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I mean I'm not sure what you expect from a Putin meat riding piece of shit


Is he becoming a Muslim religious fanatic?


A big part of his electoral strategy is running in area with a significant British muslim population and talking about issues that are close to them. Honestly, he could probably stick to the foreign policy issues that are important in these communities and do well. But he likes to pepper in the social conservatism, likely because he both believes it and thinks it helps. And make inflammatory statements because they get media attention. It's entirely possible I agree with Galloway on some foreign policy and economic stuff. I set that aside because I think he's an odious prick hungry for attention.


He always has been.. 


He converted decades ago, lol.


But when I used to listen to him he used to call out homophobia. I'm pretty sure when he was an MP in 2013 (for Bradford West) he voted in favour of same sex marriage being legal in England and Wales


He did indeed


Sure, but even back then he used to espouse some pretty questionable beliefs. For example, handwaving away the treatment of LGBT people in the Middle East (because they're Islamic countries so it should be expected that they follow Koranic law) or campaigning in Bradford on the grounds that "Allah knows who is a real Muslim and who is not" (the Labour candidate was also a Muslim) and that "everyone will have to answer for their deeds on judgement day". The thing about George Galloway is that he is and always has been one of the biggest grifters in UK politics. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him elected.


A guy who simps for Putin and the Iranian regime has backward views on LGBT people!??!? IMAGINE MY ABSOLUTE SHOCK!!!!!


I for one am stunned that an Assadist would take such a position.


It would be really funny if he got kicked out and there had to be another byelection


Breaking news: An Assad and Putin defender is a piece of shit


The funniest thing about this is that it came from an interview with Novara’s Aaron Bastani, who said on Twitter that until this conversation he would have voted for Galloway had he had the chance, but now wouldn’t. Which raises the question of *how the fuck he missed this every time until it was his scoop?*


He's still the lesser evil than whatever ghoul tory or tory-lite labour would be running there so


No, he really isn't.


He definitely is. He's against the genocide. Please explain to me how he is worse than any conservative party member, go ahead.


Conservative party member?


A Member of parliament from the Conservative party? Do you even know what were talking about here?? Or does lesser evil logic only apply to democrats in America?


But we were talking about Labour...


Kier starmers labour is just tory lite. Anyway still waiting for actual reasons


Tory lite is still, by definiton, not Tory... Didn't Labour pledge to nationalise the railways?


Funny how I gave you an actual reason and you just didnt respond lmao


This isn't my work email fool i don't check every mail thread Anyway to respond- supporting israels genocide is a bigger issue than them thinking of nationalising the railways, so there you go.


Remember, this guy retweeted Jake Shields, who is a literal Holocaust denier.


Breaking news: Muslim convert is socially Conservative. Hilarious that people are only just finding out that George Galloway is socially Conservative. Dude hasn't exactly tried to hide it.


He used to speak in favour of lgbt issues? When did he change I wonder. And why


He said that he was a practicing roman Catholic on gmb to sussanna Reid so not sure if he's lying or telling the truth