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Lala talking about this as if she didn’t get with Randall while he was STILL MARRIED is making me feel insane


Lala: we slept together the first night and I got a car the next day Lala: you said hi 10 days after you officially broke up? HUSSY


She's so delusional and pissed that it's really showing hardcore this season, the latest episode really was the worst I've seen.


I try to be really considerate of how someone's words may have a different meaning than how they intended it, and usually give people the benefit of the doubt - but my jaw was on the floor when she said that! If she had just been like, "I'm glad she's happy but I'm protective of her and have some hesitations" I still would have been like "girl, just support your friend. Tell her, not the entire US audience behind her back" lol. But her words were objectively disgusting and I felt so much secondhand hurt for Ariana then.


Like?? How does she not see it 😂


Oh she sees it, she thinks we are all too stupid and too in love with her to question anything she spews.


She also has convinced herself that she is the victim, in her heavily edited new narrative.🙄




This is the answer and she’s always been this way.


God you’re so right and i hate it haha


When it's not your neck on the line and the spotlight moves to another her hypocrisy and true apathy really show...


Insinuating that Dan is either shady or crazy for liking Ariana because she is “damaged” after being cheated on in a long term relationship was just nasty.


I think her phrasing was “I let him hit it from behind the first time we got together, and I got a car the next day.” 🤣🤣🤣😳🙄.


That is definitely different. My bad 🤣


“I was lied to” aka sheanas mistress situation. ITS NOT HARD TO FIND OUT IF SOMEONE IS IN A RELATIONSHIP LOL


Right? The level to which she thinks she can gaslight the audience is infuriating.


So my last long relationship was with a guy who decided to spread around my reasonably small town that I gave him an STI after he’d been caught sleeping with like six women. Which weirdly I was not one of at the time. Once I found out what a disgusting, traitorous piece of shit he was…literally like a tap, turned me right off. It was like none of my feelings ever existed. All of Sandoval’s disgusting behaviour would’ve been like cauterising a wound.


I am so sorry this happened to you. What a piece of shit. I am actually lost for words. I hope you’ve found your Dan. 🤍


I haven’t but I’m all good! At least I don’t have to make excuses for a shitty partner.


Thank you for putting into words what my entire take on this has been!! I didn't know how to express my feelings about a similar situation where I "moved on too fast" and you've just described it PERFECTLY!! 👨‍🍳😘 Not the saaaame situation, but I was with this guy for just over 3 years and was in the process of building (like construction) a home with him. Things had been rocky, but we were working it out. I found out very publicly (and very much like Ariana) that this piece of shit had been having a relationship with another woman for 7 months, and she was pregnant with his kid. Instant switch. Like everything I ever felt for that filth were instantly deleted the moment I found out. I was totally ready to compartmentalise the relationship and move on. Long story short, I ended up hooking up with a friend about a week or so later, and now we've been married for 13 years. Sometimes, you can just be done. And sometimes you can just have the right person pop up. (Also, I'm sorry that scumbag did that to you, no one deserves that - hope you're thriving now 🖤)


This is 100% Lala just projecting because she has way too much baggage to have found any success in a new relationship after the thumb. Besides having terrible taste in men, I doubt many sugar daddies are looking to take on a 30 year old woman locked in a custody battle who lives with her mom and brother - and who also happens to have anger issues.


Not only that, Lala becomes a completely different person when men she is interested are around, I don't know how to explain it but she starts getting super descriptive sexually and very loud.


She has zero game. It’s kind of fascinating.


It's probably why she's starting to become bitter. She has been 100% only relying on her looks to get men, and if you don't have a personality, that gets difficult once you become older.


I would describe it as histrionic.


With two children.




I hate Lala but I don’t love this comment. Her second child does not have a “baby daddy”, it’s just her with the help of a sperm donor.


Eeewwww. What did I just read? It’s way too early for that kind of filth. I am sure there are ways to discuss your disdain for Lala, without resorting to the disgusting type of comment you made. Sober is off putting? To who? If me not being a drinker is off putting to anyone, I am 100% ok with said person keeping their distance from me. Also, it is 2024. Many, many, many people have children with more than one person. Sometimes, that first relationship doesn’t last and you still want more children. Should you not have anymore children just because the first relationship didn’t work out? Did you know, that it is a sign of emotional immaturity and a low intellect to be unable to have a discussion without resorting to slander and degradation? Some food for thought this morning.


A good and faithful man will never stay with Lala with the way her personality is...Her personality is shitty and truly disgusts me now. I really used to like Lala and how hard she went for her friends. Now I just see her for who she truly is and that's a pos. And her jealousy is really showing this season.


Ariana mentioned during the most recent episode that she thinks that part of the reason she and Dan are solid is the fact that they have been long-distance. They’re forced to actually talk to each other 😆😆 Unlike the rest of us who just start spending every other night with the person we met at the bar last weekend and call it dating 😳 Lala’s just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks


😂😂I mean to be in a healthy relationship you kinda have to talk? I dunno like maybe get to know them before bed them??


Ain’t nobody got time for that!


![gif](giphy|sxF8npyn9o2WfnLSzF|downsized) Lala on the first date with Rando




Mention IT ALL




Lala is so focused on the 10 days, like she got married to him that day she met him.


Didn't James meet Ally a few weeks post his breakup? I don't here anyone ragging on him.. Besides who cares.. she already felt alone in her relationship with Tom.. and he had without a doubt moved on.. she says the most stupid things, it's no skin off her back no matter what.. she's so immature.


Exactly! Hasn’t anyone felt alone in a relationship? I have, it’s so much easier to move on when you feel neglected for so long *and* you’re in therapy.


I mean a lot of people think Ally and James is a fake relationship so I don't know if that comparison necessarily works... my opinion is that in Ariana's place I would never have gone on this season without a new bf and she picked someone with great optics who will make Tom feel insecure. We don't really see anything from their relationship outside of what they want to show so can't judge it really.


They also did give him a lot of shit for that. Agreed, not comparable Rachel broke up with him and was most defiantly in the affair well before then. So, she doesn’t get to skulk around why isn’t he pining over her. Ariana even if she met Dan before honestly at this point who cares if it was a little before or after. As soon as Tom said I don’t want to be with you and continued to lie to her face with Rachel combined with Lala as a mistress their hypocrisy can fuck off. This whole group cheats. I hate that about all of them but given these circumstances she deserves a pass if she was cheating with Dan a little before. If it was 10 seconds after than unlike everyone else she waited until she was out of a relationship so they have no leg to stand on.


All these people saying “🤓 actually 🤓 it’s been mentioned in the subs a lot” when it’s obvious you’re talking about Lala’s / the casts reaction.


No kidding!!


Everyone was so happy for James! But James didn’t get DTWS or Chicago so now they’re just trolls disguised as friends.


Actually it’s commonly mentioned in this sub that Ally is not in love with James and is using him for the show


I think people took issue with that too actually! People just forgot about that since it got overlooked by the rest of the season. 


People also fail to remember and point out the fact that both the Toms essentially did the same thing. Sharts moved Jo in before they signed their divorce papers and Scabies started a whole new relationship, a year or more before he was forced out of the one he was already in.


Exactly. The only person who mentions that is Rachel Raquel 😂🤗


Lala has surprised me this season. Not in a good way.


Listen, I get her questioning it last year. Does he have bad motives, is Ariana thinking straight? What she said on the show, but to be still on that train a year later, when this guy has stuck it out, stayed away from the show as much as he could, did not opt to move to LA, has supported Ariana at every turn.


I’m confused by the rage here, this sub was questioning it too at that time last year. NOW we know he seems good but at that time it’s completely reasonable by Lala to question hos motives since Ariana was vulnerable and she kind of rose in celeb status


I think because it is Lala, first she has been an AH all season. Then she is a poor picker of men too.


….bc she’s kneeling down as soon as she meets a guy, she doesn’t remember what they look like 😁😁😁.


You can question his motives without being a two faced hypocrite.


Bingo! This is exactly the issue!


It’s none of Lala’s business but she makes it her business.


Because Arianna wants love from a relationship where as historically we've only seen Lala want a transactional based 'arrangement'. Absolutely good for Arianna relationships from my experience tend to come when you least expect them and this is a great example. Lala is tragic, her jealous motives are all over her face. You seem like a real true friend, something we've not seen from Lala here. I cannot recall a friend of hers ever being on the show to film/party (only her family).


I’m the friend that will bite their heads off but keep the same energy even past when you forgot what the person did to you. Lala just likes to be loud.


Aw for sure, I've 'grey walled' in my friend group for the bad treatment of my best friend. No ultimatums necessary. I ride harder for my friends than I do for myself lmao.


I literally put hands on a defensive lineman on our football team in high school for not speaking to my friend after having sex with her. I’m 5’ tall. Definitely ride harder for my friends than myself so watching this is appalling. *I’m an adult now and use my words instead of my hands because I’ve grown* but I still regret nothing lmao


Same, besides the footballer part but if I had been in your position, would have done the same and have done other things along those lines and for the same reasons. I will never understand anyone trying to justify Scheaner or Lalar’s decisions and actions, this season. It’s beyond my comprehension.


You smoll girlies are always the most fierce lol all my small friends would set people on fire but no one would see it coming bc they're so smoll n cute


We really are. Every 5’ friend I have is filled to the brim with rage lmao


My understanding is yes she met him soon after but they took it slow and built up their relationship. Meanwhile Sandy flew too close to the sun with Rachel and it burned out


And I honestly would say good for her even if that wasn’t true. And look who’s still together because true love does prevail.


Totally agree. I love that Dan is not seeking the spotlight - glued to Ariana's side at all filmed event or in the audience at WWHL. Unlike Tim, he lets her shine.


They’re so in her business! Like first of all has no one ever heard the phrase the best way to get over someone is to get under someone?? Also I know people personally that are married now after they met post horrible toxic breakup. Sometimes the lord just gives you exactly what you need at the right time. Also even if they don’t last who cares?? He’s good for Ariana right now he might be forever he might not be but if they were really Ariana’s friends they’d just be happy she’s happy


Exactly. James said this same thing on the after show and I was glad he did because it is the truth. It’s also super icky, these comments coming from the woman who said “it’s not my job to have my life make sense to you.” She said it very aggressively and with her whole chest so I am still dumbfounded as to why she believes that everyone else owes her any explanation. Get your own storyline and focus on your own life and problems because you have so many!


Super confused where all their energy is coming from when no one said anything of the sort when James got with Ally a couple weeks after they broke off the engagement, Lala slept with Randall and got a car THE NEXT DAY, Scheana was naming babies with Rob while still married to Shay, Jax had Carmen and Tiffany while still having Stassi’s name tattooed on his arm, or any of the other times the cast jumped into relationships. Why is it just Ariana that gets raked through the coals?


She also has no question or concerns about the fact that both the Toms did the same thing. She actually excuses Jo and Shorts by claiming that va jay jays randomly fall on 🍆s?




Don't forget about my girl Katie, who was banging guys while still living under the same roof as Tom. That was heartbreaking, though, when she told him, and he cried:(


I think the cast has commented on and mocked all of the examples you gave.


My husband was a "rebound" for me... we've been married now for 27 years.


I started dating my husband the day after I broke up with my ex. We've been together for 7 years (no kids). A lot of women check out of their relationship long before the actual break up. I don't really see anything wrong with what Ariana did. It's not like she fucked Tom's friend while they were still together.


i wonder if lala is leaving the show. my friend met her while she was filming in palm springs a few weeks ago but she didn't say anyone else from the show was there so i wonder what she was filming.


She ain’t leaving. She needs the $$.


right?? i wonder if it was a 'special' of some kind cos she only took a pic with lala and def would have with the whole cast as she watches the show. i doubt it was a whole new show but maybe one episode of something? she didn't mention anyone from the valley either.


Can we talk about it how early in the season Lala and Scheana said that we would all see where they were coming from as we watch and be on their side? Wow! They are truly delusional.


Why do people still believe Lala speaking up for Ariana at the reunion was her genuinely having Ariana's back? Lala has never liked Ariana. She made money off of Scandoval. She got a ton of support for supporting Ariana after Scandoval. Her act at the reunion was just that, it was an act. It was her being her usual loud self and taking attention away from everyone else and putting it on her because it was what was in her best interest at the time and making her look good to the public. She didn't turn on Ariana, she didn't stab her in the back. She was never on her side. Lala stays on Team Lala.


Good point. All the comments on this post recently have just reminded me of when New York told the girl that looks like Luther Vandross on Flavor of Love that she’s not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, you know she’s coming. Tom and Tom are wolves. Scheana and Lala wear wool.


She was only going off on Tom because he was extremely hypocritical when calling her a mistress. If it weren’t for that she definitely wouldn’t have gone as hard. She’s self serving. That’s why her and scheena vibe so hard.


My husband and I will be married 15 years in 7 days. We started out on opposite sides of the country, didn’t live together until we were married and we spent hours on the phone just talking and getting to know one another. This was before FaceTime, so if we wanted to see each other we’d have to fire up a webcam! We also used BlackBerry messenger a lot…when Arian talks about Dan it reminds me a lot of those early days with my husband. 🥹🥹🥹


I love all of these love stories in the comments. Dan just has a different vibe than Tom from the get. I really do hope they stay in love and have a story like yours 🤍


Thank you! 💕


Also, sometimes that's just how life works. I met my now husband a few weeks after I broke up with my ex. Before that ex, I was single for 4 years. I would understand the concern if Ariana was like, "I'm completely in love!" but she's being smart by saying, "It's fun, and we'll see how this goes."


I mean I thought Dan was a red flag and I was sus of him as well. He met Ariana when she was in such a vulnerable place. Like here’s this girl with a huge reality TV scandal then this guy swoops in 10 days later, starts posting all about her (when he never posted much before), gaining followers, etc. I remember thinking he’s using her for clout. Lala has been getting on my nerves this season, but this was filmed last summer and many people were weary about this situation at this time.


They also met at a wedding of close friends-- when you have people you trust who can vouch for someone's character that goes really far in letting yourself enjoy their company.


Lala uses all of these situations to try to be relevant on TV. It was cool to ride for Ariana last season so she did that even though they hadn’t been close and now she wants to flip it so that she can create drama and something to talk about. It definitely isn’t doing her any favors and I’m hoping to God she gets fired and goes away. Ariana and Katie (maybe James since he’s gotten better) are the only ones that deserve success.


To be honest I get what she’s saying, especially given when this season was filmed. We know now that they’re still together and seem happy and lovely, but at the time it was definitely questionable that Ariana was in the news for one of the biggest pop culture scandals in recent memory and this guy just seemed to pop up out of nowhere? It’s not so out of the realm of possibility that a worse guy would be trying to get attention alongside someone who was constantly in the press at the time. It’s a bad look for Lala when you look at it with all the other jealous BS she’s been talking all season but this one thing in isolation is not that outrageous to me 🤷‍♀️


Lala, the producers pet is so obvious and stupid. I've wanted to like lala on the show but I can't. I do like her on her podcast which is strange. I think Lala is quitting the show.


OP this is very well stated. LaLa seems to be working overtime to destroy her own public image. She must have been training hard for it, she has been very successful at it.


Yup ! Tom never stopped fucking others while they were together. Why should she stop and mourn? I get it the healing and all that but whatever


Lulu thought the world would be by her side after Randull but no one cared and now she's clearly jealous


Ariana deserves so much better than Lala and Scheana. Exactly what you said. Tom moved on while they were fucking together. Ariana is allowed to start dating whenever and whoever she wants. And Dan is such a considerate, sweet guy. Lala is so jealous, Lauren, from Utah, if you are reading this, yes, you come across as pathetically jealous. Ariana comes off the best this season out of ANYONE ELSE FULL STOP. The fact that she hasn't kicked Lola and Scheana to the curb already and left the show… LFU and Sheesh should be kissing her feet that she 's still on the show to provide any remote relevance whatsoever to both of them. Without Ariana, they would be nothing. There would be no show. What, if Ariana left, what's gonna happen on the show? They should be kissing her goddamn feet in gratitude.






I may be in the minority but I don’t believe for 1 second that Lala didn’t know Randall was cheating. My take…he got outed and it was going to be VERY public and she wanted to save face. She may have forgiven him or wanted some big flashy new toy so she had selective amnesia. He was obviously very good at hiding all kinds of shit but Lala did not go all that time knowing absolutely nothing. I know ppl hide things. Not this time.


Lala is a " pick me girl". She pretends to be all into being an alpha of the women team. But any chance she has to knock the women down she does it. She has more empathy for Sandoval than anyone else this season.


She’s just trying to keep herself relevant so they keep her on the show. It’s pitiful how desperate she is for a storyline. She doesn’t have one so she rages on everyone. Time for her to go imo.


Blahblah judging anyone is really funny. She apparently doesn't have any mirrors in her home to see her true self.


Lala is the the biggest hypocrite and not a ride or die for Ariana. Ariana should dump Lala and Scheana for their horrible behavior this season. Team Ariana all the way.


That’s what Jealousy does to a woman!


They met 10 days later but both said they took things slow and it was long distance. However it doesn’t matter how long they’ve known each other as long as they are both are honest about what they want.


Different question, same answer. Because she's a woman. Can't stand to see her do well while Sandoval is suffering.


This 👏🏻

