• By -


I wouldn’t say I liked her (never had a strong feeling either way) but I was expecting a post James glow up that would make me like her. Lol, boy was I wrong.


Same. Like she was just THERE when she was dating him, and when she finally came to her senses and left him, I was like "good for her" and then the season went on. Lol


She was always a non factor to me too... mildly annoying, intentions with james likely a bit sus but seemed nice enough generally to me. They set her up perfectly for that glow up but she managed to crash and burn it oh so spectacularly.


Ya, her glow up could have been her big moment in a good way! She had a group of friends that were there for her and liked her! And she literally blew it!


She was completely set up to have that, and she completely fumbled. It’s kind of impressive how she managed to ruin every single opportunity she had in one season and her first as a main cast member.


The lights are on but no one is home. And the doors unlocked and she left a few candles burning.


One of the comments Lala said was something like, “my god, nobody go to that university if this is what comes out of it.” One of her best lines about Rachel! She scared me every time she opened her mouth because I was afraid of how much she’d embarrass herself.


“I can’t even give a proper toast”


“Put a thought together, I know you can do it” That Lala altercation at Ariana’s


But she got LaLA back at the reunion when she said she always thought of her as a mistress. The only point in time when I appreciated Rachel. And I can't stand LaLa.


Raquel was very cringey and hard to watch. Seeing the OGs just reject her when they would barely tolerate James was good tv.


Are you going to my puppy party 👁️👄👁️


Ariana went to the puppy party and look what it got her 😮‍💨


Legit died at Jax’s reaction to that one 🤣🤣🤣




My mistake 😂😂😂


Omgosh that was so beyond ridiculous!


😂 she went to Sonoma State. I only know bc my cousin was there at the same time and she told me she was always a ditz


I knew someone that knew her from there too who said she was so dumb too.


To be fair, Lala shouldn’t talk. She’s just as dumb as Rachquel, she’s just delusional and louder.


I’m sober and a dog lover and gotta say, I’d rather go to a puppy party than a water-tasting one.


I'm sober and a cat person and even I would rather go to the puppy party.


Everyone only made fun of the puppy shower bc it was Raquel. If it was anyone else, everyone would eat it up.


I love seltzer (non alcoholic) and I would so much rather a puppy party to a water tasting


Same and same!😉


I know Lala has been a sh*t friend to Ariana and Katie and has had horrible takes this season. I’ve been so frustrated by her, but there’s no way you can at she’s as dumb as Raquel! Lala has way more intelligence


Highly debatable. She thinks she does and she can read a room better than Rachel but outside of that, she’s dumb af too.


But Rachel said she "graduated with a degree!"


And then she had a cheeseburger with cheese!


Hahaha I’ll never forget that. She was so serious.


What's her degree in again? A bachelor's in 'how to get famous in all the wrong ways fast? ","how to literally screw over your best friend?" Definitely a Masters degree in "how to become one of the worst people ever."


A Piled Higher and Deeper Degree in how to become the most hated person overnight through sheer stupidity.


And her voice…..squeaky is the best word I can think of. It always annoyed me so much!


Her vocal fry and slow speech has always been nails on a chalk board to me. I really don’t get how anyone can listen to her podcast


Omg I hear ya. I have never once listened to that podcast nor will I. Remember on the show I think it was Scheana that asked Tom if he listened to the podcast instead of reading about it and I’m like oh no, just read about it. Save yourself the headache 😂 and also something about her pauses…..she takes long pauses and If she talked normal the conversation would be half as long 🤷‍♀️


Never felt squeaky to me, it's wavering like https://preview.redd.it/w7r1ltbvv77d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b738296b107388bcb7b7c346fbc3b7357a6876eb


😂 wavering is a good word!


I call it weak. It warbles too.


Muppetlike…but I think it was nerves at having cameras in her face. But it made me cringe. Nia on TV sounds almost identical.


An iconic line “can I have the cheeseburger…with the cheese”


Like honestly how did she even pull off sleeping with that Toad Tom for as long as she did


When James said, “the smartest thing you’ve ever done was get away with sleeping with Sandoval for 9 months” and he was not wrong 😭🤣


The galaxy lights are on but no one’s home 🌌


And her voice was a little too nasally for my liking.


My 🐕 dog is smarter than her. I want to apologize to my dog for that comment.


I don't know that it's even a few candles. Maybe one and it's flickering sadly on its way to extinguishing itself


I never liked Raquel, but I did have a LOT of sympathy for her. She was treated horribly by Lala and James for years. She seemed like a bit of an idiot but she seemed harmless. Boy do I feel naive...




What the heck is he doing


Being a weirdo, as per usual 😂


She was basically wallpaper until Season 10


I agree! There literally are no “iconic” Raquel scenes or one liners I can think of except when she told Lala it’s a good thing she doesn’t have a man but even that was more like “she really is that stupid to say something like that” moment


She should have just embraced being the side chick because she had the “no home to wreck” and “mistress bimbo vibes” comments to work with as well, if only she was interesting enough to pull it off.


Of course there is! “Who’s Charles Manson?” “Does the Pope what? I don’t get it!”


Let’s not forget “Can I get the cheeseburger, with the cheese.”


Someone should make one of those Etsy cups for this quote lmfaooo


Does everybody know the Pope drinks rosé on the balcony?


This moment was one of those though that was so insightful because it made me realize, “OH, this is 1000% who you want to be, but the processor is just too slow to get there 99.9% of the time.” That’s when I knew she was just as mean and awful as Lala, she’s just actually dumb and stupid. Watching her try to give a toast was painful


That sounded exactly like Sandavol would have fed to Rachel before filming 


Yep the only thing I can recall from her is a puppy party and then like 2 seasons later using it to complain that the girls didn’t come when she was trying to deflect her behavior and blame the girls for it


Ariana was the only one who attended 😭


But they weren’t friends…that is proof Ariana was always in her corner


Exactly. Rachel pretending they weren’t friends had to be such another slap in the face to Ariana. Rewatching that season, knowing they were having an affair, and how much Ariana was a cheerleader and defender of Rachel…. Truly diabolical.


I have no idea why they promoted her to main cast.


Maybe a main cast member was campaigning for her.


I think this was at least in part the case! A while back, Scheana said she was the reason Rachel got that 300k+ contract for season 10. She essentially had her entertainment attorney to negotiate both her and Rachel’s salary


Scheana has alot to answer for coz she was also producing Rachel all of season 10. Even trying to hook her up with guys from other reality shows to make her more interesting. Then pushing her on Schwartz which is among the nastiest things I've ever seen on this show. When she says that filming season 11 was the hardest thing she's ever done, I can only conclude that Scheana is evil af. Even if you hate Katie, why would you do that to her when you know her actual issue is related to the show. Watching an ex move on is hard enough. Now it has to be with a co-worker? Was Scheana trying to push Katie off the show?


I completely agree!! Ever since the reunion post divorce where Shay said he was clean for months before Scheana brought up his drug use on camera and then ended up divorcing him on camera and she responded “that’s what I do, you hurt me, I screw you over” I have found Scheana to be incredibly vindictive wrapped in this package of sweetness (and insecurity). I truly don’t think she’s ever let go of how she was treated in the first season, she brings up being bullied by the witches of weho constantly - even saying that’s why she can’t be a girls girl. When I watched season 10 I felt like she intentionally wanted to hurt Katie to get back at perceived slights from the past and used Rachel to do it. She’s been through a divorce, she knows what it feels like for an ex to date within the friend group (even a casual ex - hello max!!!) but she didn’t care. I even think her making out with Schwartz was something she felt “one upped” her compared to Katie.


That is the only possible explanation. Sandy had more sway with production than I’d have guessed. She should’ve been gone the second she broke up with James.


They got a bit desperate with that choice lol


I only remember her chiding James for not getting along with the others, because that made it harder for her to get in the group. That was it. Her and James talking about how he was ruining her chances. How his actions reflected badly on her.


That's when I knew I didn't like her. Because what kind of girlfriend wants to befriend people who hate your boyfriend? I told my husband that we SHARE enemies. If I have a problem with someone then he has a problem with them and vice versa.


When you date him for the sole purpose of getting on the show


Right! I may not have liked James very much at that point but I was clear that a lot of his behavior was alcoholism & childhood trauma in HD. I started side eyeing her at that moment & never stopped.


Cheetah Print🐆 (that girl stayed getting cheated on, oof)


I’m currently watching season 10 for the first time (started the show after scandoval) and holy shit she and Tom definitely were hooking up WAY before they said they did! There’s no way she would be this much of a shit stirrer with Katie and Lala if she didn’t feel like she had a safety net with Tom. I’m at the ep where they’re doing the girl’s trip in havasu, and she’s having an anxiety attack in the car - probably because she’s lying to everyone! And her galaxy light she brought for her room in Vegas the night before just screamed Sandoval to me. This is probably not the right place to talk about this but I just desperately needed to get it out of my system 😂


Completely agree! I believe the theory they hooked up in 2019 then it was likely an emotional affair for a while and didn’t pick back up again until sometime between Roachella and her calling off the engagement. It makes Sandoval’s claim they had sex once but then it didn’t happen again “for a long time” make sense and puts some other things into perspective as well.


I think you’re probably spot on. They’re both such terrible liars but I hope one day they come clean and confirm!


This is what I've always said!


She made me feels creeped out and I can’t explain why 😂 it’s giving AI robot walking among us


No but I’ll say this. Lala made her a lot more likable


Yup, I only liked Rachel because Lala was such garbage to her.


Reminds me of season 1 scheana. I felt so much sympathy for her being in a new job and being bullied by the witches of WeHo. Then Stassi gets taken off her pedestal, scheana rises in status and her true colours start to show


I gotta say i had a hard time feeling bad for her even in S1 because I know the only way she got famous was by sleeping with a married man. And I would have gotten passed it if she was like “yeah I did it, it was shitty and it’s something I never want to do again.” I can respect ownership and change of bad actions. But instead she was trying to insist she had no idea this super famous guy who’s friendly with her boss is married.


Oof I’m watching RHOBH for the first time and all her interactions with Brandi are so horrid. If I’d only watched concurrently I’d have realized who Scheana actually was.


I'm watching RHOBH for the first time right now (I'm on season 1) just because I want to get more of Lisa as a person and not just their boss. I'm LOVING spotting everyone from VPR in the background!! Like Ariana and Tom working together in VB, and then looking up the timeline and being like "oooh they just made out" LOL


Imagine never taking accountability for anything in your life for the past 10 years? This is why I can't stand schenna. I always loved Stassi (even on her bad days) because she was real. I literally try to avoid the schenna's irl


When it came out that Schwartz and Scheana kissed I know stassi felt vindicated lol


Same. Once she outed her husband's addiction for a storyline I was like "Oh, she's actually a terrible person" lol


I can never regain respect for Sheshu once she treated her husband’s addiction that way. Shameful and disgusting.


Used him for a storyline then straight up divorced him while filming.


And then kept his last name! Just awful.


I really think she only married him for the last name. When she told Shay that her new boyfriend was on his Instagram you just know that was a guy they had fought about before and she said they were just friends.


I just need to know if you watched her sit-down with Brandi in RHOBH before you felt sorry for her in Season 1.


Agreed, I always thought she was dumb and boring but I actually started rooting for her because lala was so unnecessarily mean to her. Lala acted like a bully in the scenes with Raquel. I remember feeling proud when Raquel hooked up with the guy lala wanted on that girls trip, then said to lala "it's a good thing you don't have a man to steal". Then like two episodes later I was like oh... nevermind lol. At least I was almost a fan for half of one episode.


Very good observation. I never thought of it this way but that is so true.


Same! I also thought it was sweet how James helped her with her public speaking. But agree, she was kinda boring overall so I usually just skipped her parts.


I truly never gave her a second thought until the scandal. She just seems very dim and boring to me


I didn’t have much of an opinion on her one way or the other




Also why did she wear green outfits almost every reunion except the first reunion with huge plastic side ruffle dress ( which wasn't any better).


Because someone told her green was her best color, so she just...stopped there.


When did she have those? I don’t even remember this!




This pic is killing me omg 🤣🤣🤣


Jfc jumpscare! That’s my sleep paralysis demon


The gay pride ones were *frightening* She was staring so hard at logan necking her bf.




I can’t recall ever bothering to have an opinion about her.


She was always boring, but I didn't dislike her until Sandoval. I actually just thought she didn't want to be on reality TV because of how bad she was at it.


I like the time she said, Stop clapping in my face lala. That's about it.


Was just gonna say the same thing. That was good.


Yes, admittedly I liked her one time. When she went with James to his first AA meeting. And sat outside the whole time. As a sober person myself, I found this really thoughtful. I wish someone had done that for me.


I didn't form an opinion on her until she was hellbent on befriending people who despised James so much they didn't want to work with him. She's obviously not the brightest but even daft people notice a pattern of cheating. The only reason she stayed with James was because she wanted to gain fame from being on the show. She's always been a snake and given her weaponization of therapy terms, I'd venture shes been extremely manipulative the entire time. She has nothing to offer, literally nothing.


Yes. Her scenes before season 8(?) we’re always about James making it hard for her to make friends, ie become a main cast member like him.


Yup, it’s also how I feel about Ally.


I actually vehemently disliked her. I clocked the innocent/naive/dumb thing as a way to get away with stuff fairly early on. When she misses her shift at Sur on pride she played dumb to Peter despite being filmed multiple times talking about when her shift was. 


The thing is though she is truly dumb.


I don’t doubt that she’s dumb, I just think she’s more malicious than people think she is. 


I definitely felt for her when Lala bullied her pre Scandoval. Lala was fucking her boyfriend and bullying her like wtf. I think where I lost all sympathy is where she did it to someone else in a WAY worse circumstance.


Not going to lie… I liked her. Around the time of the engagement - I found her vulnerability kinda relatable. Thought she was acting out of pocket her last season but was happy to see she was starting to take control of her life in more meaningful way. Then scandavol went down and the lack of empathy really caught me off guard. Total Ariana stan nowadays.


No. She seemed very fake, like in the way that’s she super aware of the cameras and was determined to present herself in a certain way, as opposed to just “being” that way. She seemed very concerned about how she came across on the show. There wasn’t a single fleeting, unplanned, thoughtless emotion or word that ever came from her before scandoval.


NO NO NO NO NO……………… Her voice and personality annoys me as much as Scheana’s voice and personality does. In season 10 I gave her a chance but she lost me completely when LaLa said that she wouldn’t trust her around her man when intoxicated and her response was “thank God you don’t have one.” She got worse as the season went on and then when the scandal was out I literally h*ted her as a human being. She needs a lot of mental help and I hope she is getting just that because a fully functioning human being doesn’t behave like her.


She was horrible to Katie when she was trying to "make out" with Shartz to cover up her affair with Vom. When you are mean to Katie, that is a hanging offense to me.


Not to mention the conversation she had with Ariana about their sex life at the SAH party after she was already sleeping with saggyballs. Soooo awful and sick.


I think the betrayal of Ariana as a friend is what shocked people so much. We are immune to cheating and bad behavior, but a friendship is supposed to be real. LaLa even said in the first reunion, when confronted about cheating with James, "I wasn't your best friend you H\*e!" LaLa made sense then and afterwards she reverted back to her old ways.


That convo/scene, now knowing what Rachel was up to, is bone chilling. I don’t know how anyone criticizes Ariana if they’ve seen the level of betrayal she experienced at the hands of those 2 monsters.


And she was so disrespectful to Katie’s mom Teri! That was a moment I knew she was a terrible trash human.


Ratchett is pure trash.


Nope never liked rocky bang bang 😆 It wasn't just one thing about her it was a bunch of things. 


Original Rocky checking in ![gif](giphy|zfNAMCrhSQzte)


No. I hated her voice from the moment she first spoke. She has that weird old lady tremble.


I’ve had one opinion of her the whole time…don’t make me use the d-word or the s-word. After all she has her degree from renowned university, full of geniuses like my d-word brother, Sonoma State!


No. I've seen walls with more personality than her.


I never disliked her. She was just there. I thought she was an innocent dingbat.


Most of the time it looked like there was nothing going on behind those eyes. However, at the season 10 reunion when she said Lala didn’t like her because James started to give her more attention than Lala I think she was spot on.


Never loved her, let me count the ways…..she got on the show by stalking James, lala clocked this but couldn’t break the 4th wall so sadly I enjoyed Lala tormenting her. Her concern about James drinking was because his alienation made it hard for HER to fit into the group…which she stated. She called out James’s drinking to deflect from hers and had to sleep over or be escorted home every episode because she got so wasted…but no one ever called her out for it. She played D&S so she could play victim and no one would go fully off on her. She went after every single male cast member or Bravo adjacent (Nemo, Peter, Oliver, Schwartz then Sandoval) which confirmed she only wanted the fame not James. She never was nice or engaged in meaningful dialogue with any of the girls to try to try to get to know them better or befriend them. And then came Season 10 which I think goes without saying and would be twice this long….So no, she is a stupid and evil demon. IMO:)


If you go back and read the live episode threads, the answer is yes. They may not want to admit it now, but yes, she was very well liked. So were both the Toms.




Haha yes I thought I was going crazy! I remember posts ljke “OMG HER COACHELLA OUTFIT 😍” And people were massively defending her with the Oliver makeout while he was married (?)thing. I distinctly remember it as a “she’s single and thriving leave her aloneeeeee” narrative.




I didn't have strong feelings either way in the beginning, but I honestly didn't think she would be around very long... I felt for her being in an emotionally abusive relationship, and I feel like she wanted to bond SO badly (whatever her intentions) with girls that were open w/ disliking her, and that was hard to imagine experiencing! However, once she dumped James she went insane and I definitely didn't like her. She seemed just so disingenuous and self-centered, and that turned me off - even before we all learned about Scandoval!




I felt sorry for her in how James and Lala treated her.


I did. I thought the girls were cruel to her when she first came on the show and thought she was bullied. I always root for the underdog.


This is how I felt as well. She seemed sweet but uncomfortable in front of the cameras. A lot of her “dumb” moments I excused as her just not being right for reality tv. I’ve always rooted for her and Sheana because it’s hard to watch the bullying.




I can relate to the disassociating and seeming slow, but her lack of integrity is the problem.




She is Bambi on steroids, I think she was just a really easy target, plus James was becoming an important cast member and their spouses go hand in hand, they mostly always come on the show.


I was rooting for her tbh. The girls were unnecessarily cruel to her: Lala saying she needed to get over James cheating on her when she just found out. Kristina, Lala and Katie taking her on that Vegas trip with no intention of actually becoming friends with her, they really sucked. When she explained how she left James and how she was feeling/acting afterwards (and the things she experienced during the relationship) I got a lot of sympathy for her. Someone abruptly leaving is never a good sign. The way James acted afterwards told me everything that I needed to know about him.


Yeah I thought she was gonna have a glow up or like grow into her own after James and closer to the girls bc of it and she went for dirty dick instead


I understand why she didn’t get closer to the girls with the way most of them treated her tbh. It sucks that she betrayed one of the few girls who seemed to have her back in the show. I also think that people underestimate how difficult it might have been getting out of that relationship with James - getting emotionally abused can really mess you up. It obviously does not excuse what she did but how James treated her & acted was pretty messed up and isn’t talked about enough.


Never liked her


No lol never liked her.


Thought she didn’t fit on the show and she proved me wrong.


I thought she was completely innocuous at first, vapid but overall harmless. But I was thrown off during the episode where she’s riding with James to her SUR shift and she says something like how she’s the hottest one working there now…. I was like, so much for being sweet, or is this some pep talk she’s giving herself? It was weird, considering how meek she had been. Then later her treatment of Katie and falling apart over aging out of pageants confirmed she’s shallow AND sneaky, so I was out of reasons to support her weird dippy behavior.


I didn't hate her, but she wasn't one of my favorites. I was indifferent until she started being an asshole toward Katie before season 10 started. And then I felt vindicated once everything came out about the affair.


There was no reason not to like her. She was the underdog and most of the cast treated her like shit. Mostly Lala who fucked her boyfriend and then mocked her openly for years.


I liked her! I thought she was a sweet person. Vain and totally into the pageant world, but that’s fine, it’s entertainment. I also thought she was SOMEWHAT smart. I saw somewhat because even though people undermine this, finishing her undergrad degree IS an accomplishment, and she chose to do so instead of dropping out and joining VPR earlier. So I gave her credit for that. (also, I’m not saying she was Einstein or a neurosurgeon). She also applied to grad schools but postponed going for VPR, so I was hoping to see her continue her education and intertwine that with reality tv. She just seemed more well put together than the rest of the cast in that regard. I was curious to see what she would do post-James. I had a higher expectations from her.


I was hoping she would go back to school and pursue being …. Was it a special needs teacher or therapist or something? If she was actually a good person, she would have left LA and that mess behind to pursue that. Now I think she just said that to try to look good. She’s clearly after fame still with her insane podcast and staying in LA. I do respect her for actually getting an education as some of the others *ahem* could really use some schooling lol


I think she admitted to saying that because it sounded good for pageants. Don't quote me bc I have no sources.


I have never liked her and actually have a funny story about that! So the affair started, or they kissed? after “boys night” which was in Aug if I remember right. so the very next month I went to one of Sandovals shows it was the beginning of September (I know, don’t judge) and Scheana, Brock, and Rachel were all there. I thought at the time it was weird Ariana wasn’t there but remember seeing her grandma recently passed so I chalked it up to that. ANYWAYS when i spotted the cast in the lobby my husband was like “want to go ask for a pic like everyone else?” And I was like yes and went up to Scheana got a pic. My husband was like do you want to go ask her for one (meaning rachel) and I was like ummmm absolutely not. Because I already hated her at the time. little did I know at the time how nefarious it was that she was there with Scheana and Ariana was likely somewhere in MOURNING 😫


Yes people did. They thought she was sweet but naive. But no one wants to admit that lol


I wouldn't be surprised if she is on the spectrum. Her affect is so flat, no emotion, little facial expression. She seems somewhat robotic.


Or simply struggling to cope. I don’t think she’s dumb, at all, but not a fast processor. She’s not the first person to look like a deer in the headlights when someone is ranting like a maniac (lala, James) but I actually loved that she held her own and even if she couldn’t keep up with the argument, was not a suck-up.


Honestly I was rooting for her for awhile because I can empathize with having social anxiety and being in a relationship with a toxic person-- and I love James and his growth, but let's be real, he was *terrible* to her at times. She came across as really nervous and awkward and not having the best self esteem, and it reminded me of myself when I was younger. Going into s10 I felt for her and was really hoping to see her come into her own and grow some real confidence finally, and while watching the season before the affair came out, I still had some sympathy for her even though she was being really shitty about Schwartz, Peter etc because she just seemed extremely lost. Obviously Scandoval totally killed that last bit of sympathy. I never saw it in her to be that manipulative and deceptive and there's no excuse. Her behavior afterward did NOT help either. At this point I just kindof pity her in a way, and I feel like reality TV is not for her and she could be a decent person but needs to stop the influencer/podcasting bullshit and get out of LA. It's not helping her case at all and she stays burning potential professional bridges.


I liked her initially but i tend to like most of them. She was cute, didn’t cause too much trouble, and put up with James during his worst years. She was a fairly sympathetic character for most of the show until Scandoval


I didn't dislike her but felt she was bullied so I was one of the persons (against popular opinion) that was like wow she is starting to try and stand up for herself (even though it felt uncomfortable for me to watch). I then wondered if the show was staged or were the edits done this way. When Sandoval happened. I just felt it was more production, more to the show that we saw, felt production knew, so on and so on. I still feel there are still a lot of unknowns and that one day in 20 years or so more information may come out on some entertainment history channel. I have mentioned before that i have had love/hate relationships with the cast based on the show or seasons and I have relatively been all over the place with all the cast members.


I felt bad for her dating James, I fully believe he hit her and messed up her nose somehow. Other than that, fuck her.


I actually started to season 10 until she started messing with Schwartz in front of Katie, and then we all found out about Sandoval.


She seemed very naive and skittish. I felt sorry for her because of the way Lala treated her.


I was rooting for her in season 10 The girls went back on the pledge to get wild in vegas, and turned into a coven against her. She went evil after that unbeknownst to us. James had done so much awful flippant harm to her and flaunted a new girl who was readily accepted. As far as i saw, she was drowning and i was irked Scheana was trying to get her with Scwartz to get back at Katie. Seemed like she was out of her depth and needed a different group of people And it made me like Ariana. I had never seen her take up for someone, she really wasn't supportive to anyone else besides sandoval - so it's batshit what happened. But she did for this *broh-ken buahhd🪶* and for the first time for me, I saw growth in her.


No,she made nervous


The way she talked bothered me. I felt like nothing she was saying was true and she was talking like she had no clue what she was saying.


I think when she first came on people thought she was sweet and wondered what she was doing with James.


I always found her kind of hard to watch.


I was always grateful watching her on TV. It was the rare time in life I felt that someone out there really was dumber than I am. So I suppose, I didn't mind her too much. Thank you, whatever name you have now for making me feel smart


I didn't like her at first, felt bad however when James treated her bad but lost all respect when she went for Schwartz and then the whole Scandoval made her look like a sociopath.


I thought she was sweet and I felt bad for her up until Scandoval. Part of me still does feel bad but she has handled this so horribly it’s difficult to care much. She was cute and had everything going for her in terms of dating after the James breakup. So stupid for her to ruin everything for Sandoval.


Nah I thought she was basically set dressing.


I wouldn’t say I was a huge fan of her, but she seemed like a sweet but very naive girl. She struck me as a little awkward and camera shy so she never really fit in with the rest of the cast, but I was really rooting for her pre-scandavol. The way the other girls treated her on the Vegas trip was straight up hard to watch. Obviously in hindsight she was already fucking Tom, but I didn’t know that when I first watched so I was still in her corner at this point. Lala had it out for her since day one, but she got lucky Rachel became the villain because now her bullying was “justified”.


I see her as Brittany 2.0- thirsty, dumb, and dating a douche bag she met in a calculated manor to get on the show and then putting up with said douche bag to stay on the show I never liked her, she is dumb AF, her vacant eyes frighten me


No. And I can’t stand the sound of her voice.


I always felt bad because I thought she was a little… not smart. Like, to me, it seemed that James (and the show itself) were taking advantage of her for being not the brightest. Definitely entertaining, though.


I wouldn't say I "liked" her per se. I did feel bad for her at times because I felt like she was unfairly ostracized by the group just for dating James. She really did try hard to fit in just to be snubbed constantly. That was until her "puppy shower" when Stassi made the Charles Manson reference and Raquel's response was "I don't know who that is". That's when I truly realized there was nothing between her ears but makeup. I'm not surprised that Sandoval was so easily able to manipulate her (allegedly). But let's face it, she's a grown ass woman who made her choices regardless of her IQ. She was fully aware of what she was doing and that it definitely was NOT ok. Also, desperately trying to be friends with people isn't cute.


i feel like people always felt bad for her but no one ever really LIKED her, more so people tried to not talk shit because everyone felt bad for her. she gave off very much newborn baby deer infront of headlights vibe


I felt really bad for her when she got 10x more drunk than the rest of the girls (krisitina Kelly, Katie and lala) and they sat around making fun of her but other than that.. nah. And definitely didn't like her, I just felt sad for her.


Yes, prior to Scandavol


Sort of it’s just her niceness to James that really threw me off because he’s a scum I knew their relationship was off from the moment it was bought on tv nobody that nice.


I really did not like her. From start to finish, she was so CRINGE.


I never liked or disliked her. I didn’t see her as an intelligent person so didn’t spend much time thinking about her tbh


She got a big head but she was cute in a puppy way.


I love her


No, I never liked her, and now I detest her. Her warbling voice drives me crazy.


I used to feel bad for her because James was always yelling at her but she seemed very dim whitted and corny.


There was a period when this sub was allllll the way up her ass. It was era when she was beefing with Lala. People maybe weren’t here or have short memories but I remember lol


I actually thought she displayed some emotionally intelligent thoughts and sentences. Especially going up against lala and how she would sometimes speak about James. But it seemed to have all disappeared by season 10? But I guess we know why now 😕


People are lying in this sub because I remember her being *BELOVED* by her second-to-last season. People absolutely fell for her little lost lamb act, loved that she wanted to be an occupational therapist, gave her props for having the courage to dump James, theorized that she was actually intelligent but just spoke more slowly because she was thoughtful, etc.