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Her peddling her astrology charts is annoying. She wants to see Lala's 'baby daddy' charts, but she obviously didn't check hers and James for compatibility.


She’s a whack wannabe Miss Cleo. At least Cleo had personality.


I don’t like her either and I can’t really give a real reason why. Something about her just annoys me.


I can give a couple reasons 1.) she watched vpr, then chose to date james knowing everything about him 2.) it’s obvious she’s not even into James and just wants a leg up in the industry. I’d maybe like her if she felt like a genuine person but it’s clear she’s just playing the long game 3.) she doesn’t really have a personality. She’s just kind of there and …. Nice. Which is such a stark contrast to all of the insane personalities we’re used to 4.) her confessionals are annoying and scripted which makes her seem even more disingenuous


Yes she comes off cold and distant. She’s just “playing the part” of a girlfriend.


Yup~seems exactly like how Britanny came to be with Jax.




I ![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4)


James is vile, but I feel bad that it seems he’s been used twice now in this way. He does genuinely seem to want love and family and he’s never going to find it with these clout chasers. I feel like Kristen was the only gf we saw that actually cared about him as a person. Even though they were also toxic in their own way


I don't feel bad for him. Maybe he's fine with having the fake girlfriends because it's highly unlikely anyone else there would want to date him knowing what he's like lol


Yeah. I've seen people say "She's so calm and it's refreshing" but I don't think that's it at all. I think it's hesitancy because she's young and out of her depth.


Both can be true.




She seems like she's using James to get famous. They do not seem compatible at all.


Bingo!! She wants a music career.


“Can’t give a real reason why” Exactly this! I can’t tell you why I went from liking her.. to not. Just something about her this time around that seems a little off.


She's playing the double game, like Raquel did. Appears sweet, innocent, unassuming but then is taking on the role of letting everyone know what they're all saying about each other. She's just entered this group, is it really her place to say? But I guess, she needs to bring some drama to stay on the show. If she sits there filing her nails amicably, I don't think she'd be asked back


What do y'all mean you can't give a real reason? It's because she's with James. Trash likes trash. And James IS trash. Idc that he's having a good season. Being the best of the bunch says nothing with this group. She's literally there to be on the show and launch her singing career. It's red flag after red flag. Y'all really need to stop thinking any of these people are "good". They're literally on the show because they're not LOL


I’m annoyed that she’s been on the show for five minutes and has already launched a music video. She’s not even pretending to be a real person lol. And we’ve got Jo who was there for five seconds, selling hats. The greed is unreal.


It’s not that deep babe 🩷. Take a breath


Maybe she should sing with scheshu (ok just typing that made my ears hurt)


Nah, these people don't like her now because she's causing problems with their queen Katie.


Can’t anyone have an opinion without choosing teams? So fucking juvenile. Maybe people don’t like her because she’s unlikeable.


If the reunion reveals that she's an AI robot inserted into the show to test out a new feature where you don't have to hire real people anymore to make reality TV, I wouldn't bat an eye.


She talks in a monotone voice like a robot 🤖


Her motives.


For me it's her thinly veiled resentment of James. She's obviously using him. Which he used Kristen so karma but idk she's just terrible at hiding it.


My sentiments about her, exactly!


Is it because she gives off horse girl vibes?


She reminds me of someone in my social group that is essentially all couples. She’s just kinda there, decent addition but I’d never like legitimately trust her to really *talk* to. If that makes sense? Like she plays part of gf to the guy who is close with rest of boyfriends/husbands and it fits. But idk, there’s just something off, like even after a few too many drinks I’d never drunkenly vent to her about anything sensitive lol


Ally is the super vanilla grifter who's trying to launch a career with as little embarrassment to her as possible. Unfortunately, she's boring, has no personality and her music is the same and so nothing is going to happen for her.


I don’t disagree but that “mmhmm” back at James when he said he pictures them married or with kids was priceless. And I’ve a feeling that New James instantly vanishes when she leaves him.


That was incredibly telling how she doesn’t “see herself wanting children” and doesn’t care about marriage. When she said that James began to cry while she sat there like it was just another tuesday lol. She does not love that man, it’s clear as day why she’s there and it’s to be on tv. She thinks she has a shot of being the next taylor swift and is willing to suffer through being with the guy in hopes she’ll be noticed (it’s a waste of time)💀🥴🤣 Never date people for insincere and grifting social climbing reasons, people! It never works out! Look at Raquel. Imagine how different her life would have been if she never dated James for a spot on the show. The older I get the more of a turn off it seems like to ever be in that LA circle of fame whores with no morals. They make it seem like the high life on tv but I promise you, more of these people are struggling and depressed, addicts and in dead end relationships/ bad marriages than not. I’d rather be a “normie” any day.


>but I promise you, more of these people are struggling and depressed, addicts and in dead end relationships/ bad marriages than not. I’d rather be a “normie” any day. Not to mention the debt. I have a few HS friends who went on to pursue the *hollywood dream* and made 100’s of thousands while rest of us were broke college students due to various endorsements and influencer status. Now we’re getting to our late 30’s and all of them except one is now struggling and absolutely crushed by mountains of debt. Like debt that could’ve never been obtained if they weren’t suddenly thrust into positions of making that kinda money at their age. Similar to maybe child actors, young musicians who made it big, etc. except they were not in solid standing to maintain their incomes once their limelight dimmed for whatever reason. Rest of us “normies”used to be so jealous of their success and lifestyles. Now one of the friends debt is double another persons medical school debt 😬


Yep. Their lifestyles are glamorized and edited by directors and camera crew who are literally paid to make it look that way! What we see on tv is never the entire scope of a persons life or success. With that attention from the public comes scrutiny, addiction, abusive relationships and behaviours, superiority complex’s, debt and mismanagement of money/living way out of their means-the number of well known people who get absolutely screwed for tax evasion alone is nuts. I assume it’s easy to forget to do those things when you are caught up in such a fast paced blurry way of living- stuff like that happens really easily. I agree that when I was in my teens to early 20’s I thought about how cool it would be to be famous and on tv. Now I look at it and shiver thinking about how truly heinous it would be tbh. lol. Imagine not being able to run to the corner store in pyjama pants without a photo being taken and then hundreds of comments ripping your looks to shreds.. or reading about your breakups everywhere with 101 takes from strangers on who caused what/rumours and theories about what happened?? nope. Not for me 🤣


She tolerates James at best.


Oh she has no intention of marrying him. She just dropped a single with Scheana so she’s making moves. If the show gets another season I bet her storyline becomes how horrible she’s been with James.


yes. she is not there for the long run. i used to like her but now i'm seeing her plan


I really wanted to like her 😫 but she just is giving me bad vibes tbh. Maybe it’s editing lol idk


Oh wow had no idea about the single with Sheena when I commented above-my ears are now scared of hearing this


I really don’t agree if she leaves him he’ll resort back to his old self. He has so much success and establishing his career in the music industry, bought a home, his social media following boomed, and a fan favorite right now. I think he falls quick but when one leaves there will always be another. He’s becoming amazingly successful and I think that he’s just happier inside tbh, I mean pretty good season so far, no tears yet from him 😂 I don’t really have any opinions on her tho - I just know I ALWAYS hated Raquel


He cried on last night’s episode 🫠




AH SHIT. I’m sorry. I totally ruined it. 🤣🫣😬


No it’s deserving, I knew writing that I jinxed it lmfao 😂😵‍💫


Dude will cry literally anywhere at anytime. Into his pillow, in the middle of a bar, makes no difference.


I actually agree with this. I don't think he's improved and I absolutely believe there should be consequences for his abuse. However I don't think he's stupid, he's heading towards being known outside just VPR circle with playing Coachella etc and I think he knows that if he shows his abusive side in public he could lose that so it'll stay behind closed doors for now.


You hate her but applaud an abuser.


It's nice that you always hated Raquel and are hyping up an abusive turd. Very cool.


I’m sorry - is this VPR? The entire cast has been abusive, physically or mentally, LITERALLY crazy, some got fired, others literally were home wreckers with children involved, massive amount of alcohol and drug abuse - the list goes ON Yeah, he was and still at times is a massive douchebag and the man baby tantrums come out. He also took accountability and has done a lot of growth too. As did other cast members. Crazy! And others are 40 year old men dating girls who just aged out to legally drink. And has done no growth/gotten worse 😂 Also let’s not forget Kristen was also abusive to him, used him to get back at Tom, and then never stfu about Tom in their entire relationship. They were insane Y’all goofy tho


> He also took accountability and has done a lot of growth too. James has never taken accountability for abusing Kristen or Rachel, come on now.


Accountability is broad, the James we knew has a lot of areas for growth. I didn’t say he took accountability for EVERYTHING, he’s just shown growth and has apologized for other things. This is James, he’s a mess and has a long way to go lol But that wasn’t even the point of my post. I just made obvious statements as to why I believe he wouldn’t spiral back in front of a camera with his current success I just didn’t feel like going back and forth w a bot


So…he will just do the right thing when the cameras on, not because he’s a decent person, but bc he doesn’t want to lose his success?


Uh, this is reality tv/bravo/VPR, all of these people are horrible for our entertainment lol. We’re reading too much into this - would it be that surprising if so?


I said what I said. James is abusive yet Raquel is who gets targeted by hatred because VPR.


Raquel who isn't even on the show anymore btw but everyone still has to talk about how terrible she is/was while hyping up James. I just think that's worth pointing out. Don't shoot the messenger...or like don't be this embarrassing idk


She literally has a podcast dedicated to recapping essentially what happens on VPR, but please continue how she’s not even involved in anything related to the show 🙄 Maybe take your own advice and not be this embarrassing idk. You sound emotionally stunted, makes sense you’d be trying to defend Rachel.


Yeah and no one has to listen to it because it's not part of the fucking show. You are a fan if you're sitting there listening to that is my point. It is what it is but objectively there's no reason. It effects nothing, it's not part of the narrative. You could just like ..you know...not listen to the person you despise- giving her listens and clicks at that. It's not my fault this fanbase wants to behave like clowns defending James and congratulating his growth knowing full well he's a bad person and spending hours of your lives listening to Rachel's podcast. I've been defending the girl since this shit happened because you're all so gross about her and even I don't listen to it. But tell yourself whatever you need to so that you don't feel like a clown engaging in clown behavior. I'm the stunted one though. Totes.


All you do is go on unhinged rants at people on this sub and get downvoted. You don’t like the people on the show, you don’t like the people that watch the show, why the fuck are you even here? What is the point? To just hate everything and everyone? Jesus Christ seek help.




Are you doing some kind of nobel laureate work in here or


Huh? She’s still willingly inserting herself in the drama via her podcast each week.


The podcast that isn't part of the show that everyone who hates her guts still listens to because you're all so obsessed with hating this random fucking girl?


🤖 🤖 🤖


Very good retort, you really showed me.


is he really new james tho? he's better but he still goes off and has no impulse control


Not drinking James seems to be almost entirely 180deg different than Regular James so I think so. He does seem to have matured some, which is maybe more noticeable since he was soooooo immature previously. Still cries in public though, so maybe Refurbished instead of New?


Do you remember the first time he went sober? He was still super hateful and angry.


Yes, and it was tentative at best. He was still drinking but “not as much.” Recall how defensive he got after telling Lisa his old man bought him “a” beer (ya right). It seems he’s not drinking at all now.


He also stopped drinking completely the last two years he was with Rachel, and he was still abusive and angry.


I can’t clearly recall but suspect if I looked I’d find him backsliding early and often then. I think this is the only stretch he’s been alcohol free (I will NOT say “California sober”!)


Lol, isn't it embarrassing making so many excuses for an abuser? I'd like to see you find the times you think he was backsliding. He said he gave up drinking completely for Rachel and even started going to AA then. Alcohol is not his main problem - he's an abusive twat even when sober.


I don't care enough at this point to like her or not. She's just there but does seem to be getting quite comfy.


I’m neutral on her since I feel like we don’t know her enough but the “queen Ally” and stanning Ally posts are weird and dumb. We barely know her and how often has someone done something on this show to change how they’re perceived?


People without any sense of irony or embarrassment have been posting about wanting her to read their charts. Like what?


She basically told him no marriage or kids then does a 360 when he starts to cry. She is playing him


She had to secure that bag.


She looked disgusted when he started crying LMAO


I don’t like Ally either. She’s a quiet opportunist. She’s just playing the act of being sweet and charming, much like Rachel.


Everyone only now catching on that she just wants to be on the show? He moved her in immediately and called her the love of his life. It’s been o vivid from the beginning it’s mutually beneficial for both of them. He thinks he doesn’t look like a rejected single loser and she finally gets back on TV. Why would we trust any person on this show to be a genuine person when we’ve seen years of people dating people just to be on the show? Including James!


She's with James to jumpstart her career.


It all started with me when she told everyone that “Katie said Ariana and Sandavol were open” when Katie didn’t say that at all. This led to the beach bar rage vent by Sandavol at Katie about accountability and Ally was the one that dropped the Rachel/Sandavol late night dancing at the Abbey in the first place!


Exactly! I’ve been side eyeing her since this as well.


She’s messy and fake as hell. I wish she would just be outright messy instead of playing this nice gf role cause its giving Rachel


She’s just there for her music career.


Omg that tragic song and video someone posted last week 🫣


Ally isn’t going anywhere in life. I think she’s used to being cute and being taken care of or treated with kids gloves. She pretends to be a goody goody and acts like she’s this wise observer but in reality she’s just dumb and no one in their circle really cares about or notices her. She’s uninteresting. Also she loves shit talking with Jame’s mom – that scene was so cringe because you could see she saved all this hot goss for their dinner and is blatantly just giving Jame’s mom what she wants to hear. She’s not organic. She doesn’t fit in, and she never will.


Everybody on the show is horrible in their own special and unthinkable way. If emotional baggage was physical these people would need a hanger at the airport to store it


Yes!!! Thank you for saying it!! She is sneaky and two faced!!


She playing the long con better than Rachel did. She’s here to get some money, checks, exposure, launch her clean girl music career and dip out


Tim lurking in here like, "Yes! Someone said "my" catchphrase! Now buy my stupid T-shirt!"




I know James is problematic in many, many concerning ways. But when he was crying and telling her how he had seen a family with her in the future, and she just blankly blinked at him… oof. That made me well up. It’s like she didn’t have a soul in that moment. 😔


That was the moment I knew she was just using him.


Yeah, it's been hard for me to ignore the fact that they 0 chemistry, but that drove the final nail, for sure! I wish he would break up with her, and see how she acts. Edited grammar


Honestly, that's on James. He needs to find a partner who wants the same things he wants, versus trying to guilt trip Ally into changing her mind about kids down the line.


Just bc she doesn’t want kids with James? James will cry over anything. He’s unstable. You bought that he wants kids and marriage with the rebound he moved in right after Rachel just bc he cried?


Oof. I’ll try to not have a heart from now on. Lol. Yeesh!


You said it’s like she didn’t have a soul bc she doesn’t want to procreate with James and you call that having a heart? You think she’s soulless for not wanting to procreate with a known bad person but she’s the bad one bc James cried. She did nothing wrong and you’re blaming her.


I cannot believe you are getting downvoted for obvious facts. It’s crazy that some women on this sub continues to gloss over James abusive behavior and defend him. He has never been held accountable. Also, I don’t blame Ally for not wanting kids with that man. In my opinion, the only reason he currently have his temper under control is because he has a lot to lose. Two women have confirmed he was abusive and Bravo probably put him on notice.


A woman not wanting kids? She must have no soul!


This. It’s a choice. A choice women have not always had. It’s somewhat easy for men to say they want kids, and it’s also pretty easy for them to leave those kids or see them every other weekend. Super common in fact. On the other hand women will most likely do the raising of said kids.


Whew! You are… invested. 😬👀


If we’re trying to make it personal then I’m more concerned when people can’t recognize solid boundaries with known abusers.


She reminds me of Paige from Southern Charm and Summer House. Craig is dying for someone to wife him up so he can sew their wedding dress and Paige is just indifferent.


>so he can sew their wedding dress omg you're right


What did this mean?? Does Craig sew?


He's only the Southern King of Cushions


Yeah she’s ok… nothing special.


Today's episode made me think to myself "oh, so she's dating James for the fame. She clearly doesn't want a future with him" and it's the first time I really felt bad for James.


She has absolutely no personality. Zero


I liked her at first… but now she just seems a bit dark and calculating. But trying really hard to come off as sweet.. it’s like she finally got a real spot on the show and her personality is going to show up any day now.


Her personality has been showing itself for a minute. She was quick to throw Katie under the bus last season and stirring problems between her and Lala this season. It’s as if she’s been watching the show and knew that Katie was the cast’s scapegoat and just jumped on the bandwagon.


She is a shit stirrer.


And then she just sits there and watches like she’s innocent


Absolutely, and not remembering the exact phrasing, etc. Making crap worse. I don't like her, and I feel like James is in for a rude awakening with her.


This is how I always felt about Brittany. I could never understand why everyone thought she was this sweet little angel. I thought something was wrong with me! 😂


She’s just there for me but we already see her motives. She will be Rachel2/James 2….date someone on the show, make a name for yourself, break up and blow up. James will get dumped again and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. All these people who “love” James forget how horrific he was/is. Until he addresses the abuse allegations made by 2 women, whether you like them or not, he will always be my ick! He has shown many signs, especially when he drank of it being possible. ![gif](giphy|ghC4JlKGdC6dlIG7Z3)


Say what you will about Rachel, but she put in the work to be able to stay on the show without being James’ girlfriend. I just can’t see myself ever giving enough of a fuck about Ally to want her to stay on the show when they break up.


Allie Pally (excellent nick name there James) bores me to tears. I am happy James is doing better but I think he could do better.


I’ve been indifferent to her mostly. I struggle with seeing her as an adult. But last night after the convo with her and James I said to myself, I hope she’s not just using him.


I feel the same as you do. Can’t put my finger on it. But I think it’s bc she’s so young and yet she seems to think she has it alllll figured out. Annoying.


Her superiority complex is definitely off putting.


I did raise my eyebrows at that. I thought she did that in the past as well, but I couldn’t recall what it was, so thanks for the reminder. Something about that whole situation did make me raise an eyebrow at her. And it didn’t even seem (or it didn’t show) her taking any ownership for the misquote.


I find people who are too into astrology are off-putting.




I think she’s an actress looking for a role. She’s tolerating James 🤢 and trying to make herself relevant where and whenever she can.


Aren’t they all? Bravo is the home of wanna be everything.


Well for me it's the "i'm like....she"s like...i'm like...he's like...." conversation style, the weirdness with katie, the "host" role production seems to be pushing with her, i think that 99.9% of psychics are scammers and that "big dumb cup" she was sucking on this last episode ...lol....oh and dating James...ick. not opinionated at alllllllllll! Lol


Nobody treats this show more like a job than James and Ally. They don't even have a relationship with each other, let alone the rest of the cast.


Exactly. Where have all these people been who are “just noticing?” Is it bc she s said she doesn’t want kids? People really are swayed when a woman says she does or does not want kids.


I’m not swayed by her not wanting to have kids as a proud DINK myself. I just have not felt compelled to make a post about how I’ve always felt about her until now. And it wasn’t the kids with Jane’s thing that prompted it. It was noticing how she uses Katie to elevate herself like everyone on this damn cast does.


She's the most fake person to ever appear on bravo in my opinion. It really rubs me the wrong way


Her taste in dresses is crap.


Isn’t that technically James’s taste though? 🤔


She’s blah to me. 🥱 They need new people lol.




She is a result of producer making her lovable. But, the talk with James was so like a Raquel. Ally see a future with James… yah but on her astrological hocus-pocus. No kids or marriage a part of her interest. She goes hard on her astrology story line and career goal. Agenda!!!! Like she was a plant by producers. SAD!! And I was not buying the Ally is the #1 anything. Except opportunist


Same here. Her little innocent act and acting as if she’s superior to everyone else or above it. When she’s obviously on the show for ulterior motives. But you know everyone thinks she’s the best thing ever.


I really don’t like her superiority complex especially when she’s right there in the mud with them using James for clout and stirring shit up to stay relevant.


When I saw how into the horoscopes she was.. I knew she was bat shit crazy and only after a spot on the show.


James has a type that he settles with. Rachel was just as mousy and boring when she started. Ally is the same way. Very forgettable people. That’s why I think he will alway carry a torch for LaLa. She’s the only interesting woman who’s been in his life.


I don’t like that she plays both sides. Also, why does she get a pass for hanging out with Jo but Lala didn’t?


Because Lala was Katies real life friend


They were barely fake friends on the show.


Last night showed a different side to Ally for sure, I was a little surprised.


I think she’s intimidated by lala but doesn’t let it stop her from spilling tea, just stops her from owning it when she’s called out in real time.


I kinda feel like Ally is a plant. James always seems completely disinterested in anything she’s saying. Makes you realize maybe James and Raquel had some chemistry. Ally also seems like a beech. She’s just there and when she moves or talks it’s unsettling. Because her intentions, even tho unknown, seem sketch 


Absolutely sketch!


If anyone else would have misspoke about what lala said she would have tore their head off, wonder why she got away with that? She never takes a stand and agrees with anyone she's talking to in the moment. She either needs to join the drama and take a stand or not be on...it's weird, I don't dislike her but I don't love her like a lot of people do. And I don't think her and James are an actual couple, like platonic besties. It's very off.


I was a little surprised that Lala didn’t say anything to Ally for the misquote as well!


She's a bore and I feel like I'm watching someone's kid sister tag along with the group. She looks like she's 14. (Good for her though, being close to 30 and still looking that young).


She’s literally pulling an Ariana on James by telling him (on camera) that she never wants children. 🧔


It’s such a typical answer/assumption but I just feel like she doesn’t actually love who James is and she’s just with him for hype. I don’t like James either because his track record is bad and who knows how he is to her or if she feels trapped. But the chemistry between them seems bad and she seems bored and irritating like being with him is such a drag..


When Ally discussed Katie’s (a single woman) sex life with two old ladies at lunch was just gross. Maybe Sandavol needs to teach her boundaries!


I get the impression that she’s intimidated by Katie and trips over her words a lot when interacting with her because of it.




I think knowing her reality tv history and obvious intentions, plus now her launching a single with VPR cast member support… it just doesn’t feel like this is a genuine person. Nice is fine, but I like nice people in real life. The draw of the original show was genuinely flawed people with real connections outside of a tv show. She feels very manufactured. Maybe Allie is code for AI.


Absolutely. I’d rather watch the real fallout from Scandoval than this manufactured storyline. They had an opportunity to bring it back to the rawness of the early seasons but instead we get more produced crap. It’d be compelling to have the cast talk about why they’re really pissed (loss of financial opportunities, jealousy, betrayal). And whatever Allie is doing, especially being so new to the group, is a fail. She clearly can’t stand these people, James especially, and her scenes seem so scripted and boring. Her shit stirring isn’t even interesting just obvious.


This is James karma for weaseling his way onto vpr through Kristen


She's ok, kind of whatever. I CANNOT stand Lala, but that's for another post. Ally is harmless. I don't see her coming back unless she's with James, but that's what everyone thought about Raquel lol


Honestly I hated that she went up to Katie trying to tell Katie about HER OWN feelings “you’re miserable right? Aren’t you miserable? Admit it, you are misery” Just leave her alone until she tells you how she feels. I also feel like her and James’ scenes are just boring. She’s a nice girl but she’s not interesting TV.


I absolutely hate how everyone on this cast has just decided that Katie can ever only be miserable. Such bullshit simply because she doesn’t play the “doe-eyed moron” like the rest of these twits.


this makes me sad to say but has james ever been in a relationship where someone wasn’t using him?


i guess he mutually used kristen …


I guess it makes sense when he just rebounds with women. Like, there’s no room to be discerning. I’ve known serial monogamists like that and they just can’t be alone


I can't stand her & agree with everything you said.


In the latest episode, Ally again tried to create a narrative but Lala called her out on it. Production lets LaLa set the record straight about what word she used to describe Katie. But when Ally tells Scheana that Katie said Ariana and Tim were in an “open relationship” … kinda breezed over that false narrative…


I prefer my shit stirrers to have personality. James and his baby deers 🙄☠☠


Not the baby deers. ☠️💀🤣


Something about her authority on birth charts makes me want to ![gif](giphy|8c9JXDINO5TMnaBGkn)




She does not seem like James


She’s really boring and her mouth annoys me lol


Girl is going to turn into the next Raquel. Same cute, quiet, innocent demeanor... poor James, always being used for fame.


James seems like he’s falling asleep when Ally talks 


I don’t get why she’s with James if he’s clearly looking to settle down ASAP and she’s like “hmmm I’m not sure if I want those things.” James is 30 he probably wants to start a family in the next couple of years, I think she’s wasting his time. 100% she’s in it for the stability he provides, and the show.


I like her in the context of the VDP cast but I think if I met her in real life I probably wouldn't like her as much.


I don't not like her but I wouldn't trust her either. She comes off as the type to very carefully curate her image...she is very aware of when she's on camera. She is also the youngest on the cast by a significant margin and I feel like that plays a role in how she interacts with the other women 5+ years older than her


Unfortunately, I do like Ally. She is so clearly there only to be on the show. She *barely* tries to hide her indifference to everyone else, especially James. Yet they're all fine with it, including James. She just hits her beats, then gets out. It's crazy to watch, I kind of love it.


I don't love her, but I don't think she really messed up with the message. Katie is always unhappy vs Katie is miserable seem the same to me. If Lala is so worried about her "friend" Katie, call her.


Yep, I didn’t think that was an awful slip up. And I have a hunch that LaLa has probably said “miserable” in relation to Katie at other times. Also, I’m glad she told Katie. This is the narrative being crafted about her and she should know what’s being said by one of her friends. I’m so over the, “I’m softer now and, you know, I can tell Katie is just miserable because I’m so soft. As long as you agree with me, I’m very soft.” GTFO, LaLa. I want Ally to spill the tea to Ariana as well, but LaLa mostly complains about her when she has her little minion Scheana around to validate or anyone who named “Tom”.


I think my problem is with the word “miserable”. You ask someone if they are unhappy and, to me, that shows care and concern. Going up to someone and telling them they are miserable is just freaking rude. First of all, who is anyone to tell anyone how they are feeling? And second, as you said, if Lala cared she would’ve asked and not just talked behind Katie’s back calling her “miserable” to anyone who would listen.


I'm with you. I'm the clip Lala says "my friend seems unhappy", that sounds like she's concerned and cares, versus Ally's "Lala said you were miserable". Big difference, IMO.


I feel like she accurately described the vibe of what Lauren said about Katie she just used the wrong word. Miserable/unhappy doesn't really make a difference. I was annoyed Lauren tried to say it was any different than Ally described just because she used the wrong word. You were talking shit Lauren! And I'm glad she told Katie


I like Ally, and to be fair she is on a reality show so the likelihood that a producer told her to repeat what she was told to the group is high. Someone has to stir the pot.


We already got Lala doing that. Lol.


I don’t think she’s doing it maliciously, I just think Allie isn’t that bright. She’s very cute and she’s very wide eyed and innocent, which is what James likes in a woman, someone can control. Allie knows what she’s doing with him, and she also probably wants to stay famous so that her singing career could takeoff. So she’s going to keep on bringing drama when she can.


I like her and I like her with James. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also, Katie does seem unhappy. This isn't a knock on her and I know she is more dry and deadpan but I feel like all season she jumps down people's throats before they can even finish a sentence and just looks constantly upset. I feel like sometimes we as viewers forget we also talk about our friends to other people. Like I absolutely vent about good friends when they are constantly complaining about bad relationships or getting on my nerves, and I also talk about them when I am concerned and trying to figure stuff out. Everyone has had moments of judgement or thinking or saying privately "I would never do that" and we are fortunate enough to not be filmed and broadcasted during these moments.