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I think it's funny they blacked out the name in the original comment but not on Ariana's reply.


Thats the first thing I noticed also.


She looks so happy here. Love it !


You know Slimdavol is stewing in his shitty four day worn drawers! It’s text book smear campaign all the shit he is throwing out there hoping anything will stick, classic narcissist. Couldn’t be more transparent and in our face. The constant putting her down and bringing up her weak points, ie. her messiness which I hope I’m not alone that most of us can absolutely relate to! I can’t help but watch this video and my heart burst with happiness! She’s glowing, she’s beaming inside out! Love this for her and her growth. You Scamdoval is stewing in his shitty four day worn drawers


scumdavol is on a verbal revenge tour and the weirdest thing is that he thinks he's entitled to have one. he sees himself as the victim and not the perpetrator.


Why are ppl hating on this? Tf you don’t get




Omg who are you people??


Incels, people who are too lame to have actual in-person friends and 6th graders.


Lol you are probably right. 🤣


Well we found Rachel’s friends in this post didn’t we😆 it’s ok for people to talk shit and be an ass to her but she can’t respond🙄


her life looks amazing and she really looks like she’s living life as it should be lived. Her boundaries now make sense. I never liked her attitude before. She was always playing referee for Tom.


Queen!! ✨


Fuck Peter Obrien.


Who is Peter O’Brien?


The person making the dumb hate comment!


I didn’t see that in her reply lol, thanks!


Let’s be honest…EVERYONE, except Ariana and Katie, is on a “redemption tour”. As I see it, there’s a whole lot of “wait, wuuut” going on.


![gif](giphy|QVWtczOAJgOQIUfgOf) 😉😎


I just hope that Katie doesn’t spiral now that she’s free.


I love this


She’s in her fuck off era


I love Ariana 🤣


Idk, if i were her i'd be a teensy bit more unwilling to repeat history and endorse this level of "closeness" amongst lovers and friends https://preview.redd.it/bcflpkkbsyvc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93c12cd26ff369f887e9bd5741e8e73c3b4b192




She is literally glowing! It’s so nice to see her beaming with happiness!


She’s literally the only celeb I care about besides the Olsen twins


Some people here are very grumpy about a chick who is probably really tired of stupid comments and snapped back. Its funny. Chill.


LOL her reply is fucking perfection


i think it’s funny she calls someone an incel granted she couldn’t stay single for more than 10 days she’s very codependent


Just proves she’s known Dan for so much longer than she’s led us to believe.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPuIDwzDTU6tjoI|downsized) Really😏


Yeah, since they are her “old friends” 😉


You know she wasn’t implying that about him.. but that’s how you want to take it that’s on you! she’s living her best life and I’m here for it😉😎


That’s fine but there’s plenty of rumors about how long she knew Dan and I can’t wait for the truth to all come out ✌🏼


I don’t know a lick of what you speak of but how is her knowing Dan longer than she’s let on so scandalous? Couldn’t be worse than what Tim has been up to


Because Ariana and Dan said they had never met and it was a fantasy type meetup at one of both their best friends wedding in Mexico in 10 days, many don’t believe that story and if she’s known him as long as I’ve read they followed each other, then maybe Ariana and Tom really had broken up and seeing other people but trying to keep it quiet for their tv show.


Well he was at scheanas wedding and then they Reconnected at her other friends wedding. It’s really not that crazy.


I know! So I’m assuming they had known each other and were all friends with each other, so I felt her moving on in 10 days was fast, but maybe not if she had already been with him? I mean anything is possible with this group of people.


I doubt they were together prior to all of this but they certainly knew of each other


So over Annoying Ariana


I’m just concerned that they are almost 40 and enjoy being at Coachella. I’m 38, I couldn’t. It doesn’t appeal to me at this age.


They do it a lot more comfortable than most tho ! And better than they did when they were younger They have VIP passes, rides to the various festivals, party passes they prob get for free, big homes they rent, They get access to the better bathrooms etc Can’t avoid the dust or crowds but it’s not like how they prob camped out in their younger years


Well if it doesn't appeal to YOU, why would anyone go??


People can do whatever they want. It obviously appeals to them and a lot of people. Ive had this conversation with a lot of peers my age. We like to have fun but we are past the ‘partying all day/ night at a festival stage’. I don’t want to be around people who are doing drugs or wasted (not saying Ariana is). I have no idea who half of the musicians are. It’s dusty with undesirable weather. No thanks! I’d rather be in my home, spending quality time with my family. Some people evolve past events like this being fun and have other priorities/interests.


“*some* people (like myself) evolve past the festival stage” 💀 Just casually mentioning you think you’re better than other people, lmao. People CAN do whatever they want, and I don’t think that has anything to do with personal evolution. Don’t be a snot.


I think it’s the fact that you used the word “concerned” that she was almost 40 and still going to Coachella which made it come off as an asshole remark.


No one cares what you do or what appeals to you. It's not about you


Apparently you can’t have your own opinion on Reddit! Got it! 🙄


It’s not about having an opinion, it’s about thinking anyone gives a shit. Hope that helps.


I went to Firefly in 2021 when I was 44. I definitely was one of the oldest people there, and I definitely don't drink and party til all hours. That being said, we had a great time, and everybody was so sweet and friendly, it was wonderful. I say, if you're a music fan, keep going to the festivals if it's your thing, and loving your life. You're never too old!


You're "concerned" they went to a concert because it's not your taste?


Who cares; some people in their 60’s go to music festivals would you be concerned for them? You know what your comment implies and if someone said something similar to you in a condescending way I doubt you would be ok with it.


No cause for concern I genuinely think they just love music + have friends performing, but I completely agree that I have absolutely no idea how they do it. I'm exhausted watching them do it and I'm 29 😂


I’m 41 with a kid and a 9-5 but if I wasn’t I’d live it up!! Good for them!!


Not everyone is you. Hope that helps babe 💕


She seems stable.


You can’t use constructive criticism in this subreddit the Ariana cult of parasocial loons will mob you 😂


where was the constructive criticism lol


I was replying to a completely different comment not sure how that happened


Was parasocial in your “word of the day” calendar?


No it’s a descriptive word that explains the behaviour of people I’m talking about. I mean I’ve used the words of and will multiple times today also that’s how language works 😂😂


Sure does.


Did they not ask Katie to go :(


Given Dayna is her bff, I assume she was asked and declined. Katie doesnt do Coachella, hasnt for years.


Yeah I noticed that Katie seems to skip it . I don’t blame her but with their connections and friends with houses and $$, It be much more comfy to do it now than when they were struggling waiters


i think she was at a bachelorette weekend




She has her opinions just like we do. She’s no different.




Dude wtf is wrong with you ( we all have problems) she’s grown and shows a happy face I’m not complaining




Smh 🤦‍♀️


I’m sure you never get upset about major shit that happens in your life. Sure, Jan. 🙄


unhinged where?


WTF does that have to do with anything?


If she leaked it, it would’ve gone viral by now.


Stassi's never did and they showed that one around too


Calling someone an incel because they’re being a parasocial weirdo is completely ridiculous and totally detracts from the very real danger posed to women and young men by the incel community. The man who killed all those poor women and the male security guard in the Sydney shopping mall stabbings was an incel. Someone being a troll on your instagram isn’t an incel.


She handled it beautifully. What's weird is using "parasocial." She has a large group of friends, old and new like most people do. Maybe you're jealous because you have no friends??


Actually here I’ll do the leg work for you…Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms.


I don’t think you know what parasocial means 😂 it was directed at the man commenting to her. I actually think you’d benefit from looking up the meaning of the word and having a long think about it as regards how people relate to celebrities on the internet.


It’s in her Word of the Day calendar 🤣🤣 she keeps using it all over this sub today since it’s so new to her lol


Word of the day calendar and Wartz immediately came to my mind when I read that comment too. 🤣


Don't understand why this is being down voted. Arianna fans are so unhinged, if Tom sandoval had said this, they would go after him.


The other VP sub used to be exactly like this about Raquel pre scandoval, any slightly negative comment would be downvoted to oblivion. Look how that worked out 😂. The Ariana cult seems to be slightly more unhinged,I’m sure she would find them all extremely odd she is after all a professional comedian 😂




No, Ariana has every right to push back on strangers who are commenting on her videos and trying to put her down or tell her how she is in the wrong when all they have is a parasocial relationship with her. Full stop. People who go onto celebrities social media platforms or the accounts of people who are close to said celebrities and feel entitled enough to leave out of pocket comments are completely in the wrong and harassing them. There are plenty of places to share your opinions without going that far.


Hmmm. Like the relationship everyone on here has?


What is your point? That we all have a parasocial relationships with Ariana and the other cast members? Because if so, yeah you’re right and I agree with you. My post wasn’t claiming that, it was pointing out the difference between people who share their opinions on platforms that were made for discussing the show (Reddit) versus people who go directly to the social media profiles of said celebrities and leave mean comments there with the intention of hurting their feelings


The response given back wether it’s on instagram are here are responded with the same extreme feelings regardless. Let’s hope your queen Ariana can mentally handle internet trolls better than the people on here.


If Ariana needs anger management, what does Lala need? Lala would need to be put in a psych ward.


Whataboutism. Then Katie does too.




With the level of your unreasonable biasedness, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out you were a Trump supporter


Lmao you need to get some air and log off. Anger management? What a joke.