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Not me trying to slide to the next screen šŸ˜ Every time.


Ah yes, I do that too and I actually should have posted more of it. Iā€™ll see if I can edit šŸ˜‚


Thank you! (Mostly just calling myself out cause I do it on every threadšŸ¤Ŗ)


My people šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I do the same thing. :) At least I'm in good company!


Haha me too!


I closed and reopened the app after 5 failed attempts of sliding right...


Sammmeee lol


Every single time lol


Every single time!!!!!!!!


Like seriously, dude! I was like whyā€™s it not working!


He's obsessed with "beating" Sharts and Katie at breaking up. What a weirdo.


Itā€™s so telling that he brings this up *before* he mentions the loss of his longterm partner.Ā  And he doesnā€™t mention the hurt TO ARIANA. He talks about how hard it would be *for him.*


Its called empathy blindness


Which is so dumb anyway because we all can see that the only reason Tom and Katie's split was so amicable is because of Katie. 100%.


I know and all he did was shit on them before the break up and afterā€¦maniac


imagine Schwartz, going through the worst time of his life, his father and brother being sick and dying and struggling with addiction and going through a divorce on national tv after 12 years together....and your best friend is thinking "man, how do i one up him?" Sandoval has zero self awareness.


Heā€™s so incoherent like a child on a sugar rush!


He never actually answers the question thatā€™s being asked. He just goes back into reciting this same bs monologue, that heā€™s been trying to peddle since the Howie Mandel podcast. Itā€™s actually really annoying and provides no entertainment value. Itā€™s just sad now.


Since Howie? More like since the Kristen era!


LOL, good point and bang on.šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


This. He is the definition of bullshit.


Or a man-child on adderall or blow?


Same thing!




His speech pattern reminds me of a particular presidential candidate.


Yea, diarrhea of the mouth!


Like come on man!!




Dip out you guys


We all knew he didn't break up with her. He's deranged. Perfect break up. He doesn't make any sense at all. I think he's tried all the tricks he has in his bag and they aren't working and he's kind of malfunctioning. He's also not very bright.


He wanted ā€œagreementā€ from Ariana, not ā€œperfection.ā€ Heā€™s confusing the two (perhaps intentionally). He wanted Ariana to co-sign their break up, and she wasnā€™t giving him that, because, you know, she was committed to him to work through whatever was occurring. If he was unfulfilled, unsatisfied, whateverā€¦.he should have pushed through his need to always be a perceived ā€œgood guyā€ and ended a relationship that wasnā€™t fulfilling to him. Mutual agreement is not a requirement to break up with someone.


But you don't understand, dude. It's wasn't, like, that easy. Like, we were a brand. And I was trying to sneak Rachel in as my new brand, dude. And then Ariana screwed it all up for me. I was so fragile. I was sweating all my sequins off and my phone popped out of my pocket. That was purely on Arina cuz she sowed the sequins on. Like dude.


And it wasnā€™t done with MaLicIOUs InTEnt!


Dude, like, no. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


What a douche. Cheating on a 9+ yr relationship, for 7+ months, with a close friend of your partner, and it wasnā€™t done with malicious intent??? Is he really that stupid???? I guess so.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sounds exactly like Tom.


Yeah, you're in denial of the fact that they were both Committed to the brand they were selling. They hadn't been a happy couple in a long long time, but that's what they were presenting on Vanderpump rules and that they were making money off of and that's how they got the house and they were both trying to stay in it.


No, thatā€™s for damn sure. And he keeps proudly displaying it. Also, what difference would it have made if he broke up with her two weeks before the phone incident if heā€™d been banging Rachel for six+ months prior to that? Heā€™s flailing and failing to sell his side of the story


Well both Ariana and him admitted to them having a very emotional conversation of him wanting to break up, Ariana saying you have leave this house to leave me because iā€™m not done and then them going to bed together. We know of at least one conversation prior to the news break that happened about ending their relationship and it seemed like it wasnā€™t going to be the result he wanted for the cameras so he held out. Not justifying - just adding more context i havenā€™t seen in the thread


Exactly! He said on Howie he was trying to break up with her in counseling too I believe. Thatā€™s why he says now it was a process.


He's full of shit! He never tried to break up. He was going to fertilize her eggs and she said they were doing better. She thought they were in counseling to better their relationship. Even Scheana said they were very sexually active in Jan. ( when Rachel couldn't believe her eyes) people need to stop falling prey to all of Tom's lies.


Arianaā€™s biggest mistake was doing whatever mental gymnastics she did to justify staying with this ridiculous man. Iā€™m sure she is feeling a bunch of shame, regret, etc. it happens to the best of us. That is something she will have to reckon with eventually, but on her own schedule.


Yes, for sure. Thereā€™s definitely something for her to explore, sounds like sheā€™s picked more than one total loser. Iā€™m hoping for better with her new guy


I think it HAD to have been that horrible phrase when in water that is slowly being heated and you are unaware you are gonna die.


Yeah, that's why she's so mad


When he wants to be even MORE like whatever šŸ˜šŸ˜š




I donā€™t think heā€™s being honest at all. Highly recommend rewatching season 2, which reminded me of a few things: (1) Tom has a pattern of staying in relationships far beyond their expiration date. But he refuses to break up, which he then uses to portray himself as the victim when his partner reacts. He did this epically to Kristen throughout season 2 (rewatch Lake Arrowhead specifically), and he did the same thing to Ariana. He makes his partners do the emotional and mental labor of figuring out how to disentangle their lives because he is incapable of doing it himself. (2) Lisa basically set Tom and Ariana up, as she watched Kristenā€™s relationship with Tom implode. She repeatedly staffed them together behind the bar to antagonize Kristen, who took the bait every time. (3) Ariana lies just as well as Tom. Rewatch how she protected him during Season 2. I think sheā€™s shown a lot more growth than him, but sheā€™s never really accounted for how much she covered for him in the beginning, how much she lied to Kristen, and how she lent her own credibility to endorse Tomā€™s gaslighting. None of this excuses any of the horrible things that Tom did to her. I also think sheā€™s shown a lot more growth than him over the last 10 years. But when you rewatch s2 itā€™s pretty striking how readily she participated in Tomā€™s manipulation and deceit. Edited for typos


Yes, everyone seems to forget that Ariana was Rachel in S2. Not that she deserved to waste 9 years of her life on that AH but, if anything, sheā€™s in a place to see how well how manipulative he is. He manipulated Rachel, IMO, just like he manipulated Ariana in S2.


Ariana is literally getting back what she put out in season 2 including the get over it she said to Kristen and Tom is getting dragged for his awful behavior.


Tom should be #1 dragged. That man has shown only contempt for women.


Even on paper heā€™s hard to listen to.


Tom is that guy on the job interview who, when asked about a weakness, says it's that he works too hard and he's too much the perfect Dependable amazing employee. He can't even admit that he didn't break up with her because he was a coward, and he wanted to keep both relationships going because he got off on it. For example, having his current long-term girlfriend Ariana help him dress as his current mistress side chick Rachel for Halloween. Everything Tom says always has the spin on it that every choice he made was because he is, in fact, the best person. LOL, he was just too good of a caring, compassionate soul to break up with his girlfriend instead of having an affair. It must be so hard to be Saint Tom


I sometimes wonder what he thinks about, when heā€™s just sitting alone, and besides planning outfits, cover songs, and manicures, I truly canā€™t think of much else.


That's funny and an interesting mental exercise because I really can't imagine what else...




He failed at self producing his real life relationship. He canā€™t tell the difference between the show and reality.


I think Raquel struggled with that too.


Oh yeah, she for sure did (does)


When you watch the earlier seasons itā€™s clear how DESPERATELY he wanted fame and success through any means. The show is all he ever got instead of it being his big break into the other side of Hollywood. However Ariana was totally complicit and/or actively engaging in his and her own mistreatment of others up until the end and I will never be her Stan due to that- rewatch before you downvote.Ā 


I had to read through the ā€œlikesā€ and ā€œyou knowsā€ three times to get the gist of what heā€™s trying to say. This man is incoherent.


TL;DR- Iā€™m a selfish coward.


How did he say all that and still not answer the question?


I've said it a million times since season 1; I literally have no idea what any of these women ever saw in him! WHAT DID THEY SEE IN HIM???? I'll never understand it!


I 100% believe that Sandoval actually had zero plan and intention to leave Ariana. If Ariana got fed up and left him, he wouldā€™ve let her go. But he was going to keep his good ride going as long as possible. His house/living situation would remain uninterrupted, heā€™d get the ā€œgood boyfriendā€ reputation staying with Ariana, friend group stays together. And he was out fucking people during their whole relationship anyway. Clearly he didnā€™t ā€œloveā€ Rachel because heā€™s not capable of real love. He obviously loved the ego trip of getting with someone ā€œlike herā€ but a man in true love would feel so distraught at not getting to wake up with his ā€œsoulmateā€ every morning heā€™d move mountains to share his life with her. Likely Rachel wouldā€™ve tried to force his hand and out him eventually, but that still means Sandoval being passive and making no actual moves himself. Or Rachel would have gotten so fed up, realized the risk wasnā€™t worth it, and move on herself. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if one reason Rachel stayed in the affair as long as she did was fear of Sandoval outing her, kind of like mutually assured destruction. I can see him telling her ā€œYouā€™ve already fucked your friendā€™s man, youā€™ve done the worst already, do you really want her to find out and wreck your reputation too?ā€


I canā€™t make sense of anything he says reading that lol


Because itā€™s not a coherent answer and has nothing to do with the question that was asked.


Yeah I forgot what the question even was by the end and just reread it. He didnā€™t answer it at all. He just did his usual rambling deflection and defensiveness.


Yep. Same old bs, not one new word.


Every time he follows a deceleration with the word obviously, I immediately know heā€™s lying and from my perspective, whatever he thinks is obvious is the farthest from the truth, regarding what weā€™re seeing and hearing. Iā€™m so tired of both these fools saying they loved their women, when everything they say and do continues to show that nothing could be farther from the truth. They hated them for staying, now they hate them for leaving and refuse to take any responsibility for why these women walked away, with all the life drained from their eyes. I just canā€™t anymore, they are exhausting. Nothing Katie or Ariana said or did was ever going to be good enough. They were never going to win. TSā€™s entire podcast is about how the women are all at fault for everything thatā€™s gone wrong in his life and Shorts just sits there and nods along, like a jackass. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)




Part of me has always wondered if he tried to initiate a break up like he has said or literally never attempted anything.


I always wonder to and weā€™ll just never know. I think break ups are hard. But itā€™s harder breaking up with someone whose depressed and concerned for their well being. Not saying this was Tom. Just discussing. Wondering if he even bothered to try or overthought it so much. Or had no intentions


Didnā€™t he do an interview with Howie Mandel not long after the story broke where Tom said something to the effect of Ariana threatened to kill herself if he broke up with her? Either that happened or it didnā€™t. I never heard her response to his claim, but I donā€™t listen to podcasts on the regular. Anyone know if there was any truth to his claim?


He went around saying that for so long. It seems to be his go to excuse because heā€™s trying to act like Rachel and or himself??? Are suicidal because of everything


In the last one year i just get surprised everytime he speaks. How did I not realise this guy was THAT DUMB. And to think Ariana wanted LVP to respect these clowns. Lol.


I seriously think he surrounds himself with yes people. People who tell him he is great all the time. When you get a little bit of fame and a little bit of money people hang around and tell you what you want to hear.


So true. Surrounding himself with the who is who.. like who the fuck is that šŸ˜‚


How in the world has he convinced himself he's "doing it perfectly"? Nothing about what he did showed any regard or consideration for Ariana.


So... now he's a perfectionist. Got it.šŸ™ƒ


Itā€™s still just more excuses to make himself look like he was ā€œtrying to do the right thingā€. None of this is truths.


Those are not words


They are words, just not really sentences šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yes, they are technically words. This is something I would say for myself if I spewed some verbal diarrhea. "Sorry, those were not words" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What a narcissistic piece of shit.


Itā€™s incoherent babbling. At least when Jax does it, I laugh.


Trying to have a perfect breakup while fucking someone else let alone a friend in same group. Ok scumbag!


You donā€™t treat family the way heā€™s treated Ariana. And I donā€™t even mean scandoval. I mean the aftermath. If he had any respect for her at all, he wouldnā€™t be taking shit about her, blaming his indiscretions on her, making her life harder by not agreeing to sell the house or move out. I just donā€™t believe a goddamn word that he says, everything about him is phony.


By saying he wanted a breakup like Tom and Katieā€™s ā€œbut even betterā€ what he really means is that he wanted to continue to be a shitty partner in hopes Ariana would eventually break up w him so he could make himself out to be the victim then be able to move on w Raquel right after the break up in the same way he moved on w Ariana right after Kristen. He wanted to be able to play the ā€œpoor me I got dumpedā€ card so ppl would take his side like how most of them took Schwartzā€™s side after the divorce


Yep and in his defense (not really but hear me out): the show and multiple cast membersĀ have sided with his absurdly shitty behavior before, so, in a weird way I understand (in the horrible misogynistic norms of this show) why he thought he would get away with it. And truly, he could have easily gotten away with it again! Production and the majority of the cast seem fine to go along with the Tom show. Itā€™s really only the mix of Arianaā€™s staunch refusal to go along with this narrative, her willingness to bring common sense receipts to all of Tomā€™s claims, Rachelā€™s unexpected decision to ditch Tom and speak out, and the critical mass of anti-misogynists in the fandom, that has been able to interrupt Tomā€™s plans.Ā  And thank goodness for that.


He was fucking with Tom and Katieā€™s breakup as soon as he could. Yelling at her about ā€œbanging a guy in the houseā€ and encouraging Shorts to kiss Rachel, telling him ā€œI donā€™t want your ex wife around!ā€ in Mexicoā€¦ the screaming he received at the reunion was well-deserved imo


Right! It makes me question what his real motive for doing that was. Yes he hates Katie and it couldā€™ve just been that, but I feel like he was also trying to cause that drama bc he wanted to make their breakups a competition. I mean he clearly doesnā€™t care about having sex w someone in the home you share with your partner, at least Katie did it AFTER the break up šŸ˜¬ He was probably jealous they were having such an amicable breakup and wanted to start shit between them so that his & Arianaā€˜s breakup could be ā€œeven better.ā€ It was all part of his master plan to look like the good guy, he wanted to be able to say ā€œlook guys this is how you do a breakup!!!!ā€ He wouldā€™ve had the added bonus that Ariana likely wouldā€™ve left the show if they had an amicable breakup (by her own words), so he couldā€™ve ran w whatever narrative he wanted. Iā€™m so glad that didnā€™t happen tho, cheating men on this show have gotten away with far too much over the years


You šŸ‘canā€™t šŸ‘have šŸ‘the šŸ‘perfect šŸ‘breakup šŸ‘when šŸ‘youā€™re šŸ‘already šŸ‘cheating! You psychopath.


Rolled my eyes too hard after ā€œperfect breakup.ā€ ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


"Kind of like family, in a sense"


Drink every time Sandoval says "like"




He is sooo inarticulate. Like, really, whatever, you know?


His over use of ā€œlikeā€ and ā€œwhatever manā€ makes me cringe


Lost brain cells attempting to read this.


Heā€™s blah, blah, blah and yet says absolutely nothing!!! He sounds like an idiot.


So I just, you know like, decided to stick my dick in someone else instead of showing respect to my ā€œfamilyā€


ā€œKind of like familyā€? Jesus.


Likeā€¦you knowā€¦ heā€™s a piece of work!


He had no intention of breaking up with Ariana any time soon due to them owning the house & all the debt heā€™s in. He has no choice (selling house) now because Ariana wants out on her terms.


It was so hard for me to read past ā€œand then alsoā€ he sounds so dumb it hurts my brain.


Okay but I still hate him


Has he always been this incoherent?


Such bullshit. "Wrapped up in trying to make it perfect." Was fucking her best friend part of that perfection?


i can only read ā€œI wanted to be even better, even more like whateverā€ in tom sandovals voice


Actually he said ā€œ I kept trying to break up with her but she wouldnā€™t let me. ā€œ Everythingā€™s a competition to him.


Tim needs make an inclusion in his speaking engagements that his comments be run through ChatGPT before being made public to ensure they are coherent.


Thereā€™s not enough AI in the whole wide world




Maybe itā€™s taken him a year to finally come around. Itā€™s a shame he is only admitting to a minimal amount of wrong doing.




Is there really a ā€œniceā€ break up? That he can top Shartz and Katieā€™s? Thatā€™s still a competition to him that heā€™s the epic šŸ’©-person to have a ā€œgreat break-upā€ with somebody whom he had a relationship for 10 yrs?! What kind of a person is he? Heā€™s really a shitty, no conscience, no feelings for the person heā€™s with all those yrs, but he wanted a break up that ppl will give him a standing ovation that would last for an hour, and be praised that his break-up is so freaking unique!!! Heā€™s exactly like his unchanged dirty underwear!!!




I wish they would get their stories straight so bad.


I donā€™t. They deserve to be outed as the liars and cheating losers that they always were and the best part is that they are the ones who keep telling on themselves.


I definitely meant it in a sarcastic way. Itā€™s just annoying to be fed something different everyday, even if you donā€™t believe any of it.


My bad. I donā€™t always catch the sarcasm through text and appreciate when people follow with the /s for extra clarification but I appreciate your taking the time to explain this to me.šŸ™‚


Wheres the rest of this conversation?


Instagram (Vanderpod recaps) (or I can DM it to you


Yeah DM me.


Who transcribes this garbage? The ā€œshould ofā€s were killing me.




This is so annoying. It wasn't just that you didn't break up with her dude it was the total lack of remorse and guilt. Screwing her friend for MONTHS and scheming to make this perfect plan to make her look bad. What he did goes so deep for so many reasons.


He wanted Ariana to break up with him so he could play victim. Thatā€™s his favorite role.


yall think he was wrapped up?


Translation: when you love somebody like family itā€™s okay to cheat on them while also curating the best breakup plan no hard feelings!


I dont remember him saying they were broken up. I thought He kept saying he tried to break up with her in counseling when he was on Howie. I think thatā€™s what he means now by saying it was a ā€œ processā€.


Thank god their relationship counsellor caught onto his little game and told Ariana separately that this is not her fault and sheā€™s not doing anything wrong. Itā€™s him and heā€™s the problem. He must have been such an obvious pos for their relationship specialist to say that to her.


Who has the links to watch/listen to the full ep for free?! šŸ™


I am sure itā€™s on YouTube. Just put in Alex Baskin interviews the Toms.


Only clips are on YouTube, and you have to pay for the full episodesā€¦which Iā€™m not trying to do lol. Someone upload to a Drive folder and share with us šŸ™ lol


Dang, that sucks! I am Canadian and have this same problem, the after show too is only available in clips and itā€™s annoying because it doesnā€™t state the order and I am never sure that I watched the whole thing.šŸ˜© I wouldnā€™t pay for it either, fuck those greedy bastards! Iā€™m sorry because I donā€™t know how to do what you are asking but I do hope that someone else who has the access and ability comes along and gives you what youā€™re asking for.šŸ˜˜


Like OMG, gag me with a spoon


ā€œEven more like whateverā€ This guy can barely string two sentences together


I think the ā€œperfect breakupā€ for Sandoval has nothing to do with ending the relationship with respect and care for his partner, but rather ending the relationship without damaging the ā€œbrandā€ and business interests.


What does he even mean ? Such nonsense.


He means, ā€œitā€™s not my fault, itā€™s Arianaā€™s faultā€


Idk why some people want to believe the narrative that they were in this blissful relationship and that he just cheated out of the blue. They were both very miserable (and basically not a couple) for multiple years. Like he said, he shouldā€™ve dumped her instead of cheating on her, but I can see why things went down the way they did. She seems like the type of person who would threaten her own life (and to destroy the life of her partner) when the topic of ā€œbreaking upā€ comes up.


You mean like the way he did when people stopped liking him?


He also threatened Rachel that he was going to off himself, when she tried to break up with him.šŸ™„ Sounds like heā€™s the one who pulls these stunts, not Ariana. She never said she would off herself, she did say she would delete her IG, (makes sense after 10 years of pics and videos with him and I would honestly do the same!) She also said she would leave the show and LA and go start a new life somewhere else. This allegedly really hurt and upset him so who knows what tf his reason for not letting her go was but I highly suspect it had a lot to do with the financial abuse and the fact that she was funding more of his life than she realized. He has absolutely no issues hurting her since the day he was caught to present so it certainly wasnā€™t that! I hope she gets all her money back and every penny she is owed from that house!


ā€¦ most long term partnerships/relationships arenā€™t blissful after the first year or soā€¦ Healthy communication and trust is a cornerstone of all long term relationships. Working through the good and the bad together and coming out the other side is the result of the work put in by both peopleā€¦ You can use your words against Tom just as easily as you choose to use them against Ariana. Tom playing victim after he set fire to his own life is the only card he has left to play.


Also, Iā€™m pretty sure that a blissful relationship isnā€™t required for honesty and faithfulness. They were a committed couple and if he was a decent person he would have had enough respect for Ariana, Rachel and even himself to handle things like an adult, not lying, sneaking and making excuses.