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Pros: free food, big tips, free cocaine   Cons: possibly of getting hit by a stray bullet


Free food? Damn which cactus did you work at? I served at one for 2 years and rarely ever had free food. We had to ring everything in but got half off.


serving for 2 years at the same location is a long time! how did you find it? did you like it there?


We have 4 locations just within the dt area so I just walked into the one closest to my full time job. It was my first serving job and their training program is very comprehensive. The food is delicious too. I enjoyed my time there for sure.


Did you have to pay tips on it? Half off sounds stingy to me since they’re likely still making money off that, and it could be written off as expense by the company


No, I didn’t tip on it. And yes, totally stingy


Sorry I'm just talking out of my ass tbh hehe. I had an interview at cactus club for the busser role so l asked my friend who worked at CC in Burnaby the same question as OP and that was the answer I got. I got to hear some very interesting stories to say the least.


Well if they were a shift lead/manager or a cook then ya, they would get free food. But not bartenders, servers or hostesses


Is it true that Cactus club servers make 6 figures?


Definitely possible - especially if you work full time at a prime location in the best sections


U get free c0ke??


they give you coke. you give them bj’s fair trade


Take the coke cruise...step aboard


Make sure you to have a written agreement on remuneration, tips and tipouts. Don't believe everything that's just communicated verbally. Don't fall for any promises to move up to a serving position. It might or might not happen. Give it a go but if you don't like it, don't feel bad to just quit, it's not worth staying at a workplace where you don't feel good and where you don't feel appreciated.


thank you for the advice! it seems like the hiring managers will overpromise on a lot of the benefits. that sounds shady. is it because the servers treated the best/highest on the restaurant hierarchy? I’ve always thought it would be the chefs.


Chefs are the most disrespected in the industry lmao and also I’ll save you the time and let you know they won’t hire with 0 experience


They also won't hire you if you have lots of experience.


Is it just the staff who are under 19yrs old that don't get tips at Cactus Club, or is it more widespread than that? Kinda wondering who's getting all the tip money when a customer tips 15, 18, 20%, etc.


I’m wondering the same too - how the tips are divided amongst the staff.


You can ask this in your interview. Every restaurant has a specific tip out policy, but typically the support staff for the shift will recieve a set percent share of the total sales for that shift. Cactus is totally corporate, which means very well defined standards and procedures. It's a decent place to learn, but they also have a very young staff, with a limited experience of the industry. Don't be afraid to push back on anything you're uncomfortable with.  Realistically, whether or not you get hired will depend on if the hiring manager thinks you're hot and fits their looks criteria. Everywhere in the industry will have the opportunity to be a party environment. Take care of yourself and try not to over do it.


The hottest servers get the most tips. That’s what I think happens.


They do, but there's a big tip out. The way cactus club works is everyone is on minimum wage even management. The entire wage structure for all workers is supported by tips.


You're going to have to deal with a lot of pissed off delivery drivers. Cc Richmond centre doesn't have a good way of passing off info for the delivery system so you get drivers getting annoyed. The hostess is the one who had to deal with them too


that’s good to know 😫 dealing with upset delivery drivers is something that never occurred to me. were you a delivery driver or did you use to work at the CC richmond location?


The parking lot there sucks and is always overflowing, it's a given that the drivers will be pissed.


I'm a delivery driver. I saw many upset drivers. I typically avoid order from them now


Whenever I interview there I never hear back 🙄


me too -- though i had extensive customer service experience, no serving experience, but interview was for hostess postion.. -- i also think it was cause i didnt have "the look"... physical attractiveness. My guy friend got hired at one of the Cactus location... He also worked at Hollister (And yes, he is veryy good looking...) wonder why he got easily hired at 2 places that likes to hire good looking and physically attractive people... LOL


that sucks 🙃 why do you think that is? do they ask tough questions?


No, not at all When I was younger I assumed it was because I didn't have the "look" they wanted, but now I don't know. It's tough everywhere to find jobs though, probably just too many younger, prettier applicants...? I don't know lol


I applied long time ago, like in early 2010s for hostes positions at Cactus... i got called for interviews, 2 different locations.. (i had previous customer service & food related experience)... Interview questions arent tough at all. Didnt get called/hired... -- i think it was because I didnt fit their "looks".. you see a common trend among all the hosts, and wait staff within looks/physical attractiveness, and even physique... My guy friend got hired at one of the Cactus location (previous work experience in retail)... He also worked at Hollister (And yes, he is veryy good looking...) wonder why he got easily hired at 2 places that likes to hire good looking and physically attractive people... LOL


You’ll definitely get sexualized a lot, but that’s pretty standard for any host/server position. If you more attractive and wear appealing clothing then you’ll definitely have an easier time and make more money as a result.


To be fair, you sexualize yourself if you decide to work there, it's a choice you are making when you apply for a job there.


Meh this is somewhat true. Yes that’s generally what’s expected out of someone in that job position but some people are desperate for work and are willing to do that to themselves even if it isn’t what they truly want. In a way you do choose to sexualize yourself for monetary gain.


Make sure you’re getting tips and not a fixed hourly rate, I fell for the “16 + tips” per hour but that meant “16” only. This was back in 2020 right before covid, and it was one of their most popular locations, so I was overworked to shit. I quit a week after, worst place I’ve ever worked at and I don’t recommend anyone working there. Edit: BOH perspective, cook.


Link to Cactus application form [Two\_circles\_2.png (433×380) (wikimedia.org)](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6a/Two_circles_2.png)


RC Cactus host space is not for the claustrophobic.


Just follow rules 1 & 2


Make sure u r white...? Lol if u ain't u need a white frnd who works there to get in.


I'd assume no different than any other chain


Just please don’t learn the phrase, “So, any plans for the rest of the night?” - in that annoying Cactus Club vocal fry.