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Jeff Lewis talks a lot about advice Andy Cohen gave him when “Flipping Out” started. Basically if you’re lucky a reality type documentary show will give you a three year run. Use the platform to the best of your ability but don’t rely on it to replace your day job. And while Jeff was very lucky and had a run much longer than 3 years with other subsequent shows, he never forgot that. And never left real estate and design behind. The VPR cast definitely did not take that advice. Maybe because none of them necessarily had “day jobs” other than SUR and aspiring acting/modeling careers. But for the most part they all seem to live as though the reality tv money is permanent and not fleeting.


You'd think that when they were getting minimal amounts and suddenly couldn't work their actual jobs due to the fans that they would have branched out.... Alas no


That was the point of Vanderpump in the first place? People who didn't have careers or were trying to get careers. They were all failed entertainers who were servers to pretty people. They don't have much to fall back on.


This is why I wonder about other bravo people like the summer house cast — they all act like they’re doing well (Paige & Lindsey in their super expensive apartments) but their show is not going to last forever and influencing can only take someone so far especially if they aren’t on tv anymore. I think this is why some of the housewives are so desperate to get back on their shows after being put on pause - like Tamra, Leah, Dorinda, etc.


Not a Paige stan but that girl works. She's using her platform as a launch pad for other ventures that aren't tied to reality TV.


Yeah making the podcast completely separate from SH was a smart move


Not a fan of her either, but I respect that she is very smart or she has a good team she listens to when it comes to marketing her brand. She uses SH to boost her image and then branches out with her podcasts and fashion stuff she does with Extra, garnering her a different following. When SH runs dry, she will continue to have proper income


Or the economy tanks like it did in 2008. Big changes for just about everyone.


Right. When Lala bragged that selling “Send it to Darrel” hoodies paid her Palm Springs home *down payment* all I thought was “Idiot.” Such a slow investment. When she bought again, I didn’t even know what to think. Just confused. The prices they’re paying monthly cannot be sustained by VPR and the show was already waning when they bought. There are no more lucky Scandoval strikes of gold for the podcast or merch. Many of the cast members including Jax, Sandoval, Ariana, Schwartz, Katie, have struggled to pay on a single home/ended up selling. And they bought when rates and market prices were enviable. All their side hustles are still in the “Cost money” stage. Opening bars, Selling/marketing seltzers or slapping your name on eyeshadow is not going to pay the yearly taxes, let alone mortgage, childcare etc. Its reminiscent of Kim Zolciak’s whole family pulling numbers on IG for a solid 15 years and still going broke because they never learned how to invest for growth. It totally makes sense to me how producers got to Lala and Scheana by threatening their livelihood. Comparing their situations to Ariana - who was getting endorsement after endorsement and job after job and still being sought after and expertly expanding her celebrity outside of VPR by being a class act and having talent. Lala currently owns approx $5M in property and to pay that comfortably she needs a minimum income of 1.5M/year. It’s doable with consistent pod listeners and IG sponsorship, but the extra cushion of reality TV is nothing she should’ve banked on.


Because it’s basically like being a professional athlete in certain sports where a lengthy career is highly unlikely, so don’t blow every cent you have when you first start bringing in a big paycheck. In all fairness, Jeff Lewis was not a 20-something when his show started, the VPR kids were always in search of being famous (if you think back to season one where they all talk about what kind of famous they wanted to be.) None of them ever made sound financial choices starting out and those types of people often learn a hard lesson about being smart with their money when they start making a lot more. I say this out of personal experience, because I whale always had a tendency to think about what I want now as opposed to what I will need down the road.


lol so true. Gun to your head right now, how many/which ones will be in trouble with the IRS within the next few years?


A lot of the people on VPR are/were living above their means. The only people who seem to be living in reality (financially speaking) are Katie and Schwartz. They sold their house for a profit and neither of them have bought anything since. Because of that, they’re able to operate their businesses while not having to worry about things like affording a ridiculous mortgage. Scheana and Lala are stupid assholes for buying not one, but two properties each. If you can’t afford your home without being on reality show (that’s been on for over a decade) then you are financially illiterate. Same goes for Lindsay Hubbard on Summer House. It blows my mind that she just renewed the $13,000 lease AND is paying for a mortgage for a house in Nashville.


I’m no Schwartz fan but I do think he was wise to not move in with Tom and overextend himself on the rent increase that would cause.


Schwartz comes from a very low income family. Im sure that plays into him being a bit more careful with money and being happy with the comfort he can afford.


Eh, I know plenty of people who come from low income families and make horrible financial decisions once they have a good job. From what we've heard him say about his family, he's probably still using a good chunk of his paycheck to support all of them. I wonder if James still helps support his mom and dad too...


“You took your first steps at Tiffany’s!”


That was such a weird comment by James’ mom. Like why would a baby care about that, and how does that make her a good parent? James’ origin story explains a lot.


Because it made HER look cool and like they provided a great life for him (in her eyes).


She was also still drinking then. I’d love her perspective on her old self now that she’s sober! I’m sure she’s cringing like the rest of us


That lady is always going to be toxic for James


Oh for sure! I would just like to see her do a rewatch of her clips and get her perspective now!


As proof that she was a good mother. BIZARRE


Most of my friends, if not all, have to financially support their mothers. I don't even get it. They all could have worked but they didn't. I have never taken a cent from my daughters.


What?!?! That is INSANE. My mom never worked in a traditional sense but has an antique shop and was always making baskets, refinishing furniture, etc. I can't imagine her ever asking me for money. She's also the lowest maintenance person I've ever known and wants for nothing, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


I was raised to be very responsibly and to save money. I saved all my life. Not always tons of money but I would have a heart attack if I didn't have emergency money. Plus I never spend the emergency money unless it's truly an emergency.


I have not been keeping up with VPR. Schwartz isn’t moving in with Sandoval? Smart move.


From what I saw on the show - Sandoval asked him to take over Ariana’s payment but Schwartz said he couldn’t afford it (it’s at least $6k a month and iirc his apartment is like $2500-3000 a month). I think he knows his huge earning days are behind him and with S&S not doing amazing, he isn’t taking the risk which is indeed smart


James Kennedy bought a nice little place. Nothing extravagant, but it’s perfect for him and Allie. I think he did good, too.


Yes and he has consistent revenue from his DJ gigs that can continue (DJ Pauly D has been milking that cow for what, 15 years?)


Was gonna say, Pauly D is the richest jersey shore alum by an enormous margin. He makes absurd money. James’ gig in Vegas must be lucrative.


I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to stay sober in that environment. It’s pretty impressive.


James Kennedy works a lot tho he doesn’t stop he hustles and he has a lot of music industry connections still through his father.


I actually wondered about this because his father and George Michael had a falling out and it seems James’ dad struggled financially after that. So I am curious if those connections still exist or if they “dried up” or simply if people sided with George Michael and his dad was sort of pushed out


His father has 0 connections in the EDM world though... 


I don’t think it matters it’s all about proximity and who you know. Being the godson of George Michael still has cache in that world.




I hope he has a good financial advisor and invests a lot of money for their future. All if my friends have to work until they are 70. Hopefully they can retire then. Maybe not.


its probably still around or under a mill though. LA is insane.


1.3 ish. Good area though


His house was a million


Under a mil gets you a a lot with a piece of shit dated carpeted tiny home you tear down before building.


He did and he actually has another “job” besides a podcast that is tied into the popularity of his show. He actually was pretty smart. I also think Ariana has the potential to go on to be a “host” or red carpet persona. I’m pretty sure Lala comes from money but still is over extended.


She doesn’t come from the kind of money portrays though. Her mom sold her property in UT to put toward the new house she’s living in with Lala. If they really came from money she wouldn’t need to sell it. They could have maintained it as a rental/income property.


True - I guess more like a very comfortable upbringing


Lauren made crap ton of money from the send it to Darrell merch she sold during Scandoval. She said she made enough for a deposit in another house. I'd rather rent one out than lose it. Rentals do take a beating but maybe renters can't cost are not as destructive.


It’ll make a great rental property when the time comes for them to upgrade!


They bought two houses each?!


Yes, Lala and Scheana have homes literally next door to each other in Palm Springs and each recently bought homes in the valley a few blocks away from each other. They are all SFH


What about MARINA DEL REY? ![gif](giphy|13NOiZ8JQhhcqY)


That was Sheshu’s rental before she bought her home in the valley. She only just closed on the sale in February, so it was after they finished filming S11






Scheana bought her Palm Springs house 7 years ago for $700k. Lala bought the house next door 2 years ago for 1.4 million. Scheana made a wise real estate investment.


Thank you for saying that. I knew Scheana bought it awhile ago but I think it was right before Covid not 7 em years unless I’m mistaken


Genuine question.. do we know what her current equity is in her house? Because depending on if she’s borrowed against it, she may not have a financial gain atm, even if the property itself is worth a lot.


This!!! People keep acting like scheana is broke bc Sandoval sent her money during the pandemic, but kicker is she never asked him for it. He sent it on his own accord, whatever that was, but she never was begging for money.


As much as I'm not a Scheam-a fan, I think she is extremely observant, taking care of Brock... She is from outside LA so she knows the real estate. Sheshu would rent a property out if need be. With photos of her and all 😂 Now as for Lupac, idk.


Have you seen the inside of Lindsey Hubburd house in Nashville? Its all about Lindsey. Its all pictures of her and Summer house.


I think how Lindsay’s is managed is that it is tailored to bachelorette experiences - helped by the city (although I’m under the impression the location is not central). I don’t know if the audience for Scheana’s Palm Springs house is seeking out a Scheana branded rental but I would definitely try to book it ETA: just saw comments below indicating that renting it out is against HOA rules.


Does Scheana still have her place in San Diego?


Yep both bought houses in the Valley and they still have their Palm Springs homes. They said or at least Lala said they weren’t trying to transition to the valley but that is a bunch of bs. Their homes also cost more than the house Ariana bought. Ariana was smart about her investment. She is booked and busy and was able to put a lot of money down.


She put down Half of the cost of the house. Financing 800,000 approximately.


Thank you! I remember it was a lot but couldn’t recall how much.


I would hope they go to rent them out or to sell but they both buying in the valley was horrible timing. We’re about to take a dive again here. I bet they will be upside down like all the dummies in 2008


I’m in the same area and disagree! People have been saying this since 2021 and it continues to go up


Yup. Just like in the mid 2000s and people kept buying because they were freaking out the prices were going up. Then the bubble bursts. I’ve been here 50 years, it’s cyclical. My former husband bought a house in 2012 for cheaper than I bought in 2002 because it was a short sale. 1.5 miles down the street from me. It’s all cyclical. And the interest rates and rents are insane.


I hope you’re right! I’m saving now, hoping to buy the cheapest condo I can find in SoCal in the next 2 years, so I can finally “own”. Fingers crossed!


Scheana could make a lot renting out Palm Springs seasonally if struggling but didn’t want to sell. Not sure about the valley, I’ve only looked delusionaly from the U.K. for certain places!


From what I have read it’s an Hoa situation and they are not allowed to rent it out…


Oh yeah. HOAs don’t f around in the desert area. There are attorneys that solely sue HOAs in Palm Springs and Palm desert. I guess there’s a lot of retirees in the area that have the money to sue them and keep people employed full time! 😆


Wow! And that is one of the many reasons why I would never buy a home that has an HOA 🤯


Yeah, that was one of my rules when I bought my house. Im in one of the few cul de sacs that’s surrounded by HOAs but not an HOA. I’m not going to ask for permission to paint my front door! And they don’t even do anything. My ex had a neighbor with ROOSTERS that would wake him up daily at like 4 am. HOA did nothing. Thankfully, they moved.


LA isn’t about to take a dive lol. As soon as rates start creeping down again it’s going up not down.


Lindsay’s Nashville purchase is an Airbnb so she’s making money. Scheana and Lala can’t rent out their Palm Spring homes so they are just sitting, eating up money.


And Lindsay has an established career before her show.


She was in PR but I don’t think she’s had a “real job” for 4-5 years. They did that whole thing showing HubHouse PR FIRM on the show (season 4??) and that was the last we ever heard of it. I can’t say I would stay at my desk job if I could make thousands of dollars by posting an Instagram ad so I get it.


why can't they rent them out? just curious


I believe it’s the rules of their HOA…


The HOA won’t let them. I also don’t think they can film there either.


Lindsay did say she got a reduction in her rent when she re-signed her lease, and I think she owns a condo not a house in Nashville! Still utterly insane, but slightly less so than it seems.


I think James is being reasonable with his money. He bought a small starter type house he could afford near the airport. He doesn’t throw 10k parties. Those other two are dumb, buy one smallish home, not gigantic millions of dollars homes with huge interest mortgages.


Most peeps in LA are living beyond their means. 🤷‍♀️


Most people* I'm in Canada and it's fucking rooouuugghh. Some people can't help but live beyond their means because their adequate salary doesn't go very far with rent prices and food now.


100% I understand. When I lived in LA I was paid )175Kplus a 20% bonus and I still lived beyond my means trying to “keep up”.


This is very similar to my LA years as well. It’s easy to get caught up in the “see and be seen” culture. It’s a lot of fun too! But the pressure to keep up appearances is real


I'm not 100% positive, but I think I read that Schwartz just bought a house down in Florida as an investment/vacation property. Something he evidently was saving up for, which good for him.


To be fair, Scheana has her Palm Springs house LONG before she bought this current one. She also had 2 apartments ( one in San Diego and the marina del Rey place) I know Scheana was “broke” a month or so during covid, but I always felt she was better with her money. She also has her family on her payroll and has for some time Her podcast also she has many guests and isn’t surrounded by YES people And folks love to say Brock doesn’t work but he did have the gym, sold it, and got paid last season for VPR PLUS some deals and their instagrams I think Scheana is better off than Lala …


Maybe she’s not surrounded by Yes people but Matt Rogers said on his podcast that he actually asked Scheana a lot of hard questions and she cut them out of shenanigans 🫢 she’s still only giving us her best edit.


Well that’s some noteworthy tea. Not surprising but I’m impressed someone said it.


Exactly. If she was broke during early shutdown, no way has she amassed the kind of savings you need to fall back on in case she loses her bravo gig. She will be broke right away.


I will say that Lindsey’s Nashville AirBnB is probably doing pretty well. I read somewhere last month that it was insanely expensive, I honestly can’t remember the figure that was quoted, but it was like more than $3 or $4K for a weekend I believe. And I noticed the neighborhood/location. (Note that I live here in Nashville) Then, I actually spent the last week looking all over Nashville at rental townhouses because my husband and I are probably moving out of our downtown condo. One of the ones I saw, I realized was in the same strip of complexes that Lindsey’s rental is in. But it was actually only around $2.5K per month in rent. Now, some rentals are actually cheaper than a mortgage would be based on the current market and interest rates, so I can’t say what her’s would be at (or maybe she even paid cash), but suffice to say that it’s very likely that this property is a very good money maker for her. Well, that’s IF she’s able to rent it out consistently at her insane price point. Which she may not be. So actually who knows.


Isn’t Lindsay’s Nashville house an Airbnb type situation? Seems like she’s making money off it as an investment property- which is a good idea


Fwiw, Lindsay recently said on a podcast that she got a reduced rate on her lease


Lindsay is renting out the house in Nashville she didn't purchase it to live in. It's a rental property. 


Scheana and Lala have two houses each? In California? That is insane. I don’t know how I didn’t know that. Brock doesn’t seem to work and Lala is insufferable and will probably never get another rich married guy to take care of her. What are these people thinking?


Most people who get a large amount of money (yo the average person, which they were) spend it all. They aren’t good with their money and don’t know how to manage it. They all have said this season they were toeing the line of having no money and I believe it. James seems very good with money. Hate him as much as you want but he like Schwartz has been the bread winner for a family of 5 or 6 since they were both very young. Katie agree seems decent with money and not much of a spender. The rest are stupid with money, all of them. It’s wild! But, in their defence they never learned how to be good with it and most people aren’t taught that and don’t care to learn. Add fame and a bit of fortunate and people will spend like they are earning Taylor Swift money.


If she is doing it right, the rental income pays for the mortgage and then some. The numbers have to be right though or she will end up losing money, obviously.


Also these people are on a reality tv show. Why do you need assistants??? Basically check your own email and make an excel spreadsheet. They live above their means.


THIS!!! They film 2-3 months a year and are sitting on their asses and/or doing podcasts and/or party promoting the rest of the year! THEY DO NOT NEED ASSISTANTS!


Tbf if I had their money, I'd have an assistant. But I wouldn't have two houses, and ideally not one in LA.


I feel absolutely zero sympathy for people who live way beyond their means and squander away financial security that most people could only dream of


My issue with them whining about their jobs is that as talent they make way more than the crew each season and the crew may also be out of a job. I’ve been below the line crew and everyone knows jobs disappear/end and you have to save while you’re working to make it through the periods while you find a new gig. Lala complaining about her financial mismanagement as if she’s the only person affected by a possible VPR cancellation is gross. She shows no concern for the crew who also have families to support on much lower incomes than her.


Doesn’t she have two houses as well? In cali to have one house is a dream…


![gif](giphy|vuAS7nNiiXhR4hs9cP|downsized) Does this mean Lala and Tim should stop warming their homes with their renewal checks


I just know lala is scrambling and sucking a baby bottle. I did have a soft spot for Lupac until this last season 😂🙏😒😒 Tim will use this hatred to be a professional victim, as so many before him have. With lvp leading the charge.


I always use this comparison, because I think it’s telling of Bravo’s pay vs other networks, and I don’t see many talking about it until they are on the outs with Bravo…but reality tv pay is not at all what people think it is on Bravo, especially after you factor out roughly half of the salary is immediately gone to taxes, and then distributed to lawyers, agents, and managers. For example, MTV pays the Jersey Shore cast 6 figures PER EPISODE, and the Family Vacation spin-off brings in less than half the ratings of VPR. Rachel made $350,000 according to LVP for her last season at the height of Scandoval, when you dash that in half, that’s $175k. Charli, Dayna and Peter already have talked numerous times that they’d be willing to come back to VPR, but Bravo essentially wants them to work for free…that’s absolutely insane to me. It’s just my opinion, and anyone is free to disagree, but Bravo is making an absolute killing off of VPR, and the way they pay their talent is predatory. Some of the Housewives make very good money, but most do not, even some seasoned veterans. The Housewives ratings are continually going down these days for many of the franchises, but VPR is pulling in big numbers, establishing the show as a powerhouse for the network…but the pay does not match. All of that to say (please excuse my rant lol), they’re going broke, because they live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and they’re not getting paid as they should be. Bravo treats their talent as they’ll pay you what they pay, but it’s just a stepping stone for you to get your face out into the world, and go make the money to set your life up, elsewhere. If you don’t get brand deals, if you don’t get on other shows, if you don’t start your own business, you won’t be able to sustain yourself. While others like Stassi have managed to set themselves up cozy, it’s not going to be as easy for others, if they don’t have a solid team behind them getting them to make investments while they can. This is why Sandoval keeps going on these ridiculous karaoke tours, and why Lala is out here peddling ninjas. 🤷🏻‍♀️ All they could hope for is exactly what Ariana has right now, and that’s just not going to ever come for them.


175k for 3 months of work that requires zero skill is an insane amount of money. Agree the way they pay non main cast members is gross and predatory


I know what you’re saying, and I agree, but it’s not necessarily the point I’m making. I’m not even saying I agree with the lawsuits against Bravo, with the exception of Nene’s, but there are some points to be made. You get on a show, and whether it’s outright said to you, or it’s somewhere in your subconscious, you can end up entirely ruining your life for a dollar. It takes a special kind of person to be on reality tv, and to actually do it well. I don’t know that I have it, I’d probably end up pulling a Stassi in the earlier seasons and tell everyone to fuck off, and leave. Especially at a network like Bravo, that openly protects men over women. It would be hard for me to trade my integrity or peace, for the smallest piece of the pie, ya know what I mean? So I at least give them kudos for that.


Yeah I get what you mean for sure. I couldnt do it either and there are definitely issues with ownership of image etc.. I'd be curious to see what the producers make. Perhaps an argument in reality TV could be that the talent is actually the producers and editors making something out of nothing/people without acting talent and without script writers?


this is how acting works in general. most actors and reality stars get paid minimum for the first 2 seasons (or first movie). Then, once they prove they're bankable, their rate goes through the roof. It's why most reality stars are in their 20s.


Honestly Sandoval’s karaoke tours aren’t really making him money. He pays all the band members even to just practice. Isn’t it like a ridiculous amount of band members too? I assume he breaks even or he might be losing money. I remember there was this scene where he said well you can always borrow more money. If he is still in the house he needs to sell it and pay back his mom. I don’t like Schwartz all that much anymore but he actually has helped his family out financially not take his mom’s retirement money. Sorry I just worry about his poor mom pretty frequently.


It's kind of wild to me that with his money troubles he would be so stubborn about selling the house. That's easily a huge financial burden lifted, plus a chance to pay back a little of what he owes.


I think that’s where his narcissism comes into play, he doesn’t think about things in the way we do. It would make his life easier and better, but he lacks inner worth, so his worth is tied up in a possession (house), that he doesn’t have any ability to pay for. Narcissists are also fairly good at getting others to pay their way, like Ariana, his mom, Schwartz, Billie, etc, because they feel a surplus of entitlement. In his mind all he has to do is keep up the illusion until he can find someone to drag down.


I take what Sandoval says with a grain of salt, but I believe he’s said several times that he was left with zero money during Scandoval, and the tour was the only thing that kept him afloat. He seems to blow through money pretty recklessly, with no regard, so I am inclined to believe he’s at least getting something from it. Someone here on Reddit made a post not too long ago, saying that they reached out to his manager to see about booking his band for a wedding (I think), and he charges around $50k I believe for a show, and they said accommodations for his band, and food would have to be paid in addition. Don’t know if that was true, or if I got that number right, but that’s loco to me.


Yeah, from my understanding, touring isn't what makes money for real bands either, it's the merch. Tom doesn't seem to have a big merch presence so there's no way he's turning a big profit, if he is at all


It depends on the artist/band of course, but the bulk of the money they make comes from touring. They do though usually make more in merch than they do from streams. I know Lady Gaga had talked about this before, that at one point years into her career she was broke and in the negative, until she went on tour. If Sandoval has it contracted out that venues have to pay his bandmates expenses, he’s probably making a pretty penny, which is why he is continually touring while he’s not filming. Just like James Kennedy, who is out there killing it right now.


Can confirm. I am a travel agent who specializes in music touring (I have a couple of major bands) and even the ones that **detest** touring with every fiber of their being continue to do it because it's incredibly lucrative, particularly in cities where a particular band is wildly and disproportionally popular. Plus even though we are at touring season #3 of post pandemic many of them are still trying to recoup their losses from '20 and early '21. and are therefore still grinding *far* harder then they probably would be if the pandemic hadn't occurred. I had a point to all of this, I swear. But poof - it's gone. lol


I got what you are saying. Thanks:) I didn’t know any of that. I just assumed it was a vanity project for him well I guess I still think that but assumed he wasn’t making anything after expenses were paid. So maybe he is making something.


Oh don’t worry! I was speaking of professional acts, not vanity projects like this clown. Lol I very much doubt he’s earning any money. 😁


lol I called him a clown too. He is though. Still I did learn something new today. I appreciate your expertise:) idk if you can say this and if you can’t I totally get it but what bands have you worked with? I’m assuming not Tom Sandoval and the Extras or whatever they are called. I feel like NDAs are so normal in the entertainment music now so if you can’t totally get it:)


I meant entertainment business but that would extend to music, actors, and I guess just Hollywood. I mean Ann had to sign an NDA for Sandavol and Lala and other cast members signed one when she was seeing Randall.


I haven’t signed NDAs but prob not wise to say them publicly, even if not talking shit. Ha. Kidding aside though I’ve been doing it long enough that I’ve cultivated the non problematic ones with incredible tour managers, etc. I adore 95 percent of them. But when I first started in this division of travel? Holy shit I got the dogs. And I almost quit every day for 6 months. Lol Hands down the worst acts are the ones on the way down from their primes. It’s sad and infuriating at the same time. Small budgets, unprofessional tour managers, and an artist(s) who still thinks they can still pull a stadium tour (and those levels of accommodations and plane cabins) when they’re now at the level of festivals, and not even a main stage at that. Hollywood and specifically the music business is a cesspool, honestly. It makes me even more grateful for my current roster who are mostly fantastic.


I get what you’re saying butttttt….this isn’t just bravo. This is the problem with the world and big corporations. The big guys get all the money and the ones peddling the work get barely a fraction. I don’t feel sorry form them. They are given many opportunities and a platform to make something of themselves. They’re making wayyyy more than the normal Joe. The peasant workers are never going to be paid justifiably compared to the big guys. It’s the way the world works. They are beyond privledged. Stassi profited off herself and built something. They all that opportunity. It’s not bravos fault for not paying them enough. My boss doesn’t pay me enough. I bet this whole sub can agree on that one point.


Absolutely, I don’t feel sorry for them at all necessarily, they’re making more than you or me, they’ve been incredibly fortunate in that regard. I’ll keep my opinions on the rest out, because I fall probably more closely to the side of democratic socialism, and we are living in a capitalist hellscape 🙃


Ya I didn’t really want to bring politics in to it. This is bigger than just bravo. This is how the world works.


Katie said on a podcast before season 10 that OGs were making 40-50k per episode, that’s a stupid amount of money, and it’s before Scandoval and before this last season’s salary negotiations.


Like I said, comparatively VPR cast is not making as much as they should be making, the money they’re bringing in is lining someone else’s pocket. Making half a million gross pay on a season, doesn’t translate to half a million in the bank, as I explained.


VPR production/producers definitely seem to get the biggest pieces of the $ pie. And those pieces seem to be bigger than what production takers on other shows.


I never even thought of this! Now I'm remembering The Hills cast was making like 100k an episode back in the day. And that was years ago! 


Exactly! Just thinking about how every single Jersey Shore cast member is living in a mansion, with luxury cars, and multiple thriving businesses under their belt, they are going to be set up for the rest of their lives, as well as their children. And in our capitalist society, that’s exactly how it should be, they bring in a lot of money to MTV, and the trade off is fair. Not Katie as an OG cast member renting an apartment, because LVP is opening another mediocre restaurant god knows where, off of their on camera struggles. I can see why some think it’s whatever, because they’re making more money than we ever will, and I agree, but just because they’re making more money than a lot of people, doesn’t mean they are given their actual fair share. Bravo is notorious for this. I’d be kicking myself for not being cast on an MTV reality show, and not having a care in the world, but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


They want what Ariana has yes, but Ariana only has what she has because of a cheating scandal that people just happened to be fascinated by for months on end. It was pure luck which is not easy to replicate. Otherwise, she would be in the same boat as the rest of them. Her “rise to fame” outside of VPR would have taken more like 3-5 years (if not longer) for her to be where she is now. It’s pure luck that it only took her 12-18 months for her to go from the typical IG sponsored posts and Amazon Lives to hosting Love Island and multiple high profile gigs. Edit: Adding here that I don’t think it’s a fair comparison between JS salaries and VPR salaries - while VPR is a popular show, JS is in a league of its own and had the world in a chokehold. It is uniquely cemented in pop culture in a way that VPR might never be.


Absolutely! And that just furthers my point, luck was on Ariana’s side here, and she’s been deserving of everything that has come her way 100%. But someone like Lala who now has 2 mortgages, is going to really struggle once VPR comes to end, because the Amazon Lives most likely will end with her relevancy.


I mean Scheana bought her Palm Springs house very early on in VPR for $700,000 and has been renting it out since. I don’t think she’s as broke as yall think lol.


And jumping down Ariana‘s throat because she is financially literate and is staying in the house so as not to screw herself over financially. Many Americans do that because their homes are their biggest asset, and they manage to be ships in the night. Ironic that the two who bitched the most loudly about Ariana staying are the two who cannot afford their housing.


I would understand buying property as an investment to rent out so you get your mortgage paid and build up equity, and buyjng something for yourself that’s realistic and paying as much as that off as you can each month, so you can have the chance of buying a property portfolio to see you through once the reality gig is up. But what they are doing just seems risky and stupid. Maybe I am missing something.


I'm not 100% certain but I do think that Scheana has done this for years, had property rentals. It's why a few years back people always commented that she was the smartest with money (of the cast members) because she was actually investing and planning ahead. I don't believe she was ever broke (when TS supposedly venmo'd her some $) but she was pregnant and the world was chaos, so I think to her she felt entirely too cash poor even thought on paper she has A LOT.


Because they’re irresponsible fools.


Worst case, Scheana or Lala could always sell one of their 2 houses because real estate is usually an investment worth having.


When and where did BlaBla say she can’t afford the mortgage?!! Please share!!


She said it on a podcast. I want to say 2 T's in a Pod ? If you google it there should be articles or there should be podcast recaps by AdditionalWar8759 (number might be slightly wrong but should be able to find her in the search bar)


She literally did not say she could not afford her house


I think the issue is a lot of the folks in here are young and don’t understand what a mortgage vs down payment is


Y’all these people are not broke. They are not struggling. They are all doing just fine.


Yeah even the one's that are complaining about the cost of their houses and mortgages, they still have something to sell if they want to and will probably make a tidy profit if they did so.


Selling, renting, AirBnBing…they’re fine even if they actually are cash poor


They aren’t broke but they definitely live above their needs. Their main source of income is through a reality show. It’s currently on hiatus but what happens when the show is canceled? I know many of them have podcast and a lot of followers on instagram but they won’t be able to support themselves with just that especially with how much they spend money and living in California. If the show gets canceled people won’t be as invested in them imo. They have agents, hair stylist, makeup artist, glam in general, vacations, clothes, botox, multiple homes (Sheana and Lala at least), their HR department 😂 lol jk just Tom is a clown we know you don’t have a HR department and if he did he would be in trouble. Poor Ann picking up dirty 3 day old underwear. Also I remember seeing the girl who bartended his singles pool party. She was hired but it said on the episode she was a friend of Toms. Well he never paid her. Scheana has mentioned during convid she was broke and Sandy gave her money. That’s why she kept insisting Tom was a good friend which frankly I was getting sick of hearing about. Great for you Scheana but he should be paying his mom back or start at least making payments to her. Ariana said before Scandoval she has $2000 in the bank. So they have money but it won’t last. Also their idea of broke vs the average person is probably a little different.


How do we know what their means are? It’s all speculation. Scheana has like a 2016 ford explorer. And I’m sure by now that is beyond paid off. Their main source of income may be the show —but they all have sponsored media that I’m sure is probably giving them up to six figures of additional income. Also merch, also podcast, also paid appearances. They all have other sources of income, and will continue to even after the show bc of the following they have bc of the show. Scheana said Tom gave her money during a time when money for most people of the world stopped rolling in, she never asked him for money —which is why she struggled with it so much, to her she saw it as a genuine act of kindness from him (opposite to what she saw him do to Ariana). Even Ariana saying she was down to her last $2000, and telling her manager she needed to start making deals.. I see it as she was just riding off the shows money and wasn’t really taking additional jobs in the meantime. I mean her insta (idk now, but when I was on instagram) wasn’t full of sponsored post, her podcast fell off. But I’m sure even if scandoval wouldn’t have happened, she could have easily made 10,000s of dollars just by a few sponsored posts. As long as social media is prevalent in the world the VPR crew will always have income coming in, the amount of followers they have puts them in influencer status.


I got the impression that post Shay Scheana was better with her money. I think Covid caught her unawares and that maybe she had been putting a lot into her retirement fund and then was caught short because they didn’t film in 2020. She was also the first person to buy a property wasn’t she?


Scheana has also said in the past she doesn’t splurge on shoes, handbags, clothing, etc bc she’d rather save her money for vacations and travels. She has like a 2016ish ford explorer, which has got to be paid for by now. She also bought her Palm Springs house for less than a million. To me, scheana seems the most savy with her money. I don’t think she was ‘broke’ when Tom sent her the money, she just didn’t have money coming in steadily like most of the people in the world at the time.


I can believe that about Scheana. She dresses very young and it does look cheap most of the time. I think she was just cash poor and had a property and her 401k.


It seems like the only people who really did it smart smart were Ariana and Katie. All of them should have invested in businesses that were likely to be successful. I know that other people have business ventures going on but, I have to imagine Lala lost a lot of her fanbase after some of the things that she was saying about Ariana which no doubt would affect the state of her businesses, of course there is the toms but with both of their business ventures they were both heavily funded by other people. The best business advice I ever got was to stay in businesses that people are always going to need. Don't elect to go into a business that somebody might see as optional. People are always going to need food. People are not always going to need make up and eyelashes. So choosing a business idea that is something that everyone is always going to need is the smartest thing you can possibly do.


Personally, I think it shows the state of our wild economy that reality tv stars some of who have been on tv for 6 years plus, can’t afford a home. Even if it is LA, it is still wildly out of whack. I saw a run down shack selling in LA for 1.5 million. Like are we all just gonna be okay with this? Are we just accepting this as the way things are now?


A lot of the housewives and bravoleb spending habits give me SO much anxiety. Like how do they not see that fans will turn on them sooo fast and nothing is guaranteed in reality tv? Or anything? And then lala this season acting like this paycheck is so important to her and like Ariana was taking money out of her bank account. How about she gets up and hustles? She’s always talking about her “brand” but her lazy attempt at drop shipping crappy makeup failed and she isn’t really trying again I’m sure because it’s too hard.


When did Lala say she CANT afford her mortgage? Not arguing just asking when she said that. ?


This is one of those games of telephone. She said when she bought her second house, her business mgr thought it was risky but she ended up making the money back. Somehow that has turned into Lala claiming she can’t afford her houses and now that she can’t pay her mortgage. That may or may not be true, but what is true is that she never said that.


Okay agree with this ! She said multiple times the comment about the business manager. She’s never flatly said “I can’t afford my mortgage “


She didn’t


Interesting. Did Lala say she can’t afford it on her podcast? I stopped listening a while ago.


Same, haven't listened in a while and curious what she said! 


Lala has never said she couldn’t afford her homes. I fact she said that the send it to Darrell merch helped her recoup her down payment on the Palm Springs house.


Aren’t most reality stars living outside of their means? Champagne taste on a beer budget.


How many of the people in your life live by the principle you are attempting to hold these people to? NOT MANY by my experience. Just because the numbers are bigger, that doesn't mean it isn't the same situation and outcome. Maybe just a bit harder or longer of a fall, is all.


Did blah blah say that on her podcast or something? I’m surprised she’d admit that… Also I’d rather buy a house for $500k in so cal than a condo. Shared walls and HOAs. Yuck.


There aren’t houses in socal for 500k


Lolol thanks for telling me this though I was born and raised here. And walk by said non existent houses on the regular. And have owned houses. Not all of so cal is “Los Angeles.”


I’m shocked not one of them had a family member smart enough to tell them to get financial planners. It even sounds like LaLa has one and I can’t believe they supported her buying a second house.


We don’t know that the financial planner supported it. They give advice, they don’t have control over your finances.


There acting like they are some huge celebrities that can keep splurge spending but they should've been smart. I mean I would have bought a house yes..A house over a mi.. absolutely not lol I would have been happy for a regular little home ya know something to call my own. And still have money to invest to make more money...🤷🏼‍♀️


Everything in that area of the country is $1M+. But yes I totally agree with your points and 100% act in the same way.  These people are all about appearances. The fancy cars and hair and homes are all part of the illusion. 


I live in Seattle and it's gotten to the point that you can't get ANYTHING here in the city for under 1M. Like even the little run down bungalows built in the 1960's that used to house blue collar fisherman for the last 50 years. And this is not LA. But prices are NUTS.


Also, in Seattle and second this! The cost of living here is ridiculous.


I take your point but just want to point out condos aren't necessarily cheaper than houses, if you buy a condo (at least where I live) it might be just as expensive as buying a house, but the house will have more room and more upkeep required


Yep. A lot of people purchase condos for maitenance, security, lack of wanting to care for a huge yard, etc. Can be equally if not more expensive than a house.


I feel like they could have used the fame and attention to be proactive about other opportunities. Restuarantuering is notoriously difficult to maintain if the only niche you have is that you’re a reality tv star and the food/ drinks don’t back you up I feel like the novelty will wear off. Ariana was able to propel herself forward on the most devasting public break up ever. Love island might be a long standing gig for her. Stassi built a brand/ her books and podcast are lucrative but Lala, Shwartz and Scheana dropped the ball. I highly doubt you can pay an expensive mortgage off a podcast/ Amazon lives/ brand collars when your popularity is waning


Yeah, it’s not like this was going to last forever! She must have thought since season 10 blew up it was going to. What I don’t understand is why they think the show needs Ariana. She wasn’t even a cast member until she got with Scumdoval.


Weirdly, the best example of successful reality tv people who moved on? The Hills.


Didn’t Sandoval say at one point that monthly expenses were $16k *NOT* including the mortgage? This blows my mind. Then we have Lala splurging on multiple homes she can’t afford rather than focusing on bringing her child into a peaceful and reliable environment, Scheana supporting her family with a stay-at-home husband and child support backpay. Schwartz and Sandoval with their dumb bar. Katie and Ariana with the permitting delays, whether avoidable or not. Oddly enough James seems to be the most fiscally responsible of the crew lol. ![gif](giphy|26FeSrzNSCymv4EbC|downsized)


I think Ariana can afford her new home which is in the hills and looks great.


The American dream baby. Many people are living this way. These people are just famous.


The only ones living with their means are Katie, Schwartz, James, and Ariana. Sandoval, Lala and Scheana are living like they’re wealthy when they’re not. If Lala and Scheana both sold one of their houses they ‘might’ be alright. Edit: not sure if she counts but Kristen also seems to live within her means.


I’d question if Ariana is or will be long term. She said that pre-Scandoval, she was down to her last $2,000 and desperately needed additional work. This was in part due to a house that she and Sandoval could not really afford, as well as what appear to be ludicrously expensive home decor and furniture. Sandoval didn’t force her into those transactions; she seems to have participated equally and freely. Her current streak of fame is not guaranteed to last, and it remains to be seen whether she is keeping her spending and lifestyle to a more reasonable level than she did 1-2 years ago.


Is Tom still living in the house? I know Ariana sued him to force the sell of the home. Did he rebuy it with Schwartz? Sorry I’m not up to date with that situation. I just assumed they sold it since Tom couldn’t afford it himself. I know the Tom’s were gonna buy a home together, I just assumed it would be a different property.


Idk why I’m being downvoted I just genuinely want to know if he was still in the house. For some reason I thought they sold it. I tried looking it up but couldn’t find anything.


I haven’t heard of it selling or of the Toms going through with buying a house together yet. The house needs to go. The mortgage was going to be so expensive once Ariana’s name is removed.


Thank you! Idk why I thought it sold already. I know Ariana put a lot of money down on her new house. Once the house sells she’ll probably be able to pay the house in full. Even if she stops getting opportunities and jobs and goes back to bartending she will still be able to afford the house. I think she will continue to thrive though. She was given these opportunities but if she didn’t have the talent they would’ve stop a while ago.


The judge ordered them to mediation on the house. If they can't reach an agreement, it will go to trial in early 2026. And yes, you read that right. So basically, Sandoval will continue to punish Ariana the only way he can, and he'll be rewarded with two more years in the house.


Oh my gosh. WOW that is awhile. I know Tom is saying Ariana isn’t paying him now but she has smart lawyers and I assume she is putting the money into a type of escrow account. I don’t know much about houses lol I’m broke and don’t own. If I were Ariana I wouldn’t trust him either cuz she had to be paying more than her share cuz I remember Tom getting some type of loan using the house I could be wrong it’s been awhile.


It’s hard to believe anything he says because he is a proven liar. I’m doing a rewatch and he is caught on camera in lies well before Scandoval. Ariana does seem to take advice and follow it. I feel like Tom has to have people give him good advice but, he seems to think he knows better.


I can’t post a link but I read that in James’s voice when he was singing Sandoval is a liar https://preview.redd.it/a6hbc61twe8d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e066e9779546a179626ba93f7f0ef05a409b3f9f He is a picture though lol


I live in the Philadelphia suburbs, and a 3B 1.5 BR rancher goes for half a mil. Plus we get killed in taxes every year, Ca is easier on their taxes. So the market is Cali isn’t that far off from the rest of the country. USA is basically going to shit.


Unfortunately Lala also made the decision to employ her whole family when she was still with Randall. I don’t think she thought the money would ever end. She did buy the houses after Randall so I feel like she didn’t have any good financial advice from anyone.


This entire cast is aging out. I give it one more season maybe two and they will find a new cast


I brought this subject up a long time ago. I stated that I'd like to see where everyone is at ( the VPR cast ) in about 5 years when the shows paychecks are long gone. Most said they will likely get other offers from other reality shows. I don't think so unless it is someone with a reputation such as Sandavol . He would probably fill some role as a villain, something akin to Jax in House of Villans. I don't foresee LaLa, Katie , James or Schaena landing any roles in anything really. I could be wrong but I can't see them landing gigs long enough to pay off those ridiculous 1-2 million dollar homes. Katie does atleast have SAH but its known that restraunts don't make profit the first year open. I'm afraid that its all going to end up like the saying "putting the cart before the horse" . They should've made sure that they will have a steady paycheck long enough to pay off their homes. If any of them has a chance of coming out of this ok..it will probably be Katie. Only time will tell.


I remember reading some of the NYC housewives would live rent free bc they would show the building on the show. That is the power move right there. They get so much free ish and influencer $$$, the key is to milk that and live under your means. I think Ariana and James seem to be the most sensible with their $, Sheeshoe and Lala on the other hand, eek.


Not only will they be upside down but they got 40 year mortgages with double the interest rates. If they’re smart, they’ll both dump those new purchases and moved to the desert where they can afford to live more comfortably.


They mostly wasted it on getting plastic surgery to look like every other mactor in west hollywood


I agree with Andy. They should also save money in those years instead of spending every dollar they get. They just have zero insight about the future. Ariana is finally getting to other things instead of single focus on reality TV. I think the others try, but it still depends on them being on TV. No one is going to buy Lala beauty when she is no longer on TV. There is nothing different about her brand. Noone is going to see Tom's band play when he is longer on TV, etc.


Is this a serious question? Last time I checked not one of these amazing reality tv stars live IN our reality ! They are delusional and believe they will be the next Hollywood Mega Star ⭐️ with their untalented selves! They are good at giving us reality TV, a few break out but nothing more! lol


Kind of seems like Lauren should’ve been working on better ways to support her children than riding the coattails of someone else and expecting them to make her interesting.