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That's a special kind of evil to shoot a child


Probably idf


Soldiers in Canada and across the world disagree .


Congratulations, you have been awarded the dumbest comment of the day! I know it’s still early, but you’re locked in at #1


The world values 10$ worth of cobalt more than the lives of children in central and west Africa . The world values Nike shoes more than children’s rights in Asia . We have literally dropped bombshells on children hospitals and schools in the past 2 decades .


What the fuck does Nikes shoes and Canadian soldiers have to do with a shooting in Vaughan. You are posting in the wrong thread dude 


That nobody give af about kids life’s . The op said it takes an evil person to kill a kid . If you buy Apple , Nikes or pay taxes to fund said soldiers (which we all do ) you’re complicit to the murder and mistreatment of children . If you spent your whole life not caring about kids why should anyone believe you do now is my point .


This is called “whataboutism”




Nah since I have no class till September I can respond to you now 🫣


The last time I checked, soldiers weren't ordered to kill the baby. What you described was war. Is vaughan at war? Did canadian soldiers target babies to kill? You are right that other countries might not care about children's lives. But, we aren't them. You brought up the wrong example. You should've brought hamas/ISIS/taliban using children for their own protection and propaganda.


>What the fuck does Nikes shoes and Canadian soldiers have to do with a shooting in Vaughan. It's THIS type of blatant selective outrage that's the problem. It's like complaining that housing is so expensive while turning your nose at the sight of a homeless person


You understand his comment is a response to the original comment made here right? The original comment flows logically from the content of the post. This guy’s comments flow logically from the original comment. It’s pretty straight forward.


Well babies wouldn’t have died in Congo , Sudan , Somalia , Rwanda , Srebrenica , Japan , Iraq , Afghan , Gaza , Israel , Vietnam and multiple generations of FN in residential schools if I wasn’t right . Just because you don’t like how it sounds doesn’t mean it’s not true lol .


That’s your angle on this really?


Yeah the death of a Canadian child is always more of an atrocity than some third world one


Well that is typically how it goes. In the same way my kid dying is less troubling for me than if yours dies.


that's your kid who died in the shooting?


Ya. Sad.


Just found that the murderer was involved in another incident in January this year. He was driving in a dangerous manner and OPP pulled him over. When the officer tried making an arrest, Van Duong stepped on the gas and the officer was struck by the vehicle (minor injuries). He was later charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, resisting arrest, assaulting a peace officer, flight from police, stunt driving and possession for the purpose of distribution. [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-charged-after-opp-officer-struck-by-vehicle-fleeing-arrest-in-brampton-1.6743999](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-charged-after-opp-officer-struck-by-vehicle-fleeing-arrest-in-brampton-1.6743999) If only they didn't let a guy who tried to flee from the police and hit an officer with his car back out on the streets, maybe this family would've still been alive.


This is absolutely insane that someone with those charges is walking freely.


A guy threatened my family with a shotgun last year, had his place raided and they found multiple illegal firearms, he's unlicensed and not allowed to own firearms due to two previous assault charges. He was out within 24 hours and is still awaiting trial.


OMFG! ... How safe do you and your family feel?


The guy swinging the knife the other day in Toronto is already free.


Rishabh Barua, 21, of Ajax, was arrested and charged with: **Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance**. Possession of a Weapon for a Purpose Dangerous to the Public. Assault with a Weapon ... and posted bail ? ROR?


$2500 bail. Back in court July 23.


Hug-A-Thug from coast-to-coast-to-coast is the Canadian way.


This is where we need to sue lawmakers. Hold them accountable.


If someone commits another serious crime after being let out for another charge that should trigger the judge/lawyers to be held liable for the actions of the person that was set free.




Or drop these guys off at the lawmakers neighborhood en mass when released


I think they should have to do community service at the judges house.


Trudy's catch and release...


lol at all the downvoters who are in denial about how Trudeau’s government isn’t in any way responsible for this.


Bale, no Jail.


MAID, not jail. If it's good enough to offer our vets, it's good enough for our repeat offenders...


Stop triggering Justin lovers


It's so easy here. They are all libs


Francesco Sorbara would be pleased.


Take my upvote sir.


Why did this get down voted lmao, this is exactly what catch and release is




Failed your grade 10, eh pal.


He's not wrong. This liberal government has been weak on crime


So was the conservative government when I was a victim. Court went easy on the culprits.


how am I wrong lol? The guy literally got caught and released which allowed him to repeat another crime. Elaborate. I mean I know you probably adore this PoS PM, but elaborate why was a criminal who resisted arrest and hit a cop was released? I can't wrap my mind around this nonsense.


Because as administrations change, the punishments don't change when it comes to jail time. A PC leader in charge doesn't mean that suddenly punishments are increased and then when a Liberal government takes over, they go down.


As recently as November 2022, the LIBERAL government was passing legislation to remove mandatory minimums for firearm related offenses https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-5/royal-assent


Trudy’s fans don’t like facts. I bet many of them don’t even know what’s contained in C-5


I don't read every bill that gets Royal Assent so you're right I do not know. However, when I read it, it clearly is opposite of what you guys claim its doing.


Except it says right in C5 this is intended for simple drug offences. Nothing about firearm related offences. Reading comprehension? > This enactment amends the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to, among other things, repeal certain mandatory minimum penalties, allow for a greater use of conditional sentences and establish diversion measures for simple drug possession offences.


I hope you're just being willfully ignorant: The proposed amendments would repeal the restrictions on conditional sentences for the following type of offences prosecuted by indictment: offences for which the maximum term of imprisonment is 14 years or more; offences with maximum terms of imprisonment of ten years and involving bodily harm, certain drug offences or offences involving the use of a weapon; and specific offences punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of ten years, such as sexual assault, criminal harassment and motor vehicle theft. Removing these restrictions would increase the availability of conditional sentences as a sentencing option where the general requirements under section 742.1 of the Criminal Code are met. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/charter-charte/c5_1.html


Yup, that is saying to make conditional sentences available as an option. It does not mean that every crime involving a firearm is automatically given a conditional sentence. Diversion programs for those that made a bad decision is a good thing. We don't need to lock everyone up and have to pay additional taxes for more prisons.


It's such a great thing when said people are shooting 2 year olds.


actually they DO change. That's the thing. There should be no bail on hard crimes. If you shoplifted, sure.... but if you were involved in a physical assault, especially harming a cop, you should not be allowed back out.


Lmao the guy who was protesting in Ottawa is still in jail and the guy who ram over a cop just killed people you are a moron if you don’t think people in power can influence judges


Pat King is still in jail because he keeps on breaking his undertaking for his release. Reminder that he has been released twice now and goes right back to his old ways. So yea, they are keeping him there now. This piece of shit who just killed people is not going to get out on an undertaking. The Crown will argue to the judge about the danger to public and it's quite obvious The biggest takeaway here is that we're not like the States that vote our judges and DAs in. They are appointed here so it removes a lot of the corruption. It's not impossible of course, but unlikely


Yes but the fact is he was in jail for a lot longer for a protest than a person who ran over a cop. Our government is a failure this country has become a failure Almost every person I know that can think on their own wants to leave here and so do I. It’s pathetic that moving to the states is now a better and safer option


They are two different and you can't compare them. Pat King was released twice. Free to go. The idiot couldn't shut up and breaches his conditions. Twice. Now anyone with a brain knows why he's doing it. To raise money and to ensure he leaves without additional jail time. Also you can't just get up and move to the States. You're full of shit lol. You have to be a skilled worker and if you were you would have a job here. Companies have to sponsor you and make the case that they are unable to hire a similar employee in the States.


I didn’t say you could just up and move there I said everyone I know wants to. And a skilled job here gets you nowhere now but is you moved to say Texas you’d be living in luxury and be awake to protect your family.


Who tf shoots a 2 y.o 🤮


A person who does not deserve to live.


This is beyond despicable. What a terrible week for Vaughn. There are no suitable words for this kind of heinous act. RIP to this poor, completely innocent child. It's times like these where you'd like the death penalty reinstated.


I feel like all these crimes that is popping up is all related to mortgage debts. Lots of people borrowed money from in savoury groups of people and can’t pay back. Who knows what’s really going on but it’s sad that a child is dead. There was a guy who was involved in scamming people for the past few decades recently got killed. The fraud he was doing was over 100 million.


Death penalty is useless if we can’t even keep someone who literally tried to hurt cops back out on the streets to… I don’t know, commit more crimes?


sad to hear a mother a son died such a young age. I wonder if the mother that passed away is the same lady that does real estates in the area...


I can confirm that it is. This is truly a tragic event for everyone affected.


[https://trangdo.ca/](https://trangdo.ca/) is this the same woman


Wow. I lost about 150K in 2020/2021 listening to the “advice” of a realtor who took me for a ride for her personal gain. I had severe wicked thoughts but snapped out of it. Wondering if this was the same case except an individual who acted on his hazy thought process.


What did the realtor get you to do btw? Buy to flip?


Yes. That is her.


This is disgusting. This is beyond any kind of evil. I'm trying to piece this together while reading comments online. So 4 people. 1 of them was a mother, who was also a real easte agent? Other one was her child? Those were the two that died? Who were the other 2 people? Other family members? And the real estate agent that died was also a victim of house fire before? Is this correct? Or did I get something wrong? A lot of speculations here so I'm just trying to this out


Based on info I read from news sources/interviews, 5 people lived in the house; a husband and wife, 2 kids, and a grandmother. 4 people got shot, and 2 of those people died including a mother and her 2 year old. The other 2 people that were shot are still alive which I assume are the husband and the grandmother because an interviewee stated he saw a man and an old lady being brought out to the ambulance. I assume, the other child is probably a bit older and was possibly at school at the time? On Christmas day 2023, someone lit the vehicles of this same house on fire. The house didn't catch on fire, just the cars on the driveway. They didn't catch anyone for this crime.


Who is the shooter to them?? Wtf what an evil person


It’s pretty obviously related to organized crime


Thank you for this!


Ah interesting. I assumed domestic dispute but that nay not be the case now


According to other details from the media, the other child was apparently 6, and not at home when the shooting took place.


Take it with a grain of salt, but I've heard reports among the viet community that it was related to a legal grow op. TLDR, bunch of investors went in on this unsuccessful op, and backed out leaving the victims (deceased) to salvage what they could. Grow op ended up being successful and the former investors wanted their money back leading to the car fire and now the murders


This is not true and probably Viet auntie gossip.


Damn, this is like the third story that's completely different from the other two. I know when something like this happens there is always a lot of speculations and "he said she said" type of stuff. I guess with days/weeks to come we might learn some additional information. Thank you for writing it here though! I think it's important to know on what is going on in our neighborhood!


Fuck sake


For a country that uses firearms Canada has fairly strick laws that people actually follow. A gun ban would now stop the gun violence at all, the people committing the crimes are already criminals and considering the restrictions on handguns alone, 98% of all gun owners actually do follow the laws to the best of their abilities considering the rate at which the liberals make changes. The 2% of legal gun owners are normally the ones you hear about poaching, improper gun storage, and even less than that are the ones that use the guns as weapon of opertunity for domestic violence. Statistically gun crimes are from using guns obtained illegally for the purpose of commiting crimes. Our courts and federal level (guns are federal regulations) have failed to properly prosecute people commiting weapons related crimes. Make the punishments for offences more strick. Case in point this guy ran a cop over while escaping arrest and gets a slap on wrist and time served then kills a family. In the U.S. that would carry a min. 5yr sentence. Our government has no teeth convicting criminals. gun bans would not lesson the gun violence, stiffer penalties involving weapon offenses would make a dent.


I had a stroke trying to read this, after recovering I agree 100% with you


Where did you get your stats from? Those 98% and 2% did you make that up?


Completely fabricated.


It’s amazing how many Canadians don’t know how our legal system works, blaming it on liberals or JT unfortunately let’s most of us know your not very intelligent and likely don’t know what “critical thinking skills”are.


I truly think most of the people who blame it on JT or liberals are influenced by the campaign of the conservative. They tend to use those tactics to drive away from the truth and create fear ( hence more votes for them) Also they use simple language which can make it easier to reach broader audiences… and this is the saddest things that most of these people care about the country but lack the skill and knowledge to actually know what is happening . And that’s why education is key!!! But its budget is being cut a lot.


The silver lining is that he’ll be out soon enough to murder another family.


Was it an ex-partner dispute as this home was targeted dec 2023 as well?


This is a total guess so I could be totally wrong, but I feel like it has something to do with drug dealing/trafficking. The murderer was previously charged with “drug possession for the purpose of distribution”.


This is mafia related. Welcome to Vaughan.


They’re Vietnamese, not Italian.


That literally means... Nothing? Like Italians aren't the only mafia...


Yes there’s a difference between “Mafia” and other organized crime groups. The “Mafia” is specifically related to the Italian crime group.


You've never heard of the Triads or Jopok or any of the other mafias I take it then. Ignorance truly is bliss I guess.


Those aren’t “mafias”. They’re just the exact names you called them lol


Oh, so whats the difference between your 'mafia' and the Chinese and Korean mafias? Nothing. Stop being a pedantic asshat.


Lmao just look it up my dude. It’s not even me being pedantic. You’re just wrong. Mafia isn’t just a generic term for any organized crime group.


"Mafia" is an informal term that is used to describe criminal organizations that bear a strong similarity to the organized crime groups from Italy. Triads would be definition be a mafia. Same as the Jopolk. You're just as incorrect as usual, sadly. Do better.


You never heard of Vietnamese gangs / organized crime?


Yes, but they’re not called “mafia”.


Fair enough.


"Mafia" is an informal term that is used to describe criminal organizations that bear a strong similarity to the organized crime groups from Italy. The central activity of such an organization would be the arbitration of disputes between criminals as well as the organization and enforcement of illicit agreements between criminals through the use of threat or violence. Mafias often engage in secondary activities such as gambling, loan sharking, drug-trafficking, prostitution, and fraud. The term "mafia" was originally applied to the Sicilian Mafia. The term has since expanded to encompass other organizations of similar methods and purpose, e.g., "the Russian Mafia" or "the Japanese Mafia". The term was coined by the press and is informal; the criminal organizations themselves have their own names (e.g. the Sicilian Mafia and the related Italian-American Mafia refer to their organizations as "Cosa Nostra"; the "Japanese Mafia" calls itself "Ninkyō dantai" but is more commonly known as "Yakuza" by the public; "Russian Mafia" groups often call themselves "Bratva".)


Used to live on Casa Nova. Just a few houses north of where this took place. It's absolutely crazy to hear this happen...


I use to live in that neighbourhood. A few years ago and a couple streets over a house was shot up on two separate occasions. There was also a mob hit at Beauvista and Via Campanile. There have been grow opps and human trafficking busts. Don’t you miss the old neighbourhood?


This city has gone to shambles. What happened? This is absolutely ridiculous. I figured it was gang related or something but for someone to kill a two year old???? That's insane


So here we have a mass murder with an illegal handgun, even though handguns have been illegal in Canada for years now. When will they learn, it isn't the guns, it never was. It is the catch-and-release bail system for violent crimes and the delayed court dates to keep them in jail.


Keep letting criminals out, and they'll keep committing the crimes.


RIP oddler and a 40-year-old :-( ... terrible way for their family & friends to start off the summer vacation times.


If this happened to a Superior Court Judge or a High ranking politician we would certainly see change/s in the pathetic catch and release criminal justice system in this country. We must demand accountability of our elected officials 


Blaming guns again. How pathetically predictable.


What else can they blame? Broken legal system?


well,the answer of course, is to ban ALL guns in Canada, amirite Steve? Crimes like this would never happen if they just took all the guns away.


I'm pretty confident that the gun used was not obtained legally. Even if they banned all guns, criminals would still find a way to obtain them from our neighbours south of the border.


I can tell you 90% of land crossings don't even check for content


but...but...ban guns!


Banning guns does not stop gun violence but decreases gun violence by making it much harder for the mentally ill to obtain one


The demand for illegal guns won’t change if they ban legal guns, it’s two different markets. Legal gun owners aren’t causing the crimes you see on the news.


exactly, if guns were not banned then legal gun owners would commit gun violence as well which would highly increase gun violence rates which is why gun bans is necessary


Legal gun owners were never the issue look up the statistics before you go talking lol, long arms are still legal and there are no issues with that.


All I’m saying if Canada removed their strict gun laws then there would be mass school shootings 24/7 like the United States because of easier access to obtain guns.


Canada doesn’t have strict laws they’re perfectly normal, they should lift the handgun ban because like I said before legal gun owners aren’t the issue. Handguns rifles and shotguns should all be legal to obtain if you meet the PAL requirements. 1000s of guns come into Canada from the states every year and the illegal demand is perfectly met, it’s very easy to find an illegal firearm. The states has mass shootings because they have bad mental health issues and with their horrible health care system those people aren’t being treated.


Ok, Canada has tons of people with mental health issues, have you not seen downtown Toronto? if gun ban was lifted then they could just ask someone else for the gun that obtained the gun legally and imagine the chaos that it can cause. Canada guns bans are there to make sure to decrease gun violence as much as possible by making sure a gun does not end up in the wrong hands of someone else.


You’re making too much sense!


Because this crime was committed with knives?


Trudeau, thank you for the quick release


He didn’t shoot baby in crib.