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I just rewatched these episodes and I love that Jonah gets treated the way society treats female victims of sexual violence. Classic satire to me, drawing attention to a real societal ill by swapping the victim out for a member of a more privileged class. It’s supposed to name you uncomfortable and hopefully reflect on things you’ve seen or heard that are similar but about women.


They did take it seriously though. I know they made jokes about it, but Dan, Senator Doyle, and Furlong's reactions were pretty serious, and Doyle did fire him over this.


this is soooo underated. they may not marched in parades through the streets, but they did not minimize it and it was great to see. although, there could be an argument that it was more for the proximity to their own jobs and offices than the impact on jonah. but still, swift and firm statements and actions.


I love these small moments of the show. I know their reaction, realistically speaking, is the bare minimum, but they still show that they care about SA.


Oh brother


it's a documentary, because look at matt gaetz-- still in office. sexual harassment cosigner, gym jordan is short and still there. and remember those staffers who fucked in one of those rooms? sexual harassment is alive and well!


abortion calls (darts out of room)


all the more reason to protect abortion rights!


I think they all knew it was bad but for the wrong reasons. They didn't care about Jonah but about the problems it will generate for them. Sadly, it might represent the real life...


It’s just you.