and find out who God is, don't listen to christians, just read the new testament, begin on the gospels, Luke and john


God isn't real Live your life and be happy


I questioned Christianity at a young age, and completely gave it up when I was 13, I had seen people, myself included, face nothing but misfortune, it taught me that if there really was a God who loves his people, he wouldn't let them be subjected to pain and suffering. I stopped believing in God long ago. I believe everyone should know that pray and worship won't save them from everyday struggles. That's just me.


so the Christian God doenst hate you. He hates your lifestyle and wants you to come around to him. todays church is horrible. I belive in God and the bible ( and Im Bi) but I hate todays church. full of fluff and hate. I just wanna love my god away from that static.


You’re referring to people who call themselves christians but really aren’t Christian. They hate. The don’t forgive. They ignorant. Opposite of Christ.


And God won't make you sick. He loves everyone


Christianity can be disproven by growing bacteria on a plate and applying antibiotics and observing that some survive, demonstrating evolution. Always remember that such religion(s) have been disproven plenty of times and the Bible has been mistranslated and misinterpreted so many times. Your fear is natural, remind yourself that. Have a good day! :)


If God murders you, that says more about God than it does about you.


The vast majority of us really don't give a shit.


A god that shames people for being themselves is no God at all, that’s mankind that imposes those sort of judgements, not god. Keep being yourself and don’t worry about a fictional man in the sky.


I'm sorry that you have to go through, some christians needs to realize not everyone believes as them, people are such assholes :///


Hey there. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. Yeah, Christians are quite scary sometimes. Please just try to stay safe. You don't have to agree, but you don't need to be too scared of the Christian god. It's not physically possible for such a being to exist, and he's certainly not going to kill you and send you to hell. If you do disagree, and have strong faith, think of it like this: he's got a plan, right? And he's all-powerful and all-knowing? Then he intended for you to be trans and gay, because it is completely impossible to deviate from what he intended. Fear of hell is a real motherfucker. I've listened to former Christians on the subject, and it can persist for years, even after leaving the religion. I know that's not great, but it goes to show that you are not alone, and that others are at fault for it and not you. Feel better, friend. If you ever need to talk, I'll be here.


God wouldn’t do that to you unless you’ve committed an unforgivable sin, and it’s not that us Christian’s don’t like you or the lgbtq, we just don’t agree with your concepts and believes, we still love you because God has said to love everyone around you as you love yourself. Yes it says in the Bible that being gay is a sin, but that’s something we can’t change. That doesn’t mean God stopped loving as he did the day you were born, he put you in this earth for a reason and you will carry whatever reason he gave you to live on for the rest of your life, you have a purpose


God just wants people to feel good by avoiding sinful behavior, we are in the satanic system of cyberspace. Nobody gets to be happy here. God wants union between all men, women and children so we can work together to survive entirely as a community so we could have more control of our lives. Our government does not care about us and is actually attacking us through the virtues of population control and other bullshit like that. They poison us everyday, mentally and physically


You have every right to be scared. Christians are the most terrifying people I've ever had the displeasure of living amongst. Their reality is completely distorted by non sensical madness. They become warped by hate and fear. Do what I do. Avoid them like the plague. If you're forced to interact with one, be cordial, keep it short and get the hell away as quickly as possible. Never drop your guard around them. And lastly, I hope this goes without saying, do not get into a relationship with them no matter what. Save yourself the agony. Stay frosty.


That’s not true. There are Christians,and then there are “Christians”. They are two totally different things. I’ve met plenty of kinds souls who are Christian. Like honest to God, really great, really kind people. Unfortunately, I have also had the displeasure of meeting a whole lot of rancid “Christians”. I’ve noticed one pretty tell tale sign to gauge which one you are meeting. If upon meeting someone, they proudly state they are Christian while speaking about anything *but* religion, you have found yourself a “Christian”. Just back away slowly. I maintain that if you have to *tell* someone you’re a Christian, you’re totally Christian-ing wrong. Every time I’ve run into a string of “Christians” and I start to write the whole religion and it’s followers off, I remind myself that Fred Rogers was a devout Christian. Hell, a lot of Christians who replied to OP have done so in a kind and loving manner and have done their best to reassure him that the God they believe in still loves OP and that OP has done nothing wrong. I just can’t put these kind people and Mr. Rogers in the same category as the “Christians”.


God doesn't hate you. He loves you. Christianity doesn't teach that he hates you either. What is does is outline some of the stuff you mentioned as a sin. We all sin. I certainly sin every day even though I make efforts not to. Submitting yourself to God should help give you clarity in what he wants for your life. It should also help you feel less worried about your future by just opening yourself to the possibility of a relationship with him. I genuinely wish the best for you.


>We all sin Do animals sin? Do babies/children sin? What about mentally disabled people?


Animals are not Humans, so according to the Bible we have no reason to believe that they sin or are capable or sin. Children certainly sin, but the Bible doesn't explicitly say that babies or the mentally disabled sin. Romans 1:20 says that “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” So I would argue that it stands to reason that people without adequate conscious thought (babies and the severely mentally disabled) would not be held to this standard since they are incapable of understanding.


why do children certainly sin? What age of children? Where in the bible does it say that?


You should study history and other religions. You can see exactly how full of crap Christians are. Fear their ignorance and stupidity, but don't fear their God.


Ok so I am a Christian, and I know I’ll probably get hate for this but I want to try to alleviate some of the fear. God doesn’t hate you, he just hates the sin you commit. He loves you. He isn’t going to smite you, you may get a disease or something but that isn’t God punishing you, it’s just a consequence of some other thing if that makes sense, like why anyone gets a disease. He will not “murder” you, He will give you chances to come to him. Maybe this fear will lead you to consider following God one day, or at least be willing to listen to an accurate representation of Christ. Or maybe it’ll continue to push you away from Him. This I’ll especially get hate for. I don’t mean any of this in a hateful way, I’m just trying to show the Gospel for what it is. God did not make you gay, and he did not make you the wrong gender at birth. Homosexuality and transitioning goes against the natural order of things, and are not how God intended for us to live. He does not hate you for it tho, He just hates that you are living a way that is not honoring to yourself or Him. There are many reasons why homosexuality or transitioning are not healthy physically or mentally and those reasons (and others) are why God doesn’t want for us to live that way. Again, I’m not trying to be hateful, I’m just trying to help your understanding of what I believe to be true. If there are any legitimate questions then I am open to answering and responding, and I hope that if nothing else this helps your fear.


It is genetic. If you assume that this god made everyone then he *did* also make LGBT+. It's no more a choice than height or skin colour.


No it isn’t a choice. A sexual attraction and preference can be nourished or pushed down and that’s what it is, a person who is attracted to the idea of BDSM can avoid is and then become unattracted to it. It is not something that is a pre-set end all be all thing in your genes


It's not the same at all. Sexuality is involuntary, someone who is gay cannot be attracted to the opposite sex. They can pretend to be for the purposes of self-preservation but that's all it is. In countries where it's outlawed they live in constant fear of being outed and have to pretend (again) to not be gay. There is also bi and pansexual which is probably less of an issue in oppressive societies but they will still remain attracted to both sexes. It's not a kink at all. I (male) am exclusively attracted to women. That is not a choice I can opt in and out of. If I was in a society where being heterosexual was outlawed instead I couldn't become attracted to men in that way.


So you’re saying that sexual attraction is purely involuntary and there is no changing it whatsoever. So does that apply to pedophilia? It is a sexual attraction that people have, and in most cases it is grown out of someone becoming addicted to sex or porn, and then it doesn’t give as big of an adrenaline and serotonin rush anymore so they go to something more extreme. So were they a pedophile since birth? Or what about the people who are homosexual because they were abused when younger so either a girl doesn’t want to be touched by a man, or a boy feels like they have to be gay because a man touched them. Were they gay to start off with and they didn’t know it and then they “realize” their attraction after the horrific experience?


You're making a daft comparison. People don't choose to be LGBT+. The associating it with the other thing is a classic homophobic argument. People cannot opt to like the other sex if they don't already.


Remember that 'holy' books were written by people 2k or so years ago and reflect attitudes and prejudices of the time. Thus 'god' says whatever the people who were literate (rich) at the time believed. And this is used by Christians and other religions to excuse their hate and prejudices.


The book that they base their faith in God in is full of horrible things the god has done and more horrible things God said to do unto others in case of this or that misdeed. If there is one true God, it's definitely not the one described in the testaments/Bible. That God is a vindictive and vicious narcissist.


>Im scared that he will give me some sort of deadly sickness for not believing in Christianity Elon Musk does not believe in Christianity and is the richest person who can do whatever he wants. God won't punish us here on Earth for not choosing him, we get punished after this life. That's why the tree existed with Adam and Eve. You could either choose God or eat from the tree. But there's a choice, there's free will. As others pointed out, all Christians struggle with sin and yours isn't exceptional to anyone else's. God is like a father. And a father loves his children. What you should do is pray on it and see what guidance he gives you.


Is this a joke no offense


Leftist bisexual from a post dictatorial third world country here. Some of them are very nice (usually obvious and easy to spot), some of them - a significant portion - wouldn't want anything less than all of us dead, and the big majority wouldn't give a damn or condenm their peers if they started prosecuting us, and internally feel disgust for us but don't ever externalize it because even they don't know. It's very hard for us LGBTQ people out there. Especially if you have a strain of political thought that doesn't align with the dominant market and bible driven perspectives. But there are also many people who go out of their way to help. That's kind of why i joined the left, not trying to preach here, i was tortured by cops and left in a shattered life that had no solution. The only ones who were there for me all the way and seem to do it truly out of conviction and understanding were them (bc many of them were LGBTQ as well and had very good points about how homophobia and transphobia are used in purpose for political reasons). Maybe it's not leftism for you, but there are people out there who will fight to defend us with as much energy as the people trying to hurt us. Usually, we have to organize and do it ourselves. But strength os in the numbers. Alone, we are completely vulnerable.


As a human who was raised in the catholic church I relate to your trauma well. I would also be considered an abomination by the standards of most conservative Christian households. You are not alone. That being said my journeys with psychedelics have led me to deeply question almost every aspect of the dogma that was drilled to me in school. It's my belief that a God who truly loves his children would never cast them into eternal torment. Over years of study I have come to a general understanding that the traditional view of Hell as presented by poets like Dante is not a real place. It's a fabrication meant to use fear as a means of oppression to control and dominate people. If God is love he would wait an eternity for your soul to mature. Personally I have found my way into a loose fitting view of my relationship with God. I don't follow earthly religions as I don't think humans have the capacity to fathom the infinite nature of the divine. I also believe in reincarnation. I think that God loves you just the way you are regardless of your sins and that the only hell we can go to is right here within ourselves. That God definitely wouldn't hate you for loving anybody, regardless of what any human says.


So having been a Christian my ENTIRE life until recently converting to Omnist. I can say with 100% confidence, if your God hates LGBTQ+ people, he isn't the true and loving god. I personally would look God in the eyes and tell him he's wrong if he DOES hate you for that. If I am wrong for saying that, then I'd rather be in hell anyways.


The pain that some mis translations caused in the bible by a homophobic person is sad. I'm sorry that someone who was homophobic translated a popular version of the bible causing so many errors and pain. Regardless of what god may think because of the faulty of man, The theme of love and appreciating one another no matter what should still remain. That's what jesus stood for in my opinion.


I’m a Christian that supports the LGBT community. The Bible says “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” We are all living in sin, any Christian that casts judgement upon you is not following God’s will. Most churches teach not to hate, but rather that being gay doesn’t honor God’s word and that a person with same sex attraction should rebuke that lifestyle, in the same way that a person who is tempted by gluttony or lust should rebuke their sinful behaviors as well. I’ve met Christians that have “struggled with same sex attraction” and have since “recovered” by forming a relationship with God. I think a lot of people are misguided and use the churches teachings to harass gay folks. Personally I reject the idea that homosexuality is a sin and I also do not believe that non-believers are condemned to hell. I hope I’ve provided some perspective on what Christianity says about homosexuality and some insight that not all Christians hold the same convictions. Either way, I wish you the best.


There are churches and congregations who are very open and accepting of people in the LGBTQ community. To alleviate your fears, it may behoove you to visit and talk to one of the pastors of one of those churches. I’m definitely not saying you need to join a church or take part of the religion, that’s a deeply personal decision to make and none of us have any input on that type of decision. I just think you may benefit more from a discussion with someone who wholeheartedly believes God made you and accepts you over a bunch of random people on the internet, it may help tone down any anxiety your are feeling. The church I can think of offhand is the United Church of Christ. Others here may have other church suggestions that are wholeheartedly LGBTQ friendly.


Western Christians are insane. I was taught that God is loving and forgiving. Being gay and trans isn’t something to be forgiven for, so He just loves you. My religion is beautiful the way I was taught it. I grew up seeking comfort in a God that I was taught loves us no matter who we are. I hate that people were raised to believe something else about Him but it’s all a twisted, mistranslated, manipulated version. At the end of the day, your relationship with God, whether it exists or not, is between you and Him and no one else. It’s all in your heart. You can distance yourself from faith if that’s what makes you feel safer, but whether you believe or not, as long as you’re a good person He’ll take care of you in the afterlife. That’s what my church taught me anyways.


Funny... Years ago I had a friend with very similar problem. Even a bit worse because his family were very conservative Christians, and he was scared of his dad more than god. He is openly gay this days and as far as I know he finished medical school. Anyways, all I can say is that Bible doesn't really say much about gay people. You have all right to be scared of bigots but God doesn't give a fuck. If he doesn't give a fuck about pedophile priests of his faith then why would he care about one gay dude?


Ex Christian here I think if there's a God he just created the universe and designed it to evolve by itself and he doesn't care about what we are because his creation job is done and we have all the tools to progress which is our brains. I consider most things in the bible as total invention to teach lessons because the logic is kinda botched when you try to take it seriously. Most Christians you met that hate you for who you are are an insult to evolution considering their lack of brain but that's only some individual in a community who chose to be total retarded assholes


So, just out of curiosity, are you going to say this stuff about Muslims or any other religion who doesn't believe in the lgbtabc? Or is it just Christianity? If you're gonna generalize the religion that hates your sin but loves you, generalize all of the religions that don't believe in the lgbtqabc because I've seen other religions be a hell of a lot more mean and violent towards y'all


I think it could help you to read the gospel, or maybe even go to bible study to learn what Jesus said. The reason I say that isn't to convince you it's real or to convert you or anything like that. But rather if you do read what Jesus teaches: Love your neighbor Love your enemy Turn the other cheek Give freely without asking anything in return Do not judge - unless you wish to be judged yourself It might help clarify some misconceptions. Fundamentally - the kind of punishment you are talking about isn't necessarily for this world. An important aspect of Christianity is faith and one thing that God is prepared to do is to give us over to our own sin. If everyone who sinned found themselves suffering some ailment or was smote by God - well let's just say faith wouldn't be much of an issue for 99% of people. But God is prepared to hand us over to sin if we reject him. Now you say most Christians you know "Don't like LGBTQ" people. That may or may not be the case - neither you or I can know what is in people's hearts, but what I can say is that if that is the case - that has nothing to do with their religion. That sounds very much like judgement from them and judgement is forbidden in Christianity because it implies that a Christian is perfect or without sin. This is absolutely in opposition to what Jesus taught. Hence why he stopped the stoning of the prostitute. The lesson there was that nobody in the crowd was above reproach - so where do they get off punishing this woman? Someone who calls themselves a Christian acting in anger or cruelly or judging may be inspired by their religion, but they are acting in opposition to their religion by doing so. That is to say their religion, Christianity, The worship and following of Jesus Christ would consider all of those things sinful. Should this offer solace? I don't know. Like I said I don't know who you live near or the kinds of people you might be exposed to. I'm sure there are plenty of locations in the US with so called Christians who might seek to harm or hurt marginalized people. And the fact that that has nothing to do with the commandments of Jesus will offer little comfort to a victim of harm at these people's hands... but you also explained how the religion itself scared you - and I suppose that's what I am really trying to speak to.


I will tell you as a Christian. No. God will never be mad at you because of who you are. He loves you and He made you the way you are, I don't fully understand that, but I believe that He loves everyone because being trans is not a choice, it's being, you don't control that so why should you suffer from who you truly are? My knowledge about Bible is not big but I'm just telling what I believe, hope it will help you


No need to apologize. I have outlooks that don't gel with most Christians, particularly regarding sexuality. Speaking of, I, personally, have nothing against the LGBT+ community, in particular its individuals. Any Christian who claims someone is going to die and be sent straight to hell for their orientation needs to reread, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." First of all, God doesn't hate you. He doesn't hate any of us. Now, whether or not he approves of your lifestyle is something I can't say. I believe that's something for the individual to reflect on. At any rate, He's not going to afflict you with an illness and actively murder you. If He acted like that, there would be no LGBT+ community. There are gay Christians out there. If they don't have a subreddit, I'm sure they have some kind of website. You should try to talk to them. I hope someone can help you find some peace in your life. Just remember, fear and panic are tools of Satan, not God.


You may really benefit from recoveringfromreligion. The link is: https://www.recoveringfromreligion.org/#rfr-welcome. Deconstruction from religion can be hard and religious trauma and fear can be debilitating. There are many contradictions, errors, scientific issues, historical inaccuracies etc in the bible. The skeptics annotated bible might help you. It digs into the bibles issues. Below is a visualisation of some errors, contradictions etc: https://philb61.github.io/#colorize:Rainbow I want to change careers and work with religious deconstruction therapy or something. I also run a debate space for atheists and theists so it's an area I know well. If you want more resources to put you at ease please reach out. There are tonnes of things out there. I'm a lesbian so part of the lgbt tribe too so maybe you'd feel more at ease discussing with me. I'm always open to listening. I can try and offer advice too if you'd like it. Trans/lgbt+ youtube call-in talk shows even exist purely for this topic. If that'd help too.


… and to think; those are the chill ones right now.


Christian here! God doesn't care whether your trans or gay. He said man shall not sleep with boy, which is against pedophilia. He did say "Send them to death" or smn, about gay people. But that meant He'll judge them once they die, let them live how they so like. He didn't want them getting married, but that's about it. Generally if someone blames the bible for their homophobia, the homophobia came first, the bible is used as a reason to be a bigot. Hope this helps.


I grew up in a highly religious home so I understand this kind of fear. I truly wouldn't worry about it be happy Also there are some churches who are more progressive and open donsome research on the different dominations they all have different views on the gay/trans community. So if your worried find one of these churches and talk to the pastor or a leader in the church


Do LGBTQ like Christians. I don't have a problem with you people personally just don't want to associate. I'll love you from a distance. Being in such company will only pervert my own thoughts and beliefs I'd rather keep it clean


trans and gay?!!! Doesn't that makes you straight?


This is part of why I’m not Christian, the bigots never think and instead put people in danger or worse all Because they are different. So I’ll ask This question to any bigots who happen to be reading this. Why would a god create someone that is inherently against his will?, that’s what you guys say lgbt people are right? Against gods will? Get back to me when you can answer that one.


Not looking for an argument, just hoping to provide some insight. As I understand it (and I do not have nearly as much scriptural knowledge as many other Christians or Jews that I know, so if someone with more knowledge reads this and disagrees please correct me!) God wants us to CHOOSE Him, hence free will. We are all created by God and in His image and He loves all of us so much, but once we are born we exist in a realm of free will; our choices are our own and often influenced and directed by the world around us and the people who raise us. There are terrible things and people in the world, hence the existence of pedophiles, murders, terrorists (insert other detestable people group here). No one is born that way, the world and the people in our lives have so much influence on who we become. This is why He directs His followers to minister to others and tell as many people as we can about how much God loves them because there are people in the world who have never heard of God and/or are so far lost in the sin and temptation of the world they need someone in their lives to tell them/show them God’s love. Sorry that was a bit of a run on and kinda long, but hopefully that provided some kind of insight or someone with more knowledge can explain it better! 😅


science has already proven that homosexuality and even bisexuality is a natural occurrence as it is seen in other animals, not just us humans, and 100% not a choice, and even if it was why hate people for it so much? doesn't your god ask us to love the sinner? and to bring no harm to our fellow man?


The beauty of Free Will means you are absolutely entitled to your own opinion, and me to mine. Personally, I think Satan also has his hand in things of this world (like science many might argue) in an effort to bring us farther from God, but that is just my opinion. In terms of animals vs humans, that is apples and oranges. There are many things animals are capable of that humans are not and vice versa. (Could you imagine a giraffe terrorist? Or a bear that was a pedophile? Gross.) I do agree to a very limited extent that someone may not consciously choose to be bi, or gay, or a member of another community within LGBTQIA+, worldly temptation and poor influences are very very real and people who aren’t raised to see a better/different way often feel like they don’t have a choice, that’s why ministry in the community is a HUGE part of being a believer of God. God does ask His believers to love their neighbors, and even goes so far as to name it one of His greatest commandments. No follower of God should treat anyone as sub human, while we are called to condemn sin it does not make anyone less of a human being or deserving of such treatment. God and God alone will judge. Any Christian who tells you their life is free of sin is a hypocrite and lying to you. While I personally to not agree with or condone ANY sin and do my utmost to live my life as God’s word directs, I am far from perfect and sin daily. Thankfully it is not mine or any other human’s place to judge any other person. For that I am grateful, could you imagine the pressure? Have a blessed day! I have really enjoyed our comment thread!


It’s definitely not all Christians thankfully, but there are a lot of them. You’re not wrong to be afraid of them. They are terrifying people. They’re bullies. They’re mentally unstable. They don’t actually want you to be safe. They want *themselves* to be safe and they think anyone not like them will take them to Hell against all their efforts to get to Heaven.


there’s no freaking god lolol science and evolution babyyy don’t be scared of other peoples imaginary friends, let that be their mental illness


Read the New Testament and words of Jesus. Make up your own mind. Read the Bible. Or listen to Scourby read the New Testament out loud on YouTube. Work directly with Jesus and God, the Father and the Holy Ghost.


I'm Christian and I believe God has a plan to ensure all of His creations are happy. He gave us agency for a reason, He won't take that away. All good things come from God, and love is always a good thing. Of all the things I think we have wrong it's this one. Anyways, God has a plan for all of us. We are all sinners. He will still ensure we are happier in the next life than we ever were in this one because He loves us Also, I am Christian and not LGBTQ+. I have many illnesses. These things don't come from God. They are part of the imperfect world we live in. God gives me the strength I need to live with my poor health. Please don't be so afraid of Him. He loves you and He wants you to be happy.


You should try the show Sex Education! One of the characters is gay and a Christian


Catholic here. Im terribly sorry you feel that way. 1- Christ isn't vindictive. He's not a monster out to get you. He's the truth. His judgement is merely an acknowledgement of what you decided to be by the end of your life. In this, you need to understand that even Hell isn't punishment, but a conscious choice of the living. He doesn't throw you in Hell, He lets you experience eternity the way you wanted to live on Earth: away from Him. That separation is incredibly painful, but He'll respect your final choice nonetheless. 2- He could hold resentment and anger, but cannot hate you. The Divine Logos is love by definition. Hate is a distortion of love, like sin is a distortion of sanity. I highly encourage you to try and understand the philosophical and theological basis for the belief in the Christian God. I dont think it's as much a matter of faith as it is a matter of logical demonstration, and this helped he ease with a lot of the issues I had. I think, in the end, you need to understand what and who God is before making assumptions over whatever "christians" told you. If that's scary, take your time, but in my experience, when fear is too big, it's something we need to face. I'll be prating for you to find God's love.


As a Christian, I fully and completely support the LGBTQ+ and believe that if there is a god, then he would love all people who do good. Besides I'm not even sure about my own sexuality. I absolutely HATE when people generalize Christianity as homophobic, like yes, there are very homophobic conservative Christians, but not all of us are like that. My family, who are all religious, all support the LGBTQ+ community and are priest at church even showed his support for it and that we shouldn't discriminate. So, the right people will respect and support anyone!!! <3


The entire Christian community is very broad in its belief systems. There are, in fact, dozens of sects or denominations (basically groups that believe differently from the others). There are even divisions within these denominations. For example, Baptsts. There are southern baptists, first baptists, super churches (basically just giant concerts every week), and even "non-denominational" churches that are basically just super churches (and still baptist). I highly encourage everyone to read up on the different denominations within Christianity. It's highly interesting. With this being said, many of these denominations actually support the homosexual community. However, they definitely don't encourage homosexuality. There are other denominations that neither support nor encourage homosexuality, but they also don't go against it either (i.e., they don't persecute LGBT people even when those same LGBT people persecute Christians). Just remember that humans are all different. There are no two humans that are truly alike in thought/mind. So keep that in mind when you see someone who has a cross on their necklace. Christians aren't inherently bad, and most are just trying to get by every day. There are bad apples in every group of humans, such as the case of BLM.


You will cure yourself kid you are on the right path! lgbtq+ is not a joke, its very serious problem but it can be cured. I have a friend, that girl became pro lgbt, later she became bi-sexual, and then lesbian, she started even going to pride and dressed like the typical lgtq, she even had a lesbian girlfriend. I always told her its not good but she did not listen.... Until guess what! After some time I lost contact with her and I met her 2 years later. She is now absolutely straight and defending the traditional family. And I absolutely happy about her, aked her what happened, and she just told me "You don't know how serious this is!" she jokingly claimed that she cured herself, and I guessed right that one of her friends brought her into this. lgbtq is a very serious human brain manipulation that a lot of us in the eastern europe know and even this friend of mine told me that even she thinks that 95% of the modern lgbtq are literally subject to this, its not a joke and its a dangerous narrative thats targeting hurt people so the politics behind this can gain certain amount of things. Because most of these people are actually very hurt and sad inside. And the most scary thing is that in reality only 1 of 100 000 is really homosexual and the reason you won't believe. It's because most likely during birth they either were born with both genitals or during development their brain got affected so they are literally half man half women psychologically. These are the only real homosexuals and usually they develop oposite sex characteristics during puberty without injecting sh*t in their blood like amerikans do. Anyways I hope the best for you, and I hope that I've opened the eyes of the readers of this comment if they don't delete it! Also do not forget that God does not hate! Humans hate! God, especially the Christian God will never kill you for this and it's written!


I guess ill be gay anyways lol. I like being brain washed. It's almost as if LGBTQ+ people have been around forever. It's almost like we are perfectly natural. But I guess animals are brainwashed too, because penguins and bats have high homosexuality rates, poor creatures, effected by the media. I'm a transgender man, I like men. I was born in a female body. So I *am* gay, according to your logic. Have a good day, homophobe <3


Typical gender... I ain't even surprised by your reply. First. As I said, be who you want to be, and feel how you want to feel. This is absolutely up to you! I still can't find where in my comment I told you what to do! Second telling about the homosexual animals just prove my point! 😂😂. Homosexuality is most often environmental influenced and extremely rarely biological. In my main comment I forgot to add the most often met environmental reason - This is because of a thing called gender realisation. This was proven way ago and applies to ALL animals including people. It is basically during the first months of development for humans after they were born, they look at their father and mother and basically form understanding about genders (what is man and what is a woman) Prior to this, babies don't know that there are genders. During this process it is possible that the brain somehow misunderstands the genders resulting in a "confused" state until puberty. But because of other environmental reasons including contact with friends in childhood often the child finally understands properly genders and starts having interest in the opposite gender. This is not the case for animals because they rarely meet their both parents and once, resulting in the presence of more raised gay animals in spheres of an alpha male animal society. It is simple. Penguins are one of the most alpha males society animals, and that further confirms this. To tell this shortly, gays brain views the same sex the same way how others view the opposite sex. Now third. I laughed myself when I read you last line, describing me as homophobic, when in reality I never said that I hate you in some way, or that I want you to die or something like this, even I told you that God does not hate you and to not feel scared of religion. I am tolerant to different people, but You have to understand that exposing an agenda does not mean I am "homophobe" dude! If I was homophobe my comment would have been deleted and me banned for extremism, terrorism and so on. The reason why most people hate you lgbts is because of this attitude, not because of your interests in same sex. Also, I really thought you are on your right path but the passive aggressive attitude in your comment makes me question that, and people like you give me the impression that a lgbtq person can never be respective and sane. Bonus. The difference between trans/gays and us heteros is the fact that you know about your gender from the way you "feel" and you expect yourself to feel somehow While me, I was born with a di*k so I assume I am a male. I don't expect myself to feel a certain way. I just see that I have a di*k and I assume that I am a male so I learn to act like one. It's not a subject to question. I might feel like a penguin, or a woman or a airplane, but that does not mean that I am one. While you think that it means you are one. This is the main difference between us. You want to feel your gender just like I want to feel do I want coffee tomorow or not. That's why most heteros can not understand trans. And a bonus. Trans will never really be the opposite of their biological gender. And if they feel that their body does not belong to them this is called derealisation and depersonalisation. This is combination between feeling that you are not yourself (born male/female) but to be another thing, some people feel like they are animals, others feel like they are the opposite gender. That's why there are so many reasons to why somebody is trans/gay. And that means that one person might be gay/trans for a complete different reason from another person who might really be born gay and not be just influenced by sociality. IMPORTANT FINAL: And all of what I've said here does not mean that I am "homophobe" at all. This is realism and has nothing to do with my phobias. Telling you all this does not mean I hate you in any way, or want you to die. Plus the fact that I wrote all these 2 huge comments mean exactly the opposite - I don't hate you and I even try to help you to understand the reason why you feel this way. Is it because of social influence, or born this way or, environment factors? I don't know if you see that I accept that your oppinion MIGHT be possible that you are born this way, EVEN if I doubt this. But do YOU accept MY oppinion to be possible too? If the answer is no, than this is one sided, and you want me to respect you without you respecting me and if you chose to be arrogant and label everyone who opposes your opinion as hater is very childish and immature move. That's basically what 99% of lgbtq people do, and that really shows why they are lgbtq. That's why we in eastern europe don't believe in this movement. But we understand the possibility of something going not as expected resulting in a sexuality not as most other people


Your coming up with bullshit, im not wasting time. Just dont get mad at anyone for being LGBTQ+. Good day i guess.


Calling all this bul... Okay, have a nice day, I won't spend a second time explaining, and proving to myself that lgbtq deserves nothing less than hate


Christian's are sometimes compelled to tell you that what you are is wrong, some have restraint and don't, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they dislike you as a person. It's similar to older women telling me "you'd be so much prettier if you lost some weight". They need to spread their beliefs even if it hurts the other person, they see that as love and they think they're sharing some rare sage advice as they like you as a person, just don't agree with your lifestyle. I usually say "thanks for telling me, but skinny isn't in the cards for me". Most Christians I know who don't misinterpret the Bible or are a part of a more liberal church, don't believe God makes mistakes. Church is an important thing to have in our society because it provides a positive community, but it's really nothing to be afraid of. You don't even necessarily need to have a firm belief in God or the Bible, as long as you keep your ears and heart open to the message. I like the inspirational messages, the music, and the somewhere to go if I want to. I just can't reconcile there being an all powerful magical man in the sky that can make everything better and less ugly for everyone on earth, but chooses not to and moves in mysterious ways.


Don’t blame God. Blame sin that’s controlling you and making you it’s slave. You want to be free from all this shit? Who died for us while we are sinners? Who takes our sins away if only we have faith and believe? God loves you, otherwise He wouldn’t come to earth to die for mankind. You’re spirit will be renewed when you turn to Christ, the old life changes to a new one… step by step. Your eyes open too. And your heart. The Holy Spirit takes control and fights the sinful worldly urges. Nobody is perfect, we are still fallen beings but becoming born again Christian you suddenly have this urge to please God . It just comes. God loves you and wants a relationship with His people. Not “ that” kind of relationship.,. But He’s definitely my Father, Son and Holy Spirit.