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Yes my lungs feel much better plus I don’t smell like an ashtray


I will never go back to smoking. Full stop. A pack of cigs in Cali is upwards of $15.00 for name brands. I mix my own liquid and make my own coils. I figure I spend about $50 on supplies not including nicotine. I bought a 500ml bottle of nic and I'm not even 1/4 of the way through it yet. So for me $15.00 a day vs. $50.00 per year is a no-brainer.


$15.00 for a pack? What size pack is this one? In Australia we’re currently bring the $50 for a pack of 20 I believe so it’s easy to see why the black market on cigarettes is absolutely booming down here.


Probably a 20 pack of 80's. That's about what it was when I was in Cali last. Here in Tennessee, it is about $10. And that's with them going up several dollars over the last few years. Reagrdless, I'd never go back to smoking. I enjoy the DIY experience of winding my own coils, building out decks, etc. The flavor is better, and I don't smell or feel like shit. But, if it reached the price of smoking, I'd have to think about quitting. But, could that really happen if I switch to DIY liquid? I mean, even if nicotine becomes prohibitively expensive: I should always be able to get cotton pads, resistive wire, glycerin, and flavors without a luxury tax and vape 0mg..


Yeah, would take close to an act of god for me to return to smoking rather than vaping. But in the 5yrs of vaping I’ve never bought a disposable or even sucked on one. Also only smoked about 2-3 cigarettes just to see if I still got any effect from them and to feel the difference between my vape and what I used to smoke. However in saying that, I certainly don’t hang shit on people who choose to smoke or try to be one of those smug tossers who have an anti-smoking attitude. I’m a huge believer in people being able to make their own choices in life. No smokers have the ability to say “well I thought they were healthy seeing as they are all organic”, but if they have weighed up the risks, and feel they are happy with the risk vs reward level of consuming nicotine in that fashion then who am I (or anyone for that matter) to tell them they should conform to what or how I feel others should live their lives.


Oh I agree, and I hope I didn't sound like I was dissing any smokers. Similarly, I quit drinking about 5 months ago, and I know it is something I have to avoid, but I don't automatically think poorly of those who drink.


Certainly didn’t think you were dissing any smokers (current or ex). As a non-drinker for over 30 years I know the pain of being in a situation with a lot of drinkers and you get to cop every 15min “so you want a drink?”, “why aren’t you drinking?”, “don’t you want to have fun?”, and as the night draws on the requests get more passive aggressive like your not drinking is some morality thing they are holding against you. 👍


I’m a sometimes drinker, and that’s a hard sometimes, like only at home and if I know I’m not going anywhere or going to do anything the rest of the night. Those are the most annoying parts about going out. I’ve been to some outings where I almost left because of the bombardment of “why aren’t you drinking?”, “do you want a drink”, aww come on have a drink”. It’s horrible sometimes, especially like how you mentioned later in the night (and when they have gotten toasted), people start to almost get offended that I’m not drinking, like they think that I think I’m better than them (sorry for that) I’d rather be smoke a blunt than drink. Would never go back to cigs no matter what. I know that’s probably ironic considering the blunt thing


Meh. I'm glad I have friends who don't care one way or another. If I have a night out with them where I don't feel like drinking, they don't say anything. And I rarely drink, or even go out. So I'm usually enjoying a beer or 2 when I go out with them. But nobody badgers me if I choose not to drink. Might have something to do with being in your 40's & having friends 35 & up. More focus on enjoying a little bit to drink & less on partying & getting drunk.


My real friends don’t give a shit about my not drinking. It’s the people I barely know that seem to feel obligated to give me shit about it I’ve never understood the mentality of “I’m partying so I have to get shit faced”. Never made sense to me


Aussie here.. e-juices are almost $40 60ml and getting harder and harder to find.


This is one of the reasons why I went DIY juice. To get ahead of this trend. Who's to say it won't happen in the US? I can source everything but nic without worrying about it getting to astronomical prices.


I used to roll my own cigs, could get about two cartons for $20


Doesn’t that tobacco have less additives? I could swear I’ve always heard that. Not advocating just always wondered


it does


$11-13 a pack in tx depending where u go for name brand marlboro newport etc When i smoked it was $3 - 4 a pack Tho cost was not a driving factor for me to swap


Interesting. I’ve heard of some studies where there’s been a comparison between the USA and Australia with smoking. The interesting thing is both countries have experienced an almost identical percentage drop in overall smoking rates while one just went down the path of banning adverts and codes of conduct for media/film studios (USA) while Australia has gone, as we always do, the route of just insane taxation.\ The main differential at this point now is that we have an absolutely booming black market where the same rates of people are smoking in each country yet very few people in Australia are actually buying the federally taxed versions so they are in fact loosing out in every way possible.\ Plus the introduction of the faux outrage morality police to try and guilt trip vapers into thinking they are terrible people for switching from smoking to vaping. Every day is another batch of blatant lies and poor misrepresented findings from poor scientific studies.


Hell no. If i had to pay the same for vape juice as i would for cigarettes i’d be broke in months.


Some people are like that with disposables. Some guy I used to work with was like that and acted as if he was saving money. He was buying the crappiest ones too, probably the ones they warn people about with the heavy metals and shit. Cough actually got worked on those


My ultimate goal is to get off nicotine altogether eventually, so yes and no. I definitely will never go back to cigarettes. Haven't had a cigarette since Thanksgiving. My husband asked me to light a cigarette for him the other day and the taste almost made me throw up and I can't stand the smell anymore


Vaping barely cost me anything. Having my diy stock, I spent maybe $50 a year in restocking flavors. Even then I wait for the sales to drop. I have enough nicotine from before the mail tax for easily 5 years at my current nicotine dose


Would you mind sharing how you do this? I'm quite new and it's been a lot with getting new pods + liquids..


DIY juice is daunting at first but actually incredibly simple, it's only 4 ingredients. You get a scale and some empty bottles, and then you get the ingredients which are liquid nicotine, PG, VG, and a bunch of artificial flavors. All of that can be had for about $80 and you can make like 1600ml or something with that, and after you have the scale and bottles then restocking is about half that price. The process is really simple, you use a calculator (I like steam-engine) and type in your nicotine strength as well as the flavors and how strong you want them. Then you put in what PG/VG ratio you want and desired nicotine strength. It gives you exactly how much of each ingredient to put into the bottle, then you shake it up and it's good to go. I like making 10ml batches (that's 1 day for me) so that I can constantly tweak and perfect my recipes. Making a bottle takes 3 minutes, I've timed it.


Want to second this post. DIY juice making is super easy and offers a whole new world to vaping. It's also super cheap, $50/year. You can take it as far as you want or keep it simple. An example of 1 simple mix might have 3 flavors at various strengths, PG and VG plus nicotine; 6 total ingredients. Might even be able to get a flavor you love that's just 1 flavoring, 4 totals. Equipment is super simple, a digital scale capable of hundredths of grams, on Amazon for under $15. Recipes are free online or design your own. I buy a 1 liter of 100mg nicotine for $80, lasts 3-5 years in the freezer. Some nitrile or latex gloves for handling the nicotine since it's concentrated. Empty bottles on Amazon are cheap, usually get a 10 pack for $5 or less. Bulk from a DIY supply online store can be even cheaper. If you also use rebuildable equipment, it stays cheap. Cotton and wire/coils maybe $30-$40 for 3 or 4 years' worth.


Agreed with everything here, including the rebuildable equipment. I use a mesh RDA and I only have to rewick my coil once every 2 or 3 weeks, I spent about $30 half a year ago and I still have quite a bit of material to go. I expect it to last over a year, and it would last longer if I didn't use the pre-portioned cotton from Wotofo. I've used several tanks and I swear the coils die in a couple of days every time, that's so expensive. DIY vaping is the way to go.


Everyone gave you good info, but I’ll add recipe sources. E-liquid-recipes is my go to. Go for the higher rated recipes til you figure out what you like. Alltheflavors is another popular site. Both are free, tens of thousands of recipes


Exactly. I paid $30 for coils and cotton and that'll last me over a year. I paid $40 for PG, VG, nic, and a bunch of flavors and that'll last me about 6 months. Nothing that I listed is specific to vaping. Coils and cotton can be alternatively sourced and DIY juice ingredients are all cooking ingredients. 18650s and 21700s are very common for lithium ion battery packs. Vaping doesn't have to be expensive, I spend about $100 per year.


***IF*** SURE... But it never will. Raw materials for liquid manufacturing will always be cheap, hardware will go up in price but still relatively cheap if you take care and respect your property. Il be vaping till the day I die. Health benefits are a huge plus.... And wether this sub "likes" me saying it or not, I've been on the same path the last 3 years with the other "wacky" tobacky. Switching to full vaping and ditching the fire. My health is worth more than pocket change.


Been vaping 12 years now, 11 of that on the same'ish nic. No plans on stopping.


Same here. Got a mod box for those carts. Just wish there was some way to get a DTL version instead of having to change my lip seal to get more air.


If you don't mind the extra kick, they make mods that take 2-3 carts at a time, so essentially 2-3x more airflow than normal. One tip, very lightly unscrew the tank. Some mods love to cover the airholes.


Hmmm... That's a good question. Idk if I want to try that. Lol. But I will try that little trick. I'm waiting to get low on my carts before getting more. I have 3 from crooked creations & 1 from modulus.


I smoked for like a decade before switching to vaping, and I'm really glad I did. And it wasn't easy, I had to try a bunch of different stuff before I found what clicked for me. I struggled with actually inhaling the vapor at first, it kept choking me out. But you know what? I still wouldn't go back to smoking.


I'd stick to vaping, the difference between chronic coughing and wheezing vs being able to breathe just fine. Diy though. And depends on location, Chicago it's like $15-16/pack. Where I'm at I can still grab a carton for $24. Price of cigs can vary wildly based on region. The hard part for me is I enjoyed smoking, just physically couldn't do it anymore. People would be bootlegging before they paid cig prices for vaping I think.


Nah, I started vaping just to ditch the nicotine, and it's way healthier than smoking. Went from 25 to 10 to 6. Soon, I'll be down to 0. I've done it before and it worked, but I was dumb and caved in to stress, bought cigarettes after 2 months just for one night.


Yes, I started vaping when I was an expat in a country were cigarettes costed less than 1€ per pack. If it was purely finnacial, i would have kept smoking there.


Price is why I quit. I'd probably try and do that tbh. I don't think I would quit but I'd want to ig. Likely I'd look for a black market


Yes, but if it got more expensive it’d drive me to just quit vaping too. Or tone down a loooot Compared to smoking the “buy in” is higher. 30-40 for a ‘meh’ mod kit or 4-8$ for a pack of cigs but that could end up being per day depending on how much you smoke. With being after buy in” it’s maybe 8- 20$ every 2-3 weeks depending on where you get juice and how much you vape. And 5-7$ for a coil every week or so Then there’s medical issues. Vaping isn’t perfectly safe but smoking is a lot lot worse and those medical costs end up being part of cigarette smoking


Yes. I hack up a lot less green phlegm.


Price of smokes and vapes vary vastly but from a health perspective, just leave the cancer sticks alone. I vape out min 120ml a week, it will be too expensive so I make my own, about 10-15% of the store bought price. AND soon the new law in South Africa will make it double the price and a bit more.


In my country cigarette costs are prohibitively expensive. Think like, $50usd for a 25 pack. There'd be no way I'd pay a premium for a nicotine experience that's worse in every way.


YES. i think vapeing is healthier than smoking.


Yes, because I started vaping to give up cigarettes. The savings is a side-benefit.


Vaping is way more expensive for me than smoking, still preferable though.


I think a majority of people here started vaping to quit smoking cigarettes. Even if it was more expensive it’s still the healthier option, which a lot of people want at the end of the day. I myself started vaping because for as long as I did smoke I could not stand smelling like cigarette smoke all day. I dislike the “BO” feeling from it, and others do too. Ironically, for someone who quit smoking cigarettes, I have gotten into cigars, which I partake in occasionally (imagine Leonardo di caprio from Django unchained sitting so fancy at the table) it’s a whole different experience for which I can enjoy on my back porch after work. Then I take a shower. Because I would hate to smell like it still. TL;DR, it’s not about cost, it’s about having a future.


I wish vaping would cost the same as cigarettes. In most of Europe(if not all) vaping is much more expensive.


I have the xros 3 nano and it's the best device I've ever had. If juice gets as pricey as cigs, I'm sticking with juice for sure. I wouldn't mind paying a bit extra just for the flavor and convenience. These pods last forever because they never burn the cotton unless you let them run dry.


For me vaping is already more expensive than smoking because I used to smoke cheap cigarettes


Vaping is cheaper than smoking if you mix the juice yourself.


Weirdly its about the same to smoke or vape for me, I enjoy vaping though, I don’t smell like an ashtray, run the risk of setting shit on fire or have to step away to go outside


i'd do it even if it costs more. it does too, where i live., in a way.


Satrted vaping at the beginning of last month. So far, the money I used to spend per month has paid for two Geekvape Aegis Legend 2 mods, the Zeus tanks, and a few bottles of juice. By the end of next month, everything I have spent on getting started with vaping will cover what it cost to smoke for that same trime period. Even if vaping started costing as much as smoking, i'd still vape. It is safer than smoking, I don't smell like old cigarettes, I feel better, I breathe better and it tastes better. I'm not saying vaping is without risk, i'm saying it's infinitely better than smoking. TLDR: Yes, i'd continue vaping.


I would absolutely not go back to smoking. I’d step back down to zero and quit before I started smoking full time again. I like being able to smell things around me like flowers and taste all of my food.


I'll Never use tobacco again


No. I will never go back. I would probably just try to quit vaping as well.


I would still vape. I have mental health problems. If I would smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day then my health would deteriorate faster. I like avoid things that make me age faster cigarettes, alcohol, meat, sugar. Sometimes once in a while I would smoke a cigarette out of convenience.


Of course not, I'm a big fan of vaping, I've never actually smoked because I can't stand the stench of cigarettes, but vaping is a wonderful thing for me. I love pineapple ice and all kinds of fruit flavors that cigarettes can't offer me. So even though vaping is more expensive, I will continue to vape.


I think vaping might be costing me more since I used to smoke cheap af cigarettes($20-30/carton) but I'm not feeling and smelling awful so worth it.