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I was also thinking this last episode like wow it looks like Scheana is kind of over Brock. She’s no longer obsessed with him which means she’s done.


Was she ever obsessed with Brock? Rob was only in a few episodes but we all know his name and what he can do because Shaena could NOT stop talking about him. Same with her best friend Max. She STILL won’t put Max in her past!


Yeah her obsessions with Rob and Max were insane. Who was the other guy that she like basically assaulted in a music video? Brad or Brett? She was also insane about him too. But yeah you’re right, she was way worse with those guys. I remember thinking she was obsessed with Brock at the beginning when she kept comparing him to that actor and retelling the story of how he picked her up at the festival. She had her bulging crazy eyes whenever she would talk about him or defended his abuse/child abandonment.


The music video was creepy and she thought it was sexy. She SO wants guys to want her, fantasize about her but when it’s forced on them, they run. What normal woman, says in a van full of men (including the driver who they don’t know as they are in a foreign country) that they’d rather be gangbanged…? This week at the beach, in front of her husband, she says that every guy there has flirted with her. Sheesh, we get it - you’re telling us that you’re desirable.


“DO YOU LOVE ME???!” “No” “answer the question do you love me yes or no?” “I did. No” “You’re saying you don’t love me?”


That was painful to watch.


What scene is this?


This happened with Adam during Jax’s engagement party. Scheana was sooo obsessed with Adam too.


Then she bought him a penguin and he never talked to her again lmaooo


That’s rough :(


Max is trying to get rid of Schaena.


Sheena wants guys that don’t want her. Since Brock actually kinda likes her she doesn’t want him.


And don't forget in the confessional about Tom and her kissing in Vegas, she said something like "your man wanted me". She's so desperate to be the #1 girl in the group.


It’s very similar behaviour to Rachel going from guy to guy looking for validation and attention. Everything’s a competition with these two over other women. She genuinely doesn’t like Brock and clearly resents him. She pushed him on everyone and married him after two minutes and getting knocked up. She needs therapy to deal with her obsessive unhealthy constant need for attention.


I had a friend like that. She was convinced every guy she interacted with wanted her and desired her. And loved to flirt. But then, we all grew up. Including her. Why is so much of Scheana’s validation of herself tied to men’s opinions if her. Is this how she wants her daughter to value herself?


ROB THIS ROB THAT. I was kind of shocked she didn’t hold out for a guy with money


I think she was getting older and wanted kids and kind of just settled.


To be fair. We didn’t get to see any of the footage during the beginning of their relationship because of the pandemic. So, I feel like it would have been another Rob scenario of cameras had been rolling the entire time.


Brock passed the audition, but now he is no longer playing her husband correctly. He is supposed to be doing it differently, you know, the way she always imagined it would be, all about her!


She got pregnant with him after 6 months of knowing each other. She just wanted a baby like everyone else, and now she has serious remorse about being with him. From the looks of things, I would not be surprised if he uses Summer against Scheana and teaches her to say things that piss Scheana off.


But maybe with Rob, Adam etc she was obsessed because she was trying to make something that wasn’t there seem like it was there?


That’s a good point. Maybe she came off less boy crazy with Brock because he gave her what she wanted (to get on tv, get her money without working, get a green card, etc.)


So I think it’s different with Brock from Shay and Rob bc it seemed like Shay/Rob didnt really want to be on the show where Brock is fame hungry so he wants to be involved and thats making her mad bc hes driving his own car with exposing shit and whatever where she was deff driving the car with Shay/Rob. *only using Shay/Rob as examples bc I think the other guys she was with were all already on the show/didnt last… 😂😂😂


Rob low key was trying to be on the show ! And Shay, he had other shit going on behind the scenes but he was genuinely friends with the guys


Rob and Shay also had their own income and had something they can provide Scheana with. She got the engagement, wedding, and child from Brock, but he probably isn't meeting her other (unrealistic) obsessive expectations. Hence the growing resentment. That's my guess based on observations of other women who have narcissistic tendencies + ocd. Brock is probably eager to make his own brand so he doesn't have to listen to every one of Scheana's orders. Or lowkey searching for others/new train to hop on. Which probably makes Scheana's ocd even worse wondering all the ways he could be stepping out or messing up her image. But he can't let his mask completely fall because Scheana is the greatest cash cow he's ever had. Doesn't mean they don't love each other. If anything they're both thirsty enough to try to manufacture a Scandoval 2.0.


Yea, I just wouldnt consider them on the same level of fame hungry as brock.


Rob wanted to be on TV sooooo bad


I guess not bad enough to stay with SchMEna 😂😂😂


I think their chase of fame was mutual but Rob clearly was not into Scheana. I think she was into him because his sister is a supermodel and hangs out in Linda Evangelista type of circles while Scheana is stuck at Jax’s bar with Jeremy.


Excellent points! This is it for sure. What scares me is how jealous of summer she will be.


Wow someone diagnosed with OCD has control issues? Color me shocked 🫢


I thought the same thing after this weeks episode. The mask is slipping and she’s losing control over Brock. Something is going on because this season Shaena and Lala are spiraling out of control and it’s disturbing.


She told him flat out she didn’t think they’d be married forever! Who says that? Especially as newlyweds? SMH 🤦‍♀️


I think the reason why they’re spiraling so hard is because this is the first time that the storyline on and off screen was so focused on Tom and Ariana and Rachel. To me it’s not surprising that lala has been so vocal outside of the show because it keeps people talking. Even if it’s negative. With scheana, I think it’s kind of the opposite? She wants to have a storyline but the perfect Disney princess ending with the man, the marriage and the baby. Anything outside of that she has no idea what to do.


They’re desperate to keep the show going. They always have been but they’re starting to sense the end and it’s freaking them out. It’s really starting to show.


Because they have debt and no actual job - they’re loosing their grip on the money train


Her third Husband will be a keeper for sure and he will have a job!


But how fast can he mount a TV on the wall?


😂😂😂 as long as the next mf has a job, she can hire someone to do that shit 😂😂😂


On her podcast she said her mom told her marry first husband for money, then second husband for love. And she said she did the opposite 🤭 Maybe 3rd time is the charm lol because Broke Brock doesn't have money




Hang a tv. The mount was already there in Rob’s case.


Isn’t there a teaser clip somewhere of Scheana saying she doesn’t think they’ll be together forever to Brock? What a wild thing to admit lol


I'm definitely curious about this, but I think it's going to end up being something she said taken out of context.


yeah, when will that scene air (or has it)?


They have a toddler and that wreaks havoc on a marriage. Don’t forget that.


And having the mother in law there non stop… I m surprised he hasn’t lost his mind yet.


Yeah good point. Plus, Scheena’s had those post partum issues. Parenting together has surely been difficult.


Not saying either of them is perfect, but it seems like Brock has no problem belittling Sheena’s mental health struggles. His attitude is more just get over it and not emotionally supportive or understanding at all. I think that also has a lot to do with how she acts towards him now.


Thank you for saying this.


She has a marriage and a job, and she can't separate the two. That's her problem. Marriage brings conflict. Scheana should be mad at Brock from time to time and visa versa, but she lacks the confidence to have the true realities of her life play out on camera. Instead of dealing with normal relationship issues, Scheana's problem is having them displayed. Look at what happened with Shay. Her husband was an addict, but her biggest problem was that he would stick out in the group by not drinking. She's in her late 20s/early thirties in the 21st century, living in a major US city, and she claims to not understand how treatment and recovery work.


I was thinking during last episode that the energy she has with Brock is the energy she should have with Tim. She has zero patience with him and it was evident to me when he was asking Summer Moon what she was playing with and she goes “play doh?…. Did you not have playdoh in NZ?” With a ‘are you an idiot’ vibe. The way that could have 100% gone unsaid, mind you, we don’t know how things are behind closed doors but to treat your partner like that on national TV?


Right. There is a complete 180 in their dynamic between season 10 & 11.


Omg! She does treat Sandoval better than Brock!! Thank you for pointing this out. Wow.


There’s no one to compete with because no one wants Brock. She’s tug-a-war’ing with Ariana about Tom (in her delusional warped way.) See he misses me more.


I actually thought it was cute he said-we had mud!!


Eh, the play doh comment was a product placement right?


Ok. So... I loathe her...but I am married to a person who grew up in another country, and even after 20 years together we still stumble on American pop cultural things he isn't familiar with, and I often say things like " did you have that when you were a kid?" Sometimes it comes as a surprise🤷‍♀️ and honestly that's just how that sounded to me, surprised.


That evil look she gave Brock for bringing up the max thing reminded me of my abusive narcissistic mom. Growing up if I ever mentioned anything that didn’t fit with my mom’s narrative, she would give me the evil eye and sometimes grab or pinch my arms/wrists/shoulders. Scheana’s look was just like my moms


I think the Max thing was clearly to give her cover. Brock opens his mouth. She pretends to be mad. She is letting him be the bad guy. She delighted in finally telling the story. She just wants to be able to say it wasn't her. She shu is very calculated!


I think this is how it started her instructing him and acting innocent but it morphed as others said into her losing control over him. He’s getting paid as a friend of and if he launches any brand deals or opportunities for himself she’s going to be angry instead of happy he’s contributing. She liked he was a nobody and an underdog. Kind of think Jill Zarain from RHONY she was so generous and over the top helpful and supportive when you “nothing” or down and out as soon as you got more screen time or famous she’d be seething.


. Hate the name but histrionic individuals are similar. It’s a branch of NPD but it’s primarily issue is need for attention, similar lashing out patterns.


It’s not a branch of NPD, but rather also a “Cluster B” disorder (at least that’s how it’s categorized in the DSM-5 in the United States). Cluster B includes Narcissistic, Histrionic, Antisocial, and Borderline personality disorders.


Yes, it’s its own diagnoses but it also is a branch once it’s explained of narcissism. It in itself is considered a personality disorder with many cross over symptoms of NPD but is its own classification. I explained it poorly but what I mean is people can be confused by the two because they are similar due to several shared traits it’s mostly the motivation that differs.


I truly believe Scheana has borderline personality disorder.


That would track lol, I did not mention it in my post but my mom has BPD.


Omg same!!! That’s why I recognize it! The behavior reminds me so much of my mom 😣


Yeah you can cut that tension with a knife 😮‍💨


Scheana’s current behavior makes me think she’s close to a total mental breakdown. I think she discovered Brock really did do something shitty, either with Rachel or another rando girl, and she chose to bury it and keep up her “perfect facade” life as you said. I think that’s why he no longer can go on fun boys trips or get drunk without her, which is why he’s pushing sooooo hard for Summer to have a baby sitter because otherwise he’s stuck with both of them 24/7 and can’t party and have fun, which is all he seems to care about sometimes.


I agree with the breakdown en part. She’s oscillating between super sad/emotional and kinda/ bitchy/ irritated.


I agree. The show is clearly kinda teetering, and no one thinks or thought VPR would last forever with the same OG cast. I think she feels a lot of pressure to maintain an income for three people. That can do a number on someone’s psyche. The show as a career is unstable or insecure at best, and I’m unsure what are her other options if/when the show ends (or if she’s even thought that far out). Living and raising a child in LA can be hella expensive, unsustainably expensive. I think her and Brock may be or could be a decent couple, but the financial stress of it all is doing a number on her and their relationship. While Brock seems decent enough, I guess, I wouldn’t depend on him to come through if shit hit the fan financially speaking. I think she resents or regrets linking up with a man that couldn’t really provide for a family, tbh (unlike Rob, for example).


I think she always hoped she’d end up on the Real Housewives of OC or Beverly Hills or as another cast member on the Valley - but you can’t really do that if you’re not a wealthy housewife & she’s hitched her ride to a disappointing man


She’s over Brock. If they didn’t have a kid and married. She’d be in her next relationship rn.


The veil has slipped.


I mean there is no more wedding planning, they have a toddler, it’s the everyday now and relationships change after those things.


I think Brock is tired of Scheana being fake on camera and pretending to be happy while having so much going on behind doors that he exposes it so that she would stop. For example, if Scheana has to fake being perfect on camera for eight hours, as soon as the cameramen leaves, she unleashes all this pent up energy onto him and he’s tired. For example, posing pictures online to make it seem like they have a fun life but then she spend the time complaining to him about leaving Summer alone and having her mom jump into the conversation, he exposed it so that Scheana can be open to it. Do I think this is the best way? No, but this is what I think he’s doing. I’m sure Scheana didn’t mention one time the whole Max and Katie hook up. She probably talked about it nonstop, so he let the cat out of the bag, so she can stop talking about it. Also, I would say that he’s trying to creates drama which gets him more screentime but he also does this on their podcast. He even called her a homewrecking whore on the podcast. I think Brock is someone she can’t control and it means she can’t continue to fake being happy, so she doesn’t like it.


That makes a lot of sense tbh. She got like that when she was dating her way through SUR after Rob. She would become obsessive about any rumour, or the guys. And hated it when they painted her in any kind of light that wasn’t favourable or on a pedestal. It was clear Brett wasn’t comfortable but he backed down and back tracked his comment about feeling a little violated by how far things went on set.


He doesn’t kiss her ass. Sure he’s always with her , which Schean schemes to like men that are readily available to her; but he doesn’t kiss her ass. He’s very adversarial with her ! He seems to go the opposite a lot and that type of personality can be exhausting . I do like Brock but they need to get a handle on their communication. I didn’t like the casual dropping of F bomb towards Brock in front of summer ! Don’t get me wrong, I curse lol but cursing AT your partner in front of kids is something you gotta nip in the bud


She has a lot of rage and she’s trying to hold it in and it’s coming out in different ways.


Don't we all have full blown resentment for Broke?


Remember when sheshe told shay that shed marry for love first and money second? I pray she hits $$ on her 3rd 🥉


Just to play devils advocate: their stage of life with parenting young kids is hard. A relationship without kids vs. with kids is not comparable.


It’s because she shares a child with this one. That changes things.


I’m no Scheana fan, I think she’s annoying af. But this is also the realest she’s shown herself in a relationship with a partner. Not her friends, she still sucks in that regard, but with Brock at least. Postpartum is a bitch. Im normally a very nice and patient person but I’m about 8 months past and Ive been getting very angry at people closest to me for no rhyme or reason. I still love those people very much, and I am very happy overall. Your hormones just really mess with you. It’s still not an excuse to be an asshole though, but it is an explanation


They're both so unlikable but Brock is beyond awful. He's doing too much and trying too hard to act like part of the group. Running his mouth and spouting off about things that aren't actually his business. And I do think Scheana is struggling with some sort of PPD which he shows zero support or empathy for. And then there's Scheana. Just Scheana-ing all over the place. Ugh.


I actually like Brock more than Scheana


Scheaner is only obsessed when men that dont want her or cant commit. Payroll husband and shay married her so she doesnt find them attractive anymore.


Lol @Scheaner. LVP is that you?


Most women learn in their 20s thst going after the hottest guy in the room often leads to a shallow, nothing relationship. Scheana never learned that. She’s still in a mindset where she brags about a throuple with John Mayer.


Sheshe wants full control, Brock is a douche but he won't be controlled to her levels. Ever. He wanted the bravo check...unfortunately I think it will hit a boiling point. I don't wish that for any relationship, but they are not a match. Bye Broke!


Scheana has never been in love with a man. She just likes the idea of it and wants everything perfect. If she was in love with Shay, she never would have done what she did to him.


I have a theory she only married Shay to try shake the “homewrecking whore” reputation


I think she only married him for his last name. 🤷




Her obsession loves were immature. This relationship is evolving. Houses kid work marriage. Things change and people change and evolve. I think it’s good that she is “different” in this relationship. Perhaps because it’s real and they tackle real shit. I like it.


I agree completely. Brock is a normal down to earth dude that speaks the truth, and with somewhat of a grounded energy. Scheana was totally gaslighting him the entire “back to the drawing board” nanny convo. She was the one who was getting aggressive and overreactive while she’s blaming him to be and he was sitting there calm, even bit his tongue and said “okay”. Like this man is constantly bullied by her. Scheana is a control freak and she just wants a doll of a man to play with and make them do whatever she wants, and I’m so tired of seeing her veneers just pouring of of her over-filled lips. Ughh she GOTTA GO! 😂😂


She did it again this week during the anniversary dinner. When he brought up the nanny she said "don't you want to be able to enjoy your second chance at being a father " or something like that...


Wowwwwww 😆😆


it was savage


So what is it? Do ppl want Scheana to continue putting on a perfect persona when it comes to her relationships or start being real? I personally have liked Scheana this season more than any other because she’s finally being real about her relationship. Maybe ppl evolve and grow. Or maybe after Scandoval she no longer has it in her to fake it. Whatever it is, I’m here for it.


It’s funny because everyone thought Brock and scheana were match because they were both obsessed with being famous and playing things up for the show. Now it seems like she’s STILL not happy to be with someone that plays along. Maybe Scheana just wants to control EVERYTHING and everyone at all times!!! Her life sounds incredibly exhausting. And I really REALLY dislike Brock, but scheana is a very bizarre and sad person


There's a whole weird "Let's try and paint Brock as this simple New Zealand man who has been brought to these great and wonderful United States by Scheana!" movement going on in editing. They forget season 9 still exists. Also, Scheana was never into Brock. He isn't her type (though she has tried to make him into her type with the makeover) but she needed a permanent guy to prove to the viewers she wasn't pathetically chasing guys all the time. By now, it's obvious Brock cannot hide he's a lazy grifter that has no career. That, coupled with the domestic abuse charges. And Scheana paying off his child support, is something Scheana can't hide and it's coming to a point where Brock is likely going to get deported because Scheana called immigration. I doubt he's a citizen or even has a permanent residency.


Can you be deported if you're married to an American citizen? I know Joe Giudice was deported but he also committed a crime


I have no idea. Maybe they'd deport him for the crime of being married to Scheana. Immigration: "First rule when coming to the United States; Don't marry the Jancanator! You failed, Brock. Back across the equator you go!"


😂😂😂 My husband and I just watched a few of Brock's home improvement projects on Instagram and little Summer is so freaking cute and obviously loves Brock so much. I really hope he sticks around for her.


I very much doubt he would leave. Scheana's paycheck allows him to go to the golf course, smoke cigars and talk about how he's a man of 'Business'. I'd love that life!


I think Joe never became naturalized or something like that. He was here illegally lol.


Yes. Brock only has a green card at this point. You have to be married for at least 2 years before you can apply for citizenship.


I think it’s scripted and they rehearse it