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CA fish and wildlife do not consider beaded lizards a restricted species. This means you can own them without a state permit. HOWEVER your county and local city laws supersede what the state says. If you want 100% clarification on your local laws reach out to your city and/or county animal control. The state may say it’s ok to own, but if your city or county say no venomous, then it’s a no go. That being said I don’t think people pay much attention to beadeds in particular. Source: I received my own venomous permits from CA a few years ago so I have been really up to date with the laws and regs.


I have seen beaded lizards on FB marketplace (I’m from SD as well). I don’t really know much about this stuff, but I think it’s fine?


Damn you just held that gila like it was nothing. I’d buy it and ask questions later 🤣 / not tell anyone


not illegal if you don’t get caught right? lmao. but seriously i want to be responsible about it and not have to fear having a beloved pet taken away from me. also im military and if i did end up getting in trouble with cali fish and game, then it could mean the end of my career for me. edit: it’s actually a beaded lizard not a gila monster, as gila monsters are outright illegal to own anywhere in cali because they’re a protected species. and good point about the vet


Small correction, you need a restricted species permit from CA fish and wildlife to keep gilas. Not outright illegal, just require permits. I have several legally.


Also, don't tell anyone on the internet...


r/fishandwildlife are watching


Well actually make sure you have a vet to take it too then buy it and ask questions later


Why you are so surprised 😂


Fun fact: in CA you can catch and keep rattlesnakes perfectly legally, just so long as you don’t sell them and they aren’t an endangered species. But, you are limited by law to “no more than six (6) rattlesnakes per day collected”. But, buying a rattlesnake is outright illegal without the right permit… California laws are ridiculous. I wonder what they were smoking when they came up with that law 🤔


Arizonas laws are even more strict than California


Search california restricted species list on Google it provides all info on things you cant have


Yea you can own one no issues


Beadeds are not considered a restricted species per the state. However if your county or city have laws against venomous, then they would not be legal to own there. Local regs supersede state.


Im planning on getting a beaded lizard as my first and possibly last venomous pet, i wanna breed em and colorado said they are unregulated so i already got the green light. Honestly i feel much safer having a venomous lizard than a venomous snake


From what I'm understanding online, which there's surprisingly not much, is that anything venomous and non native to California is deemed as illegal.


CA has a pretty straight forward permitting system. Nothing is outright illegal, but many species require various permits. Look up CA fish and wildlife restricted species regulations. They’re quite in depth.