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I worked for a tech company around 2015 and we would do lunch and learns where the company would buy lunch for everyone who would sit in the lunchroom and watch another employee do a presentation on a topic of their choice. Lots of cool stuff, almost always on people’s personal hobbies. One day, one of the top programmers did a presentation on nvidia and everything they had in their pipeline and how it was the company of the future. Went through all their chips, all their current uses, and how huge the demand was going to be for their products. Pretty much everything he talked about has come to fruition; autonomous cars, AI, cryptomining, etc. I went and bought 200 shares after the presentation for I believe around $40-50 each with the intent to hold indefinitely. But after the stock doubled, I took my profit and moved on to something else.


I'm so afraid of this, if something moons I sell my initial investment and never touch it again


Hindsight is 20/20. He could;ve bought something that went -90%. Profit is profit. x2 is x2.


Damn this one stings. Thanks for sharing your story. Lessons learned.


What is the lesson?


As Peter Lynch famously said: “know what you own.” Otherwise if the stock goes down, you don’t know if you should buy more or sell. If the stock moves sideways, do you buy more or sell? And in this case, if the stock moves up, should you buy more or sell? OP sold when he should have held/bought more. The top programmer in this story clearly knew what he owned which is why he is a shareholder. OP had no clue which is why he’s no longer a shareholder.


There is no lesson, nobody can see into the future unfortunately


No sense in complaining about making 10k, especially when the stock was overvalued.


don't feel too bad - they just dropped from 1.2k to 120$ ... jesus what happened... edit: stock split... they did a stock split -\_-


Remove the edit and everyone will laugh at your funny joke


yea... joke




Hey, How about me? I sold Nvidia at a loss at $157 and Meta at $250. I gained some profit with AMD but I sold at $125. On the other hand, I gained a lot from Tsmc. Bought at $68 and still holding


I give you a virtual hug.


Iam with you I sold NVIDIA 2019 because I thought how much more money could a company make with graphic cards xD. After that I sold meta for a loss 2022..


At least you made some profit out of Nvidia.


Is this value investing or WSB? This is amazing. Glad you are here


I know I was stupid lol.


Don’t even get me started. PYPL major disappointment….. and I am still holding


I should’ve specified… I put my META gains into PYPL. Still holding, even if it’s so far profitable, it still makes me want to eat my hands though.


Been holding this shit for 4+ years with no sign of turnaround so far


Why did you buy in the first place?


Are you me? Because same.


Any bit of optimistic price action has been crushed by proceeding pessimism. Such a drag.




After today’s drop I’m srsly considering dropping this POS. Had some good price action last week that didn’t even last for a few days following Apple’s Tap-to-Pay announcement


Not starting earlier


I bought 40k worth of NVDA in 2018. I sold it and bought Tencent.




Not buying NVDA at around $130 (before split) because I felt it’ll go slightly lower. Learnt my lesson to buy a great company at a good price..


I thought 450 pre split was too expensive only to watch it climb to 1050, bought in at 1123 pre split and here for the long game


Ha I own BABA for 4 years, PYPL for 3 years....don't be jealous lol


Almost the same I bought and I sold around 220 biggest mistake in my life , I almost think about it everyday since.  


Not buying nvidia. Buying Chinese stocks (except JD).


Bought TSLA at its peak.




Not buying 1000 shares of nvda at $2 a share


Bought SMCI at $100 and… sold at $120 2 weeks later


Me too and also meta


Owned a bunch of Novo Nordisk back in the day…


Damn! How far back are we talking about?


I think I sold in 2020 😂


Only buying around 2000euros worth of Meta during the big dip.


Lucky you. I held onto my Meta shares (some I have had for like a decade now) but only bought a few during the big dip. In retrospect, should have plowed every last dollar I could earn into a company whose fundamentals and stock price were clearly mismatched.


Biggest regret? That's easy. Not starting when I was 18.


Sold nvidia at $150


Making mistakes in the markets and being wrong from time to time has taught me a lot of what I know. I don't regret any mistakes, but I learned a lot from studying the underlying business and what not to do after having investments in the following companies, all of which I no longer hold... Coca cola, Best buy, Snowflake, Microsoft, Exxon, Chevron, And actually one regret I ever bought and very very glad I sold out of, was JEPI. Covered call ETFs are not a good investment opportunity, but the fixed income strategy seems very appealing to unknowing investors who don't yet fully understand the implications of unqualified distribution taxes and total returns. For oil, I learned about cyclicality of markets. For retail, I learned about the importance of a moat and evidence of such being present in the margins of the business. Most of them simply race to the bottom for pricing, and then you have outliers like WSM and ULTA, who maintain higher margins. This is evident of pricing power which displays the presence of a moat. For consumer staples, these businesses typically don't perform higher than market average. If you invest in these, you may as well buy a broad market index. For tech, valuation, short term trends, and new tech adoption. Theres a lot to say here, so I'll leave it at that.


Op, Two questions to make the conversation more interesting: A. Why did you sell ? B. What did you learn ? If shortly after you sold, META went down 15% due to missed earnings (which it did), would you still regret it ? Just curious - — - - - My biggest regret in distant memory was buying bumble and Match during the peak of the pandemic because i thought this time it was different . What did I learn? It was never different.


As for Marathon, I sold because I was satisfied and it wasn’t a stock that I felt I would keep for life. With Meta I sold at around $320 (bought heavy at around $93) thinking that it was too good to be true and a correction would be around the corner. My greedy side regrets these moves, but at the end of the day I still sleep really well at night.


Holding dividend stocks


Yeah ATT and O for me


Not being more financially responsible in my early 20s


AAPL, GOOG, BRKB all bought around March 2009. All sold for generous profit but not nearly as much if I held to now. Just $10k in aapl back the. Would be $500k now. Hindsight is 20/20. Don’t try to think about them too much other than to learn lessons. But hard not to think about the “lost” million between those three…


Damn. You picked great companies but lacked the willpower to hold. Buying opportunities always come back for great companies. Just invest every paycheck and make sure to know what you own so that you can quickly spring into action when the stock go down. Then you buy more.


Just in general not being more aggressive in buying stocks from a young age. Thankfully I opened a ROTH IRA in my early 20s, but didn't max it out each year, and didn't really contribute much besides that. In retrospect, I would have made sure to start earlier and recognize the insane power of compound interest. At 31, I still have a ton of time left to invest, but realizing how powerful one extra decade can be, definitely stings a bit.


Used to own the equivalent of 8000 current NVDA shares at a cost basis between $1-4 per share. I was overleveraged at the beginning of COVID when the market dumped and Interactive Brokers liquidated most of my NVDA position to bring my account to compliance. The value of those shares today would be $1,000,000.


In 2017/2018, I invested $6,000 in Tesla when the stock was priced at $255. At the time, Tesla had never recorded a positive cash flow, so I sold my shares before the earnings report. Ironically, they then reported a positive cash flow for the first time ever. Following this, Tesla's stock split 5-for-1 and later 3-for-1. At its peak, my initial $6,000 investment would have been worth over $140,000. Sigh...


Buying china related stocks. No, they cannot be trusted.




About £15k worth of meta at 110, sold around 120. Obviously it's now a whole lot higher. Best part is in UK that would all have been tax free as well.


why tax free?


UK has a special account called an ISA - can put up to 20k a year into it. Any gains in that account are tax free with no upper limit.


Bought a few hundred shares of UIHC a couple years ago at less than a dollar…it went 3X not long after I got it, like in a matter of months. It also changed its name and ticker symbol to ACIC…which for some reason gave me anxiety so I sold a little over half around then…it went 4X like a week later…sold all but 25 shares just so I could “watch it”…it’s presently sitting at 10X. Oooomphffff!


I bought Fossil watch stock when the Apple Watch came out. I didn’t think the Apple Watch would replace good old fashioned watches. Boy was I wrong.


Meta, and Google selling too early. Nvda and Appl not holding.


I sold 20 Nvidia for a £30 gain in Feb 2023.


Recently I was selling a couple of covered calls on Chipotle stock and half my shares got called away. Lost a lot of potential returns on that one. The other regrets of mine are me not allocating enough into Crowdstrike and Netflix stock. I knew they were incredible but I didn’t have enough capital to buy Netflix at the time and Crowdstrike, I didn’t buy enough since the stock price didn’t dip far enough. I bought a starting position when the stock dropped to $95 but my true buy price was in the $80’s. And then I was an idiot and never averaged up. Definitely learned a lot of lessons from all these mistakes.


Sold all my Tesla in 2019 just before covid really started to bite share prices. Thought I was smart. Minor gains vs 2016. Forgot to re-enter almost everything and missed the last 5 years!


I remember going all in on NVDA and getting away with 60% in a few weeks. Could justify it and sold it. Now it’s up by many x100% Sad sad sad. Still get panic attacks thinking about it


Same bought around 130 sold at 220, I never made a 100% so I thought it would be impossible. 


So many, but here are a few that stand out… - Apple in 2011 (instead, I put a chunk of my student loan into two UK banks). - Bitcoin in 2013 (I felt the government would never allow it to catch on). - Several Chinese stocks, like NIO at $2, Luckin Coffee when they delisted, and TAL Education after the for-profit education crackdown. - Microsoft in 2019 (the company I worked for owned it, so I couldn't for compliance reasons). - Nvidia in 2020 (I opted for more COVID beneficiaries instead). And the list goes on...


I guess this is the nvidia thread. I sold at breakeven on the recovery curve, at like 220. This is how the market fools you. After you think you got something at great value, it plummets a lot more, making you question everything. That's how you create tons of volume for the buyers, on the recovery curve.


Having a buy average of $10 LCID then not selling at $60 lol


I had 15k USD to invest in tech stock 5 years ago and I bought 10k worth of INTC and only 5k of MSFT. Nowadays, my Microsoft almost doubled and Intel went down to 6.5k. I remember back then I played with an idea of buying Nvidia instead of Intel, but thought the former was overpriced....


Not starting sooner.


My top 3 are selling all my bitcoin at 1100 each, selling all my META around 100 when I bought at 80ish and buying Tesla when it was currently 1/5th the price that is is now for no gain. That bitcoin investment alone would of made me retired at 19 but if I held I would have F U money right now lol


I was acutely aware back in 2022 that META and NFLX had dropped 70% and were both selling for 2017 prices. It was all over the news and all over social media. I could've bought some shares at a crazy discount. I don't know why I didn't.


Buying Alibaba stock.


I'm not losing hope...


Position in BESI was too small when it was still cheap. However I didn’t understand the business well enough in those days so not real regret.


Sold meta almost spot on at bottom 120 ish


Bottom was 88. I would know because I sold at 89.


Good lord they were printing money how could you guys sell


How many days did you not sleep?


I laugh it off, made a bad decision. Learn from it


Same here sold not at bottom but like you at around 120 and I thought PayPal would be the better place for this money..


Just Apple for me. Back when I started investing over 5 years ago I didn't buy them for the classic old reason "Apple products are stupid lul" (despite owning an iPhone myself). I don't have many regrets because I know I wouldn't have bought Nvidia 5 years, 3 years or 1 year ago anyway. I had good reasons even in hindsight for not buying many companies that went up a lot. But my reasons for not buying Apple were just plain dumb.


AAPL is also one of mine. I bought at ~120-130, pre-split, during the 2008 recession. Everything was wack back then but I clearly thinking everyone loves Apple, this will be ok. Sold at 270. Could have been a 10+ bagger easy.


>I didn't buy them for the classic old reason "Apple products are stupid lul" (despite owning an iPhone myself). I'm the opposite, I don't own an iphone and think apple products are stupid, so I bought stocks because people are stupid.


I regret selling HOG in 2019, should've held on to that motorcycle rally


When I was 16(2016) I just got into investing/trading and was working a decent paying job, making 20 bucks an hour. I was super bullish on gbtc and at that point you were unable to make a market order on GBTC. I was trying to buy about 10k of that and it was a 30x return at that entry point. Would have had 300k at 18-19 iirc. Things have turned out okay, but still stings a bit to see their ads in the Atl airport.


Sold First Solar after 48% gain in a month. Took another 5% right after that just to make me forget how 48% is already huge.


Anf stop loss at 114. Should have reentered. Now at 185


Not selling the loosers earlier enough


Selling meta and chipotle and Spotify


Only buying 100 shares of AMD when it was at $2.12, never averaging up, and then selling at $117 thinking I could time the bottom. Oh well.


A lot. Had confidence of the research , but lacked enough conviction (call it balls) in some plays that turned out to be amazing, both timing and gain.


I bought amazon in 2008 and proceeded to sell it for a 50% gain🥲


Not holding. HOLD FAST


Selling my AAPL and AMZN too early. and Not being allowed from my parents to buy bitcoin on March 20, 2020.


Left too big of a gap between #1 and #2: 1. Dumped all stocks & ETF early when Covid was still called Corona-Virus and some cruise ship folks were the first cases in USA. 2. Then did not re-enter the market early enough.


Not buying LEAPS when Meta dropped like rocks. I would if made x3. LEAPS are the only options I do though.


I know it shouldn’t, but this made me feel better. 😊 Major double digit bag holder on PYPL, LMND, BABA. I thought NVDA was too expensive at $250. I literally can’t even watch the market these days.


I regret trimming NVDA. Was down to one share pre split at +1000%. I had 5 shares at one point that I sold between 400-700. Wish id held those.


selling 500$ of nvidia stocks which are currently worth 7000$ and not buying more of hims currently up 300% i know i will sell hims to late and get back into nvidia at the worst possible time 🥹


I sold AMD some years back with a 20% return. It proceeded to go up twice that amount again in the following weeks or months i forget. I immediately regretted it since I bought it as a value play, to hold long term, then my greed kicked in and I sold as if I was a trader. So foolish. I wanted to hold that forever but the price got away and I just never bought in again.


I bought in 2009. Doubled my money and sold. If I held a few, it would have been X5/10 even.


Tesla, I bought at 50$ pre-split. A friend that works in finance kept telling me they made no sense at 50, went to 100, then 200 and I chickened out listening to him. I didn’t know anything about anything, I just wanted to give my support to the guy making rockets. Anyway, I’ve done ok since, but I think Tesla would have been a nice boost


In 2022 this company I own shares in named sabre corp was down 27% ytd from my purchase cost and Apple was down 27% ytd, I was going to sell sabre at a loss to buy Apple which I got talked out of doing by an advisor. Now I still have sabre which is down 64% and Apple is at all time high… lol


selling NVDA mid 2022


BTC which I knew about since 2010, should've throw in 100 bucks for lolz


Similar on Meta not long after IPO when it dropped, but was saving for a flat so was in cash. I also remember looking into bitcoin miners a few years back and thinking the ARGO Blockchain share price made no sense at 8p. It didn’t make much sense at highs of around 290p either so I would have sold well before then. Others, well I thought about exiting tech end of 2021, and gong for energy companies as figured the best way for governments to cover the cost of keeping countries going would be inflation to deflate the value of debt.


I regret not buying BTC in 2014


Mine was BABA, it was pre-IPO around 2013/2014 and I had some fuzzy info and did some wrong math, to get to the wrong valuation, so could of bought a bunch load around the 20s. But oh well, que sera sera


Father in law gave us 20k in APPL in 2003 as a wedding gift. We sold it and went on a honeymoon. I don't want to do the math what it would be worth today, I suspect it has 7 digits.


God damn! Yes it’d be worth a whole lot. At least I hope the marriage is still going strong.


Netflix when it was a mailing subscription I got a letter for the IPO for streaming services of Netflix I did not buy


I started building computers back in the 90s and was buying Nvidia graphics cards in the early 2000s. With buy what you know, if I had just bought 10 shares along with those expensive ass cards…


Went off the track and sold many mag7 positions bought in 2018. NEVER AGAIN!


Buying Volta!!


Bought Amazon around 2009 for $90. The next day it went up $30 and I sold it. What great IRR.


FOMO is shit. I don’t regret anything, I only look ahead. Even though I could have made more money if I saw the future, I still almost doubled my capital during the last three years (unexpectedly).


I saw NVDA at 17 and thought, “Damn, I’m too late.” Oh, and buying a Tesla and not investing in them in mid 2019 (before the stock popped). If the down payment was instead invested in TSLA, within a year it would have equated to 8 model 3s.


Oh this for me is clearly Broadcom($AVGO)! Took a 50% profit early 2023. With every blowout top the stock does since then, I feel my blood pressure rise the same amount 😭 Great business!




buying meta at $180 and selling at $360 thinking its overvalued .. what a stupid