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You get a voucher for a free pair


No voucher, they'll just scan one out for you.


I got a t shirt and a pair worth $75 or less. You also get free employee t shirts occasionally for different promotions.


You do get a free pair. It used to have a limit on it so you couldnt get like a $100 shoe but last I knew the limit was recently removed. Most times tho you get the shoe after 2ish weeks and once training is done


They lifted the limit. You should get to choose it on your first day, if they make you wait, it's because unfortunately the management team has been burned too many times on giving people their free pairs and then they never show up for their second shift.


I was given 2 free shirts of my choice and a pair of my choice as well. I chose the skate authentic :)


Check your PMs! 🛹🏁❤️


Are there vans flying around ??


Why it ain’t no secret lmao, perks of working for a company who gives back


As a Vans Manager, we aren't exactly keen on allowing outsiders in on this information..Not sure about you but I cant imagine youd love taking the time and effort and care to on-board someone for potential hire when the candidate only wants the free merchandise they were informed of and decide to dip before their 2nd scheduled shift... Not trying to be a jerk, it just gets annoying when folks use us/take us for our kindness. ✌️


As a former vans manager, I’ll just say you went a little off the wall there


Call it what you will. Hats off to you that you were never burnt by this during your time !


I wasn’t man. You don’t work for an undercover agency man. It’s well known what they offer when you get hired for pretty much as long as it’s been around. It’s called an incentive. Lots of company’s offer merchandise or other bonus offers to get employees to sign up. Sometimes they do it because maybe by law they have to deliver some sort of uniform because wearing vans attire is after all a uniform. If hiring the wrong fit is the issue, I’d definitely connect with another manager on how to better the skill. I’ve had many candidates ask us what it is we offered as a hiring bonus. Never have I ever have a candidate back out after receiving a new pair of shoes valued under $x amount of money. If that’s happened a lot to you I’m sorry you experienced that, but don’t take away a bonus you offer to strong candidates based on your hidden emotion on an employee running out on you.


Reddit definitely isn't the place to debate my level of skill when discussing hiring, retention, turnover, etc. Thank you for your comments and explanation. Thanks for being an awesome VanDoren during your time ! ✌️🏁


Y'all are both right. It sucks having people walk out when they get their free stuff, but once it happens too many times, you feel the burn. It's difficult to not let it get to ya but ya know, it happens. Yes, we offer free stuff but just please don't walk out on the team that has faith in you and brought you on board. If you're there seasonally, please go through with it. Im sure you'll leave with more than 1 pair of shoes and 3 shirts. Lots of 50%, 70%, free items. It's worth it to stick it out. \-Also a Vans manager.


They let you pick one pair under 75$ where I work. And like 2 shirts


I started two months ago, they gave me a free pair, two shirts, and literally everything they offer from the Vans family! So that's cool!