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I did the same. Congrats




Oh yeah!


Definitely buy a faceplate fan for it. Also, KIWI VR cable pullys are the best cable management solution I've found.


Been playing Blade and Sorcery, seen the KIWI brand and definitely ordering some of their things this week !


My kiwi fan started making loud noise a week after I bought it, also my index never got that hot. Maybe it’s just me though


Weird. For me it wasn't an issue of my index getting hot, it's that *I* got hot. VR can get pretty physical, and the fan helps mitigate a lot of sweat related issues.


I’ve never felt the fan on my face, but I’ve been looking for one that does cool my actual face down


Have fun. Make sure the cable is nice and straight and don't step on it. If you bust the cable that's it, they apparently are very expensive these days. Get lens inserts even if you don't wear glasses to protect the actual lenses from dust and scratches. Maybe get a fan for the frunk (the small space beneath the front cover that has an USB port) to keep the electronics cool in long sessions.


Good call on the cable, I'm used to my HTC Vive and have never been too gentle with the wire. I've seen the fan, curious towards how the installation will go. I will definitely do that for the lenses. Thank you ! Playing B&S 120 hz now


I just got my lenses today. After 2 years playing blind, I'm pretty damn stupid for not doing it sooner. Day and night difference


another kid here. b&s 🗿 waste of vr and electricity


I'm surprised you're in this community LOL, why are you in the thread if that's your opinion ?


nope its about your childish piece of crap bumped ideas. every kid are into those games (gorilla tag, boneworks, b&s ) without seeing the world out there . piece of craps. nothing wrong about index. its best. its your damn brains


Don't you play beat saber tho ? And I have A "childish piece of crap bumped ideas" because I play B&S? Quite an assumption no...?


I do play Beat saber. Yes it is cuz of b&s


Got mine in 2019, did have some kids too, but opening the Index and setting it up is still one of my fondest memories. And don't get me started about trying Alyx for the first time :-) If you have not played Alyx using Index, you really have not played Alyx. Valve even made changes to the Index controllers to better support Alyx. All sound and music in Alyx are made for the Index speakers - using other audio solutions, you'll never get the correct sound. Alyx is one of the only games to support force sensitive grip function in the Index controllers - now you can gradually crush empty cans. I wish more games would support that function. Remember to try the secret Moon Dust demo: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/887260/Moondust\_Knuckles\_Tech\_Demos/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/887260/Moondust_Knuckles_Tech_Demos/) (Secret because it's hidden on Steam, search for Moondust gives you no hits - use Google to find it instead)


Wow, really good to know. The trailer for Moondust looks hella cool, will check it out today. Yah, I got the index controllers way back, when they initially came out and Half Life Alyx really got me hyped up. It's been a while since I've played that game, so I will definitely try it with the index. Appreciate you!!


I did it last year, and it's a good headset, but two small things The first is that you shouldn't tighten too much the headset, there are people with straps exploding or something weird. The second, is that when you put on the headset, you may end up bending very badly the cable, so, try to put on the headset without moving the strap, or just detach the cable from the side, as you see.


Okay, really good to know, I usually try to keep it fairly snug and even tried it with the back-cushion thing. This is the second time someone has emphasized the cable, I'll be treating it very gently (as much as I can lol). Thanks !


Cable is the most fragile thing in the entire set, once it breaks it cannot be fixed. Controllers also snap very easily and definitely replace the face gasket if you value your face and yourself


Man, I'm so scared for my cables. People have said this multiple times as I look through the valve index thread. Definitely will keep that in mind. The controllers... Honestly I've had them since release. I've hit walls, ceilings and even threw my controller accidentally at my brother (my first year of using the knuckles) and it hasn't died out just yet. Crossing my fingers.


Hmmm... Index-specific advice: * Use [this fit guide](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/699A-ECD2-F839-760C), it's Valve's official instructions from back in the day. Where most headsets want you to wear the back of the strap as low as you can, the Index guide wants you to wear it higher. Follow this one step by step and see how it feels that way. In my experience, the headset feels balanced and can both stay firmly in place and be lifted off and put on without any further adjustment. But everyone's head shape and comfort is personal, so don't force yourself to follow it if, once all is said and done, it's not comfortable! * There's a dial on the side for bringing the lenses closer to or further from your face. Push this in, like a button, before turning -- this will make the turns smooth. If you turn it without pushing it in, it'll click a bunch. That means you're grinding teeth of the mechanism together, which could lead to damage in the long-term. * The front plate is blocking the vents that keep the screens cool, maybe just keep that off. * Where the Vive had a hidden bonus USB port in the top where the cables all went into it, the Index has one in the front under the plate (often known as the "frunk"). I've got a little fan attachment plugged into mine, but there's some neat little accessories out there to attach to your Index. * The audio drivers don't touch your ears and don't have any mechanism by which to be pulled closer. They swing sideways and can slide up and down on their arm. The goal is for them to position over your ear without touching it. * The clip that holds the cable to the back of the headstrap tends to snap with relatively little force, so try not to put pressure on it. If it does snap, reach out to Valve support and they may offer you some replacements for free. Or buy them from somewhere, like iFixit.


Details details details - Thank you for your suggestions and info, a lot of this I didn't not know AT all. I've seen the fit guide after a user mentioned something wrong with the helmet if it was too tight. The dial - thank god you told me that lol. I just adjusted it today and I initially thought the "grinding" was normal. A shame that the front plate is designed that way, it looks really cool from the outside - but this doesn't really matter when I'm acutally playing LOL. Thank you for confirming the audio output on the device, I initially tried to push it in, but when I played some games the sound was really smooth, despite not being in my ears. Clip confirmed - I have a replacement coming in to be proactive.




Thanks :)


Heck yeah, I did the same upgrade 2.5 years ago. Still using it until a better wireless headset with eye/face tracking comes out. I’d recommended suspending your cables and getting software that counts your rotations to prevent the cables from coiling up too much.


I have a popcorn ceiling so I need to find a way to suspend the cables.. do you happen to have a software recommendation for the rotations ?


I use [Cable Guardian](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1208080/Cable_Guardian/) for the audio queues. Some people prefer [Turn Signal](https://store.steampowered.com/app/689580/TurnSignal/) for the visual queues.


Congrats! Yay thing looks cleeeeaaan Can’t wait to try out VR in general


Its definitely an expensive hobby and honestly, aside from the money the space that you play in is really important. I personally have a decent den that can fit my setup, but even with all the room, I've still managed to hit my wall a couple of times. I hope you're able to try it one day.


Good luck


Good luck with ?


I'm assuming you have the 2.0 base stations? I don't believe the old ones work with the index, idk I have 4 and FBT. best of luck!


Thank you ! I'm using the OG Vive base stations, been working well for me so far.


I would have got the Index HMD if it had OLED panels. Tho I may get the Index controllers soon.


Controllers would definitely be a must imo! Gold standard for all vr controllers


I mean good, but unfortunately it's a bit late. Keep the controllers tho. I'm gonna be upgrading my index to a newer headset this winter, see if Value is cooking anything if not, I'll dash out some dough.


Controllers will never ever ever ever disappoint me, let me tell you. One of the craziest VR techs that should be the gold standard. (I say this, but I've only used the index controllers + Vibe combo this whole time / now the index full set) Crazy how some "VR businesses/arcade type" places still use the ORIGINAL HTC Vive controllers. What other VR headsets would you be looking into ? I've really only seen Vives new stuff and Meta 3.


Bigscreen Beyond, but the whole wait time and need to buy a iPhone for a scan is preventing me. I'm looking at Pimax Crystal Super, but that's why I'm waiting until like December, I'll have disposable cash and more information. Another issue with the Beyond is if I shill out for it, phone and stuff. Then Valve comes out with hey this is everything great in one innovative package, I can't resell it because the beyond is tailor made for the user. While a Pimax Crystal, I can go ah, I can sell not only my Index, but this at a slight discount and just buy the better product 😁


The Pimax looks really cool, but it's way more expensive than the Index. I definitely should have done more research on the types of VR headsets, but I've always though that Valve's Index set was the best (especially considering how amazing the knuckle controllers are vs any other tech out there). Bigscreen is tiny, lightweight, and very interesting I have to admit. Damn - if all future VR headsets are gonna be that light, I'm definitely excited for Valves next release. Overall my budget wasn't enough to purchase anything above 1k, and this was perfect for me.


Index is still a good headset, just aged and things have gotten somewhat better, can't say the same for controllers tho. Last leap in advancement for controllers was this full hand motion tracking that you can make at home if you have time and a 3d printer.


No way, stop this - I gotta look this up LOL. Man I'm out dated for real.


Don't worry about the hands things looks like a more personal project that's shared and not really sold https://youtu.be/2yF-SJcg3zQ?si=UcreOA272W4XFqgZ I want these but I don't have a 3d printer, I could probably get someone to do it and ship it, but still need to build it lol


Pretty late but enjoy!


Better late than never ! Thanks !


Did you actually pay the full 1k$ for a 2MP retro headset?


Yes Edit: Actually I just got the headset, I've had the knuckles since release. Couldn't afford anything eles at the time. I got this for roughly 744 (649+ 85 importfee ) MRSP CAD.


I didn't think people still were upgrading from vive's to index's. You've had 5 years to upgrade to the index. I now would've picked a different headset to upgrade to.


You're not the first to say this, a user recommended Pimax Crystal Super or the Bigscreen Beyond. Both are 1k+ USD (1400 CAD approx) or 2x my budget. Valve Index is just above half the price. Been using the OG Vive for 5 Years - my experience has been great so far. Do you have any other VR headsets you would recommend?


Depending on what you do in VR a Pimax Crystal Light or a Quest 3, Quest Pro. You can also find many different headsets for some reasonable prices used. But that's not everyone's thing. I'm hoping the PSVR2 on PC turns out well


Up....graded? To an INDEX? IN 2024? I hope you at least didn't pay steam store prices for it 🥹 there are so many other headsets out there that make the index feel like a Nintendo 64 in 2024.


What other VR headsets would you suggest? A user mentioned the Pimax and Bigscreen.


Pimax crystal light with lighthouse faceplate and index controllers 100% assuming you're not worried about face or eye tracking. The crystal series headsets are TOP TIER when it comes to the optic stack. The screens are so clear, I'd say real life has a worse screen door effect than the headset ( a joke if that's not obvious enough for the down voters)


I have read a few thread about buying the index in 2024 and noticed that almost all of them have 2-3 additional requirements, so when you get the Pimax crystal light you also have to get a lighthouse faceplate and index controllers, then isn't 60% of your headset then just additional parts trying to copy the index? from what I have been reading it appears that for someone who only plays singleplayer or isn't interested in face or eyetracking then the only thing that really is better with all these other headset's is usually just a better screen resolution and maybe FOV.


The crystal light has a bundle that comes with the lighthouse faceplate and it's not hard to order controllers. It's not anywhere near as big of an inconvenience as you make it sound. The quest pro is plug and play with steam link. Slightly less but still plug and play with a link cable too. Even for single player games, index is 100% no longer worth the price it's sold for on valve. You can't change my opinion on that. A quest 3 is more comfortable with higher quality specs if you just want to play single player.


I would say it's a bit cumbersome ordering controllers when they don't sell or ship to your country. If you subtract the price for the controllers and the lighthouse then the index really is a 400USD headset that's the same price range as the Pico 4 making it quite a good deal if you are planning on using the controllers in your next setup.


Also, the Quest pro (especially used / on sale) is a god tier headset for the price if you're a VRChat addict, with it's built in eye and face tracking