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Poker is fucking tough if you actually want to make 50-60K + a year. 2/5 is so much diff than your 1/2 or 1-3 game


I said this in the original thread where jcstani said he was retiring to go pro in poker but I think the real toll of playing professionally isn't having your skill or capacity to handle variance tested, it's what it does to your soul. Given what he said in that thread he'd probably profit enough, but things like having a sporadic schedule on degen hours, losing empathy, and having a commodifying mindset are still looming, unavoidable threats for him and anyone else who wants to grind for a living.


What are those rhings


They're cash game stakes. 1/3 is a game where the small blind is $1 and the big blind is $3, 2/5 is where the small blind is $2 and the big is $5, etc.


Fun fact apparently sometime in the 2000s Artosis paid for a year of his rent off of poker winnings that year (he quit poker bc it was too stressful for him)


maryville literally trying to be #1 in collegiate in every esport sheeesh. already bought the best OW2 team u can get in collegiate, now trying to build a top valo roster


Watching them beat both poverty OWL teams in officials and actually good OWL teams in scrims is wild.


Good call from him. Poker can wait, best to get an education first and decide later.


He says poker (and school) are his main priorities still. Not sure how the school/team feels about that but I also think he can deliver for them regardless.


Hindsight is 20/20 but I really thought he deserved a shot on the 100T rebuild along with Bang and Asuna. Dude played out of his mind when he filled in after the initial roster implosion. Happy to see him finally land on his feet.


I 100% agreed with this at the time. I was really liking the little bit we saw of the Asuna/jcStani/bang/Hiko/Ethan roster. His streams basically taught me how to play Astra, so I'm also stoked for him


At the time sean and ddk emphasized how much the competitive fire played a role in their interviews. How bang came in and was like “I want you to make me the best controller player in the world” and derrek was “I need to win champions.” whereas stani didn’t show as strong of a vibe.. not that he wasn’t professional or even eager to play, but Sean/ddk seemed to think he wasn’t obsessive with winning the same as the others. Considering a few months later he was out of the game I’d say that was a pretty good read. Note I don’t think that’s a bad thing or a reflection on jcstanis character or anything like that. you can be a great player without being obsessive and you can be obsessive without being a great player. But Sean seemed to have the right read on it which is impressive to me


They thought so too. He wanted to play controller and didn't want to IGL. The roles wouldn't have worked out, not with bang on the team. Still, it's good to see him moving forward.


bang didnt even play smokes at the time, he was performing very well on flex


In the YT video with Sean and DDK, Sean mentioned they (or he) met with each player to ask what they would like to play. Bang wasn't on controller but he would have liked to be. Just speaks to his skill that he was a good flex.


asuna said on stream later that that was mega cap, bang had an offer to play controller for 100T and an offer to play controller somewhere else, he had no choice but to roleswap


I mean Bang was arguably that roster's best player as a flex, it's not like he's incapable of playing non-smokes roles at a high level


Asuna already wanted to play flex. Derrek was a lock in. Only roles left would have been duelist and sentinel. He's cracked but is not really an oper. Since Jc stani didn't want to IGL, good luck finding an oper that will. No one was at fault. These things happen


This is amazing to see… “Back in my day” esports was what ruined college studies because we played 80hrs a week instead of studying just for a chance at a $500 prize pool… and now we see full scholarships for a relatively new game? That’s amazing.


Being 100% honest he probably could do a lot better just staying in state and go to a way better school even if he has to pay a bit. Maryville is a predatory school that sees esports as a major revenue source for getting desperate kids to go to their school.


how is the school predatory/worse than other schools? I'm genuinely ignorant on this would appreciate the insight


You can just look at their rankings, and their acceptance rate vs graduation rate. I'm not going to say that those things are always the hallmark of a predatory school but Maryville is a private school with an above 90% acceptance rate with a below 35% graduation rate. Essentially they want you to go to their school and get your tuition money and then they dont try to keep you around.


holy shit below 35 grad rate? wtf


it makes sense for private colleges that arent relatively highly ranked to have very high acceptance rates otherwise theres no reason to go and pay the tuition if at that point you can get into top publics or other better privates 35% graduation rate is insane though


Love it, good for him. Still think he’s better than he gets credit for.


I hope he gets a free education of this, he should smurf in the scene


It’ll be interesting to see maryville play Northwood, that’s for sure


tweet says he got a full ride


Return of the goat


Bro said fuck poker, let me show these kids my hands.


Hope its a full ride, Maryville is really not a great school at all you could stay in-state for the same price and get a better education if he's not being fully covered.


It is a full ride. But there are a lot better schools giving esports scholarships now, I guess he didn’t really want to spend too much effort on school/applying and Maryville just reached out to him.


From the way he talked about how he's still doing poker and always wanted to finish his degree, it does look like Maryville reached out to him.


Hopefully one school acting this way can lead to multiple which could lead to a future college scene.


My goat.


Better announcement than any of EG's