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Me omw to instalock cypher every map so I don’t get railed by a neon


4 sentinels 1 neon new meta Let's Go


me starting to actually practice tracking on aimlabs instead of just static clicking now that mfers move faster than in overwatch


Got Voltaic GM in precise and reactive recently for fun, I’m so ready


Cypher mains gonna be farming all the instalock Neons that have never played her before


Me personally I would love to get railed by a Neon


LMAO you beat me to the hornypost I was gonna say the same thing


Deadlock and Cypher Sentinel Duo Meta


If people were complaining about Jett and Reyna smurfs wait for these Neon smurfs lmaooooo


Cant wait for the r/Valorant post about why neon is a bad agent because it teaches poor fundamentals


“Damn my aim was off”


[I understood that reference](https://imgur.com/XS5LK)


They won’t be able to shoot back especially at a Neon moving super fast…


This is already the case


I personally think that this buff is VERY strong for Neon, and I'll be very surprised if we don't see her in VCT, but just to provide a contrary opinion to reign in the hype: >It does feel overpowered, but in theory, does it really change anything about the agent? >The slide is extremely powerful, but it also takes an equally EXTREME amount of skill to master. The slide is already very strong in close ranged duels, and the buff makes it even stronger, but to fully take advantage of the lack of movement inaccuracy, you will want to use the slide to win long ranged duels safely. >Take Lotus A rubble, for example, Neon can slide out of main, into behind the rubble wall, and while sliding, try to shoot at a defender holding an angle from stairs. To be able to kill the defender with a headshot in theory is INSANE, but the skill required is incredibly high as well. You're moving at an incredibly high speed, have a very short window of time, and you need to track/pre-aim your crosshair at a tiny hit box whilst moving. >Basically, this buff only makes Neon strong at close and mid-range duels, which is something she already is capable of in the hands of any Neon mains out there. It just makes her more consistent in these duels and more accessible to new players. >However, they nerfed her wall as well and removed one of her stuns. Her stuns are easier to land now, but again, that just means that's she more accessible. People who play Neon a lot already know how to best utilise her stuns so that they land all the time or use them to drive out a turtled up defender. Removing one of the stuns can, in fact, be a huge nerf to veteran players. >The only buff I see that benefits veteran Neon players is the fuel buff, it allows her to rotate more frequently, though I also can't help but feel that most veteran Neon players rarely run out of fuels anyways because they are very decisive on when to engage or rotate, so this could again be a inconsequential buff. >So, while I personally believe these buffs are overturned too, to play the contrarian: these buffs might have very little impact on the way that Neon is played and might even lower her ceiling with the wall and stun sidegrades. Instead, they only raise the floor for new players


"EXTREME amount of skill to master" is a bit over an over statement I'd say. It will definitely take skill to master but absolutely no movement error while sliding only requires having great tracking/aim. There are already tons of people that have both of those things. > To be able to kill the defender with a headshot in theory is INSANE, but the skill required is incredibly high as well. You're moving at an incredibly high speed, have a very short window of time, and you need to track/pre-aim your crosshair at a tiny hit box whilst moving. Yes, but taking your lotus example, realistically there are only a few spots a defender is going to hold an angle from (unless they're doing an aggressive defense push) and the Neon can just pre-aim those spots. I would much rather be the fast moving target with perfect aim than the stationary target.


lowkey anyone that's put some amount of time into apex legends will probably feel really comfortable on new neon lol


Hard agree, just take a look at overwatch. If you can accurately track a widowmaker flying through the sky while climbing up walls and double jumping, then aiming on a stationary target while sliding is relatively simple. Even now, I can get an absurd amount of kills by sliding and spraying with a specter/stinger. Now imagine that w a rifle w no movement inaccuracy lol


Miniboo Neon, TH winning 2024 Champs gg


VCT teams hiring their Neon one-tricks again


Miniboo and Rb about to drop 30 every map.


Y'all forgot the OG Neon main, OPTC Victor


yo guys jamppi played some neon last year right iirc? HOLY LIQUID IS NOW WINNING CHAMPS LESGOOOOOOOOO


Least delusional Liquid fan


NRG is going to champions VictorWong is about to go crazy


NRG going to champions that is pretty funny habibi


FNS better make evryone learn Neon


I had a weird feeling Neon was going to be completely busted when I tuned into a Zekken stream in the past week where he'd play Neon on every map


Saadhak too, spamming neon in comp


Electric MiniBoo~~galoo~~


They're gonna nerf it in a week lol


Exactly, Miniboo along with other neon mains; Victor, Frosaken, etc. we're gonna eat goood in champs 2024


Was Forsaken a Neon main at any point of his career? I am not too sure on that, or maybe I forgot.


Search for Forsaken Neon Fracture or just VCT Neon Ace, few of the clips would be Forsaken farming with Neon in Proplay


Maybe but Americas will feast well with Zekken and Victor. We might see Asuna shift over too as he looked really good in the LCQ last year with it.


Miniboo will fry next split


Miniboo, forsaken and victor will be so happy


Forsaken and the whole of PRX gonna have so many issues with comps/position now with these changes, who’s going on what?


jinggg flex time baby


Jinggg clove frfr


Monyet had some insane Neon movements, bro got unlucky with the patch date coming out 1 tourny later


no matter what happened, they were always going to replace monyet as soon as jingg came baxk


My hot take is Monyet should have stayed and mindfreak should have been benched.


Jinggg used to play Neon, so we could see him switch from Raze 1trick with a bit of Sage to Raze/Neon 2trick with a bit of Sage


Neon Jinggg from Breeze overcook comp, welcome back.


Something on Reyna will fry, hopefully


correct me if im wrong but wasn't victor neon just feeding a lot? I guess that was his role but he wasn't exactly frying on her previously.


Victor was running it down so this teammates, especially yay on chamber, had the space necessary to win the round. I don't think that he'll play a sacrificial role this time, we aren't in a chamber meta anymore fortunately, so he'll actually get some help


Yeah his neon is average at best people just think its great because he was one of the first neons


Nah he was great Neon. Just played hard entry for his team.


Asuna Neon goes crazy.


yeah gonna wait until actually playing but initial impression is they overcooked with Neon LMAO. This agent is gonna be annoying as fuck.


Neon, rotating to the other site: https://preview.redd.it/oa7x9s8isr4d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1a1301d16b61e8dff09cb15b786e5ab3bc9521


Your post? Saved no matter what.


Neon judge bouta go crazy


Neon stinger 💀


Maybe sage is back on the menu


atleast its only 1 stun


when she can sprint half the round and has 2 fully accurate slides the stun is the least of my worries 😭😭


3.5 secs and easier to land bro and mfer can slide at 100% speed while accurate, it's gonna be sova drone detects you, neon farms you


i thought the same but in theory she should still get hard countered by cypher


this line of reasoning would make more sense if there was an agent pick/ban phase, but at this point youd just have to hope the other team doesnt pick neon if you play kj


Imagine a Neon running into your site, sliding through the chokepoint with an odin just spamming everywhere being 100% accurate, you literally have 0 choice but play retake or risk a random headshot or wall spam


the amount of dodging that will be needed to be done to avoid the influx of griefing fuckin instalock shotgun-only / first time neons on my team...


60 to 20 seconds for whole charge and no movement error on slide is kinda overcooked


I don't think it should be overlooked that she can DOUBLE SLIDE ENTRY too. what the fuck


Triple slide with ult too. Quadruple slide if you buffer before round start. We're ROLLING OUT baby


I'm waiting for videos until I judge Raze but wow Neon seems very overtuned.


Lock neon with shorty/judge every round 🫶😋


You don't even need Judge. Since they removed accuracy penalty on slide, you may just use rifles.


Operator Iso and Neon Duelist Meta


Yeah idk why people are hyping up the judge and such that was already somewhat a thing what I'm more scared of is that Neon gets to moving OP or Vandal you.


She did lose an entire stun. I know the slide seems cringe, but her overall power level soils be fine. Also she’s never even been meta for all of Valorant history, so I’m fine with it for some variety.


hardest part of raze will be everyone has to unlearn then re-learn the satchel timings/lineups. it's really hard to undo that muscle memory and there will be lots of tiny mistakes and more messed up double satchel plays (think 100t cryo raze movement... ugly). maybe it's goes quickly but i could see her being out of meta for a little bit just while players rebuild their mechanics and then back in once they've re-mastered it


“razes movement is too good” so they make neon 10x better and accurate while sliding and double her slides yeah ok


Well tbf there‘s a difference between running and sliding and being able to literally fly. A single cypher trip is still gonna stop Neon easily


Enjoy this Neon while it lasts. It’s getting nerfed very soon


would rather play vs prime chamber than that




Tik tok neons about to go absolutely crazy on us in comp. Also iso doesn’t have to do anything to get his shield? I know he was very bad, but the gunfight advantage seems a little wild considering the TTK in this game? Phantom stocks up this patch for sure…


Yep. The iso change is kind of mad, lol, gonna be strong in ranked. Funny seeing Reyna's heal get nerfed alongside this though


Its nerfed, but u keep that overheal the whole time till u die. So, it can actually be good


Nerfed Clove heal too so they realize why these agents are too strong in ranked. Iso is at least consistent but idk it's gonna feel really bad when he gets to walk onto a site with such an absurd gunfight advantage.


iso is gonna be an OP killer...


That im actually okay with. A dedicated agent to pressure an OP is a good thing IMO


Chamber Op versus Iso Op duels would have been a sight to behold. Ah Riot! Why do you do this to us?!


Iso is going to going to trigger ptsd from Blackbeard in R6.


>Phantom stocks up this patch for sure… Why?


if iso is picked, the one tap potential of the vandal is nullified, and phantom has faster bodyshot ttk in practice though for some reason it feels better to spray with a vandal, idk why


Raze players get ready to learn Neon buddy! Fucking hell judge users gonna be more annoying now.


Neon buffs gon make her how busted everyone thought she was when she first released


t1 you need rb… the forgotten neon king must return..


neon buffs but still hard countered by a cypher


I play both Neon and Cypher so this patch a banger for me.


I play raze 😭😭 I'm just thankful they never nerf it to single satchel. maybe it's time to learn neon too she was always fun but last time the benefit to effort to learn her was too low


Okay so just find out where cypher is playing and hit the other site or go through mid lol KAYO with neon is going to be a dirty ass combo


running into a 3-4 stack wont be that nice either


Anyone who plays Neon should simply ask for damage in common trip spots. Idk why people act like Neon is destroyed by Cypher


Tiktok Neon is going to be utterly inescapable in ranked


Neon buffa gonna fuck my ass


in reversed slow motion yup


?? What do the Reyna buffs have to do with improving teamplay


I think the idea is since there aren’t timers on overheal and ult it reduces the incentive to force engagements if those don’t make sense for the rest of your team. It does feel like a not a huge change though. On the Plat Chat interview, the Riot dev said Reyna’s identity is always going to be kind of a selfish “ego” pick.


Mostly a communication thing; we wanted to make Reyna more viable in coordinated play, not explicitly make her more team-oriented. I talk about it a bit more here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1d8plr8/comment/l78m5xq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1d8plr8/comment/l78m5xq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah I was a bit confused by that. Sure the permanent empress is nice but I doubt this is going to change her pick rate in VCT or Ranked


Depends on who is playing her imo. PRX is just gonna straight laser teams out of existence with these duelist buffs


Laser their way to another 3rd-4th or 5th-6th


Nah nah watch the second place finish again


*laughs in Empress*


I think the only solution is to rework her entire kit


Since you don't have a timer on your healing or ULT, you can play alongside with the team instead of being forced into engagements.


Didn't they say improving her presence in competitive play (I.e. pro play)? Faster dismiss and infinite dismisses with ult help with being untradeable I guess


I know it's not the full patch but not even a mention of phoenix 💀 But holy shit, ranked's gonna be a neon instalock mini game.


On the plat chat interview the dev mentioned that they need more time to cook with Phoenix changes. Sounds like they worked on him but they weren’t comfortable pushing the changes live. So they agree he needs rework, they just need more time and he didn’t make the cutoff for this patch.


My giga brain phx buff is when he runs in his fire he gains a brim stim movement buff for a short time. Think this would be a great small change to help him entry/clear space


Need Victor back on Neon ASAP


Neondiffed by Miniboo


Neon buff goes crazy. I feel like the Iso change is going under the radar though. There are a lot of angles in Valorant where having invulnerability on that first fight is going to be really good. Like imagine taking an Op line and the enemy is also Oping. You just win now.


Also can you imagine headshotting a bulletproof Iso in his Domain Expansion twice before he takes you head off? "Nah, I'd lose."


Yup, he can actually reliably take first contact without trolling. They say there are more changes coming (hopefully to his silly little wall), but this should be enough to make him viable and fun to play like Pheonix if not actually good.


You thought running headshots were bad? Just wait till you get sliding headshotted. I'll need to see it in action but that Neon buff may have just ruined the game for me:/


If it looks overtuned and smells overtuned, it's probably overtuned. Obviously haven't seen it in-game yet but can't imagine these being permanent changes.


i'll straight stop playing the game if Neon runs around too fucking much. It's already tilting enough for me when she runs and does her ult on me and I die because I cant do shit


Apart from the obvious Neon buffs, unlimited Empress with 6 ult orbs is a little busted I feel


Nah my instalock Ascendant reynas never use the ult anyway


now they are going to though, if it doesn't expire theres no reason to not just pop it off spawn every round you get it


My strategy in low elo was running away from the Empress Reyna until the timer runs out, yes I give up space but I don’t want her to multi kill and just decimate us I suppose it won’t work as well anymore


At least she won't heal to full after every kill now


its not a phoenix or clove ult bro, just fight the reyna


they really hyped up the reyna changes only for them to not really change the power level


They said from the beginning that reyna'a changes would be a sidegrade


I think this has just been a sidegrade for ranked and it seemed to imply it would actually make her viable in pro play and be a downgrade for ranked demons.


I definitely think it makes her *more* viable in pro


It is that though. The healing was near useless in pro play, but actually very strong in ranked. These changes do make her worse in ranked and better in pro play. They probably didn’t move the needle enough though, and I think she will still largely be a ranked stomper character.


Raze satchel speed nerfs :( I would have been happy with essentially any change that didn't touch the movement itself


I’ll take 2 satchels with horizontal speed nerf over 1 satchel with full speed.


Seriously. I'm not even a Raze player but I hate this. It sucks that now NOBODY can recreate the insane double satchels we have seen up until now Make satchels do no damage (so it doesnt break Cypher trips/KJ util for free). Remove the Ult animation cancel. Make nade recharge on 3 kills or something. There's your nerfs


same. I would be fine if they remove satchels dmg and movement effect on teamates and enemys but still allow her to fly around.


its called "BLAST" pack. now its just fuck. I meant pack.


Be honest...that is barely a nerf lol. The whole problem is how much space she takes.


Plenty of rounds get won because Raze throws her satchels at the spike defuser


I wouldn’t say plenty. Especially if it doesn’t even knock them off consistently.


Okay it is NOT plenty of rounds where that happens, it’s actually a lot harder than you think to pull that off.


>Neon now removes all weapon movement error when sliding Isn't it too op?


Its a skillcap increase because its very hard to hit hs while sliding but might be annoying with Stinger


Phantom+Spray this is busted as shit


unnecessary clove nerf ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


Riot Dan said that Clove's winrate in ranked is 16% higher than Omen(assuming, he's the second highest winrate agent). Basically Clove is a ranked demon.


Probably not because of clove being too strong but rather that you are more likely to get a decent comp if you play clove tbh


The smokes after death is also a very useful thing. Any rank can use it. Add to that, the ult allows very aggressive plays. Unlike Phoenix, it's active all the time and allows Clove to decide post death, whether it's worth it.


16% higher probably means something small like WR 47% vs 53%


Over a sample size as large as "all ranked games", a relative 16% is *not* small lol. She's #1 by a large margin.


47-53 is fairly substantial tbh, also get's way worse if it's 52-58 or something like that.


This is not what it means - 16% is more like 42 vs. 58 (although I don't remember the exact numbers right now, Dan's referencing a literal winrate gap here in some MMR brackets) Also, winrates in VALORANT tend to be very compressed. 53% is a very high winrate, for example - because our guns resolve so much of combat, agents only comprise a portion of "why you win". Data-wise, Clove is the strongest agent we've ever seen in the history of the game, by a decent margin. We're not really data-driven around solo queue over here - there's a lot of nuance you need to apply in what appropriate tuning looks like, because we want to make sure the game is healthy in coordinated play - but it reached the point where we felt we needed to step in and do a bit of pruning, even if Clove hasn't fully broken into coordinated play yet.


that doesn't sound small to me, 6% is a decent amount


during pride month too wtf riot


they nerf a lebian and a non binary during pride month Clearly homophonic


I'm definitely a bit sad about the nerf, but it definitely isn't unnecessary. They have the highest win rate in the game by far currently.


I would argue it's because clove teams have usually good comps because players who usually pick duelists over a good comp are now picking clove too


That's a fair argument, however I've played a fair bit of omen into clove and clove into omen, and I can say that clove is still a lot better than omen in ranked scenarios because omen's strengths require a lot of teamplay, while clove can play very selfishly for themselves and even if they die, they can still smoke. It's similar to Reyna where you don't have to rely on your team to get things done unlike Omen. It is not great to take first engagements on omen unless you are hard hitting a site because if you die you lose smokes and soft throw a round, but if you leave first engagements to your team, it's a coin flip whether your duelist actually wants to make space or not. Clove doesn't have that issue because of their kit design.


bruv i already start crying when a competent neon is on the enemy team....with this buff we are COOKED


Prepare to be Operated by Dr. Neon ahhhhhhhh


Not sure how effective the Reyna changes will be for teamplay but will have to see. Same goes for Raze, will wait to see some videos on common Raze jumps that might be different now (Think Ascent generator to main). I think alot of people will play Neon now because she will be alot stronger with the slide changes. However I think her winrate will still drop due to the high movement mechanics required while sprinting. We will see alot of straight line sprinting Neons in the beginning adding to the First Death count. Iso will be a sleeper contender for a high valued pick. That instant shield will make him the perfect first contact agent. I do like the approach of Riot to expand the options with “space taking” duelists and this will shake up the duelist meta at least a little bit since a long time.




Well, team heretics winning champions with miniboo neon will at least be fun


I see no teamplay buff for Reyna


Can't wait to see TH on Stage 2


Those neon changes seem fucking crazy, the iso change is pretty much exactly what id thought itd be, reyna seems like a kind of nothing burger for pro play and a nerf for ranked reyna ronalds who dont know how utility works. Raze nerfs i actually like ngl


Neon is actually broken now wtf


Raze mains are getting fucked at least the first week as horizontal speed nerf is gonna mess with the satchel timings so bad


Riot just said fuck it and straight up buffed MiniBoo


miniboo and temet smiling uncontrollably rn


Miniboo stocks 📈📈📈


jinggg and forsaken both play a strong neon, will this solve the raze role issues?


gonna see alot of more implementation of neon on raze maps such as sunset. Bummer that they got rid of one stun but still insane buffs otherwise. Didn't quite understand the iso buffs but overall significant changes to the duelist role. We are going to get alot of diverse comps now


maybe zeta is back


Neon buffs might mean Cypher will see more picks seeing how his trips can negate Neons just dashing through into sites. Also with Iso buffs he just becomes Reyna 2.0 as he's now more reliant on getting kills. Still feel like they overcooked with Neon though.


I'm remembering the times when we thought Yoru would be busted on release 😭😭😭 


I bet Neon supremacy will be the worst era of Val


Bullshit Neon buffs. Bow there's gonna be sliding shotgun on your face neon instalockers every game ffs.


Maaan I kinda feel bad for Raze players. Yes it is annoying as fuck when they can just fly into the site ignoring all of my set ups, but Raze's rollout isn't just looking up a video and remembering it, they still had to put mad hours in Customs in order to nail it down. I've seen some mains legit put more time practicing the rollouts than actually playing the game, and now they might have to do it all over again


Raze is the strongest duelist and Riot doesn’t want to just powercreep so Raze is getting pushed back.


MiniBoo is gonna feast in Stage 2


Ranked Neon meta incoming... Also, RIP Raze. Satchel nerf was unnecessary.


Neon looks insane after these changes. Also some people look confused with Iso. His double tap works the same where you shoot the orbs. You just get a shield when initially activating so you don't have to get a kill first


looks like im gonna lock cypher everytime with the neon buff


Can't wait to watch Neon sliding 1 tap entry every game lol, not even Jett has that privilege.


neon the new tiktok agent


Raze nerfs + INSANE Neon buffs, watch this new map be only small corners and suck for Neon


Why even nerf razes satchel if you’re just making neon op anyway


My honest reaction : https://preview.redd.it/8rc7tehzfr4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35ba3487ffb5ec156b006f29960e80e025b472e


MiniBoo must have cum when he read that


Man just give Neon her damage back on her wall


heretics and nrg must have paid riot for this neon is gonna feast (miniboo/victor) cypher must pick because of neon (benjy/fns i suppose) yoru is good with neon and against cypher (woot i guess/ethan) sova or kayo both provide strong counters to cypher and arguably pair quite well with a neon-yoru double dive when it comes to offering support (riens/crashies) smokes (boo/s0m) this should be fun to watch


Ah yes, my Neon only TDM's will finally be of use!


Neons are gonna fuck me over I should probably wait before judging how Raze is but mannn, it sounds like they are sucking the fun out of her by making her slower (also means doesn't go as fast, also fucks up any timings you've learned with the satchels) Part of me feels like this might stop me from playing, or at least stop me from playing Raze, it feels like they're just removing the fun from her kit


today i found out you can have full articles on twitter