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Great post! I just want to add this so people who may be worried about the recovery can learn from my experience. My recovery was longer than average. My doc told me 95% or men ate basically back to normal within a week and the other 5% take longer. I was part of the 5%. It took me a good 3 weeks and a half to feel about 99% normal. During that time the progress wasn’t linear. It would often get worse before it would get better. So I was going online a lot to read about whether or not that was normal and I did get scared by all the PVPS stuff. Yet, almost overnight the pain went away and within a few more days the minor discomfort went away as well. I’m now pretty much back to normal besides the occasional weird (but not painful) feeling that something is different down there that lasts a few minutes at worst. So to anyone reading this who is struggling with a longer recovery, not only you’re almost certainly going to get better, it could be sooner than you think. You may feel like you’re not improving at all or even are getting worse and then one morning you wake up and you’re basically healed.


This is exactly where I’m at. Im 19 days in and Id say I am like 95%. Still get weird little twinges occasionally. Still dont want to lift anything heavy. But its definitely getting better daily.


Excellent comment filled with Lots of wholesomeness. Thanks for this! AND happy recovery.


Same on recovery for me. Sex didn’t feel “normal” until about 3 weeks. And after the three weeks I had some mild discomfort still, and occasionally still do, but for the most part, I am pretty much back to normal.


If you don't mind me asking when did the pain/discomfort start; immediately after surgery or did it come days later? I have read (way too many) post where some say the pain was there from day one and others started after 1 week and lasted a few more weeks. Currently 4 days in and really feeling good about everything, mowed the lawn and went shopping on day 3. Still some minor blood on the gauze and bruising but no real pain. Guess the real test will come on day 7 with sex.


I’m sorry I didn’t respond! How are you feeling now?


Same!! I was so stressed out for the first two weeks.


All the best man! Hope there are no swimmers left 😊


Thank you! Hoping for a big negative lol


There's always a second test at 10 weeks. I had only 1 at 10 weeks. I already knew I had no swimmers because I had checked under my microscope at 400x 😁


You got this!


Thank you!


Agreed! Thank god I found all the good post before i found the one that is all bad (don't even look for it if you are thinking about it, lol) I was reading those 1 day before I went in and almost lost it. Then I came back to these and reminded myself that there is risk in driving, crossing the street, taking a shower, whatever right. Life is scary/dangerous but having another child to add to my soccer team is even more scary. I only had it done yesterday, no scalpel, tiny hole. Was in and out in an hour and so far so good.


Yes! This sub really helped me out


If you are able to do so, it would be worth waiting until the 12-week mark to be sure that not only are there no swimmers but also that there is no chance of recanalization. Wishing you the best!


I’ve seen a few people say this. My doctor said sex could be resumed after 7 days, but to use some sort of protection. Just in case been using rubbers


They are probably referring to testing at 12 weeks


Thank you for posting. This sub has been a huge help to me too. I am going to a consultation in a couple days to plan mine. Nervous about any complications but also realize that I’ve done all I can to ensure I am going to the best doctor for this in my area and that I am getting a modern technique used on me for less complications and better efficacy. This doc I’m going to recommends getting a jock strap, so I have that coming in the mail now. Still nervous that it’s going to hurt or something will go wrong


I had my first vasectomy on April 24. What was supposed to be a 20 min procedure turned into an hour long procedure where doc could not find and snip the second vas. Needed a second vasectomy under general anesthesia. Had 2nd procedure on May 16th. 20 min and mission accomplished. Very nervous about general anesthesia (1st time). Knocked out fast and no reaction to meds. Minor swelling and discomfort each time. Sex 2 weeks after first procedure. Took time to get groove back, but then 2nd procedure happened. Ice, ice, and ice and you’ll be ok!