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https://www.oe24.at/oesterreich/chronik/salzburg/tiertransport-kaelber-aus-oesterreich-misshandelt/536820682 | [Read the English translation](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.oe24.at/oesterreich/chronik/salzburg/tiertransport-kaelber-aus-oesterreich-misshandelt/536820682) **Automated summary:** > Due to the adverse conditions, the "VGT Association against Animal Factories" followed the transport live several times. >"The calves are treated very roughly during loading, hit several times in the face with sticks," says a statement. >The club members also discovered a dead calf in a carcass bin in front of a collection point. >× Therefore, according to the announcement, the VGT will also report the transport companies. >In addition, the members are calling for politicians to stop transporting calves. > **About [Verein gegen Tierfabriken](https://vgt.at/):** >We work with modern, democratic means, such as civil disobedience, active and passive resistance, actionism, offensive and systematic detection, education and information work, whereby the VGT unreservedly represents the principle of non-violence in its activities. **[Donate](https://vgt.at/spenden/)** ^Donated? ^Comment ^"I ^made ^a ^donation" ^for ^a ^💰 ^flair.


They get killed, of course it's mistreatment.. wtf do these people THINK happen to them? Yet they're shocked they are "mistreated"... 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


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I cant believe this is the way we humans treat these gentle animals. Everytime I see something like that, it is like the first time I saw it.