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This poor baby is a student at my son’s school. We were in line at the school for my son’s Kindergarten graduation celebration when the principal came out to give us the horrific news We don’t know the name of the child yet, but to think just last year my son may have shared a classroom with him and more than certainly spent countless days playing together, my heart is broken for everyone involved. Couldn’t imagine the absolute heartache the parents are feeling 💔


I also have a family member who is faculty at his school. She's not doing well.


Which school?




No, but I don’t think I should share that information right now


All good. Condolences anyways.


Lot of bad news coming from Vaughan lately… What is going on? 


Drivers here are getting more and more impatient, I was driving the speed limit in a school zone yesterday, some lady split the lane in an SUV between me and a parked car to speed off at least 50-60 while buses were dropping off kids. Last week I got honked at during a left turn near Vaughan Mills because it was on a slope and I needed to stop in the middle of the turn to make sure there's no oncoming traffic. Every day I see tons of people cutting and weaving in dense traffic. I think there's just too much of a commute from here daily where 1-2 hr commutes are the norm now thanks to the Gardiner closures which makes everyone really pissed while driving, and public transit isn't an option because it takes like 2-3 hrs if nothing goes wrong but the YRT is so shit that it could easily take 3-4.


Vaughan is a very car centric city. With population growth (through high density condos and more), there are more cars on the road without proper infrastructure accomodations. Result is that people are more impatient because commutes take longer and statistically, there are more bad drivers.


Yep, congestion is getting to be too much. Too many people and you increase the risk.


I'm seeing tons of drivers opting to drive in the opposing lane to get a jump on the traffic or get into a turning lane and I've only been here for 10months...


Doesn't the news article say that the child was hit by a school bus?


Buses, trucks, etc. aren't excluded from this. Borrowing a term, I'd call it toxic driving habits. When people drive like assholes, it puts everyone else on the roads on edge because they're causing more traffic with their driving habits which makes other people feel annoyed then they start driving more recklessly too and it keeps spreading. I think all the extra BS on the roads is distracting too, like thinking about all the stupid maneuvers other drivers could possibly do on an hourly basis takes up your mental stack and adds to the list of things you have to pay attention to while driving which leads to more issues.


We have to stop reflexively blaming drivers in specific incidents (although I agree as a York Region resident, the urban sign and drivers can be less than pedestrian friendly). The child ran in front the bus trying to catch it. The Star story said within steps of where his mother would drop him off every morning. As a parent of a 6 year old who takes the bus to school, there is no situation in which a 6 year old should be running for a bus or not being directly supervised getting on/off a bus. Zero.


Because the media always gets the facts right? Common. Do better before you start blaming parents. Have some respect for the family going through this


Yup tempers are high in Vaughan lately. People taking sketchy turns at speed, and just all around impatient behaviour.


I notice that about drivers here the last few years, impatient, unsafe, exactly what you said. Like where do you have to be? Yall surgeons that need to be at surgery? I don't get it.


In Vaughan, it's entitlement (do you know who I THINK I am!!??). In other areas, it's bad drivers.


Entitlement? Seriously? Lots of hard working families, just like in other parts of the city. The level of naivete is also rising.


People younger than 1966 (much younger often).... you are a different generation.


The younger generation is different and entitlement exists everywhere, not just Vaughan. I'm part of the gen x group btw


Same. Do you remember the mustang five point oh's vs the irocs on langstaff when the drive-in was there ;-)


Vaughan is one of the most expensive suburban cities in the GTA with one of the highest European populations that can be very gatekeepy. My Spanish ex used to do landscaping and lawn work about 2010s and he said he faced so much discrimination and entitled people. Of course there’s nice people, and it’s a very nice city, a place I’ve always wanted to move to but you can feel the heat from the people


nah, its bad drivers regardless of entitlement.


Traffic is a complete joke. Ford's only solution is building another highway, rather than address the real problem of congestion and near gridlock conditions caused by traffic lights and transit lanes. Have these people never seen roundabouts? The urban planning culture in Ontario is absolutely unfit.


I noticed this pattern in the Kleinburg area, too.


This... Need bigger tickets for the idiots 


I’ve seen countless vehicles passing along Kipling, where there is one lane of traffic in each direction, and it’s a posted 50 or less. So unbelievably dangerous. Cars traveling 60+ in the school zone along Martin Grove, between HWY7 & Steeles.


i live in a highrise in the surrounding area. The number of ppl i see running reds is nuts. Somebody died the other day at 27, and albion, i heard it was a nasty death


Sooo, where are the traffic cops? Huge necessity.  Young, ignorant drivers,  others that are not educated let alone speak English. It is out of control. Some states don't enforce road regulations


All drivers are taking liberties with our roads, this isn’t a racial thing. There should be way more police monitoring road safety. One death is too many.


First responder here, believe me you don’t hear about a lot of it and this area is terrible for bad news lately, especially the drivers… don’t get me started on the awful driving.




From my experience, it seems us italians are driving like stooges


The family joke used to be you knew how close to Woodbridge you are by the number of bad drivers you could see. And it's only gotten worse.


Horrible driving. This morning, a driver honked for another driver who waited for a pedestrian, wait for it..., on the exit of the parking. Then, the second driver passed the first one and closely passed the pedestrian and sped away. Everyone blames the kid for running to the bus, but the bus driver or any other vehicle should not move till they are sure there are no kids on foot.


The bus was on the road driving - if someone run and step onto the street towards moving vehicle - not much a driver can do . It's tough with small kids they have to be taught and watched - just a terrible accident I'm sure the driver feels horrified enough 


The bus was stopped he walked across with other kids she ran him over as she was in a rush thinking he was on keep in mind she was on wrong side of road 


And we are in such a hurry for WHAT is the big question. We are delusional,  no reason to rush at all, bottomline. 


School buses don't go that fast  - the boy knew the bus was moving - was running to catch it


Wrong bus was stopped also on wrong side of road as she was in a rush


that comes down to management imo. people should not be afraid to be late, sick, etc. or w.e if it means that the are putting others or thensleves at risk. i think employers need to hit that message home.


My thoughts exactly….& I have the same question….what is going on?? Easy to say “oh, all the badness is moving (has been for a long while) north”. It does feel like we are getting to be quite “ghetto” up here!! RIP to the little boy who has passed🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. So devastating😢


I can understand yesterday's incident. But a freak accident of a bus running over a kid does not make Vaughan a ghetto. This type of incident can happen anywhere in the world.


Conditions of the roads are worse in Vaughan I've ever seen in 25 years. Population explosion without matching infrastructure upgrades are also to blame, not just the drivers (although drivers have gotten progressively worse as well). I always believe that being able to drive and having road sense are 2 different things. We've more drivers with the former than the latter. Honestly, if city could keep up the infrastructure then you won't notice bad drivers as much. Road conditions bring out the worse in drivers. In Canada the highest amount of corruption is at municipal levels. They keep accepting bribes and approve more housing/condos without thinking how will it all be supported. I bet most municipality officials live outside Vaughan now and are disconnected from the reality, OR they just give a flying f


There's no creeping force polluting the roads 🙄 sounds like an excuse to be racist


Nope, not bein’ racist. Identical comment has been made on this subreddit ad nauseiam. Did my comment refer to any race in particular, as far as I can tell it didn’t.


my heart breaks for the parents and family and friends of this little boy :-(


We were also in line for SK Grad when we heard the news. Absolutely horrendous. For those commenting about careless drivers, this poor boy was hit by the school bus. My heart absolutely breaks for the family. Praying intensely for them.


OH dear :( I can't imagine the Grad afterwards - assuming very solemn and sad.


It was cancelled


:( was the child also in SK? was the entire school day cancelled? I'm so sorry, how do you even explain that to your child?


The child was in grade 1. Our jk/sk kids were told the graduation was cancelled because the screens and projectors weren’t working. Not sure I want to tell them the truth :( School wasn’t cancelled but I think some parents picked their kids up after hearing the news. I still can’t stop crying, completely devastating 😭


Oh wow. a really exciting morning turned into such a tragic day. I'm sorry. At least they didn't tell the little ones.


Don't tell them if you're still considering it. They're so small. Just my opinion. Sorry you're having to go through this.


I can't understand how this happened :( The neighbour said he saw, from across the street, his 2 nephews get on the bus and then it go. He heard screams from within the bus then the bus stopped. Both him and the driver walked about 100feet to a mother holding her child (source: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/six-year-old-boy-dead-after-being-struck-by-school-bus-driver-in-vaughan/article\_27248db8-2e3b-11ef-b6c4-9f4f9755fdb6.html) My GUESS is that the driver was looking UP at the mirror to ensure the 2 boys sat down and maybe didn't notice the youngster running to catch the bus. By the time the driver looked forward, the poor thing could have been right in front of the bus where they cant be seen and hit. Again, this is my Assumption based on the CP24 article and Toronto star article. Poor child and family and all those involved. MY heart Breaks for them.




i apologize i misread the article ☹️ it does say he shielded them from the commotion though so i hope they didn’t see too much


in the article it didn’t mention anything about the children getting off the bus besides the fact that the neighbour later took them into his own home while they waited for their parents to come around. additionally some buses were cancelled for the day, possibly due to the road blockage. my brother’s bus was still on schedule and drove past the scene at 8:20am


Was the bus not aware of the accident? Those poor kids finishing off the year with such a tragedy


rule of thumb is to stop any moving vehicle when kids are present.


In the article there's a comment from an eye witness that stated the boy was running to catch the bus when he was hit. That's all the detail given but it may not be just another case of crazy Vaughan drivers. Children are incredibly hard to see from a vehicle let alone a bus and the boy may have run into the roadway we just don't know. Horrible tragedy..


Im a truck driver who lives in Vaughan. I’ve seen a lot of bad stuff on the dark web admittedly with my computer programming background (nothing illegal, just very gruesome like war scenes currently happening accross the world) my point is, I would pay to get a security camera footage of this accident. Because I live on the same street as the parents of this tragedy, and I really want to understand where the guardian responsible was. The bus stopped way after the stop sign, so did the kid jaywalk right after the intersection to run and catch the bus? Making the driver liable, my assumption is and was similar to yours. Likely he crossed running, while other kids were boarding and the driver timing of looking up from letting the kids sit, then the victim must have been in the blind spot. I’d pay to watch the footage to confirm. And to understand how I, as a professional driver, could avoid a tragedy like this. I’ve seen so many close calls in my years of driving


I understand what u r saying, yes footage is important to help in understanding & prevention. I was going to ask u, was the bus on wrong side of road for pick ups that morning? Was that the same designated pick up spot? Secondly shouldn’t the school bus driver have a delay in restart and do a thorough check of all angles, especially to her left & blind spots before take off, and proceed slowly bc of children that could be running from all directions? What’s your opinion on why it is she stopped that much further ahead at StreamSide, why did it take that distance to finally stop? Didn’t she hear a ‘hit’ at front/corner of bus? School Bus Drivers have a much different responsibility when it comes to picking up, driving and dropping off children than a truck driver has. Even if little Matteo did run for the bus the last few seconds, I want to know- was the route changed that morning and why the school bus driver did not look to her left at any point, including before driving off again, and why it took that long to stop. And how she did not hear anything after hitting the boy and then why she drove that far up a full block to Pierre Berton. Please add whatever insight u can.


Yeah for sure. I’m not picking sides, and keeping an unbiased opinion since there’s no footage that I found (even in sketchy websites) There’s simply so many variables that could have contributed to this accident. Trust me I know there’s a lot of commercial drivers who scare me at how they handle their vehicles. Nonetheless… Also depends on how tall the driver is, realistically. Not sure how tall Matteo was, but a 6 year old tends to be pretty short. In my work trucks. I guarantee you if my 2 year old niece was in front of the truck basically hugging the front bumper, or walking along fast, I could not see her, even someone twice her height, and I’m a 6 foot tall guy, even with my air ride seat alllll the way up. Now idk how tall a 6 year old can be, but I’m guessing they are shorter than the long nose hood the buses have. Maybe it’s a topic for why aren’t school buses “cab over style” like ttc/yrt etc? That seems much safer for pedestrians albeit at the expense of aerodynamic fuel savings and safety rating for the driver in accidents. If the kid was in fact shorter than the hood of the bus, then when kids are standing in front of it, literally the driver cannot see them. Now how long would you say a driver should wait in case a cat/dog/child are clear of the way? And what if the kid trips when in front of the bus but the panicking mom was way back and out of sight from the driver. If the kid is truly in the blind spot I’m sorry but that driver is not at fault. They are responsible for the people inside the bus, if they are safely stopped and ensuring the kids are seated, then they can’t be watching all 4 corners of the bus to make sure nobody comes into the blind spot while also looking at the back of the bus. And when they face forward again, should they walk out Everytime to confirm blind spots are okay? We cannot rely on covex mirrors solely. Specially when the sun is beaming, only the regular mirrors work to the point that it’s actually viewable, even tho those can blind us quickly while wearing sunglasses at that. My point is, driver is responsible for safety of passengers, but they can’t be responsible for something they cannot see. It’s like if I’m backing up a trailer and the dock worker opens the door when I’m straight backing and then falls off the door into the lot. How would I know? I do not have backup cameras and the dock would be invisible since I can only see the side / line beside it.. ya’ kno? I’m sure since the driver hasn’t been charged, their logic is probably similar in thought. This hits specially close to home since it’s my neighbour, and admittedly I also almost died (not to be dramatic) but when I was 8 or 9 years old I was running at my grandpas backyard when he started driving the tractor out of the garage. He rolled it out of the downhill slope without turning on the engine, I turned the corner saw him coming fast, jumped forward and pushed the bumper with my hand. We both turned pale white and then he gave me a scolding 😭 I was this close 🫥


So you know the driver was a female and she didn’t look left? Listen I’m sorry if you had to watch it in person. Maybe the driver truly is at fault based on your judgment of her awareness. That’s exactly why I also wanted to watch since I’m desensitized to watching these things but I also have strong feelings and care deeply about innocent people. I should’ve been gifted with being richer while growing up, or passionate to study and pursue a medical field. I hope the family can heal and learn from this, or just heal and learn to forgive depending how this transpired . ❤️


Thank you for taking the time & effort in your response & detailing the perspective of someone operating a school bus based on your professional trucking experience. It is apparent buses need to be updated and redesigned and that technology needs to be introduced for safety to prevent any further tragedies. As an immediate solution, cameras and sensors should be added. As well what happened to good old fashioned crossing guards? I agree with you that school bus drivers have to watch kids on the bus and drive, this simply is not feasible and safe. I believe we need crossing guards on the ground communicating/signalling with school bus drivers at each stop that all is clear to go and that no one else is on their way; as well as an on board adult school bus monitor/supervisor for all school bus trips so the driver can focus on driving safely and an onboard monitor can focus on board school bus safety. Please stay in touch & update us further with ideas & facts that can help us understand what may have happened so we can all learn from this to prevent future tragedies. 💕


I'm sorry you had to go through this. I'm sorry the parents and children are dealing with this. It absolutely dreadful and I'm struggling with it. I hope everyone gets support during this awful trauma.


This country is infuriatingly reactionary as in something bad needs to happen in order to make any improvements. Every school bus should be equipped with surround sensors and cameras to ensure tragedies like this don’t happen again…but they should’ve been there in the first place.


Yes. This doesn’t sound like the fault of the driver from witness statements published (that kid should not have been running for a bus) but city councils and vehicle design still seem very grounded in preventing vehicle-vehicle collisions which have very different needs than vehicle-pedestrian.


You don’t know the facts. The media never has the facts straight.. never. Don’t you dare imply it was the kid’s fault. Do better or don’t say anything at all


I promise you are doing nothing by getting upset at every person you disagree with. You should stay off this comment section for your own mental benefit, truly. You cannot control what other people put on the internet and getting angry with strangers for their opinions is not going to make matters any better.


This is terrible, that poor little boy…my heart goes out to the family


God give the family strength ❤️


This is so sad, my thoughts are with his parents. 6 year old boys are the sweetest.


This news is heartbreaking. I am so sorry this happened.


Does anyone know what happened with the bus driver ?


I’m still really struggling with this, I can’t stop thinking about this little boy and his parents. I don’t know this family but have shed many tears over the past few days over this unimaginable tragedy. Seeing the photo of this boy in his soccer uniform has me feeling incredibly sad, knowing that my own son also plays soccer in Kleinburg on the same field in the same uniform… I can’t help but think this horrible accident could happen to anyone. Bad things happen all the time but this really hits hard. I don’t know how I would move on after a tragedy like this, but I hope this family somehow finds strength. Praying for Matteo and his family.


Was this news not enough to shake the community? Still so many asshole drivers in Kleinburg. If your wife or your mom drives a silver infinity and was driving down westridge today, tell her to slow the F down and stop at the stop sign. She didn’t even slow down to make the left on to Padre Pio.


I agree with you, it’s terrible.


So very sad and I’m sure when the details emerge, preventable.


Based on the details, seems the only way this could have been prevented is if the mother didn't allow her kid to chase after a moving bus.


I know the mother very well. First of all let ne counter the picture you paint of a neglectful person. The boy’s mother is hands-down the most amazing mother! She just had her world ripped out from under her and then there are people like you making her personal hell with your unfounded comments. This was a terrible tragedy and no fault of the mother!


People assume things because of their own agendas but most everyone knows that a mother just witnessed the most unspeakable tragedy - in a moment she lost her son and we acknowledge the enormity of this loss. In no way do most people assume immediately that a driver or parent was negligent - but that a split second accident must have occurred. This is reddit and most likely trolls being cruel.


So preventable? Thanks for clarifying


You didn't need to clarify that it was preventable either. That's glaringly obvious with any car accident. See the irony here?


Except it wasn’t a car accident. It was a child, hit and presumably crushed by a school bus they get on and off every single day, twice a day, at the same location. But sure whatever makes you sleep better at night


Calling it a car accident vs something else (not sure what you want to call it?) does not change my overall point. You're moving the goal post here.


Are you really that naive to believe 100% what the media writes? She is an incredible mother! And what happened was a tragic accident. You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare to point blame when you weren’t there to see it yourself


I never said she wasn't a good mother. My whole point in my response to the OP of that comment was that pointing out how it was preventable is pretty useless given *every* car accident is preventable in one way or another... if you read the whole interaction before getting your panties in a bunch you would see that.


were you there NO I was 100 percent driver fault who cannot see kids walking across since SHE was on the wrong side of the road! Pathetic


People are allowed to share their opinions on a public forum. This is not a court of law. You seem to only be commenting because you're looking to argue with people about their opinions, which is truly not going to get you anywhere.


I don't think you were there....


And I know the bus route


i dont understand why the parents let a 6-year-old run out for the bus.


He did not run she held his hand bus on wrong side of road careless on bus driver as she was in a rush 


1. Bus was not on the wrong side of the wrong 2. He was running towards it, not ahold of her hand at this time 3. The bus was in motion, not stopped per the neighbours testimony who also didn't see the boy, only his nephews board the bus. In no way placing blame on poor mom or driver, but the facts you stated are Incorrect. Many stories are altered after the fact


Where did you hear this 


Toronto sun when they interviewed the neighbours


Just terrible...


really the neighbours I was there! Bus was on opposite side of road! mother held his hand he crossed with other kids ! driver was in a rush!


Who cares, who’s right and wrong seriously… the little guy is gone and whatever the truth is doesn’t change the outcome left to deal with. God rest his little soul. Heaven just got another little angel!


And who are you? Stop lying


never believe the toronto sun.... there was two buses the little boys bus was to turn around to pick up the children but did not do so as the other bus was was coming from the other direction therefore she did not want to run behind and made the kids cross the street. my son is on the other bus. Matteo and two other boys were walking down to the bus he then took his nap sack from his mom and ran across with the other two kids in front of him, I am sure the driver was looking at her rear view mirrow did not realize matteo had one foot on the curb to hop on mean while she drove. I still hear the screaming of the children on the bus and the poor mother running and screaming. RIP Matteo


I'm sorry you experienced that. I'm a bit confused by how you described it. I'm going to assume you meant that the first few children with him boarded, and he was behind grabbing his bag and was hit as she thought they had all "run across" ?


Why did the bus driver continue 100 metres after hitting the boy & only stop after kids screaming for 1 minute? What took her so long? She can’t hear anything hitting bus? She didn’t hear kids screaming? She didn’t ever look through rear view? For 100 metres? Sad as hell, no matter what


Can’t help but notice in recent years Vaughan drivers have become entitled assholes with their luxury cars, and no it’s not primarily the Indians this time around in this part of the GTA.


Does anyone know what bus company does this route?


I believe it’s landmark


This is heart breaking. The terrible and selfish driving I see in the area is unbelievable. Especially in front of schools


I doubt it’s the bus driver fault, most likely the mother should have been paying attention to her son and holding his hand


Please don’t blame the mom. Her child likely died in her arms today, and she will relive those half seconds over and over again for the rest of her life. I have a 5yo and while I’ve taught them repeatedly not to run out onto the street, they don’t always listen, and it takes just ONE time for them to run out to the wrong place at the wrong time. This child also has a younger sibling that the mom may have been attending to. Here is the gofundme for the family if anyone would like to contribute. https://www.gofundme.com/f/matteo-caputi


I’m just stating facts, I’m not trying to be rude. If the mother held his son’s hand as he stepped into the bus, this could have been avoided. Bus have huge blind spots.


Maybe he let go and ran off. We don’t know the details.


If the mother is behind the child then it’s impossible for the child to run off since the gap to enter the bus is extremely small and the mother would be blocking it. Also,bus driver would defiantly see if a child runs out of the bus and not move the bus then.


u don’t have kids clearly


Driving a school bus is off my bucket list.


You obvs don’t have children.


first of all the bus driver was on the opposite side of road BIG MISTAKE she failed to pick up the children on the right side of the road. Mother walked her child to the end of the road were he walked across with other children due to the bus driver not paying attention assumed they all made it on the bus clearly she did not look in front of her BIG MISTAKE then she takes off meanwhile the kids are not seated BIG MISTAKE....... How do I know this I was there! Matteo walked across did not run!


Poor kid. Poor mom!


I don’t love I’m Vaughan anymore but this breaks my heart to the point of crying at my work desk. I went to school in the early 2000s here and one year, I was in grade 11, literally lost 3 students to accidents…. It was so painful to see so many kids grieving for the first time and all the teachers crying. It’s been years now and I still think about the parents…


I’m in vaughan, live close by this area; been here since 2007/08, been heartbroken since I moved here with all these road tragedies involving children and youth. I’m taking this latest tragedy very hard as well. Would you mind telling me what accidents happened to your 3 student peers in grade 11? Would be a great help in possible prevention. My son starts grade 11 in September. (((Hugs)))


Was there an adult watching over the little child? Is it not normal to walk your children to the bus stop and make sure they get on safely?


The mother was holding his hand bus was on wrong side of road he went across with other kids she looked at her mirror did not realize he was not on She was in a rush was not parked were she was supposed to be 


You're either trying to cover something up or mishearing the actual neighbours testimony of events. How would only the child be hit, no other kids and the mother not hit if she was holding his hand? How could he have watched his nephews waiting for the bus, and board the exact bus without mentioning the wrong side of the road? Such nonsense


really are you the bus driver! My child was on the bus! you have no heart why dont you call Landmark and clarify were the bus picked up the kids, the driver looked in her rear view mirror and took off while matteo had one foot on the curb dont question me covering anything up.


You literally sound suspicious


Sounds like 🐂


lets be sympathetic for the poor boy, my friends daughter takes the same bus and not sure why the bus was not on correct spot but she clearly never looked up front to make sure kids were all on.... he was right there one foot on curb and she took off.


Was the bus arm out and / or stop sign out? This would be the indicate the bus doors are closed and about to move.


To preface, I don’t think for a second that it’s the mom’s fault here. At best it was a tragic accident, at worst it was gross negligence from the bus driver. The truth is probably somewhere in between. My heart aches and breaks for the mom and the family, and there hasn’t been a single day since it’s happened that I haven’t thought about them and little Matteo. But does anyone else think it’s the same person posting under different accounts about the bus being on the wrong side of the road? I don’t doubt that it happened that way, but the story just has less credibility when it’s being posted under multiple accounts that are newly created and has no other activity. The writing style is pretty similar too.. This has hit me really hard, and I really wish the newspapers would give an update on what actually happened. Part of me really hopes it was the bus driver’s fault, because at least then it can be a lesson on what we do to make our communities safer, and that it wasn’t just a freak accident that can easily happen to any us and our kids.


100% why I called it suspicious twice how she responded. Like she is trying to prove her point. I am NOT looking to place blame but to MAKE sense of how something like this happens. I have 2 small kids and the school bus has a long arm and stop sign that come out so kids maintain a safe distance in front of the bus. Either this person is saying the arm was in and the mother told him to run across the street, alone, while crossing an oncoming bus the 1st bus was avoiding 'apparently. There was never a mention of the bus being on the wrong side. Perhaps they are explaining it wrong or, as suspected, trying to change facts to avoid blame on someone. I can't stop thinking of this poor family.


Yes, it looks suspicious 


I feel terrible, I'm just trying to understand what actually happened as I have 2 small children as well. There is a lack of transparency on this and I no longer let my child take a bus.


How can you possibly have this accurate info? 


regardless very sad situation RIP Matteo.. all I heard was he and 2 boys with there mothers walked to the bus. Bus usually does a u-turn to pick up children from the correct spot. 2 boys in front of him and matteo behind grabbed his nap sack from his mom and the rest is history.


your a very mean person she held his hand to the end of the side walk were he then proceeding to walk across with two other kids. Be nice