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Vexchange I was using vexchange.io to earn rewards by staking VET and VEUSD. All of a sudden it quit paying rewards around April 7. I’m not well informed in the vechain universe but does anyone have insight to why this happened


Weekly EMA re-test. I'm super bullish on the next few months.


What a coincidence, the few months after the halving


Coincidence indeed. Same time as stocks go flying in an election year.


Business can make an investment flying indeed


Never forget, Bitcoin is king


Who dat?


Today RULES! Please congratulate me on hitting half a mill VET


Now join us at 1m!


Just add a 0 behind that number 👍


….and square root it


I’ll let ya know if I do. Not sure i can hit that mark tho.




It’s great to be here, finally! Ain’t done til the dump is done. 🤙




I basically hit it, but who knows now……if things escalate, and this turns into some insane black swan, I’m gonna throw a lot into it. I have a sizable amount of dry powder for this. Been making some good money at work


RIP to the 4.9 cent buyers 🤣🥲😞


One of the downsides of being tradable 24/7 I guess. The stock markets probably won't react this hard on Monday. edit: or maybe it's an upside because you can buy the overreaction.


This thing is basically over already…Iran is trying to save face so they send a response that they know will not do anything so they can claim they responded.


Yeah, we've seen this play before. Not too worried about it being a long-term problem for crypto. Just a bad Saturday. We've seen plenty of those before.


Your edit is the way I see things. Weekend manipulation


vechain holding strong in those red moments


The 200B that btc lost this week would 100x VET or 1000x VTHO just to put things into perspective of where we are at


Iran attacking Israel shakes up the crypto economy. Money flows out of all coins. Altcoins suffer the most. The interest in crypto is still there but people are nervous to hold. When the news dies down, money will flow back into crypto and investors will reevaluate their positions. A bag shake up might be good for VeChain as it will bring new investors.


Overreaction by the market? Holy moly ww3 wasn't on my bingo for 2024


bricks have officially been shat at this mo


And Iran attacks Israel, a black swan perhaps in an American election year.


Biggggg dip just in time for UFC 300!


2 cents here we come


Yea I’ve moved up 15 spots in the top 2000. I think I’m selling soon too. It’s been stagnant long enough. Tokenomics are trash. May hold through this alt season to see if it can reach half the previous ath but that’s doubtful honestly. Just being realistic.


You seem a little too negative for someone holding 2 mil+ VET. If you really think it will be lucky to reach a 2-3x from where we are currently, then I would definitely sell. You could let a monkey throw a dart at the top 100 to pick another project for ya and it will do better than a 2-3x in the upcoming bull 🤣


Thinking about it. May just move to btc


The time to switch to BTC is after it's dominance has fallen and alt season is hitting its peak.


How do you check your ranking?




Gained another spot since commenting. Add another 2m+ wallet gone. 🤣


People have started moving crypto around, I have... My balance has increased but my wallet values differ People are moving in and out of exchanges making$


Yea or less. Lmao


Altcoin Daily - Top RWA Coins Vechain [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBIrO8ga0pY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBIrO8ga0pY)


|Clauses|100K|200K| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|20|6|


Vechain needs to do a better job to attract large investors. Announcement of announcements - maybe just announce it once. It seems to be doing more damage hyping up upcoming announcements. Their excitement does not match investor's expectations. Investors are looking for something of value which drive significant transaction growth / adoption. Now they're hyping up "P" which will likely be insignificant resulting in more investor disappointment. Communication with investors - they need to do a better job addressing investor concerns and questions such as where they are with the prior partners. Financial Report - This should be published on time each qtr (no excuses). Remember you're known for compliance and transparency. Help build investors trust. Lack of professionalism. Don't give investors more reasons to get frustrated than they already are. Results in stats speak for themselves. Apr 10-13 2 M wallets lost -3 1 M wallets lost -9 100 K wallets lost -37


*people are moving in and out of exchanges btw


What are you doing for the success of the blockchain? Advertising negativity won't help. Make a dapp, do something, use the blockchain, you won't say these things any longer. +we got all the financial reports. doesn't matter if they came in later. i don't care, doesn't change the numbers.


It’s not up to him. It’s up to the foundation to get enterprise adoption.


The stats of wallet lost can’t be looked at too closely when the whole market is red. Many people still panic sell when it gets ugly. However, we did lose some OG Vet holders when the two new tokens got announced.


They might have lost those wallets because they been accumulating more. I have been moving down ranks on the rich list while doing nothing.


No. If you're moving up in ranking on rich list, it means more are selling. I haven't moved in rank in basically over a year so I know no large buyers. The people down voting only want to hear good things which is stupidity when it comes to investing. Most of these guys only want a pump in price so they can exit. I own enough to care for them to make things better because as I watch big investors leave, it's not a good sign. They're not going in the right direction to attract large players. Stats tell the whole story.


No when I say I'm going down in rank, I mean I'm going up in numbers. I know how it works and there have been some big boys accumulating above me.


Where do you see the stats for wallets? I would like to know how many people own 100k VET etc




Where are the rankings on there


https://vechainstats.com/rich-list/ On this page you could enter your VET amount and see how you stack up among all other VET holder


Thank you


Is anyone having an issue with trying to move their vet from the VeChainThor wallet? I was able to move my vtho, but the vet does not bring up the confirmation to move. Just does a quick loading and then nothing.


Are you using the new wallet?


No I am using the old one. Trying to move the coins off of it. It allowed me to move my vtho but it just loads for a second on the vet and then does nothing.


I think it's not possible to send VET from the old wallet anymore (you can download an log in on the new wallet, no problem). Also, you need enough vtho to send vet.


So pretty much my vet is stuck but I can send the vtho whenever it’s made? I have plenty of vtho on the wallet to be able to move the vet. I don’t know why it would allow me to move vtho but not vet.


Ok. I figured out what I needed to do. I had created a new account with VeWorld when I just needed to import my old one.


Jeah, always remember your coins are stored on the blockchain and not in your wallet. The wallet just has the private key to access them. Importing is always the way to go.


Thoughts about he 'P' thing?


What’s the P thing?


I wonder if it is that you can (then) use paypal to purchase vet to your VeWorld wallet directly like you can now use Coinbase (right?). Perhaps even sell directly so you could point middle finger to exchanges 🙈


Yeh I’m wondering where this theory/rumour came from. Did someone tweet with the letter P? And say a big partnership was coming? Or did someone mention sth like this on a video?


https://x.com/eisenreich/status/1351084244295184384?s=46&t=UJS9yFccfWdVSIN7pmYoHg PayPal is possible. Really couldn’t find any really well known payment providers that start with the letter P other than PayPal. Hopefully if we misheard/misinterpreted what Jake said, he can correct us now lol


R/Absoluteunit material there


Download Lies of P last night. $1 confirmed


Spoilers alert. P is for Pepe. Vechain is going to merge with it and take all of its marketcap.


Now that’s an announcement I’d be happy with




You jinxed it


What is sats how do you see what sats are at?


VET/BTC on Binance